12 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Trauma can wreak havoc on almost every part of your life. Even if you have already sought therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or are contemplating doing so, keep in mind that the process of recovery doesn’t end once you’ve completed a PTSD program.

Fortunately, there are actions you may do following treatment to help you cope with traumatic memories and upcoming challenges. It wouldn’t be easy each day, but trying to control your problems will always be worthwhile.

Many people ask what they can do once their posttraumatic stress disorder has been successfully treated. It’s important to remember that just because you’ve completed PTSD therapy doesn’t imply your work is done.

A survey was carried out to find out the recovery percentages of PTSD treatment and to ascertain the causes for early or delayed recovery. Out of 1575 total responses, 1404 were able to recover. The healing curve’s slope was sharpest in the first six months (20 percent recovering within the first 3 months, 27 percent within 6 months). By 2 years, 50% of cases had been cured, and by 10 years, 77 percent of total had managed to recover (120 months is the maximum length of follow-up during which a significant number of patients were seen to allow for consistent assessment of conditional probability of remission). 

Patients with PTSD onset at ages 60+ (48 percent) had the poorest projected recovery rate, whereas patients with initiation at ages 25–44 had the highest (89 percent ). An effective aftercare following PTSD treatment was one of the leading factors for those who had rapid and more sustained recovery.

The importance of receiving therapy for PTSD is demonstrated by data on its outcome. All t hose who sought therapy for PTSD experienced symptoms for an average of 36 months, whereas those who did not pursue treatment experienced symptoms for a total of 64 months. Since about a 3rd of people may not completely eradicate their symptoms as a result of treatment, the majority of people notice a considerable reduction in the severity of their symptoms.

The following factors may help to improve the prognosis:

  • Treatment engagement as soon as possible
  • Prompt Aftercare
  • Social assistance
  • Re-traumatization should be avoided.
  • The degree of social functioning prior to the commencement of PTSD.
  • Presence of other mental health problems

If you do not continue to practice the healthy behaviors and coping techniques you learned throughout treatment, your PTSD symptoms may return. As a result, it is critical to take measures to ensure that the abilities you learn during treatment remain relevant and up to date. Here are a few options for achieving this.

Keep a close eye on your objectives.

Take time to think about your objectives, if you have not accomplished so already, define them. Consider taking steps to achieve your objectives. Identify any behaviors that are incompatible with accomplishing your objectives.

It is just as essential to be mindful of how you can achieve your objectives as it is to be conscious of activities that would be incompatible with your objectives (for instance, avoidance).

Analyze Your Assets

Examine any materials you were provided throughout your PTSD treatment. Even if you think you already know everything, it’s never a bad idea to go over it again. This maintains it current and relevant in your mind, and you could notice anything you missed the first time around. The more you know about the content, the simpler it will be to put certain talents into practice if necessary.

Purchase a PTSD self-help book and read it periodically. It can offer you to develop abilities you’ve never considered before, as well as keep stuff from treatment fresh in your memory.

Practice Coping Techniques

Select one of the techniques to practice per week if you were given specific coping skills throughout your PTSD therapy, irrespective of whether or not you should use it. It is good to do when you’re not worried, but it’s also good to do when you’re feeling stressed or apprehensive. The more you practice these abilities, the more prepared you’ll be to use them in a crisis.

Seek assistance

Find a source of assistance. Support is beneficial when you are trying to resolve your PTSD symptoms, but it can also be beneficial after you have finished PTSD treatment. Ascertain that your support system is conscious of any signals that the PTSD symptoms are resurfacing. They might be able to assist you in recognizing “slips” or advance warning indications. It will be easier to tackle these symptoms if you treat them as soon as possible.

Maintain Consistency

Lowering the symptoms of PTSD is only one piece of the puzzle. It is also critical to get started on the life you wish to have after PTSD therapy. Determine your goals, then come up with behaviors or actions you can undertake every week to help you achieve them and construct the best possible life.

More therapy should be pursued

You also might want to continue seeing a therapist. Even if your PTSD symptoms have improved, seeing a therapist can help you achieve much more. A psychotherapist can assist you in identifying objectives and strategies for achieving them. A psychologist can also be a valuable source of support through difficult times.

Sustaining PTSD healing can be difficult. Even though the strategies outlined above may help you manage your PTSD symptoms, they could also help you in other aspects of your life. The objective is to not only get rid of PTSD symptoms but also to live a positive and purposeful life.

