15 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurological diseases in childhood. ADHD patients find it difficult to focus on the task, have impulsive behaviors and act without thinking about outcomes. ADHD is a developmental disease usually diagnosed at a younger age and persists till adulthood. 

Do you know someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Are you thinking about how to cure and treat it? Are you looking for ADHD treatment options?  So worry not! According to the national health survey, about 8.4 percent of children aged 7 to 12 years suffer from this disorder. Therefore, it’s extremely important to know about effective treatment options for ADHD. 

Even though ADHD prevention and cure are not possible, its symptoms can be minimized by effective treatment and therapies. Many people suffering from it live happy and normal life. You or any of your loved one with ADHD can be one of them! We will let you know the ADHD treatments, medication, and therapies essential to reduce the symptoms of this disorder. 

Note: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the new name for attention deficit disorder. This name was changed in the 1990s and is used interchangeably. 

Drawing of a human head with arrows coming out and the word ADHD written underneath.

There is no treatment strategy to alleviate the attention deficit disorder from its roots but there are several methods to reduce the sufferings of the patient by minimizing symptoms.

The most effective approach is the multimodal approach. This means that multiple methods used under the supervision of doctors, ADHD therapists, teachers, and parents are crucial. 

The ADHD treatment includes two main approaches:

  • Psychotherapy 
  • Medications ( Pharmacotherapy)

Let’s get into the details of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatment methods!

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder not only affects learning but also creates extreme difficulties in everyday life activities. Psychotherapy helps to improve the quality of life of the patient and family members. 

Multiple interventions are included in psychotherapy. Each intervention aims to manage symptoms and enhance the normal functioning of the patient. 

The patient and their family members need proper guidance about the disease, its symptoms, and ways to manage it. You will be given detailed steps for ADHD management and overcome the symptoms and help the patient to succeed. 

This session will also help in changing behavior and attitudes towards ADHD patients because they need support, patience, and encouragement to deal with the problem. It converts negative thoughts into positive ones. 

ADHD psychotherapy includes:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy 
  • Family and marital therapy
  • Classroom interventions
  • Stress management
  • Support groups

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for ADHD

Cognitive-behavioral therapy includes changing the behavior and attitudes of the patient. The main symptoms of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. 

So, ADHD treatment therapy is to teach organizing skills to the patient. You will be helped with organizing your work, scheduling all the important tasks, and controlling emotions. Clear rules and regulations will be made for every routine activity. 

Parents, teachers, and peers will monitor the attitude of the child, and as feedback rewards will be provided for controlling anger, thinking before performing, etc.

ADHD therapists will teach your child to share things, wait for his turn, judging emotions, and responding to conversations. The meditation sessions will improve patients’ focus and concentration. 

ADHD therapy is organized mainly to identify the cause of negative behavior, to change the attitude of the child from aggressive and inattentive toward friendly and cooperative.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy includes:

  • Making routine and proper schedule
  • Organizing daily activities
  • Using calendars and planners
  • Being clear and specific
  • Sharing progress with the patients and rewards 

You will be happy to see your ADHD child responding normally to each activity and sharing things with peers. 

Family and Marital Therapy

You are confused, why family members need therapy, isn’t it?

Family and close relatives help the person improve as well as contribute to worsening their condition. Parents and spouses of ADHD patients should understand the importance of love and affection. 

They can find better ways to handle the mood and behavior of the patient. This therapy will provide them the ways to motivate patients to change behavior and improve interaction with the patient. 

The training programs help parents learn effective ways to interact with the child, play with him, and increase their confidence in building a good relationship with the child. 

Parents are taught to reward and provide negative feedbacks according to their attitudes. They can also mold the situations in a way to support desired actions. 

Classroom Interventions

Research proves that classroom management interventions are effective in improving child symptoms. Classroom activities at the treatment center aim to teach ADHD children to interact with similar age groups. 

