25 Minutes

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Obsessive-compulsive Disorder is a distressing chronic illness. Learn all about OCD diagnosis and treatment!  A properly fabricated OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) diagnosis and treatment can help you achieve long-term relief from the bothersome symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In the U.S., 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 100 children are affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder. When considered from a global perspective, these statistics point towards millions of people who suffer from this anxiety disorder. 

Fortunately, there are OCD therapies and OCD medications, along with other OCD treatment methods that can unchain you from a distressed life. So, what are the OCD diagnostic criteria? What are OCD diagnosis methods? How do OCD treatments work? Can OCD prescriptions be helpful? How to cure OCD? 

OCD Diagnosis and Treatment

OCD is a chronic illness. OCD can cause severe distress and anxiety because of the variety of symptoms that it creates. In fact, some extremely distressing symptoms of OCD remain under-recognized most of the time.

Timely recognition and OCD treatment can help improve the outcomes associated with OCD. Unfortunately, OCD diagnosis is often delayed. 

So, here are a few warning signs to look out for:

  • Resisting change in life 
  • Spending an excessive amount of time on routine tasks 
  • Repeating a certain task over and over again
  • Not touching things with bare hands
  • Becoming extremely conscious about washing hands and other cleanliness protocols
  • Being fearful 
  • Having taboo and/or doubtful thoughts

Note: If your loved ones display any of the aforementioned signs, opt for OCD diagnosis and treatment at your first convenience. However, do not fret. OCD symptoms often collide with other anxiety disorder symptoms. A valid OCD diagnosis will be your ultimate confirmation. 

Early OCD diagnosis and treatment can improve the living standards of the people who are affected by the condition. Remember that your loved ones can have a shot at complete OCD recovery if they are provided with the necessary treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

The first-line OCD treatment is administered with the assistance of OCD-specific therapies. These include adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 

Related: Luxury ADHD Treatment

The second-line OCD treatment is administered through OCD prescription medications. 

The only condition is that a person should fulfill the diagnostic criteria for obsession and/or compulsion. Only then obsession treatment will prove fruitful. 

There is limited knowledge about the OCD symptoms, merely because the signs and symptoms of OCD tend to vary from person to person. 

Additionally, another challenge for the diagnosis of OCD is that the symptoms of OCD often show immense resemblance with other psychological and neurological conditions. So, OCD can often be confused with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, depression, schizophrenia, etc. 

So, how to treat OCD if the OCD diagnosis is so difficult to confirm? 

To answer your question, OCD has well-established diagnostic criteria that can be used to evaluate the symptoms. 

In order to comply with the requirement of the OCD diagnostic criteria, your psychologist will conduct an assessment. During the psychological evaluation for OCD, you will be asked about your emotions and thoughts. As the psychologist proceeds to explore further about your feelings, behavioral patterns, and symptoms, you will be taken one step closer to an affirmed OCD diagnosis. 

It is possible that the psychological evaluation will be extended to your family if you grant permission for it. 

Once your psychological evaluation is completed, the psychologist will plot your symptoms against the following diagnostic criteria. 

  1. Obsessions: You have urges and thoughts that you cannot shake off your mind. The unwanted urges and persistent thoughts cause you to have marked anxiety and distress. You attempt to neutralize the thoughts with compulsive actions. 
  2. Compulsions: Compulsions include repeating certain behaviors (e.g. washing hands, checking) and mental actions (e.g. counting silently, whispering a prayer under your breath continuously). The repetition of behaviors and mental acts is usually done to reduce anxiety. It can also be done to prevent an “imaginary” event that can cause destruction.
  3. Time-consumption: Obsessions and compulsions usually take more than one hour of the day and cause significant clinical distress that ultimately affects functional areas of life. 
  4. Your obsessions and compulsions are not a result of a physiology-affecting substance (e.g. drugs, medications, alcohol, etc.)

If you happen to meet the aforementioned requirement and your condition is not better explained by any other mental health condition, it is fair to say that your OCD diagnosis is completed. 

