9 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Mysophobia is a phobia that is characterized by an irrational fear of germs, pollution, contamination, or dirt. It’s fair and sensible to be worried about food cross-contamination, contact with other people’s bodily secretions or fluids, and keeping excellent hygiene. Yet, if you have mysophobia, these common concerns become exaggerated and disruptive.

This condition has been called by various names, such as:

  • Germaphobia
  • Bacteriophobia
  • Bacillophobia
  • Verminophobia

The phobia is frequently associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), however, it can also affect persons who do not have OCD. The fear is said to be fairly widespread, affecting people from all fields of life.

This article covers the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, management, and treatments for mysophobia, as well as some strategies for dealing with this form of fear.

Behaviors used to prevent exposure to contamination or germs are common indicators of mysophobia. These signs and symptoms could include:

  • Keeping away from germ-infested or dirty areas
  • Extreme apprehension of becoming infected
  • Hand washing excessively
  • An obsession with cleanliness
  • Using sanitizing or cleaning products excessively

When exposed to dirt or polluted places, people with mysophobia may experience various symptoms. The following are examples of symptoms:

  • Panicking and crying
  • Palpitations
  • Sweating
  • Shaking

These symptoms may only appear when the object of your fear is apparent, which includes digging in the yard, or when you suspect that pathogen contact has happened, as when shaking or holding hands or turning a doorknob.

You may shower several times per day. You may often carry and use hand sanitizer. You can be apprehensive about using public facilities, sharing food, or taking public transit.


Mysophobia causes people to shun social interactions because they are afraid of germs transmitted by others. Planned gatherings like holiday get-togethers, work parties, and meetings may be avoided. You may probably have found yourself avoiding personal contact and washing your hands more often if you do participate in such activities.

These behaviors can contribute to anxiety and isolation over time. Friends and family members may not understand, and you may be perceived as aggressive or even paranoid. You could acquire social phobia, a fear of interacting with other people.

Phobias can occur at any age, but symptoms are more common in early life. Phobias are caused by a variety of factors. Experts have identified various risk factors that increase one’s vulnerability.

A phobia may develop as a result of an unpleasant encounter caused by germs. If you were to contract a life-threatening disease or virus, you could be concerned about history to repeat again. Similarly, if you have other symptoms of anxiety, you may be more susceptible to phobia symptoms.

There are strong messages about cleanliness, hygiene, and medical safety in some families and cultures. These instructions can influence specific actions and, in some cases, cause anxiety, which can lead to germaphobia or mysophobia.

Specific phobias, such as mysophobia, are made more likely by genetics and your environment.

Family background of anxiety problems raises the risk of developing phobias. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can also be passed down through families. However, having a family background does not always imply that you will be affected by these conditions.

Germaphobia can be caused by emotional distress associated with germs or filth. It could be the result of a loved one becoming ill or dying as a result of a contaminated environment.

Phobias have unknown causes, but they typically begin in childhood and are closely connected to the development of mood, anxiety, and substance abuse problems. As per the National Institute of Mental Health, 12.5 percent of adults in the US will develop a specific phobia during their lives.

Contributing factors

A number of variables, according to experts, may support the development of phobias, including:

  • Trauma
  • Horrible childhood events
  • Genetics
  • Environmental components
  • Exposure to a phobia-affected family member
  • Specific physiology

In a 2014 study, mysophobia was found to be more common in cases of trauma than other phobias.

In a 2021 multinational study on germ attitudes, researchers discovered that microbiological knowledge plays a role in germaphobia. In-depth knowledge of germs and bacteria, according to experts, is helpful in minimizing and eliminating mysophobia beliefs.

It’s worth noting that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not classify mysophobia as a unique disorder. Instead, if the symptoms fulfill a set of clinical guidelines, it would be classified as a specific phobia.

Symptoms of a specific phobia should result in the following:

  • Excessive distress or avoidance
  • Immediate anxiety reaction
  • An irrational or overwhelming fear

A specific phobia, such as mysophobia, is usually diagnosed in a single office visit. Testing isn’t required. Rather, healthcare providers will inquire about your complaints and behavioral changes.