Construct the Life You Desire

Controlling PTSD symptoms is only one element of the healing process. It’s also critical to start planning for the life you desire the following treatment. Spend some time considering your ambitions and goals. Figure out how you’re going to get there after you have pondered what you want your lifestyle to look like. Determine any habits or measures you may do to help you attain your objectives. Whether you opt to remain in the fire brigade or start a new job, doing work that you enjoy can give your life purpose and help you be resilient in the face of hardship.

Setbacks should be welcomed

Disappointments are almost unavoidable, even after effective treatments. Life is not without difficulties. Some places, events, or activities may provoke PTSD symptoms or disturb your mental health in other ways as a result of past trauma. Even the hardest times can be handled with the use of coping skills, daily structure, continued peer or professional help, and the support of friends and family. Take advantage of adversity as an opportunity to grow, become more robust, and seek long-term recovery.

Dealing with PTSD can be a lifelong challenge. You may, however, learn to control your symptoms and live a worthwhile life. If you or somebody you love is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the appropriate treatment can help you fight through symptoms and live a richer, more rewarding life both during and after specialized treatment.

Keep in mind what you learned during treatment.

Patients in their PTSD Rehab usually get introspective therapy, acquire coping skills, and listen to the stories of other colleagues who are struggling throughout treatment at the Premium treatment centers for PTSD Rehab. For most people, this approach is extremely healing because it gives them insight into the origins and thinking processes linked with PTSD. It also serves to comfort and educates individuals that they are not alone in their PTSD struggles.

However, after finishing PTSD therapy, expert care is only the first step toward preserving physical and mental recovery. It is critical to apply the same principles of rehabilitation in your everyday life if you want to enjoy long-term advantages from treatment:

  • If symptoms return or you feel frustrated by daily responsibilities and disappointments, use coping tactics and relaxation techniques.
  • Sustain supportive and loving relationships with those that care about you.
  • Stay in touch with the PTSD rehab colleagues who were in your treatment group with you, or join a PTSD support network.
  • Maintain an active role in counseling with a therapist who has worked with first responders.

Healing from PTSD is a long and drawn-out process. To go through it, you’ll almost always require the assistance of others. However, there are certain smart steps you can do on your own to help you feel better and maintain your health. Find out which ones help ease the pain and incorporate them into your daily routine.

Relax. Everyone has their own way of unwinding. Listening to relaxing music, reading books, or going for a walk are some of the options. Breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and massage therapy are some ways to unwind. To unwind, stay off smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

Make sure you get adequate sleep. Anger, irritation, and moodiness can all be triggered by a lack of sleep.  Getting adequate sleep can help you deal with difficulties more effectively, reduce your risk of sickness, and recuperate from the stressors of the day. Every night, try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Make your room as peaceful, quiet, and comforting as possible, and develop a relaxing sleep ritual (reading something pleasant, watching a humorous show, or listening to peaceful music).

Keep a diary. Writing down your ideas can be a helpful tool for resolving problems. Writing about traumatic occurrences has been shown to alleviate stress and promote health, according to studies.

Avoid consuming alcohol or medications that haven’t been prescribed for you. While alcohol and drugs may appear to help you deal with PTSD, they can exacerbate your symptoms, impede therapy, treatment, and recovery, and lead to abuse or dependence. If you use prescription medications, be sure you take them exactly as recommended and in the correct dosages, and let your doctor or pharmacist know if they aren’t working.

Caffeine should be consumed in moderation. Caffeine can cause anxiety in certain individuals. Caffeine might also make it difficult to sleep.

Assist others. Volunteering might help you reconnect with your community. Volunteering, according to research, strengthens social networks, boosts self-esteem, and gives people a feeling of purpose and accomplishment.

Limit how much time you spend watching television. Limit your time spent listening to the news or other programs if it disturbs you. When going to bed, avoid listening to upsetting news. It may prevent you from getting asleep instantly.

A healthy lifestyle can help with PTSD treatment.  Because the symptoms of PTSD can be taxing on your body, it’s critical to look after yourself and establish some healthy living practices.

Maintain a balanced diet. Start your day off correctly with breakfast, and eat appropriate, nutritious food during the day to keep your energy levels up and your mind fresh. Omega-3s are important for emotional well-being, so include foods like walnuts, flaxseed, and fatty fish in your diet. Processed foods, fried foods, refined carbs, and sweets should be avoided because they can increase mood swings and create energy changes.