However, to further solidify your diagnosis of OCD, you might have to schedule a doctor’s appointment. During the appointment, your physician will conduct a physical exam to check your height, weight, BMI (Body mass index), etc. The doctor might also order some blood tests to ensure that your condition is not a consequence of an underlying physical disorder. 

After confirmation, OCD diagnosis and treatment will be continued. 

Once your diagnosis of OCD has been confirmed, treating OCD will be the next course of action.

There are multiple options for OCD cures. The first course of treatment is a therapeutic approach. For OCD treatment Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been adapted to two different therapeutic interventions: Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and Cognitive Therapy. 

As for OCD medications, the best drugs for OCD are:

  • Clomipramine (Anafranil) 
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac) 
  • Fluvoxamine 
  • Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva) 
  • Sertraline (Zoloft) 

Recently, another medication, Wellbutrin for OCD was also prescribed extensively. However, recent research proves that Wellbutrin for OCD is not effective in treating OCD. Additionally, Wellbutrin for OCD is not approved by the FDA. 

Lastly, there are two other treatment approaches that are used if traditional OCD therapy and OCD prescriptions do not prove useful. These include:

  1. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
  2. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) 

 If your OCD diagnosis has been confirmed sooner than later, the ideal approach for obsession treatment and compulsive disorder treatment will be Cognitive Behavioral OCD therapy. 

However, if your diagnosis of OCD has been delayed, you might require the best drugs for OCD. 

Now, if your OCD does not respond favorably to the best therapy for OCD and OCD prescriptions, only then alternative treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation will be considered as the last resort. 

Let’s address the aforementioned obsession treatment and compulsive disorder treatment in further detail. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – The Best Therapy for OCD 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as a whole, is a talk therapy approach that deals with the root cause of a certain mental health condition. 

The essence of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the belief that thoughts tend to translate directly into behaviors. For this crucial reason, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy deals with the thoughts for obsessive treatment and the behaviors of an OCD patient for compulsive disorder behavior. 

Overall, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the only effective approach for treating OCD. Other behavioral therapies and psychotherapies do not show promising outcomes. 

OCD therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been adapted to:

  • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
  • Cognitive Therapy 

Although in a myriad of cases Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is effective enough as a stand-alone treatment protocol. However, in a few cases, CBT is administered alongside OCD medications. 

Note: Options of treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder might be coupled together for robust outcomes. In fact, in severe most cases, all types of treatments for OCD might be administered sequentially as an OCD cure. 

Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) for Treating OCD

As the name depicts, Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for OCD is a strategic approach to reduce the reactions of an OCD patient towards anxiety-triggering actions. 

The first step towards achieving an OCD cure with this form of OCD therapy is to enable your OCD therapist to explore each detail about your triggers, obsessions, and compulsive thoughts. 

After your OCD therapist has addressed each of your symptoms in detail, you will be required to make an elaborated list of compulsions and obsessions with your OCD therapist. 

Your OCD therapist will further analyze the severity of each symptom. After this, your OCD therapist will fabricate scenarios and conditions that can trigger your OCD. Initially, the scenarios will only trigger the less severe OCD obsessions and compulsions. 

During the exposure to the triggers, your OCD therapist will encourage you to delay your response towards the obsession. 

For instance, your OCD therapist might expose you to unorganized medical instruments. Naturally, your OCD will immediately be triggered and force you to reorganize them. However, during the Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy, your OCD therapist will increase the durations before you can be allowed to reorganize the instruments. 

The purpose of such exposures is to make sure that you respond differently each time that you are exposed to an OCD-triggering situation. 

Gradually, as the severity of each trigger is increased by your OCD therapist, you will be required to avoid compulsive behaviors for longer durations – “response prevention.” 

Eventually, as you collaboratively traverse through each listed trigger for obsession and compulsion with your OCD therapist, you will observe how your OCD-triggered anxiety levels decrease, gradually. 

