28 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Mental health illnesses can become extremely bothersome. Because different forms of mental health disorders exhibit themselves in unique manners, there arises the possibility of having different types of mental health rehabs. Effective mental health treatment can be a knight in shining armor for your loved ones. Be it depression, anxiety, OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder), PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), eating disorders, phobias, or a myriad of other disorders, a cure is easily accessible at a mental health rehab. In fact, your very own cure is hidden at our inpatient luxury treatment facility. Read ahead and find out all you need to know about different types of mental health rehabs and our specialty in providing therapeutic interventions for them. 

Person standing with their hands intertwined.

Different types of mental health disorders and illnesses call for different forms of mental health rehab. 

There are 12 different types of mental health services that we can offer to your loved ones for a shot at a redeemed life:

  1. Depression rehab
  2. Anxiety rehab
  3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment and rehab
  4. Eating disorders treatment and rehab
  5. Burnout treatment and rehabilitation
  6. Phobias treatment and rehab
  7. Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment and rehab
  8. Trauma treatment and rehab
  9. Panic disorder treatment
  10. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatment
  11. Codependency rehab and treatment
  12. Dual diagnosis treatment 

Note: For the best treatment of your mental health, our 5-star treatment center offers individual therapy, and family therapy. 

How about we take a look at each one of these treatments and rehabs for mental health to assess what is just right for your loved ones? 

Feeling gloomy on a certain day because of a certain reason does not count as depression. It counts as sadness. Though it is often confused with the idea of depression. 

Instead, sadness, hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness, inability to concentrate, a profound lack of excitement, sleep changes, and appetite changes that last for over 2 weeks signify “depression.” 

Because depression tends to affect everyone in a different manner, a depression rehab will always personalize your treatment, depending on your condition. 

Treatments for depression are also devised on the basis of the types of depression, namely:

  • Major Depression:This is a severe form of depression. The symptoms of this disorder can last for more than 2 months. While some people experience irregular episodes of major depression, others experience it in continuous waves. A constant worry, anxiety, an evident lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities, and thoughts and tendencies of suicide are some common symptoms of major depression.
  • Persistent Depression (Dysthymia): As the name showcases, persistent depression is an unshakeable feeling of sadness, gloominess, low self-esteem, and an unhinging feeling of inadequacy. Unfortunately, this type of depression can last as long as two years or even more. 
  • Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder): Bipolar disorder is a depressive disorder that causes you to experience periods of extreme happiness, alternating with intervals, wherein you experience nothing but sadness. The manic phase can show signs of high energy, irritability, blasting confidence, etc. Hallucinations and delusions are also common. 
  • Depressive Psychosis: This type of depression is concerned with people who tend to lose touch with reality every now and then, only to become immersed into a state of extreme sadness. It is a mix of major depressive disorder and psychosis.
  • Perinatal Depression: This form of depression occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. It can cause the mother to become excessively worried about the baby’s wellbeing. It can also cause exhaustion, tiredness, sadness, and mood swings in mothers. 
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: This type of depression is accompanied by a persistent feeling of being extremely emotional during the days leading up to the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle. It is an extreme form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).
  • Seasonal Depression: These are the typical winter blues that people tend to experience because of seasonal changes. If not managed in time, they can trigger suicidal thoughts.
  • Atypical Depression: This is a common type of depression that can occur alongside persistent depression. Excessive sleeping, increased or decreased appetite, relationship problems, and a myriad of other symptoms equate to atypical depression. 
  • Situational Depression (Adjustment Disorder): This is the type of depression that occurs after people experience traumas, stressful situations, etc. The main cause of this depression is stress! 

Although it might seem shocking to you to discover these types of depression, here is some good news: Depression is treatable! Our well-trained professionals can devise a thought-out treatment plan for your depressive disorder despite its type. We have a solution for every type of depression that can possibly befall you! 

Therapies for Depression Offered at THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab

The therapies we offer to treat depressive disorders are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. 

