Intensive residential treatment program starting from 4 weeks. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London
Personally designed outpatient treatment sessions or programs and ongoing case management. Location: Mallorca, London, Zurich.
Treatment program on a luxury yacht in the Mediterrenean sea. Location: Mallorca.
Comprehensive second opinion assessments for both psychiatric and general health concerns. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London
13 Minutes
Over the years, Tramadol has been used as a reliable painkiller. With the advent of safer alternatives, its use has somewhat declined. Although weaker than oxycodone or morphine, tramadol presents similar risks when used as a pain medication.
Doctors advise tramadol to patients who need pain relief from persistent pain from arthritis or fibromyalgia and after surgery, as well as pain related to nerve problems. Tramadol comes in two formulations: immediate-release (IR) and extended-release (ER), so patients can choose between immediate relief and slow pain relief throughout the day [1].
Tramadol stands out among painkillers because it works on opioid receptors and modifies norepinephrine and serotonin levels in the brain in a distinct way that stronger opioids do not. The added effect can make it more dangerous when combined with antidepressants or anxiety drugs.
Tramadol produces side effects that vary between severe and mild reactions like all medical treatments. The impact of tramadol side effects varies from person to person, with some experiencing mild effects and others facing major health challenges.
Tramadol impacts the central nervous system to make users feel light-headed and sleepy, which reduces their ability to perform regular tasks.
Tramadol’s short-term side effects appear within 30 to 60 minutes of taking the drug and persist for several hours based on the drug formulation. IR tramadol reaches its peak effect in 2 to 3 hours yet ER formulations have their therapeutic levels for 12 to 24 hours.
Common short-term side effects include:
Patients normally recover from these temporary effects in 4 to 6 hours, but some need longer to feel well. Get professional medical care from your doctor if the drug’s problems do not go away.
Taking tramadol daily for several weeks or months creates serious health risks. Physical and mental health problems emerge as some of the permanent side effects of tramadol use.
1. Tolerance And Dependence
Repeated tramadol use makes the body accustomed to the presence of tramadol and more pills are needed to achieve the same pain control and even routine physiological functions over time. Tramadol withdrawal symptoms start right after you stop taking the drug and include feeling irritable and experiencing body aches, sweating, and chills.
2. Cognitive And Memory Issues
Tramadol abuse over time weakens your ability to focus and remember routine happenings. Some people taking tramadol experience mental confusion and face problems making decisions.
3. Hormonal Changes
Tramadol influences testosterone and estrogen hormones, which results in sexual dysfunction, extreme tiredness, and emotional instability. Long-term tramadol users experience stronger negative effects.
4. Chronic Digestive Problems
Tramadol use over time induces long-term constipation that damages the rectal area and causes bloating and stomach pain. Disorders like GERD are common in people who stay on the medicine for more than a couple of weeks.
5. Mood And Emotional Changes
Using tramadol for a long period creates depression symptoms along with anxiety and changes in mood. When long-term tramadol users stop the medication, it affects their serotonin levels, which makes their emotional state unpredictable.
6. Liver And Kidney Strain
Tramadol use overloads the liver and kidneys, which raises the risk of organ damage. It is particularly seen in people with underlying kidney and liver problems.
7. Increased Risk Of Seizures
Tramadol builds up seizure risk in anyone who takes it over a long period. People using high amounts of tramadol and antidepressants or stimulants face a higher risk of side effects.
By disrupting the hormone levels, tramadol affects men’s sexual performance and heart health. The main side effects people experience when using this drug are:
1. Reduced Testosterone Levels
Repeated tramadol use leads to reduced testosterone production in people. Lower testosterone can cause:
Men who take tramadol for long periods develop chronic fatigue, lack of energy, and emotional instability because of hormone changes.
2. Increased Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Research indicates that tramadol and other opioid medications may harm sexual performance because they also affect how nerves send signals and control blood flow [3]. Men who take tramadol for pain often develop sexual problems with their erections.
3. Impact On Fertility
Some reports suggest that tramadol decreases sperm production and movement which damages male fertility [3]. Men who want to create a family need to pay attention to these findings.