As you are exposed to a trigger, your anxiety levels will shoot up immediately, peak, and then decrease in a matter of minutes. 

When the same exposures are repeated during your Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for OCD, your anxiety will become unresponsive towards those specific triggers. 

Long story short, ERP Therapy for OCD works by decreasing your anxiety level associated with obsessions and compulsions by repeatedly introducing you and exposing you to the triggers. In this way, ERP can be a huge OCD help, since it directly targets each of your OCD symptoms and eliminates them, one after the other. 

The benefits of ERP Therapy for OCD can be narrowed down to:

  • Exclusion of unnatural and imaginary fears
  • Decrement in anxiety levels
  • Unresponsiveness towards obsessions and compulsions due to OCD
  • Effective OCD help because of decreasing distress
  • Different responses and coping mechanisms to fight off compulsive behavior

Note: If it is not possible to expose the person to their triggers of OCD in reality, imaginative techniques are used. 

As for the effectiveness of Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for OCD:

“It rescued me and that period of ERP is a defining period of my life,” said Jackie Lea Sommers, an OCD survivor. 

ERP has been a tremendous OCD help and it works for all patients. For some, however, the OCD therapist might administer ERP with OCD prescriptions. 

Treating OCD with Cognitive Therapy for OCD

OCD cures can be accessed via Cognitive Therapy for OCD, which is yet another adaptation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for OCD.

Unlike Exposure and Response prevention as OCD therapy, Cognitive Therapy for OCD might not provide intensive treatment. However, it has been an effective approach in several non-severe cases. 

During Cognitive Therapy for OCD, your OCD therapist will encourage you to analyze your thought patterns and provide OCD help by motivating you to believe that avoiding compulsive behavior will not result in a possible tragedy. 

In other words, as you recognize that your brain is merely sending “error” signals, you will understand that your compulsion and obsessions do not define you. 

Cognitive Therapy for OCD can only serve as an effective technique for obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment if it is used in combination therapy with Exposure and Response Prevention as the primary OCD therapy. 

As an example, imagine that the mind of an OCD patient believes that he has to knock on a door 3 times under the influence of his disorder. Otherwise, he believes that he will lose his job. As irrational as the thought might sound, it is one of the many things experienced by people with OCD.

To remove this thought at a cognitive level, the OCD therapist will ask the OCD patient to knock on a door only once and see if he loses the job. Such experimental techniques prove the irrational fears of the patients wrong. 

So, to summarize, how is OCD treated with Cognitive Therapy? Your OCD therapist will help you recognize the irrationality in your thoughts and that not reacting to obsessive thoughts does not result in disastrous circumstances. 

This OCD therapy works through an experimental approach and can grant OCD help when the behaviors are addressed from a cognitive viewpoint. 

Treatment of OCD can be successfully administered with the assistance of OCD prescriptions. The U.S. Food Drug and Administration (FDA) has approved Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluvoxamine, Fluoxetine, and Clomipramine for the treatment of OCD. 

All the aforementioned medications are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI). SSRIs are antidepressants. 

All the SSRIs work by the same mechanism. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is normally associated with happiness and the general well-being of the person. What serotonin is also responsible for is the communication between different structures of the brain. 

So, how is it that Serotonin and OCD are connected? 

Simply speaking, OCD affects the communication system of neurological wiring. When a patient suffers from OCD, the deeper structures of the brain become unable to communicate with the front of the brain, resulting in the symptoms of OCD. 

Now, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors decrease the reabsorption of serotonin back into the neurotransmitter vesicles. 

So, serotonin “rests” within the brain and improves the communication that OCD impairs. Thus, alleviating the symptoms of OCD. 

Unfortunately, one major consequence of SSRI consumption as OCD medication is that they tend to fuel “Serotonin Syndrome.” 

Serotonin Syndrome is the build-up of serotonin in the neurological circuit. The symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome, which are also side effects of all SSRIs, include:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation
  • Hallucinations
  • Uneven heartbeat
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Profuse sweating

Wellbutrin for OCD is yet another stimulant drug. However, Wellbutrin for OCD is not used as an effective treatment for OCD. 