Children suffering from attention deficit disorder find it difficult to interact with people, sharing their opinions, and managing emotions. 

The educational specialists design special activities; homework, camps, and seminars to build the confidence of the child and help them succeed. The ADHD therapist also provides sessions to the teachers who deal with ADHD kids and run special schools for them. 

With these activities, the child gains independence and improved self-esteem to perform every task on time. 

Regular feedback and report cards are provided to the parents to judge the progress of their child. 

Stress Management

The therapists at the ADHD treatment center devise daily activities to control the irritation, anxiety, frustration, and stress of the child. They control the child’s anger and keep him calm. Some of the activities include for controlling stress are:

  • Meditation
  • Exercise 
  • Team play
  • Social activities
  • Dancing 
  • Singing
  • Art and craft

These activities help the patient cope with their stress and get involved in skills development. It also helps in the development of different hobbies. 

Support Groups

There are support groups who share similar experiences with you. These groups include those, who have ADHD or their loved ones with this disease. With their experiences and progress, you can find your way. 

They will help you cope with your frustrations and will provide you the knowledge of the treatment path that works for them. 

Alongside psychotherapy, doctors also prescribe medications to reduce ADHD symptoms. These medicines control patient’s impulsive and hyperactive behavior, help them concentrate, be calmer and learn new things.

However, due to the effect on brain chemicals; dopamine, the medicines can also exaggerate the impulsive attitude. 

These are taken in short doses at first and if the medicine suits the patient then a regular dose is specified by the doctor. 

Note: These medicines are not the permanent cure for ADHD but may help in reducing impulsive behavior.

The two main types of medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients are:

  • Stimulants
  • Non-stimulants

Stimulants for ADHD

These drugs are the most prescribed ones for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients. These fast-acting drugs reduce ADHD symptoms in approximately 70 to 80 percent of the patients. The stimulants include:

  • Methylphenidate
  • Lisdexamfetamine
  • Dexmethylphenidate
  • Amphetamine


It is the most commonly used medication for Attention Deficit Disorder. It directly acts on the part of the brain responsible for attention and behavior by increasing the levels of dopamine.

The medications for ADHD are recommended for adults and children over the age of 5 years. The doctor may prescribe the medicine as an immediate release or for an extended period.

You will have to take immediate releases formulations, two to three times per day and extended-release formulation require one tablet in 24 hours.

 The methylphenidate has some common adverse effects:

  • Apatite loss
  • Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach cramps
  • Mood swing
  • Headache


For therapeutic intervention for ADHD, you may need this medication which acts on certain parts of the brain to improve focus and concentration.

If methylphenidate fails to improve symptoms of ADHD, then the drug of the second choice is Lisdexamfetamine. 

Are there no side effects of this drug? Unfortunately no!

Its common side effects include:

  • Weight loss
  • Irritation and aggressiveness
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache


This medication is used as a therapeutic measure for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It functions by altering the number of certain brain chemicals. 

It helps you focus on essential tasks, organize activities, improve listening skills and concentration. The dose of the drug depends on the condition of the patient therefore always consult the doctor before changing the dose. 

You may never stop taking the medicines on your own because of their withdrawal effects. The withdrawal effects of Dexmethylphenidate include:

  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Mood changes
  • Addiction

Note: if you notice suicidal thoughts, concern your doctor immediately.


It is a central nervous system stimulant, it speeds up the signals between the brain and the body parts. The amphetamine improved cognitive function and increase wakefulness. 

It also increases the strength of muscle and improves reaction time. 

Even this medication has several side effects like others and these include:

  • Delusions
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Addiction
  • Euphoria

Note: Euphoria is a state of extreme excitement and happiness 

Non-Stimulants for ADHD

Some patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder don’t improve with stimulants. Then will we leave them in the same condition? Of course not!

In this case, we will give them non-stimulants. These are mostly prescribed to patients older than 6 years of age.

