6 Minutes
Benzodiazepines, commonly known as benzos, refer to highly potent and addictive drugs that carry sedative properties. Known to manage different conditions like seizures, insomnia, and anxiety, these medications reduce the nerve activity within the brain and the spinal cord to trigger feelings of relaxation. Despite experts repeatedly advising using these drugs as prescribed, an increasing number of people continue to abuse them for the high they produce, especially when taken in high doses. What these people do not know are the countless benzodiazepine dangers they are exposing themselves to by continuing to take these drugs without any purpose or restrictions.
The dangers associated with benzodiazepines can be of different types. Some occur more acutely as soon as someone starts consuming these medications, while others take some time to show up. Nevertheless, each of these side effects can be dangerous to the body and negatively affect one or more aspects.
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Benzodiazepine Insights
latest news & research on BenzodiazepineSnorting Xanax
Snorting Xanax can change the way the drug is perceived to be working. Even though users can feel a higher high as a consequence of the fast absorption rate, the drug’s strength is not heightened
read moreXanax Overdose
Xanax overdose is a state where a patient has taken an excessive amount of the drug at a time or has combined it with other depressants like alcohol or opioids
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