Note: Our professional team believes in providing your loved ones with the highest quality treatment. So, all our therapeutic interventions are evidence-based. Rest assured, your loved ones will be in great hands. 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a depression therapy focused on determining how toxic, self-defeating thought patterns and behaviors can aggravate depression. CBT allows you to develop coping strategies to combat your depressive disorder.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is yet another therapeutic adaptation of CBT but it centers more on the acceptance of demeaning and depression-promoting thought patterns, as well as triggering a motivation for change. 
  • Psychodynamic Therapy is a therapeutic intervention for depression that puts your past into perspective. It helps you analyze how any unresolved past conflicts might be increasing your inclination towards depression. 
  • Interpersonal Therapy works by improving communication and – as a consequence of that – your interpersonal relationships that might be halting your progress towards recovery from depression. 

If you are wondering, “what if therapy doesn’t work?” Well, first of all, when conducted under the supervision of qualified therapists that THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab provides you, there is no chance that your depression will escape freely from the grasp of our therapists. Secondly, to ensure that we provide the best treatment possible, we also offer medication-assisted therapy and medications management to treat depression. 

The medications for depression include SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors), SNRIs (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors), MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors), and Tricyclic Antidepressants. At our inpatient, high-end treatment center, your depressive disorder is our responsibility! 

Do you feel like you “worry” too much? Does your worry – as you would like to call it – cause your heart to race? Does your breath get heavy at the mere thought of the slightest inconvenience? Do you always feel like you have a lump lodged deep within your throat every time you become restless? 

If your answer to any of the aforementioned questions happens to be “yes,” then you might have a case of severe anxiety. 

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Although the symptoms of anxiety, like depression, tend to differ greatly from person to person, the primary signs of anxiety include fear, a constant state of panic, extreme worry, difficulty in controlling thoughts, tremors in limbs, and restlessness. 

The types of anxiety that we treat at our inpatient anxiety rehab include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: This is a type of anxiety that keeps you in a constant state of worry, causing you to fidget and become concerned about little things. This type of anxiety prevents you from experiencing joy in life. 
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: This Type of anxiety causes you to develop a fear of meeting new people and making new social connections. 
    Separation Anxiety: This is a type of anxiety experienced by people when they are separated from people they are emotionally attached to. 

At THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab, we have the cure for all the aforementioned types of anxiety. In fact, hundreds and thousands of people, just like you, have learned and practiced self-calming techniques taught to them by our empathetic, honest, and compassionate professional medical team. 

Therapeutic Interventions for Anxiety Treatment at THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab

We use the following therapeutic approaches to treat anxiety:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Rehabilitation to ensure that your anxious thoughts cease to exist and your negative thoughts are not only challenged but replaced with the assistance of our qualified professionals.

Identifying and accepting negative thoughts, however, is the first step during Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 

  • Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Rehabilitation to enable you to face your fears and the paranoia that worsens your symptoms of anxiety. Exposure therapy can enable you to become completely insensitive towards the elements that previously triggered your anxiety. Systematic Desensitization is also a subcategory of Exposure Therapy. 

To further ensure that your treatment plan at THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab provides robust outcomes, our holistic treatments can help you manage self-relaxation techniques while undergoing alternative therapy through:

  • Yoga 
  • Meditation
  • Acupuncture
  • Breathing exercises

The medications usually used at anxiety rehabs include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Beta-blockers, and Anxiolytics

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a life-changing disorder, often accompanied by extreme distress, anxiety, and depression. 

OCD is diagnosed when a person exhibits the symptoms of obsession, compulsion, or both. To enlighten you, obsessions are the taboo, weird, unusual thoughts that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you try. These distressing thoughts tend to have negative effects on your behaviors, causing you to fall prey to repetitive behaviors, known as compulsions. 

So, naturally, compulsions are behaviors that you repeat in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts. 

In several scenarios, the mind of an OCD patient will fabricate different stories about what might happen if they do not act a “certain” way. This is why the situation of a patient tends to become extremely dangerous, requiring OCD treatment and rehab. 

Furthermore, because the compulsions and obsessions might consume a significant amount of time, any delay in OCD treatment and rehabilitation does not result in favorable circumstances. 

Good for you, at THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab, we can provide you with a timely, personalized, and regularly updated treatment plan for OCD rehabilitation. 