The non-stimulant medications include:

  • Atomoxetine
  • Clonidine
  • Guanfacine


It is a type of selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), it increases the amount of noradrenaline in the brain. It increases the patient’s ability to pay attention, staying focused, and concentrate.

It is available in the form of a capsule and is administered to people with ADHD greater than 5 years of age.

The common side effects of the drug include:

  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Irritability
  • Stomach aches
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Liver damage

Note: You should rush to the doctor immediately if you notice suicidal thoughts or liver damage. 


Clonidine extended-release formulations are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; it is an alpha agonist and acts on the central nervous system.

It controls the emotions, attention, and attitude of patients with ADHD. 

It is also not without adverse effects and these are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Nightmares
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Tiredness


Guanfacine acts on the receptors of the brain. It improves the memory, attention, and impulse of the patient with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 

It is a type of non-stimulant drug and is taken in the form of a tablet orally once or twice per day. 

Its side effects include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue 
  • Headache
  • Lower blood pressure and heart rate

In some cases, if the above medication fails to improve the condition or is not recommended then the doctors will prescribe antidepressants for minimizing the symptoms of ADHD. A few examples of these medications are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), venlafaxine, bupropion, and others. 

Some ADHD alternative treatments might prove to be beneficial for you. These include attaching a medical device and lifestyle modifications. Some patient with ADHD shows improvement with these alternative treatment methods.

Medical Device

An alternative treatment option for ADHD is Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (eTNS) System. 

This device can be used for children aged 7 to 12 years who are not taking ADHD pharmacotherapy. This device is recommended to be used during sleep under the strict supervision of the care provider. 

Wondering what is this device? How does it function?

It is a small patch attached to the electrodes. The patch is placed on the forehead of an ADHD patient and sends low-level impulses to the brain.  

So is it without any adverse effects?

No, this is not the case! There are none of the serious side effects but there are some:

  • Decrease apatite
  • Insomnia or lack of peaceful sleep
  • Drowsiness
  • Bruxism
  • Headache
  • fatigue 

Lifestyle Modifications for ADHD

Some lifestyle modifications are essential to fight attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. 

But what are these modifications?

Wait we will tell you all the necessary ones!

Research shows that nutritional diet, exercise, and meditation improves the symptoms of patients with ADHD


ADHD patients have a lack of omega fatty acid in the body; this causes the symptoms of impulsivity and lack of focus. Adding omega fatty acid help neurons in the brain to work effectively. 

So how can you eat omega fatty acids?

Many foods such as fish, nuts, flaxseed, chia seed, walnuts, soya bean oil, canola oil, and vegetables contain omega fatty acids and should be included in the diet. 

Additionally, cutting sugar and adding fruits and vegetables also benefit the patient with ADD. 

Note: it is not necessary, that your child lack omega fatty acids, so consult your doctor before adding this to ADHD patient diet.  


Exercise helps the release of important chemicals in the body such as dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, and GABA. These chemicals are responsible for boosting mood and attention, thus helping the child with ADHD. 

Brisk walking, jumping, running and playing outdoor sports help as a stress buster. 

Aerobic exercise changes brain chemistry and certain neurotransmitter that may improve self-regulation. 

Some other lifestyle modifications include having plenty of sleep, avoiding screens, good family time, and interacting with friends. All these improve the mood of the patient and help them to speak out their feelings. Note: Sports not only help your loved ones with the workout but also improves social skills.

Research shows that 30 to 70 percent of children with ADHD continue to have symptoms in later life. Also, a few adults are diagnosed with ADHD in their adulthood causing difficulties in the job or family life.

A slight difference in symptoms is there than a child with ADHD. Some symptoms include: 

  • Most adults fail to be on time at important events, 
  • Find difficulty in driving due to lack of focus 
  • Find difficulty in organizing tasks and career goals.
  • Problems with self-control and anger
  • Depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Adult ADHD treatment includes a similar approach to children.

