Our highly skilled team will take care of your every need 24 hours a day. Your standards and expectations will be met by our experience, passion, and discretion. We make sure that your stay reaches the best possible outcome.


Our highly skilled and renowned therapists

Medical Doctors & Nutrition

An expert integrative medical team to help you reach your optimal health

Body Therapists

Specialists that will help your body find it’s optimal state

Susanne Schwarz

CranioSacral Therapy & Massage Therapist

David Cornwell

Somatic Therapist

Michelle Bastiansen  OperationManager scaled e1707408800762

Michelle C. Bastiansen

Body Therapist

Mar Pascual

Body Therapist

Marion Pierschkalla

Somatic Therapist

Complementary Therapists

Therapists with different techniques that help your body and mind

Carla Martin

Art Therapy and Ceramics

Tamara Scholz

Equine Assisted Therapy

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Olga Manzanaro

Art Therapy

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Maximiliano Mascritelli

Music Therapy

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Trudi Murray

Scent Creation

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Jim Cigan

Mindful Golf

Personal Managers

The companions that take care of you 24/7

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Sandra Engler

Personal Manager

Jacobo Rengifo Cavestany personalManager scaled e1707297944127

Jacobo Rengifo Cavestany

Personal Manager

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Aidan Prendeville

Personal Manager

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Paula Nash

Personal Manager

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Zak Williamson

Personal Manager

Client Relations

The team that helps you take the next step towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

Cynthia Nakhle scaled 1 e1707219522925 1

Cynthia Nakhle

Client Relations

Muriel Abou Rizk

Client Relations Support


Unmatched hospitality service that brings the spirit of comfort

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Davina Artilnaran


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Hector De Luis

Private Chauffeur

Private Chefs

Professional private chefs that make food healing and enjoyable experience

Gustavo Carmona chef scaled e1707408451790 1

Gustavo Carmona

Private Chef

Adriana Moreno chef scaled e1707408473254 1

Adriana Moreno

Private Chef

Barbara McCrory scaled e1707219366517 1

Barbara Mc-Crory

Private Chef

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Jose Camacho

Private Chef

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Maria Salinas

Private Chef

Operations & Experience

The team that will connect you to THE BALANCE as smoothly as possible

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Reine Rached

Clinical Coordinator

Carol Hamze e1707989426317

Carol Hamzeh

Digital Marketing & Channel Management

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Mohammed Omari

IT support

Mirella H e1707989291991

Mirella Homsi

Web Development

Omar Chebbo e1707989382259

Omar Chebbo

Marketing Support

Maeve Ryan

Public Relations

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Mohsin Raza

Marketing Specialist


Our highly skilled and renowned therapists


Cecilia Juhlin

Clinical Psychologist & Psychotherapist

Dr. med. Alexander Steinhoff

Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist

Medical Doctors & Nutrition

An expert integrative medical team to help you reach your optimal health

Body Therapists

Specialists that will help your body find it’s optimal state

Galina Spirito

Personal Trainer

Paola Napolitano

Massage & Reflexology

Sebastian Reinhard

Tai Chi, Meditation, Chi Kung

Sarune Serino

Rolfing, Pilates, Yoga

Attila Mihalyi

Personal Trainer

Nadezda Thomassin

Craneo Sacral, Meditation, Yoga

Mayendree Pather Wenk

Sound healing

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Sonja Reuter

Shaolin Kung Fu, Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation

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Robin Riessbacher


Complementary Therapists

Therapists with different techniques that help your body and mind

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Oleksandra Shain

Art Therapy


Our highly skilled and renowned therapists

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Lauren Callaghan


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Lauren Aron

Eating Disorder Psychotherapist

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James Hitchen

Relapse Prevention

Medical Doctors & Nutrition

An expert integrative medical team to help you reach your optimal health

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Dr. Leah Austin


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Clarissa Lenherr


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Lauren Windas


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Gerard Barnes

Technology Treatments

Body Therapists

Specialists that will help your body find it’s optimal state

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Jude Packham

Yoga in combi Breath Work

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Daniel Scott

Personal Trainer

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Amme Poulton


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Denise Stergoulis

Equine Therapy

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Paula Da rosa

Yoga, Meditation & Sound Healing

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Anna Barry

Lymphatic Drainage, Deep tissue massage, Reflexology & Aromatherapy

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Farrukh Akhtar


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Lorraine Jury

Somatic Experiencing

Complementary Therapists

Therapists with different techniques that help your body and mind

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Music Therapy


Our highly skilled and renowned therapists

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Dr. Moreno


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Pauline Walden


Body Therapists

Specialists that will help your body find it’s optimal state

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Ana Vega

Somatic Work

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Emanuel Poggio

Personal Trainer

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Alejandra Ashley-Dane

Physiotherapy, Lymphatic Drainage & Craneo-Sacral

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Lydia Hill


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Paloma Rivaya

Sound Healing

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Fernanda Luiza Paraizo Vaz

Deep tissue massage & Pilates

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Amaia San Miguel


Complementary Therapists

Therapists with different techniques that help your body and mind

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Maricarmen Pino

Art Therapy

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Ignacio Bejar

Music Therapy