The evidence-based therapies offered at our inpatient OCD treatment and rehab center are adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The following therapeutic interventions for OCD have been developed to suit the needs of OCD patients accurately:

  • Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy: This therapeutic approach exposes the patient to a certain situation that triggers the obsessive thoughts and the compulsions. However, the time for acting in accord with those compulsions is progressively increased, enabling the patient to become insensitive to the situations. 
  • Cognitive Therapy: During this therapeutic approach, the patient, under the guidance of the therapist, is made to analyze the thought patterns that lead to obsessions and compulsions. Gradually, those thought patterns are prevented with psychotherapy from translating into behaviors. Finally, the thought patterns are replaced to reduce the anxiety connected with them. 

To maximize the potential of the OCD treatment and rehabilitation, our professional staff can offer Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) if therapy for OCD does not suffice. 

As an additional aid to the treatment, medications like Clomipramine (Anafranil), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), Sertraline (Zoloft), and/or Fluvoxamine are offered. 

Avail our best inpatient OCD treatment and recovery for your loved ones today and pave their way to return to health. 

Eating disorders tend to affect more than 20 million women and 10 million men in the U.S. alone. So, what is the psychology of an eating disorder? 

Eating disorders occur primarily because of the way you view food. While some people might consider food as mere fuel to the body, others might develop toxic relationships with the idea of food, only to end up consuming too little or too much of it. 

Eating disorders might be caused by an underlying case of body image issues. And well, let’s face it, body image issues are extremely prevalent nowadays because of the enraging and unrealistic standards of beauty, leading to depression and social anxiety.

Although the mental and physical effects of eating disorders are disastrous, they can be treated. There are different types of eating disorders, including:

  • Anorexia Nervosa: People who develop a fear of gaining weight also devise strategies to restrict their diet. When the worry of putting on a few pounds transforms into an obsession, anorexia unleashes itself. 

Along with anorexia, hundreds of physical afflictions become apparent as well. These can include muscle weakness, fatty liver disease, concentration problems, memory loss, etc. 

  • Bulimia Nervosa: Bulimia, like anorexia, is yet another extreme attempt to maintain weight. It is characterized by people binge eating and then purging. To purge, people can resort to forced vomiting, the use of diuretics, or the use of laxatives. People with bulimia tend to become extremely self-critical. You can get Private Inpatient Treatment for Bulimia at Balance.
  • Binge Eating Disorder: People who tend to indulge in binge eating consume large amounts of food in a very short period. Periods of binge eating are followed by extreme guilt and depression.

Weight gain and obesity can be a cause, as well as the effect of Binge Eating disorders. 

  • Compulsive Eating and Overeating Disorder: Compulsive eating is a habitual coping mechanism for people who tend to suffer from an underlying case of depression. 

Even though it might begin as a simple habit of munching on a bag of chips during your free time, it can develop into a full-fledged psychological disorder that can make you feel disappointed, guilty, and lethargic. 

  • Orthorexia Nervosa: Orthorexia Nervosa is a newly researched disorder that is accompanied by an undying need to consume healthy foods only. People who are 

Orthorexics can become physically weak because of restricted consumption of necessary nutrients that promote the development of a strong body. 

People who develop Orthorexia become fixated on the quality of food, instead of the quantity. 

As stressful as eating disorders might be, THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab can aid you in traversing through the path of recovery successfully. 

We understand that food can either become your enemy or your best friend to turn to during the hardest of times. We respect that. But, we also believe that a healthy relationship with food can take your well-being a long way! 

Types of Therapies for Eating Disorder Treatment

Ensure the wellbeing of your loved ones by opting for us. The therapies provided to you at our eating disorders treatment and rehabilitation center include every evidence-based approach, namely:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Before your therapist begins your treatment, ACT will enable you to accept your feelings to commit and adhere to the eating disorder treatment plan. 
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT and CBT-E work with the aim to help you analyze the thoughts that make your relationship with food an unromantic, toxic one. Once your thoughts and emotions concerning food are recognized, they are modified to enunciate positive behaviors. 
  • Cognitive Remedial Therapy: Cognitive Remedial Therapy focuses on improving the cognitive flexibility and central coherence of the person through everyday tasks and puzzles to ensure that the patients with eating disorders can focus on their thought patterns, rather than the content of their thoughts. 