Now, let’s explore each OCD medication.

Sertraline (Zoloft) for Treatment of OCD

Zoloft is an OCD medication that is included in the OCD prescription for children aged 6 years or older, as well as adults. 

Sertraline can decrease the depression and anxiety-related symptoms of OCD and can dial down the compulsive behaviors, granted that it is taken in moderation. The side effects of Zoloft for OCD include:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Impotence
  • Weight loss

Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva) for Treatment of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

Paxil and Pexeva are both prescribed to patients with OCD. However, they are only suitable for adults. 

Paroxetine is an SSRI and, hence, functions by increasing serotonin levels and alleviating the symptoms during obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment. 

The side effects of Paroxetine include, but are not limited to:

  • Insomnia
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Constipation 
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Hypertension (High blood pressure)

Fluoxetine (Prozac) – One of the Best Drugs for OCD? 

Fluoxetine is the most commonly used drug for OCD. This OCD medication is included in the OCD prescription for children aged 8 years or older. Prozac is also prescribed to adults for obsession treatment and compulsive disorder treatment. 

The side effects of Prozac for treating OCD include:

  • Unusual dreams
  • Decreased libido
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Asthenia (decreased body strength)
  • Flu 
  • Tremors in the limbs
  • Skin rashes
  • Sinusitis 
  • Dyspepsia (discomfort in digestion) 
  • Nausea

Note: The list of side effects of Prozac is not exhaustive. The side effects can differ greatly from person to person. 

Fluvoxamine – Is it an OCD Cure?

Fluvoxamine, being an SSRI, works in the same way as other antidepressants. It can effectively treat the symptoms of OCD when included in OCD prescriptions for children aged 7 years or older, along with adults. 

Management of OCD symptoms is fairly common with the assistance of Fluvoxamine. However, the side effects of the drug for OCD include:

  • Nausea
  • Sleepiness
  • Anxiousness
  • Shaking and shivering
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Agitation
  • Heavy menstrual period

Clomipramine (Anafranil) for Treating OCD

Anafranil is yet another OCD medication that is used by children aged 10 years or older, as well as adults. 

Although the purpose of Clomipramine for OCD is to relieve the distressful symptoms of OCD, it comes at a great cost. 

The side effects of Clomipramine include:

  • Allergic reactions (hives, swelling of the face, breathing problems)
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Behavioral changes
  • Mood changes
  • Low sodium levels leading to headache, confusion, weakness, and vomiting
  • Blurred and tunnel vision, eye pain
  • Fearfulness
  • Seizures

Treatment of OCD can be successfully administered with the assistance of OCD prescriptions. The U.S. Food Drug and Administration (FDA) has approved Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluvoxamine, Fluoxetine, and Clomipramine for the treatment of OCD. 

All the aforementioned medications are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI). SSRIs are antidepressants. 

All the SSRIs work by the same mechanism. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is normally associated with happiness and the general well-being of the person. What serotonin is also responsible for is the communication between different structures of the brain. 

So, how is it that Serotonin and OCD are connected? 

Simply speaking, OCD affects the communication system of neurological wiring. When a patient suffers from OCD, the deeper structures of the brain become unable to communicate with the front of the brain, resulting in the symptoms of OCD. 

Now, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors decrease the reabsorption of serotonin back into the neurotransmitter vesicles. 

So, serotonin “rests” within the brain and improves the communication that OCD impairs. Thus, alleviating the symptoms of OCD. 

Unfortunately, one major consequence of SSRI consumption as OCD medication is that they tend to fuel “Serotonin Syndrome.” 

Serotonin Syndrome is the build-up of serotonin in the neurological circuit. The symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome, which are also side effects of all SSRIs, include:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation
  • Hallucinations
  • Uneven heartbeat
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Profuse sweating

Wellbutrin for OCD is yet another stimulant drug. However, Wellbutrin for OCD is not used as an effective treatment for OCD. 

