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Are you and your partner no longer on the same page? Discover whether it’s time for marriage counseling and how to rekindle the flame in this guide. Maintaining a long-term, steady relationship is among the most challenging tasks that humans assign themselves. When two people live in close proximity, conflicts, arguments, and confrontations are unavoidable. The problem is if your relationship with your spouse is significant enough for you to endure the storm.

The response is no in 47 % of 1st marriages, 61 % of 2nd marriages, and 73 % of 3rd marriages. However, despite your disagreements, marriage does not have to end in divorce. Couples can learn to overcome their conflicts, communicate more effectively, and rekindle the spark that once ignited the fires of their love via marital counseling.

The key is to recognize that every long-term relationship or marriage requires significant effort and commitment on both sides. When you’re in a committed relationship, your life becomes about someone else. You and your partner merge into a single creature that thrives on reciprocity.

If, on the other hand, your marriage is in trouble, marriage counseling treatment may be your only option for moving ahead as a couple. Continue reading to discover clear symptoms that you require marriage therapy.

You or Your Partner Have Become Indifferent. The majority of people believe that the opposite of love is hatred. However, hatred retains a feeling of intensity and concern. Thus, the polar opposite of love is not hatred, but apathy.

Couple counseling may be essential if you or your partner have reached a stage in your partnership where you no longer worry enough to quarrel or disagree. This includes the following:

  • Indifferent to your spouse’s distress
  • Rolling your eyes at issues rather than voicing your opinions
  • Not want to interact with the other
  • Not noticing whether your sexual life is in chaos
  • Being oblivious to cheating (yours or theirs)
  • Separate lives that seldom cross paths
  • Unaware of your partner’s whereabouts and not bothered
  • A general lack of interest in their own lives

Nearly all conversation is unpleasant or result in conflict. As said previously, apathy may indicate that you require marriage treatment. However, excessive passion may be detrimental. As with a fire, the desire that burns out of control may be disastrous.

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For instance, if you and your partner fail to communicate because every conversation ends in an argument or a quarrel, this is most certainly symptomatic of a serious breakdown in communication. This might result in one or both partners becoming excessively sensitive, defensive, or behaving out of hurt when there is no cause to do so.

Genuine conversation and growth might be practically impossible in this sort of dysfunctional engagement. A skilled therapist may be able to teach you and your spouse how to heal from a nasty argument and how to communicate more effectively.

You or your partner is a liar or a secret keeper. Counseling for couples may also be important if individuals develop a habit of concealing information from one another. While complete honesty should be the objective of every marriage, an unspoken norm exists around appropriate white lies. For instance, a wife may inform her husband that his receding hair is barely evident, whereas a husband may inform his wife that she has not aged a day in ten years.

However, when partners begin lying to one another or holding secrets about significant events, this may indicate a deeper issue in the relationship. It might signify that you’ve lost faith in your spouse with regard to particular facts or sentiments, that you’re doing something you shouldn’t, or that you’ve lost interest in sharing information with them.

There Isn’t Enough Intimacy in Your Relationship. After the first few years of being married, all partners strive to maintain the same degree of physical affection. It is perfectly natural. If you find it difficult to be physical with your partner or perceive a lack of sexual connection from one another, it may be time to seek out a marriage counselor.

Counseling helps you light the fire of your marriage and get back on the right track if there is a lack of affection that both parties are aware of and concerned about.

You see each other as antagonists. If you or your partner views the other as the “guilty party” or antagonist, you may benefit from marriage counseling. People, in general, have a proclivity for adopting a “us versus them” attitude, continuously separating ourselves from others.

That is not how a healthy marriage works. Irrespective of who is to blame, you and your partner must accept that you are in this relationship collectively. You are not competitors; you are a team.

You or your partner has been unfaithful to your partner. Infidelity in a marriage can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. It is a betrayal of trust that won’t be readily repaired. Unfaithful spouses, on the other hand, rarely act irrationally.