  • Doctors prescribe counseling to adults that focuses on minimizing anxiety, improving self-esteem, organizing routine activities, improving social skills, and building a strong relationships. 
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps in managing daily life problems faced by ADHD adults. They are also provided separate training sessions to plan activities at work and excel in their job work. 
  • High protein foods are recommended such as nuts, meat, beans, and egg for improving concentration and attentiveness.
  • Nutritionists also recommend replacing simple sugar with complex carbohydrates that give you energy and stabilize your mood.
  • Adults are more likely to benefit from stimulants medications to cure ADHD. If not then doctors prescribe antidepressants (Pamelor) or SSRIs (Lexapro). 

Note: Adults adapt to the ADHD symptoms and learn to manage their routine activities more easily than kids.

s per the evidence, psychotherapy is far better than medication in the long term because it mainly focuses on changing behavior without any side effects. 

Most stimulants, as well as non-stimulant drugs used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, have serious side effects. They affect different organ systems such as the heart, liver, kidney and may cause psychiatric conditions (depression and suicidal thoughts).

You must measure the benefits and risk factors of pharmacotherapy and consult your doctor as well as ADHD therapist for each drug your loved one is using.

On the other hand therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational therapy, and stress management therapy aims to provide long-term benefit to the patient without developing comorbid conditions.

It has also been observed that after some time of pharmacotherapy patients are unwilling to continue medication dosage. 

Note: children younger than 6 years of age with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are not the candidates for pharmacotherapy. For them, behavior therapy is recommended and most effective treatment.

An inpatient ADHD treatment center is a high-end comfortable place with multiple specialists to treat you or your loved one with ADHD. 

The well-trained specialists that you will find in this home-like center are ADHD therapists, doctors, and psychologists, and others. 

But what is its main purpose? 

Its main purpose is to provide high-end treatment to the patient under the strict supervision of medical professionals. They will take care of your loved one 24/7. 

You will be provided an exclusive treatment approach for the patient depending upon his condition, habits, attitudes, and symptoms. 

The main treatment plan for ADHD includes psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational therapy, and sessions for parents and teachers, counseling, classroom activities that include skill sets, pharmacotherapy, and more.  

Alongside, the support groups at our center will share their experiences with you. You will get to know about their symptoms of ADHD and the progress that they have achieved. 

Worried about the health of your loved one with ADHD? Worry not, because, we are here to change your worries into positivity. Our luxury inpatient center will provide you high-end, 5-star quality treatment. Just contact us now!

We want a better life for you and your loved ones! We care for you!

Yes, we know you want to know about the difference between luxury treatment and conventional inpatient care. 

Luxury treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder involves individualized care for the patient. At a luxury inpatient treatment center for ADHD, you will get 5-star, celebrity-like care with a private villa. Isn’t it interesting?

Yes of course, but this includes much more than this. The luxury inpatient treatment facilities include:

  • Private room
  • Outdoor area ( garden, pool, sports activities)
  • Personal chef
  • Music and fun sessions
  • Art and craft facilities
  • Massage facility
  • Yoga and meditation facilities
  • Social sessions 

There are ADHD treatment centers for adults as well as for children so whatever is your age you can gain full benefit here. 

Note: For treating a patient with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, quality treatment is essential. Our luxury inpatient treatment center respects your needs and provides you high-end and 5-star treatments.  

We have provided you with detailed information about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 

Overall, this is not a completely reversible condition and cannot be cured but its symptoms can be reduced to a larger extent. You and your loved one with ADHD can live a normal life like others, but this can only happen with an effective treatment approach. 

We provide you with high-end, 5-star quality treatments at our luxury inpatient treatment center with a personalized approach for ADHD. 

Here, a perfect treatment path will be followed considering your conditions and risk factors. 

Are you still worried for your loved one with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? 

Yes, you may be, take a step towards contacting us and put your worries on our shoulders!



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ADHD Insights

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pro mesotherapie
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