Some examples of questions are:

  • How frequently do you think of germs?
  • Have you ever had a horrible experience with germs or pathogens?
  • What are your views about germs?
  • Is mysophobia affecting your mood or daily routine by triggering behavioral changes?
  • Do you or anybody in your family suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder or anxiety?
  • Do you ignore people or places you often used to enjoy because you’re afraid of germs?

Mysophobia is frequently linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) since it involves compulsions and obsessions, such as using hand sanitizer frequently.

The two conditions may coexist, but they are not identical.

Mysophobia is a fear of dirt and germs that are irrational, unrealistic, or inappropriate. It can exist by itself or in conjunction with another condition.

OCD is a mental health condition in which you feel forced to repeat acts as a result of recurrent, intrusive thoughts or ideas. Compulsions in OCD could be anything. Every time you prepare eggs, you might need to perform a set amount of scrambles.

Obsessions with cleanliness are common among OCD compulsions, but the motivation for them does not have to be dirt, pollution, germs, or contamination-related. For instance, intrusive thoughts about being judged for not washing your hands on a regular basis may lead to an OCD hand-hygiene compulsion.

Moreover, unlike mysophobia, OCD anguish is frequently caused by failure to complete a compulsion. This shows that OCD activities are more ritualistic in nature, happening at predictable intervals as a result of recurrent thoughts.

Mysophobia is characterized by a fear of germs that drives your actions. Depending on the circumstances, that fear could entail a new pattern of conduct every day. At a glance, here are the similarities and differences:

Germaphobia (Mysophobia)

  • Whenever necessary, rigorous or obsessive hand washing
  • Excessive cleanliness
  • Cleaning fixation
  • Avoiding things that are regarded as “unclean”
  • Apprehension regarding contamination

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Ritual hand washing
  • A desire for symmetry and order
  • Cleaning on a constant schedule
  • Uncontrollable thoughts about uncleanliness

It might be difficult to distinguish between mysophobia and OCD, especially if key OCD behaviors revolve around cleanliness.

Overcoming the fear of germs takes time, based on the extent and onset of your disease. Furthermore, it may necessitate medical attention. It’s natural to face challenges along the way. However, you may minimize your symptoms and enhance your quality of life by adopting healthy lifestyle practices.

The following are some helpful ideas for overcoming germ phobia:

Raising your mindfulness: Mindfulness can make you feel less anxious. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take deep breaths and try meditating for a moment each day to make sure you stay present.

Fighting against negative thoughts: Instead of thinking that any nervous idea is unquestionably true, investigate other possibilities. Instead of leaping to the conclusion that you’re bound to the worst-case situation, consider the other possibilities.

Accept your anxiety: It may sound contradictory, but admitting your feelings might make them more bearable. The next time you feel worried, try not to resist it. Rather, acknowledge it for what it is and tell yourself that it will pass.

Seek support: When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, reach out to friends and family for help. Let them know how they would best assist you in your rehabilitation.

Small victories should be celebrated: Even small steps in the correct direction can add up to big changes. So keep track of whatever milestones you reach and consider keeping a journal.

Luckily, mysophobia can be managed successfully. Because the problem tends to deteriorate over time, it is critical to see a mental health expert as soon as possible. Psychotherapy, medication, or a mix of the two may be recommended by your therapist.


Based on your therapist’s approach, you may be pushed to investigate the cause of your fear or just taught how to cope with the symptoms.

There are several types of therapy that can be used to manage phobias, but exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are two of the most successful.

In cognitive-behavioral therapy, the adverse thought processes that lead to the phobia are identified and transformed.

The goal of exposure therapy is to slowly and gradually expose people to the object of their fear. People can learn to relax over time, and their terror reaction begins to fade.


For specific phobias like mysophobia, medications are rarely administered on their own. In some cases, medication may be recommended to assist control symptoms or treating co-occurring mental health disorders. When medications are used in conjunction with psychotherapy, they are most successful.

One option you might want to explore is online therapy. A variety of mental health issues have been reported to respond well to online counseling. According to studies, virtual reality exposure therapy may be just as successful as real-world exposure therapy.



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