These thought processes, once recognized, can be altered to alleviate the symptoms of the eating disorder.

  • Interpersonal Therapy: At times, interpersonal deficits, grief, and relationship dynamics can cause certain eating disorders to take control of the person’s diet. For this exact reason, Interpersonal Therapy identifies ways to improve the quality of your interpersonal relationships, thus, eliminating the cause of the eating disorder. 

For the complete success of the eating disorder treatment, our medical professionals will converge all their efforts to develop a personalized treatment plan for you.We prioritize your health. 

In extreme cases, medications like Olanzapine (Zyprexa), SSRI antidepressants like Fluoxetine (Prozac), anti-seizures like Topiramate and Vyvanse, along with birth control pills might be prescribed. 

The first priority during treatment at THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab will be to treat the physical side effects of your eating disorders. Our eating disorder treatment program puts together each element to devise the best course of action for you. 

We often fail to acknowledge that something we might disregard or overlook as laziness or general stress might actually be “Burnout Syndrome.” 

The stages of Burnout Syndrome are: 

  1. Stage I – Honeymoon: This is the phase where you find yourself energized, motivated, and accomplished! 
  2. Stage II – Stress Onset: You begin feeling lethargic at the thought of working. You still work, but with a complete distaste for the tasks. 
  3. Stage III – Chronic Stress: This is the point where you experience nothing but a dragging, draining feeling, causing you to sway away farther from work. 
  4. Stage IV – Burnout: This is the stage at which your mind and body give up against your will to work. 

Before you know it, your chronic stress will transform into emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual exhaustion. As you’d predict, the main cause of burnout is over-exertion.

Burnout can cause you to develop hatred towards the work that you, at some point, enjoyed and cherished. It can cause you to become uninterested in activities you previously loved. And, even though it might sound normal to some people to hate their job and career, Burnout is nothing “casual.”

It is a serious mental health disorder that needs effective and timely treatment. This is because Burnout Syndrome can also, at times, cause patients to develop habitual burnout. Habitual burnout enables patients to fall into a deep well coated with denial. This can further cause them to believe that their resentment towards their work activities is “natural.” 

Prolonged exposure to burnout can cause depression, anxiety, extreme distress, lack of motivation, alongside physical afflictions like Type II Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Heart Disease, Musculoskeletal alterations, etc. 

Treatment Methods for Burnout Rehabilitation

It is no wonder that burnout treatment and rehabilitation are necessary. 

At THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab, we can vow to provide you the break that you “oh, so rightly” deserve. Burnout is not permanent. We can help you flourish under our burnout treatment program today. The evidence-based therapies we provide to treat burnout are:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help you analyze as to why you have developed a toxic outlook towards your work. If the cause is the lack of a work-life balance, you will collaboratively develop coping strategies to facilitate a work-life balance. If an underlying cause is leading to stress, CBT will further help recognize that. 
  • Physiotherapy: Because burnout tends to cast an effect on the physical health of the patients, it is important to partake in some physiotherapy to ensure that your organs do not give up anytime soon. 
  • Music Therapy: Music therapy has had several positive effects on the outcome of burnout treatment. Music can heal burnout by providing a soothing, calming effect. 
  • Aroma Therapy: The use of essential oils to lower anxiety has shown evidence in treating burnout. 

Other alternative treatments like massage therapy, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and herbal medication are also offered at our luxury, 5-star treatment center. 

With our assistance, you can return to your chirpy self within a matter of days! 

We, humans, tend to fear different things. It can be the memory of a past event, a live object, an inanimate object, or a mere part of reality. 

When someone develops a phobia for a certain thing, it is easy to become anxious at the thought of it or on exposure to it. 