4. Higher Risk Of Cardiovascular Issues
Extended opioid use can increase the risk of heart damage. It can manifest in various health issues, including:
So, Tramadol, which is known as a mild opioid, can harm the heart if taken over a long time.
Women taking tramadol may develop distinct side effects due to their peculiar hormones, reproductive structure, and metabolic changes.
1. Menstrual Irregularities
The drug tramadol affects hormone levels, which causes changes in menstrual cycles such as unpredictable bleeding patterns.
The drug effects will likely stand out more in women who take tramadol for many months.
2. Increased Sensitivity To Side Effects
Because of biological and hormonal changes, women metabolize opioids differently from men, leading to these side effects:
In clinical practice, Tramadol doses for women are usually reduced to decrease their potential side effects.
3. Risks During Pregnancy
Tramadol use during pregnancy puts both mother and baby at risk of health complications. Research shows that taking Tramadol while pregnant can lead to specific health problems [4].
Doctors recommend avoiding tramadol use in pregnancy except when there are no other suitable treatment options.
4. Breastfeeding Considerations
Tramadol moves from breast milk to the baby where it creates breathing problems and strong sleepiness that can lead to withdrawal reactions in the baby. Mothers who breastfeed need to talk with their doctor about tramadol use.
Tramadol affects more than just pain control in the brain; It alters the way the brain processes mood, memory, and thinking.
Tramadol eases pain by changing how brain cells communicate and modifying both serotonin and norepinephrine levels while interacting with opioid receptors. Tramadol helps treat pain through brain changes, but continued use damages brain health, which affects mental abilities and triggers emotional and neurological problems.
Repetitive tramadol use makes the brain depend on the drug to control neurotransmitter activity. Tramadol use over time causes the brain to change in a way that affects its ability to manage pain naturally.
Evidence shows that long-term tramadol users often have less effective thought processing and poor memory function.
People who use tramadol for long periods develop these effects.
The mental clouding from tramadol stays with users even after they stop taking the drug, especially when they take heavy doses for a longer time.
Tramadol changes the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, which affects how you feel emotionally.
People who take tramadol for a long period may develop these problems [2]:
Although tramadol has lower opioid strength than other painkillers, it poses potential long-lasting brain damage when used in the long term or at high doses.
The brain returns to normal function when tramadol is stopped, especially when users take the drug for a limited period. The brain experiences permanent changes when someone uses tramadol for an extended period and becomes dependent on it.
The factors listed below determine the chance of recovering from tramadol’s effects on the brain:
The way Tramadol affects sleep depends on how much you take, your biological tolerance to the drug, and the total duration for which the medicine is taken. Some users feel sleepy under tramadol while others have trouble sleeping and experience night-time restlessness.
Understanding how tramadol affects sleep will help patients manage side effects and sleep better.
Tramadol produces sedation in certain people because of the symptoms listed here [1]:
Tramadol induces sleepiness mainly when people use large doses or take it with other drugs that slow down brain activity such as benzodiazepines and alcohol.
Some users report the opposite effects such as:
Tramadol produces opposite effects because it affects serotonin and norepinephrine levels similarly to antidepressant medications.
People who take tramadol during daytime hours have a lower chance of sleep disruptions at night.
Using tramadol within a short period before bedtime raises your level of alertness and makes it harder to fall asleep.
Tramadol affects the sleep patterns of most users, which can develop into insomnia and poor sleep quality over extended periods.
Research shows that tramadol affects your sleep by decreasing your deep sleep periods and reducing the time spent in REM sleep [5].
A person may wake up tired despite having a complete night of sleep when deep sleep decreases.
When REM sleep decreases, people experience more vivid dreams combined with nightmares and excessive sweating at night.
Regular tramadol users who stop taking it will develop sleep problems during withdrawal such as:
The duration of tramadol withdrawal symptoms depends on how long someone took the drug before stopping.
If you have sleep problems from tramadol use, try these methods to improve your rest:
Tramadol provides good pain relief but you should modify your diet and lifestyle to prevent unwanted side effects and maintain its effectiveness.