Now, let’s explore each OCD medication.

Sertraline (Zoloft) for Treatment of OCD

Zoloft is an OCD medication that is included in the OCD prescription for children aged 6 years or older, as well as adults. 

Sertraline can decrease the depression and anxiety-related symptoms of OCD and can dial down the compulsive behaviors, granted that it is taken in moderation. The side effects of Zoloft for OCD include:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Impotence
  • Weight loss

Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva) for Treatment of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

Paxil and Pexeva are both prescribed to patients with OCD. However, they are only suitable for adults. 

Paroxetine is an SSRI and, hence, functions by increasing serotonin levels and alleviating the symptoms during obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment. 

The side effects of Paroxetine include, but are not limited to:

  • Insomnia
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Constipation 
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Hypertension (High blood pressure)

Fluoxetine (Prozac) – One of the Best Drugs for OCD? 

Fluoxetine is the most commonly used drug for OCD. This OCD medication is included in the OCD prescription for children aged 8 years or older. Prozac is also prescribed to adults for obsession treatment and compulsive disorder treatment. 

The side effects of Prozac for treating OCD include:

  • Unusual dreams
  • Decreased libido
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Asthenia (decreased body strength)
  • Flu 
  • Tremors in the limbs
  • Skin rashes
  • Sinusitis 
  • Dyspepsia (discomfort in digestion) 
  • Nausea

Note: The list of side effects of Prozac is not exhaustive. The side effects can differ greatly from person to person. 

Fluvoxamine – Is it an OCD Cure?

Fluvoxamine, being an SSRI, works in the same way as other antidepressants. It can effectively treat the symptoms of OCD when included in OCD prescriptions for children aged 7 years or older, along with adults. 

Management of OCD symptoms is fairly common with the assistance of Fluvoxamine. However, the side effects of the drug for OCD include:

  • Nausea
  • Sleepiness
  • Anxiousness
  • Shaking and shivering
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Agitation
  • Heavy menstrual period

Clomipramine (Anafranil) for Treating OCD

Anafranil is yet another OCD medication that is used by children aged 10 years or older, as well as adults. 

Although the purpose of Clomipramine for OCD is to relieve the distressful symptoms of OCD, it comes at a great cost. 

The side effects of Clomipramine include:

  • Allergic reactions (hives, swelling of the face, breathing problems)
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Behavioral changes
  • Mood changes
  • Low sodium levels leading to headache, confusion, weakness, and vomiting
  • Blurred and tunnel vision, eye pain
  • Fearfulness
  • Seizures

By now, your mind must be clouded and wondering, “How to cure OCD effectively?” In fact, you must be thinking that OCD medications are not only effective but also easy. Now, hold that thought. 

Simply speaking, OCD therapy is the right approach for treating OCD, rather than OCD prescriptions. Now, let’s see why. 

First of all, OCD therapy through Exposure and Response Prevention and Cognitive Therapy for OCD tends to gradually address each OCD trigger in detail. 

Therapies for OCD explore the question of “why.” Putting it differently, if you desire to address each symptom of OCD in detail, OCD therapies are the way to go. 

However, if you choose to merely obscure the symptoms of OCD, medications for OCD might suffice. But, they will never be the ideal choice. 

This is because OCD therapy works by taking an experimental approach, thus curing OCD and preventing your anxiety from taking hold of you. 

OCD medications, however, fail to do so. OCD prescriptions only treat the superficial symptoms while the roots of your extreme distress and anxiety remain lodged within you. 

Secondly, OCD therapies do not arrive with an army of side effects. Medications for OCD have innumerable side effects that can physically impact your health and keep you from recovering completely. 

Thirdly, SSRIs, when included in OCD prescriptions, tend to maximize depressive thoughts in the case of some patients. These depressive thoughts can, at times, lead to extreme suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Psychotherapies for OCD, on the other hand, improve the overall prospect of recovery by simultaneously addressing depression and anxiety. 