There are some phobias that are extremely common, while the others are fairly unique. Although it is impossible to underline each and every fear or type of phobias, here is a list of the few common ones:

  • Acrophobia: Fear of heights
  • Hydrophobia: Fear of water
  • Aerophobia: Fear of flying
  • Autophobia: Fear of being alone
  • Hemophobia: Fear of blood 
  • Claustrophobia: Fear of small spaces or crowded areas
  • Zoophobia: Fear of animals
  • Astraphobia: Fear of thunder
  • Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes

A few unique types of phobias include:

  • Pogonophobia: Fear of beards
  • Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
  • Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
  • Onomatophobia: Fear of names
  • Nephophobia: Fear of clouds

At THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab, we treat all shapes and sizes of phobia. Our motto is “Success lies in facing your fears.” 

And, we want you to succeed. Having irrational fears can often affect your well-being. For this precise reason, our medical professionals are well-trained in helping you get rid of things that cause your anxiety to blast through the roof. 

Because phobias are a subtype of anxiety disorders, the therapeutic techniques for phobias treatment are the same as anxiety treatment. These include:

  • Exposure Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

However, along with these therapies, a specific approach used for phobias treatment is “Mindfulness training.” 

So, what does this type of training concern? Well, Mindfulness Training is a stress management approach that can enable you to practice breathing exercises, meditation, and techniques like progressive muscle relaxation to calm yourself when you are exposed to an irrational fear. 

Mindfulness Training for phobias treatment is combined with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medications that can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Citalopram (Celexa)
  2. Sertraline (Zoloft)
  3. Paroxetine (Paxil)
  4. Fluoxetine (Prozac) 
  5. Propranolol 
  6. Valium or Xanax
  7. Neurontin
  8. Lyrica

Note: Phobias are more psychological than physical. For this reason, we believe that medications merely obscure the symptoms of phobias, while psychotherapies treat them from the very root. 

PTSD results from a previously experienced trauma. It is not important for a traumatic event to be directly physically harmful or threatening to contribute to the development of PTSD.

In fact, post-traumatic stress disorder can indirectly develop when a person merely witnesses someone else undergoing a traumatic event. 

This mental health illness can cause people to develop extreme anxiety, major depressive disorder, immensely high levels of stress, flashbacks to the traumatic event, and a generally negative outlook towards life. 

The main types of PTSD are:

  • Dissociative PTSD: Dissociative PTSD is characterized by dissociative flashbacks, amnesia, and a constant feeling of detachment from reality. 
  • Uncomplicated PTSD: This type of PTSD does not co-occur with other types of mental health disorders. 
  • Complex PTSD: This is the type that develops due to multiple exposures to different traumas linked by certain elements. It can also develop due to chronic physical disorders. It can even coexist with other mental health conditions. 
  • Comorbid PTSD: This form of PTSD exists with depression, anxiety, or Substance Use Disorder. 

Therapies and Treatment Methods for PTSD

However, the best part is that even though a cure to this disorder and its types cannot be accessed, it is still possible to treat and manage PTSD. 

Generally, flashbacks because of PTSD are triggered when a person is exposed to a visual, acoustic, olfactory, or tactile element that revolves around the traumatic event.

Do your loved ones constantly feel “on edge” because of PTSD? Have traumatic memories taken hold of their cognition and abilities?

If yes, THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab is at your service. Our inpatient and luxury treatment facilities can prevent your loved ones from being in constant touch with their triggers. 

Our PTSD therapists can provide the following therapeutic interventions to your loved ones for their full recovery:

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy: Cognitive Processing Therapy is the foremost tool used to pluck out each and every negative thought that you can possibly develop because of not being able to process your trauma after experiencing it.

CPT works by changing your thought process and enhancing your motivation to change your behaviors. Complete recovery takes 12 sessions. 

  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy: This form of traumatic therapy is used to expose you to your fears, while you practice self-relaxation techniques. Gradually, the therapist increases the duration of the exposure until your anxiety becomes insensitive towards a certain memory of the trauma. 
  • Stress Inoculation Training: This therapy takes a more educational approach, whereby the PTSD patients are taught about their symptoms and how each symptom can be managed using effective stress management techniques. Stress Inoculation can help you develop strategies to cope up with trauma-triggered stress.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR):During this technique, the patient is asked to make repetitive eye movements while recalling the memory that triggers the symptoms of PTSD the most. The repetitive eye movements can influence the brain chemistry and alleviate some of PTSD symptoms. 

