7 Minutes
With more than 2.2 million individuals using cocaine in the United States and more than 1 million with a cocaine use disorder, this illicit drug seriously threatens public health. The use of cocaine, including the popular crack cocaine, has led to substantial morbidity in addition to progressively increasing healthcare utilization rates. The death toll due to cocaine overdose is on the rise, and, as surveys suggest, it has already doubled between 2011 and 2016 in certain ethnic groups. Even in the current era where opioid use is hurting more people than ever, cocaine continues to hold its ground as an equally dangerous drug. Hence, developing and implementing different cocaine abuse treatment programs are the need of the hour.
This article will highlight how to treat cocaine addiction while answering some of the most common queries related to coke rehab and treatment center.
a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causesCocaine TREATMENT LASTING APPROACH
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Define Treatment Goals
1 week
Assessments & Detox
1-4 week
Psychological & Holistic Therapy
4 week
Family Therapy
5-8 week
12+ week
Refresher Visit
Cocaine Insights
latest news & research on CocaineCoke Jaw
Coke jaw is an informal term that refers to the involuntary and uncoordinated movements of the jaw that are common in users of cocaine
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