Intensive residential treatment program starting from 4 weeks. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
Personally designed outpatient treatment sessions or programs and ongoing case management. Location: Mallorca, London, Zurich, Marbella.
Treatment program on a luxury yacht in the Mediterrenean sea. Location: Mallorca.
Comprehensive second opinion assessments for both psychiatric and general health concerns. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
13 Minutes
Since its inception in 1997, social media has evolved into an integral part of our daily lives. People around the world connect to their favorite social networking sites daily and spend several hours on them. Social platforms have become increasingly popular. It has become a significant addiction for millions worldwide.
The impacts of social media addiction have just recently begun to be properly documented. These statistics on social media addiction will truly blow your head.
Can you think of a family member or friend who is not on social media? Not likely.
Social media usage is nearly universal although the mechanism and reasons for how and why are people addicted to social media might differ around the world. There are social networking platforms tailored for people of many ages, backgrounds, and interests.
Keep reading as we take a deeper look at analyzing the worldwide and US social media addiction statistics.
More than 330 million individuals are addicted to social media.
In 2021, the most recent figures on social media addiction indicate that over 330 million people will suffer from social media and internet addiction. This is an increase from 2019’s 210 million social media addicts.
Seven percent of social media users are addicted. In 2023, there will be more than 5 billion users of social media which is greater than fifty-five percent of the world’s population. That said, the number of social media addicts is certainly going to rise.
People spend 2 hours and 32 minutes on social media networks per day, on average.
The average daily time spent on social media is 2 hours and 32 minutes, with the majority of time spent on the 5 most popular platforms: Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
Although Facebook has over 2.23 billion members and TikTok has been recognized as the most addicting social media network, social media users spend an average of forty-four minutes per day on YouTube.
Before you read this complete list, here are the most eye-opening figures about social media addiction for 2022:
Every day, billions of individuals around the world utilize social media. While we will likely never know the precise number of addicts, we can use these statistics to make reasonable estimations.
Nearly one-third of adults in the United States believe they are addicted to social media. However, this number varies substantially based on demographic factors.
The age distribution of social media addiction in the United States is as follows:
Addiction to social media by gender:
And according to ethnicity:
Given that over half of Americans admit to being addicted to their smartphones, these estimates may be modest.
Fifty-nine percent of the global population is active on social media. When compared to industrialized nations, this percentage is significantly higher. Here is a breakdown of social media usage statistics by country or region:
There are no quantifiable estimates of how many individuals suffer from social media addiction while using the potentially most addictive social media platforms available in the mainstream.
When questioned about their top motivations for using social media, 36 percent of internet users between the ages of 16 and 24 responded “passing time”, second to maintaining relationships with family and friends, filling free time was the most common reason for using social media sites such as Facebook.
The typical Internet user has 8.4 social media profiles. Between 2013 and 2018, the average user’s number of social accounts roughly doubled, from 4.3 to 8.5. Currently, users assign distinct functions to each platform: Facebook for communicating, Instagram for brand-following, and TikTok for entertainment. And as more social media networks continue to emerge, this number will undoubtedly increase. So which social media platform is the most popular or has the potential to be most addictive?
Eighty-one percent of U.S. citizens use YouTube. Despite the development of platforms such as TikTok, YouTube remains the most popular social platform in the United States. Over fifty percent of internet users visit the site multiple times every day.
Forty-nine percent of Americans use Facebook daily or more. Facebook is the most widely used platform among American adults for numerous daily visits. 45 percent of adults check Snapchat numerous times each day, while 38 percent scroll through their Instagram accounts multiple times per day.
WhatsApp has almost 2 billion users worldwide. In terms of the number of users worldwide across all major social media platforms, WhatsApp ranks third. The messaging application, however, is the most popular platform among users. 16.4 percent of adults worldwide regard WhatsApp to be their preferred social networking platform.
The average American TikTok user spends 45.8 minutes per day on the app. The most popular social media network among American adults is TikTok. The average American spent 1,393 minutes every month on TikTok or 278 hours per year.
Although social media addiction may not have the same life-or-death consequences as alcohol or drug addiction, its negative impacts are quite real. Individuals who are addicted to social media may perform poorly at school or work, become more vulnerable to cyberbullying, and experience deteriorating mental health.
Facebook negatively impacts one-eighth of its user base.
In one Facebook study, 12.5 percent of respondents indicated that the social networking platform negatively impacts their sleep, work, or parenting.