From the aforementioned therapies, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, and Stress Inoculation are adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, while EMDR is a neuropsychological therapy. 

Alternative treatments like trauma-sensitive Yoga and Acupuncture are also used as holistic approaches at our PTSD treatment and therapy center. 

Medications for PTSD include:

  1. Fluoxetine (Prozac) 
  2. Sertraline (Zoloft)
  3. Paroxetine (Paxil) 
  4. Venlafaxine (Effexor) 

Note: Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are SSRI antidepressants, while Effexor is an SNRI antidepressant. 

Our person-centered approaches will provide a collaborative environment for PTSD treatment for your loved ones. 

Most people do not often acknowledge that trauma is not a mere translation of an event that “bothered” them. It is not a story. Instead, trauma is a series of imprints that an event ingrains within the senses of a person. 

Traumas can cause us to develop dissociation from our surroundings, continuous flashbacks of a traumatic event, panic attacks, sleep problems, decreased self-esteem, and suicidal tendencies. 

Because the effects of such events are disastrous, it is better to seek trauma rehab and treatment in a timely manner. 

Trauma can be a result of:

  • Bullying 
  • Community violence
  • Natural disasters
  • Deep grief due to loss of a loved one
  • Partner violence or domestic violence
  • Physical abuse
  • Medical trauma
  • Sexual abuse

At our 5-star treatment facility, your loved ones will be provided with a safe environment that affirms their faith in themselves. We believe that “humanity” is just another expression for helping each other grow. 

So, we aim to help your loved ones grow out of their trauma. Under the supervision of our trauma specialists, your loved ones will undergo:

  • Body-focused psychotherapy is a specific approach that integrates the use of body movements in talk therapy. The purpose of body-focused therapies is to enable the client to acknowledge that their “out-of-body” experiences are nothing but the tricks that their mind plays on them.

As a patient becomes familiar with their body movements, they also become familiar with their psychology. 

  • Cognitive Analytic Therapy combines the idea of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with that of psychoanalysis. It investigates the past events that might have contributed in some way to the trauma. 

It then analyzes the behaviors that the past events might have encouraged in some manner to replace them with more positive approaches and coping techniques. 

Because trauma rehab and treatment lies in close proximity with PTSD treatment, the therapies that work for PTSD can also prove immensely beneficial for trauma therapy. The exact same thing applies to medications. 

Access a complete, well-facilitated plan for trauma rehabilitation and treatment at our high-end inpatient program. 

Panic disorder is mainly characterized by recurring and sudden panic attacks. Now, what are panic attacks? Simply speaking, panic attacks are periods of extreme fear, distress, anxiety, and paranoia that can last for different durations. 

Panic attacks are a common symptom of PTSD and other mental health disorders. So, what makes these specific attacks different? 

Well, these are different because they seem to strike out of the blue. Extreme terror is a common feature of such panic attacks. 

To be diagnosed with panic disorder, a person has to experience 4 or more panic attacks after very short intervals.

Additionally, living in constant paranoia of having another panic attack after having the very first one is also considered to be the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder. 

The specialists at our celebrity treatment facility can evaluate your condition as per the diagnostic criteria for the panic disorder before devising a treatment plan tailored to your needs. 

The therapies for panic disorder provided at THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Uncontrolled worry about the extensive possibilities that a certain situation can follow can cause people to display unusual behaviors. This is a feature of panic disorder. 

To help cope up with this feature, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help patients understand how their thought processes can trigger anxiety and contribute to their symptoms. With the assistance of CBT, such thoughts and behaviors can be replaced.

  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): This type of therapy can help in the recognition of irrational fears that can aggravate panic. 

After recognizing these fears, this form of therapy can enable patients to acknowledge the discrepancies between their fears and reality. Once they accept these discrepancies, their fears lose effect. 

  • Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Therapy: The main principle of this therapeutic approach is that the unconscious mind houses painful memories from the past. 

If these memories are brought to conscious attention, they can be used as pivotal points to develop coping strategies that can eradicate the state of panic associated with them. 

To maximize the robustness of your personal treatment plan, our therapists can recognize your needs for certain medications. 

The medicines for panic disorder include SSRI antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, and Sertraline), antiseizure drugs, SNRI antidepressants, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, and Benzodiazepines. 