Fourthly, drug interactions can often lead to disastrous circumstances, which is only possible if you choose to opt for drugs for OCD. 

Lastly, antidepressants are stimulant drugs. This implies that becoming dependent on antidepressants does not take too much time. 

In fact, before you realize it, you can become addicted to antidepressants. So, for this reason, a fair warning that comes with OCD medications is to not engage in abrupt cessation of SSRIs. Instead, weaning off of SSRIs is the right course of action. 

So, what’s the verdict? Well, to be fair, the risks that come with OCD medications are simply too enormous to afford. 

Possibly, the only “disadvantage” of OCD therapy is that it requires time and effort. But, the question is, who would not be willing to invest some time and effort for a long-term OCD solution and who would be willing to afford the risks of side effects, suicidal tendencies, drug interactions, and addictions that come with OCD prescriptions? 

The key takeaway for you is: As long as the severity and intensity of your OCD allow you, opt for OCD therapies and deflect every chance to consume OCD medications. 

If the therapeutic treatments for OCD, as well as the medications, are not successful in providing the desired outcomes, your physician might recommend two additional treatments. 

Both, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), have been known to be effective as OCD help. 

Both these methods of OCD treatment have been approved by the FDA. While Deep Brain Stimulation is a much more appropriate approach for ages 18 years or older, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is the best therapy for OCD in patients aged 22 to 69 years. 

  1. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): As the name mirrors, Deep Brain Stimulation works by electrically stimulating deeper areas of the brain with electrodes. During the process, general or local anaesthesia is given to the patient. After drilling two small holes in the cranium (skull), electrodes are connected and impulses are transferred. Deep Brain Stimulation tends to improve communication by increasing the rate of impulse transfer between the superficial and the deeper areas of the brain. 
  2. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): BrainsWay Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a device that has been approved by the FDA for treating OCD. Unlike DBS, TMS is not an invasive procedure. The device for TMS uses magnetic fields to improve communication in the deeper structure of the brain by stimulating brain cells. 

Note: DBS and TMS are effective as long as they are advised by the doctor. Do not opt for the aforementioned treatments if you do not understand the pros and cons. 

An inpatient OCD and anxiety treatment center is a facility that provides live-in, structured, updated, and professional treatment for OCD. 

At an inpatient treatment center for OCD, you are provided the opportunity to access efficient healthcare for OCD under the guidance of medical professionals. 

Because OCD help is available 24/7 at an inpatient center for OCD, the treatment facilities provided to you remain a few inches away.

In addition to this, inpatient treatment and Rehab centers for OCD and anxiety provide access to scheduled therapy sessions with qualified OCD therapists, along with group therapies for support and courage. 

Most importantly, the treatment programs at inpatient treatment centers are structured. An OCD treatment plan is considered “structured” when the treatment plan for OCD is tailored to the needs of the patients.

To achieve a structured, compact, and comprehensive program for the treatment of OCD and anxiety, inpatient treatment consists of a careful and complete psychiatric evaluation of the patient. 

To summarize this for you, the benefits of inpatient OCD and anxiety treatment center include:

  • The freedom to maintain focus on yourself.
  • Complete cut-off from external triggers that convince you to commit compulsive behaviors.
  • Access to medical professionals around the clock.
  • Structured, personalized, and a regularly updated treatment program.
  • More therapeutic options.
  • Access to recreational activities that work as self-calming and relaxation techniques. 
  • Access to people going through the same situations as you. This can enable you to believe that you are not alone in your journey towards the treatment of OCD. 

To offer the best therapy for OCD, we are at your service. 

The Balance Luxury Rehab happen to be the best inpatient treatment and high-end treatment center for OCD and anxiety treatment, as well as any drug addictions or mental health conditions that may or may not accompany your OCD. 

Our treatment of OCD gives you an opportunity to exploit all the aforementioned benefits. Access our 5-star treatment and celebrity treatment for your loved ones and find the OCD cure that you have been searching for all along. 

