11 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Sleep apnea is a disorder in which you stop breathing for brief periods of time while sleeping. Individuals who struggle with sleep apnea do not get enough oxygen. They gasp and frequently wake up as a result of this. People are often unaware that they have stopped breathing and feel that their sleep pattern is normal. Snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea.

Aside from making you sleepy in the morning, sleep apnea can create a wide range of health problems. This sleeping disorder, if left untreated, can:

  • Can cause mental health problems
  • Contribute to a weakened immune system
  • Contribute to the loss of memory
  • Raise your chances of developing heart failure

Breathing equipment, medication, and surgery are all common treatments. Some lifestyle adjustments and home care, on the other hand, can help you improve your sleep and quality of life.

The United States is experiencing a sleep crisis. Americans currently get an average of 6.8 hours of sleep per night, with 40 percent of the population getting less than that. 37.9 percent of people say they’ve fallen asleep during the day inadvertently at least once in the previous month.

Technology such as the light bulb, television, and the internet tempts us to stay awake all night, yet some people suffer from a medical problem that keeps them from sleeping well.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most common sleep disorders. Sleep disorders in general, affect 50-70 million adult population in the United States. Sleep apnea affects about 3-7 percent of males and 2-5 percent of women.
  • Sleep apnea affects over 100 million people worldwide.
  • Sleep apnea affects approximately 22 million people in the United States.
  • The current population of the United States is 329 million people:
  • 10 percent of people suffer from mild obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Moderate obstructive sleep apnea affects 3.5 percent of the population.
  • Serious obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (characterized as frequent functional impairment and hypopnea/apnea) affects 4 percent of the population.
  • 75-80 percent of the cases were still unsolved. Subjective and objective tiredness are absent in 25 percent of people with moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
  • OSA affects 26 percent of persons aged 30 to 70.
  • About 20 percent of toddlers snore, whereas obstructive sleep apnea affects 1-4 percent of children aged 2 to 8.
  • 23.4 percent of women and 49.7 percent of men suffer from sleep-disordered breathing.
  • Sleep apnea male-to-female proportion is 2 to 3:1.
  • As we become older, the rate of sleep apnea rises dramatically. Sleep apnea affects 10 percent of men between the ages of 30 and 49, and 3 percent of women in the same age range. Sleep apnea affects 17 percent of males and 9 percent of women between the ages of 50 and 70.
  • Despite the fact that the risk of sleep apnea increases with age, only 8 percent of the elderly community (aged 65 and older) has had their sleep apnea tested.

If sleep apnea is detected, it is critical to get professional care. A patient may come to a complete stop several times each hour, which can swiftly escalate into a life-threatening situation. Whenever the tissue at the rear side of the patient’s throat compresses into the airway, obstructive sleep apnea ensues. The tongue then slips back into the throat, tightening the obstruction and preventing oxygen from reaching the lungs.

When the chest, abdomen, and diaphragm compete for air, the condition intensifies. The attempts they make to get crucial oxygen simply serve to tighten the obstruction further. To contract the tongue and withdraw the soft tissue from the airway, the individual must awaken from a deep slumber.

Since sleep apnea leads to carbon dioxide concentration in the body rising as oxygen levels fall, the heart is forced to work harder and quicker to adapt to the shortage of oxygen. Individuals with sleep apnea can theoretically “die” several times per night. Sleep apnea has been connected to a number of significant heart issues, and for the oropharyngeal soft tissue and dentofacial skeletal abnormalities, it should be checked out by an ENT doctor or an orthodontist as soon as possible.

Sleep apnea can lead to a variety of health issues, such as stroke, hypertension, cardiomyopathy (increase in the size of the heart tissues), arrhythmias, diabetes, heart failure, heart attacks, and obesity if left untreated.

Since sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure, it is likely that it can lead to heart failure and arrhythmias. Sleep apnea affects roughly half of all persons with atrial fibrillation or other heart problems.