Older adults need to know the tramadol food interactions and precautionary steps because they have greater chances of getting side effects from the drug.
Tramadol interacts with specific foods and drinks that either worsen its side effects or affect how the body handles the medication.
Alcohol and tramadol together create serious risks of extreme sleepiness and dizziness along with breathing problems that put your life in danger.
Tramadol’s side effects worsen when you consume any alcohol because it raises the risk of nausea, mental confusion, and movement problems.
High-fat meals eaten before tramadol intake reduce their absorption and make pain relief take longer.
When you need fast pain relief but can handle taking tramadol on an empty stomach, it will work better.
The liver enzymes that break down tramadol are blocked by grapefruit, which raises the amount of drug in your bloodstream.
Grapefruit affects tramadol metabolism, which raises the chances of experiencing drowsiness and digestive problems.
Caffeine from coffee, tea, and energy drinks raises insomnia risk and restlessness, especially when tramadol activates stimulant-like effects in certain users as discussed above.
Users who take tramadol and eat high amounts of sugar may experience more severe mood swings and energy instability that make their tramadol side effects worse.
Tramadol’s effects on the body can change when you use herbal remedies and dietary supplements.
People aged 65 and above are more likely to develop tramadol side effects because their bodies process medications slowly, and they might have more health problems and increased pain medication sensitivity.
Old people tend to have these reactions to tramadol more often.
Tramadol can lead patients to experience hallucinations and paranoia as well as enhanced agitation which may be mistaken for dementia.
Elderly patients and their caregivers need to take these safety steps during tramadol treatment.
1. Vazzana M, Andreani T, Fangueiro J, Faggio C, Silva C, Santini A, Garcia ML, Silva AM, Souto EB. Tramadol hydrochloride: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse side effects, co-administration of drugs and new drug delivery systems. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2015 Mar 1;70:234-8.
2. Beakley BD, Kaye AM, Kaye AD. Tramadol, pharmacology, side effects, and serotonin syndrome: a review. Pain physician. 2015;18(4):395.
3. Azari O, Emadi L, Kheirandish R, Shafiei Bafti H, Esmaili Nejad MR, Faroghi F. The effects of long-term administration of tramadol on epididymal sperm quality and testicular tissue in mice. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery. 2014 Jun 1;9(1):23-30.
4. NHS. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and fertility while taking tramadol.
5. Dimsdale JE, Norman D, DeJardin 1 D, Wallace MS. The effect of opioids on sleep architecture. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2007 Feb;3(01):33-6.
Some individuals might develop skin reactions when they use tramadol as a medication. The signs of an allergic reaction include hives, rashes, and itching on the skin. Certain severe reactions due to tramadol use can result in face, tongue, throat swelling called angioedema or life-threatening Stevens-Johnson Syndrome rashes. Quick medical help is needed when you experience any abnormal skin symptoms, such as blisters or swelling.
When taking tramadol, some patients develop hypotension, which results in fainting, lightheadedness and weakness, particularly when they stand up too quickly. The nervous system effects of tramadol could rarely result in elevated blood pressure levels leading to hypertension. Patients who already have blood pressure conditions should get their BP checked when using tramadol to prevent possible medical issues.
The consumption of tramadol leads to blurred vision, impaired focus, and strange visual disturbances in certain users. The central nervous system and neurotransmitter effects of tramadol result in dilated pupils, light sensitivity, and difficulty adjusting to different lighting conditions. You should seek medical advice from a doctor regarding vision problems that do not improve or become worse.
Some users experience changes in their appetite, which result in unusual weight shifts. Users might experience either decreased hunger because of nausea or digestive problems or increased cravings and fluid retention while using this medication. You need to see a healthcare professional about weight changes that seem major or without explanation.
The seizure threshold becomes lowered by tramadol, which raises seizure risk, especially in people who have epilepsy or a previous convulsion history. The medication poses a greater danger when used in combination with antidepressants or antipsychotics as well as when used alongside excessive alcohol consumption. The use of tramadol requires consultation with a doctor for alternative pain management methods for anyone who has seizure disorders.
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