Make contact with relatives and friends. When you have gone through a traumatic event and aren’t feeling well, it is normal to feel isolated. It is much more difficult if your family and friends have been through the same ordeal and you do not want to contribute to their suffering. Isolation, on the other hand, can make you feel even worse. You can acquire the assistance you need by speaking to your friends and relatives. According to research, having purposeful family and social relationships in your life might improve your health and wellness.

Exercise. The simple principle of fitness, physical activity, and exercise are that any amount or form of exercise is an excellent exercise as long as you do not overdo it. Exercise relaxes stiff muscles, raises your strength and energy, and enhances your attitude and sleeping. Exercise, in fact, has been shown to help with depression and anxiety symptoms. Try to get in 30 minutes of physical activity 3 to 5 days a week. If that’s too lengthy for you, start with 10 minutes of exercise. If you do not have time to work out during the week, set aside an extra hour or two on the weekends to do so. That still has the potential to make a difference.

Get your feet moving. If you have PTSD, exercise can help you feel better by releasing endorphins and improving your attitude and outlook. Exercise can assist your nervous system to become “unstuck” and starting to move out of the immobility stress reaction by concentrating on your physique and how it feels as you move. Try:

  • Walking, jogging, swimming, or dancing are examples of rhythmic exercises that utilize both your legs and arms. Rather than concentrating on your ideas, concentrate on how your body is feeling. Take note of the feeling of your feet landing on the ground, the cadence of your breath, or the touch of the breeze on your skin, for instance.
  • Hiking, boxing, weightlifting, or martial arts are all good options. These exercises can help you concentrate on your body motions, which is important because you could be hurt if you don’t.

Spending time in the wilderness. Trekking, bike riding, camping, mountain climbing, skiing, and whitewater rafting are some of the outdoor activities that assist people cope with their PTSD symptoms and adjust back to a normal life. The calm, solitude, and tranquilly that accompany with being out in wilderness can help anybody with PTSD. Look for local organizations that provide chances for outdoor leisure or squad-building.

You may feel cut off from others if you have PTSD. You may feel compelled to isolate yourself from social events and dear ones. However, it is critical to maintain a connection to life and people who are concerned about you. You do not have to discuss the experience if you do not want to, but others’ compassionate support and camaraderie are critical to your healing. Go out to someone with whom you can relate for an extended amount of time, somebody who will listen to you without criticizing, condemning, or being distracted. Your beloved partner, a friend or relative, a colleague, or a skilled therapist could be that person. You could also try:

Volunteering your services or helping a buddy who is in need. It is not only a wonderful way to connect with others, but it may also assist you in regaining control.

Getting involved in a PTSD support network. This can make you feel less alienated and alone, as well as offer you useful knowledge on how to deal with emotions and strive toward healing.

High-end luxury inpatient rehab for PTSD with upscale luxury facilities is the best treatment choice for high-profile officials, celebs, athletes, and high-ranked executives. Upscale luxury treatment centers have a holistic treatment approach with the best possible treatment outcomes for PTSD. Apart from the conventional therapies and treatments, it offers complementary and alternative treatments including spa treatments and massage, acupuncture, equine therapy, recreational and adventure therapy. 

The high-end luxury amenities at premium PTSD rehab centers make you feel at a luxury 5-star resort with premium upscale private accommodations and bedding, hot tubs and sauna, fitness centers with dedicated personal trainers, nutritious chef-prepared meals, access to a swimming pool, and much more which adds up of the process of recovery.

Can you Have PTSD from Emotional Abuse?

The most important part of the best outcomes of PTSD treatment at a high-end luxury inpatient rehab is a comprehensive recovery program. During treatment, the various coping strategies and life skills taught to the clients are rehearsed in the aftercare with prompt feedback and follow-up. Patients remain in touch with their medical team at their premium inpatient luxury rehab to enhance their coping skills for rapid and long-lasting recovery.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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Trauma & PTSD Insights

latest news & research on Trauma & PTSD
People Pleasing Trauma
People Pleasing Trauma

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What Happens After a PTSD Episode
PTSD Episodes

PTSD episode is a stressful event that affects people suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as they recall their traumatic experiences with emotional and physical manifestations.

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Understanding and Treating Trauma & PTSD

Trauma can be caused by any overwhelming experience that threatens or causes harm, either physical or emotional

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Childhood Trauma Therapies
Childhood Trauma Therapies

The recommended first-line treatment is evidence-based, trauma-focused psychotherapy for the majority of children and adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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British Psychology Society
Institute de terapia neural
pro mesotherapie
Somatic Experience


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