Taking into consideration Facebook’s 2.9 billion users, these flaws might affect around 362 million individuals.
Social media addiction can pose serious hazards to mental health.
Excessive use of social media can lead to a variety of mental health difficulties, including social isolation, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.
Two-thirds of American people associate social media with loneliness and social isolation.
Sixty-seven percent of American adults say that social media use directly contributes to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Thirty-eight percent think that social media negatively affects mental health. And maybe most surprisingly, 74 percent think social media usage affects suicide rates.
Thirty-nine percent of Americans feel that social media is detrimental to society.
According to YouGov, nearly twice as many American adults believe social media is detrimental to society (39 percent vs. 22 percent). Twenty-seven percent believe social media is neither positive nor negative, while 12 percent are unsure.
Four in ten adults of Generation Z attribute negative emotions to social media.
Forty-one percent of adults of Generation Z say social media use makes them feel anxious, sad, or depressed. In addition, 29 percent of respondents say social media has impacted their self-esteem or left them feeling insecure, while 22 percent say they experience a feeling like they are missing out. Despite this, 77 percent believe the benefits of social media vastly exceed its drawbacks.
The survey by Qustodio breaks down the average time children spend on each social media platform. Here is the global mean for the six most popular platforms:
TikTok is used by 41 percent of youngsters ages 4 to 18 worldwide.
With a global usage rate of 41 percent, TikTok is the most popular social media app among youths. Facebook ranks second with 37 percent, followed by Snapchat with 33 percent.
Over half of children’s time spent on social media occurs during school hours.
The addicting nature of social media is not a bug, but a feature. Constant alerts and updates maintain users’ focus throughout the entire day. This results in frequent diversions for children during school hours, where more than fifty percent of their screen usage occurs.
Sixty-two percent of adolescents use social media daily.
Moreover, half of the adolescents aged 13 to 18 use social media daily. Despite this, only 34 percent indicate that they “like social media very much.”
The average adolescent devotes over 500 hours per year to social media. That’s a 24 percent rise above 2019’s average social media usage.
Addiction to social media is a major concern for parents. The primary reasons why parents monitor their children’s social media users are mental health and academic performance.
88 percent of American adults are concerned with the number of time children and adolescents spend on social media.
Most people are concerned about the number of time kids spend on social media. For some parents, disabling social media apps is the most effective means of addressing their worries. According to Qustodio, the three most restricted apps globally are TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Teens in the United States spend 7 hours and 22 minutes every day in front of a screen.
The number of hours children spend in front of devices increases per year. Not just adolescents consume countless hours of content. Children ages 8 to 12 spend an average of four hours and forty-four minutes per day in front of a screen. By the time they are 11 years old, 53 percent of children have a smartphone.
On average, children spend fifty minutes every day browsing their feeds on social media.
Young teens spend more time than adults on social media, as per teenage social media addiction statistics FameMass (no surprise about that). Teenagers aged 13 to 18 spend, on average, three hours and one minute every day online. Some adolescents spend up to nine hours per day on social media, which is considerably more time than they invest in school.
Newport Academy presents numerous facts concerning the social media addiction of adolescents:
Every day, 92 percent of teens go online.
Twenty-four percent of teens are ‘Almost Constantly’ online.
Seventy-six percent of teens actively engage in Social Media; 71 percent use Facebook, 41 percent Snapchat, 52 percent Instagram, 33 percent Twitter, and 14 percent Tumbler.
Seventy-seven percent of parents report that their teenagers are distracted by electronic devices when they’re together.
Fifty-nine percent of parents think their adolescent children are dependent on their mobile devices.
Fifty percent of teenagers believe they are addicted to mobile devices.
According to the Addiction Center, 27 percent of children who spend 3 or more hours each day on social media show signs of mental illness. They note that excessive usage of social networking sites by children and adolescents is significantly more hazardous since their brains and social abilities are still growing.
Social interaction skills are significantly impaired in adolescents who begin using social media at an early age. When polled, these individuals show increased social anxiety issues in groups, greater levels of depression, a poor body image, and decreased compassion and empathy towards others.
In every instance, social media amplified the negative emotions of adolescents with poor social and emotional health issues related to those in a better position.
Those with poor psychological health:
Seventy percent of social media users have at times felt isolated or ostracized
Forty-three percent have deleted social media postings because they received too few “likes”
Forty-three percent felt an inferiority complex when no one liked or commented on their postings.
Thirty-five percent had been cyberbullied
The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.