Not to mention, we also have faith in the idea that certain lifestyle changes promote self-growth to overcome panic disorder. Our treatment programs will also educate you about little alterations that you can make in your life to witness a better tomorrow. 

These can include: Maintaining a healthy diet, following a proper workout schedule, getting proper sleep, and practicing self-relaxation mechanisms. 

Do your loved ones forget about accomplishing tasks that they would otherwise stay glued to? Or do they feel like they can go to hell and back than establish social connections? Do you have to click your fingers every time to get their attention towards a subject? 

Well, they must be encaged because of ADHD which is a mental health disorder that is diagnosed at an early age if the symptoms are monitored carefully. 

It is accompanied by impulsive, hyperactive, and not so well-thought-out behaviors. People who have ADHD also scram from one task to the other, not being able to maintain their concentration on one single thing. 

Although ADHD is manageable, without effective treatment, it can cause several day-to-day difficulties. 

So, we have faith in the fact that your loved ones deserve better than what ADHD is giving them. They deserve to see a world from a lens not stained with mental health deficits. 

This is why we have one aim: To treat your loved ones until their ADHD symptoms become a drop in the vast ocean of their lives. 

We provide the following ADHD therapies for the treatment of your loved ones:

  • Psychoeducation: This is a talking approach, whereby the patients are asked to discuss how ADHD affects their lives. This can provide a sense that ADHD is not as rare as they might believe. It is fairly common and the symptoms of the disorder do not have as much control over them as they think. 
  • Behavior Therapy: This therapy involves rewarding the patients when they comply with a certain desired behavior. This encourages them to avert from the behaviors that their ADHD might encourage. It can also give them a sense of control which is equivalent to overall behavioral improvement. 
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: During CBT, an ADHD therapist will work to change the thinking and emotions of the patient. By doing so, it will become possible to influence unnatural behaviors due to the disorder. Change in behavior is a consequence of altered thought patterns. 

To multiply the treatment’s efficacy, we believe that sustainable and adequate medication management – especially for ADHD – can prove immensely useful. 

The medicines usually used for ADHD are Methylphenidate, Lisdexamfetamine, Dexamphetamine, Atomoxetine, and Guanfacine. 

Under the guidance of our professional staff, your loved ones will extract all the benefits and none of the harmful effects of medications for ADHD. 

At times, codependent relationships can provide secure attachments. As rare as such situations might be, they adhere to the original ideology of trust and respect. 

However, codependency, when influenced by other factors, can spell out disastrous impacts on people’s lives. 

To put it simply, codependency causes you to under-function in your own life, while you invest all your efforts in another person’s life. For this particular reason, codependency can cause low self-esteem, emotional turmoil, depression, anxiety, an irrational fear of losing a person, etc.

Codependency is a curse. At THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab, we believe that this curse should be lifted from the shoulders of all codependent people who sacrifice their wellbeing to ensure that a toxic relationship remains afloat. 

Because codependency can be accompanied by depression, PTSD, and/or substance abuse, it is vital for us to provide a solution for your loved ones. So, the therapies that we provide at our codependency rehab and treatment center include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Our emotions often blind us towards the toxicity that other people might create in our lives. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to recognize these emotions and allow a recovering codependent individual to accept the disastrous impacts of them. 

Then, it serves as a vehicle to drive out the codependency-promoting thoughts and behaviors, only to replace them with independent behaviors and coping mechanisms. Couple therapy is also based on the principles of CBT but is conducted in the presence of married or unmarried couples. 

  • Assertiveness and Communication Skills Training: This is a type of training that provides thorough guidelines about how you can stay confident against your codependent behaviors. It helps in demarcating boundaries to remove the effects of codependency. Not only does it polish self-assurance but, it also promotes self-efficacy. 
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: This is an approach that analyzes the past of a person and helps them acknowledge and accept how certain previous events might be enabling codependency. This therapy has been proven effective to treat extreme cases of depression. Hence, it removes the primary cause of codependency. 
  • Interpersonal Therapy: Interpersonal Therapy identifies any correlations between your interpersonal deficits, relationship dynamics, and codependency. The purpose of this type of therapy is to treat your underlying depressive disorder and the anxiety that must be accompanying it. 