Unlike a traditional inpatient facility, luxury treatment is more efficient in terms of qualities and amenities. 

For people suffering from OCD, it can be difficult to step away from the familiar boundaries of their homes and routines into a treatment facility. This is especially true if the inpatient treatment center for OCD and anxiety is uncomforting and hard to adapt.

A luxury treatment facility ensures that all OCD patients are given familiar, luxurious, comfortable, and homely surroundings to complete their treatment of OCD. 

Related : Traumas Luxury Inpatient Treatment Center

The purpose is to improve the outcomes of the OCD treatment by increasing the comfort level for the patients. 

For this reason, every client has a private villa at a luxury treatment center. Along with this, other facilities are provided, including, but not limited to:

  • Private chef
  • Driver
  • Housekeeping
  • A big garden 
  • A pool and other recreational facilities
  • Yoga 
  • Massage Therapy
  • Equine Therapy
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Art and Music Therapy
  • Adventure Therapy 

A luxury treatment center also provides medication management for side effects prevention to some extent.

Our luxury treatment facility can grant you the amenities mentioned above and more to ensure that your OCD recovery is not halted at any point in time. We prioritize you. 

At times, achieving the best therapy for OCD or taking the best drugs for OCD is simply not enough. So, how to treat OCD in such circumstances? 

To be honest, OCD cures are not completely possible to achieve. Thus, for treating OCD and managing the symptoms in the long term, you will be required to make a few lifestyle changes. 

The purpose of lifestyle changes is to ensure that progress remains continuous even as your treatment ceases. 

Here are a few lifestyle tips:

  • Keep an eye on your food: There are some foods that naturally possess some stress and anxiety-relieving properties. These include brown rice, oats, eggs, leafy vegetables, beans, dairy, etc. Introducing these foods in normal quantities in your diet can help you relieve some OCD symptoms. 
  • Prioritize exercise: Exercise, in any form, can release endorphins in the brain. These endorphins can allow you to develop feelings of happiness and achievement. Keep your anxiety and frustration at bay with regular workouts. 
  • Yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation can help you connect with your body. OCD is usually accompanied by tics (repetitive, involuntary motor movements). Practicing yoga and meditation on a daily basis can help you control motor tics. Meditation is, within itself, a relaxation technique.
    Social engagement: OCD has the ability to limit your ability to make social connections. Engaging in social events can help you maintain a normal image of yourself in your own eyes, which can help you detach from the imaginary ideology that you are isolated. 
    Sleep well: OCD is aggravated by insomnia. If you do not maintain a proper routine, you will most likely develop obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors concerning your sleep. Do not skimp on your sleep and you will be good to go! 
    Drugs and alcohol are your mortal enemies: Drugs and alcohol may at first calm your symptoms. However, they are never viable options for OCD treatment. They are not effective coping strategies. The last thing that you need is drug addiction or alcoholism on your hands. Prevent drug abuse while you have the chance. 

OCD diagnosis and treatment can change your life for the better when it is accessed in time. The best therapy for OCD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy because it has been adapted to fit the needs of an OCD patient perfectly. 

Both Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for OCD and Cognitive Therapy for OCD work by experimental approaches that lower the anxiety levels of the patients. Therefore, OCD therapy can address the root cause of anxiety. 

OCD medications, however, can only prove to be of use to a certain degree. The side effects, warnings, and dependence concerned with OCD prescriptions are what demotivates their use. 

Remember, introducing a few lifestyle changes can turn out even more beneficial than different types of OCD treatments that continue for months. 

OCD and anxiety treatment can be made accessible to you at our inpatient treatment center and luxury treatment center. 

We provide high-end treatment to your loved ones and ensure their speedy recovery. Even though an OCD cure does not exist, with us, your loved ones can have a shot at the most effective 5-star treatment. 

Our professionals and OCD therapists can improve your standards of living within a few months. Acquire a structured, celebrity treatment at our luxury treatment and therapy center. 

Get hold of us today and choose the best for your loved ones. 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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