While we do not promote or encourage infidelity, both couples must recognize that it is usually the outcome of a broken marriage. Yes, this might refer to sexual activity, but it could also refer to emotional activity. For example, men who do not feel appreciated by their wives, as well as women who do not feel adored by their husbands, are more likely to cheat. Hopelessness, on the other hand, is the major cause of infidelity.

You’re constantly having the same argument with yourself. In any marriage, there are major challenges to deal with. They frequently come from emotional turmoil, which might date back to before the partnership began. They can, nevertheless, be created by a spouse’s activities in the relationship.

Couples will have to deal with some challenges that will never go away. Couples will argue about these problems for the rest of their marriage. Respect, understanding, and humor are essential since these concerns are linked to underlying beliefs, personality, and temperament, which are unchangeable.

Other issues are manageable but necessitate good compromise skills on both partners’ parts. Often, a couple may need marriage therapy to assist them to distinguish between manageable and irreconcilable challenges, as well as to gain the necessary skills to handle each.

You or your partner is lying about your financial situation. Finally, though it may not appear to be a major thing, concealing, falsifying, or harboring financial secrets is a key symptom of relationship trouble. Financial dishonesty is real, and lying about how you spend your own money is a major problem.

In youthful relationships with separate accounts, it is generally believed that once all of the shared bills and costs have been paid, each individual can do whatever they choose with their money. Making covert purchases, on the other hand, is really not fair to the other person when they share a savings account.

This involves getting credit and debit cards, setting bank accounts, and requesting mortgages without the knowledge of the other person. This issue can be complex because it can be both a permanent and a solvable one, necessitating the need for rehabilitation services to figure out how to proceed.

If you replied “yes” to several of these questions, your likelihood of relationship unhappiness and divorce may be increased. This does not imply that divorce is inevitable, but it may mean that you must work considerably more to maintain a healthy and happy relationship. A marriage counselor can assist you in this endeavor.

There are several reasons why a marriage may reach the point of needing counseling. Daily stressors such as job and family obligations might make it more difficult for couples to feel close and connected.

It’s critical to understand that considering marital therapy does not necessarily mean that your relationship is doomed. Rather than that, it demonstrates a willingness to put in the effort necessary to build your marriage, better your communication, and become closer to your partner.

Couples who have realistic expectations of one another and their marriage, who communicate effectively, who are skilled at resolving conflict, and who are compatible with one another are less likely to divorce. Even these couples can benefit from counseling through times of transition or simply strengthen their communication skills and connection.

Emotionally focused couples therapy (EFT), founded by Dr. Sue Johnson, is the most researched and successful kind of couples counseling. The research indicates that this treatment is effective and beneficial for people of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds as well.

For instance, a 2017 study evaluated the effects of couples therapy in a sample of veterans of varying ages and ethnicity and discovered that it was usually beneficial, with relationships continuing to strengthen 18 months following treatment. Another research published in 2017 discovered that gains lasted 24 months following therapy. EFT was proven to be beneficial in couples battling infertility in a 2015 study.

Marriage and relationship experts generally agree that the purpose of couples therapy should be to alter the partners’ habits of interaction, emotional connection, and communication.

Marriage counseling may be beneficial for any couple seeking to improve their relationship. It can be beneficial at various stages of a relationship and address a broad array of concerns that may arise throughout the course of a marriage.

Counseling may benefit younger couples by assisting them in establishing good communication and routines early in their marriage. Counseling before marriage, one research discovered, may also encourage couples to take action to sustain their relationship over the long term.

Couples who wish to improve themselves may also benefit. Counseling can be more effective when both couples are ready to examine their own shortcomings and make necessary changes.

Those who seek assistance sooner may have a better outcome than couples who wait. According to Dr. John Gottman, a top specialist on relationships and marriage, couples who seek counseling before the onset of severe issues may reap significant benefits from treatment.

Even couples who are considering divorce might benefit from marriage therapy.