There are no medications for codependency treatment. However, antidepressants may be prescribed to patients who have an underlying major depressive disorder. 

Our luxury treatment facility can stay beside you and help you through every step of your journey. 

Dual diagnosis or comorbidity is a type of disorder, whereby a certain mental health disorder coexists with a specific type of drug addiction. 

Generally, dual diagnosis disorders are extreme cases. They can cause significant hurdles while you attempt to progress in life. 

While your mental health disorder due to comorbidity will enable your drug addiction, your Substance Use Disorder will aggravate your mental illness. 

The most common types of dual diagnosis disorders are:

  • Alcohol addiction and antisocial personality disorder
  • Crystal meth addiction alongside manic depression and psychosis
  • Stimulants addiction and PTSD 
  • Sleeping aid addiction with depression and anxiety 

Most patients who suffer from dual diagnosis require effective, structured, and an updated treatment plans to help them combat their situation. 

Well, good for you and your loved ones, that is exactly what you are awarded at our high-end, luxury treatment facility. 

THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab not only specializes in providing drug addiction treatment but, also enables you to wage a war against your mental health disorder. 

Let’s take a look at the therapies for dual diagnosis that we offer to aid you like a sword and shield:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT is the perfect approach for treating dual diagnoses. This is because mental health disorders can cause you to develop outrageously demeaning thoughts. 

To cope up with those thoughts, you might resort to drug abuse. The opposite of this scenario is also true for dual diagnosis. Either way, CBT can assess your thoughts on the basis of their root causes and extract them out of your mind. 

Once that has been accomplished, you can modify your drug abuse behavioral patterns to prevent relapses. 

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: DBT is an adaptation of CBT. However, the main focus of DBT is to help you accept your addiction and your mental health disorder. In the process, DBT also motivates you to incline towards change. 
  • Contingency Management: Contingency Management is a behavioral therapy that works on the principles of operant conditioning. This approach can help you stay on track by making use of your natural reward mechanism. 

During Contingency Management, certain behaviors will be rewarded with financial or nonfinancial, tangible prizes to ensure that you continue to act in a way that prevents relapses. 

  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy: This is a psychoeducational approach that fills the patient up with all the information regarding the dual diagnosis and the destructive effects of it. Thus, it enhances the motivation of the patient to drive certain changes. 

Additional to these therapeutic approaches, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing can also be used.

As far as the question of medications for dual diagnosis is concerned, they have two roles:

  1. To minimize the withdrawal symptoms of the drugs. 
  2. To prevent any worsening in the condition of the mental health disorder. 

To adhere to the aforementioned goals, the medications used for dual diagnosis treatment include antidepressants, anti-anxiety, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, sleeping aids, etc. 

A cure to dual diagnosis can be acquired if you learn to manage your mental health disorder symptoms, along with maintaining abstinence. 

For this reason, we are here with our inpatient and luxury treatment facilities to help you. Your treatment plan for dual diagnosis will be efficiently tailored to fit your needs. 

Rest assured, our “one client only”policy will provide your or your loved ones with every possible therapeutic benefit that can exist.

Remember that time is of the essence. Acknowledge as to when your loved ones require treatment for their mental health and/or addictions.

Whether it is depression, anxiety, OCD, any type of eating disorder, phobia, PTSD, ADHD, burnout, or any possible mental health disorder, we can provide you with the highest-quality therapeutic intervention.

The therapies we provide will depend upon the type of mental health disorder that you suffer from. However, adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are usually considered as the primary mode of treatment.

Imagine having a life free from fears, burdens of your anxiety, paranoia due to the past, and the worries of the future. Sounds enticing?

With us, you will have a shot at establishing a lifestyle that does not constantly revolve around your mental health. At THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab, we give you an opportunity to escape from your triggers and become completely unresponsive towards them.

Or is it your loved ones that are in a predicament of mental health afflictions?  

Well, we understand your determination to help your loved ones in recovering. To be fair, we are just as determined as you! 

So, reach out to us today and help your loved ones build a better life from scratch! 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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