It is critical to remember that even persons in good, happy relationships have difficulties and disagreements. Additionally, research indicates that these happy couples quarrel about the same topics that unhappy couples do.

Additionally, happy couples dispute money, children, in-laws, and intimacy. The secret to these couples’ success is how they resolve their arguments.

The research of John Gottman focuses on happy relationships. He discovered that while all couples face difficulty in their marriages, happy couples appear to know how to resolve their conflicts due to a foundation of affection and camaraderie. Couples that are unhappy may struggle with this skill set.

Couples’ specific disagreements can also have an effect. Researchers discovered in one study published in the journal Family Process that happier spouses tend to focus on more easily solvable difficulties. Unhappy couples, on the other hand, focus their disagreements on long-standing issues that do not have an immediate resolution.

“Being able to successfully differentiate between issues that need to be resolved versus those that can be laid aside, for now, maybe one of the keys to a long-lasting, happy relationship,” suggested lead author Amy Rauer in a press release.

Throughout couples counseling, you will acquire a variety of new skills, from communication to improved stress management. Even a couples counselor can benefit from couples counseling. Moshe Ratson, a licensed marital and family therapist, and his wife sought counseling after only a year of marriage, with significant success.

“A professional outlook on our marriage helped us in getting the spark back in our relationship,” Mr. Ratson writes in HuffPost. “It assisted us in dealing with our fears, expectations, anger, and passive-aggressive behaviors that arise when the going gets tough.”

Mr. Ratson learned to detect his and his wife’s own triggers, or events that evoked negative feelings or painful memories. He learned to be proactive rather than reactive and to exchange blame with compassion.

“It is normal for a collision to occur when two people with different personality traits and mindset are put together to spend the rest of their life together,” says Mr. Ratson. “But what comes out of that makes the marriage just right.”

Although marital therapy has a high rate of success, some couples may find that their relationship does not improve after working with a marriage counselor. Counseling may unveil to both partners that their relationship is unsustainable, which is a good thing in certain situations, but a painful discovery. Even in that case, counseling can help you split ways graciously and with minimal negative consequences for the rest of the family.

Another impediment to couples therapy effectiveness is one partner’s refusal to attend or engage in sessions. If your partner is hesitant to participate in couples counseling,  some suggestions to persuade them to attend at least one appointment are offered here. Ask them:

  • To discuss the benefits and drawbacks of going to therapy.
  • What type of mental health practitioner they would like to see (someone in private practice or a community-based choice, a professional of a particular ethnicity or gender, an LMFT or a social worker)
  • Where and when they would like to go to therapy, so it’s suitable for them.
  • If they would be interested in looking at some therapy sites or reading a couple’s counseling book, that would be great.

Tell your spouse if you believe relationship therapy can help you strengthen your marriage. Explain that you would like your relationship to grow and evolve in a respectful manner, and that treatment will assist you in achieving that objective. Sadly, despite the fact that individual therapy is an important part of couples counseling, there is little proof that individual counseling will resolve marital difficulties on its own.

A couple may seek marriage therapy for a variety of reasons. While some people are predisposed to divorce owing to variables such as early marriage, divorced parents, or poor income, none of these criteria alone indicate that you require therapy.

Rather than that, you should investigate potential sources of unhappiness, discontent, or conflict in your relationship. Take the following questions about yourself, your spouse, and your marriage into consideration:

  • Do you and your partner disagree on religious beliefs or values?
  • Are you frequently critical of one another?
  • Is your marriage characterized by a high level of defensiveness?
  • Do you have a proclivity towards withdrawing from one another?
  • Do you hold one another in disdain, rage, or resentment?
  • Do you consider that your communication skills are lacking?
  • Are you apathetic toward your partner?
  • Do you feel as though you and your partner share nothing?
  • Do you believe that you are developing independently of your partner? 

There are several ways to get help if you’re struggling in a relationship or if you’re curious about how to better communicate with your partner on an emotional and physical level. If you have any further questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with a counselor, please contact us.


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