This is due to the fact that sleep apnea can cause:

  • Oxygen depletion on a regular basis (what clinicians call hypoxia).
  • Carbon dioxide levels fluctuate.
  • The potentially harmful impact on the heart owing to variations in chest pressure.
  • Inflammatory markers are high.
  • Due to the high occurrence of sleep apnea in heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias, doctors advise that you seek medical help as soon as possible.

Firstly, the clinician will want to do tests in order to explore, analyze, and determine the best course of action. The specialist healthcare professional can provide a variety of treatment choices, which are mostly dependent on the precise diagnosis and the person’s overall health. The therapists and clinicians may counsel the individual to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking tranquilizers, all of which cause sleep apnea.

Conventional sleeping masks have been used to keep the patient’s airways open as they sleep, but now there are several less obtrusive alternatives. Orthodontic devices that gently nudge the lower jaw forth are particularly successful at keeping the tongue from obstructing the major airway. These oral gadgets are mild, easy to use, and frequently save patients from having to undergo unnecessary surgery.

Surgery to divide the lower jaw and help pull the bone that holds the tongue forward somewhat is a more permanent option. This operation has a high success rate and is straightforward to execute by a dentist or oral surgeon. Before suggesting the right plan of action, the healthcare practitioner must first establish a formal diagnostic of each patient.

Using a Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask at bedtime is a common treatment for sleep apnea. Despite its effectiveness, some people find this practice unsettling. Some lifestyle modifications and home remedies may provide similar results. Here are 6 major ways to treat sleep apnea symptoms.

Keeping a healthy weight.

Doctors frequently advise persons suffering from sleep apnea to lose some weight. Obesity, particularly in the upper body, increases the risk of obstruction of the airway and nasal passageway narrowing. These obstacles might lead you to stop breathing when sleeping, either abruptly or over long periods of time.

Living a healthy lifestyle ad maintaining a healthy weight can help keep your airways open and lessen the symptoms of sleep apnea. Moderate weight loss in obese persons can obviate a need for long-term CPAP therapy or upper airway surgery, according to research.

Weight loss may be able to cure sleep apnea in some circumstances. It is indeed possible, although, that the problem will recur if you put on weight.

Engaging in regular yoga sessions.

Exercise can help you feel more energized, strengthen your heart, and reduce sleep apnea. Yoga can help to strengthen your respiratory system and increase oxygen flow.

Reduced oxygen saturation in the blood is linked to sleep apnea. Yoga’s varied breathing exercises might help you increase your oxygen levels. As a consequence, yoga can help you sleep better by reducing the number of times you wake up.

Switch up your sleeping posture

Changing your sleep position, albeit being a minor adjustment, can help to alleviate sleep apnea problems and enhance your night’s sleep. More than 50% of obstructive sleep apnea episodes are based on posture, according to 2006 research.

According to research, lying on your back, often known as the supine posture, might exacerbate symptoms. Sleeping on one’s side can help some adults regain control of their breathing.

Kids with sleep apnea, on the other hand, sleep much better on their backs, according to 2002 research.

To determine your options for treatment, talk to your doctor about your body alignment and sleep apnea symptoms.

Make use of a humidifier.

Humidifiers are machines that provide moisture to the air we breathe. The body and respiratory system might be irritated by dry air. A humidifier can help to open up your airways, reduce congestion, and promote cleaner breathing.

Try adding peppermint, eucalyptus oil, or lavender to a humidifier for further advantages. The anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of these 3 basic oils are well-known.

Washing your humidifier should be done according to the manufacturer’s directions. Bacteria and mold can grow on them.

Do not drink or smoke.

Adjustments in your lifestyle can help you sleep better and enhance your health. To avoid sleep apnea issues, consider stopping smoking and minimizing your alcohol intake.

The neck muscles that regulate your breathing relax when you drink alcohol. This can result in snoring and a sleep cycle that is disrupted. It can also cause inflammation in the airways, which can obstruct your breathing.

Tobacco usage, like drinking alcohol, can cause swelling and inflammation in your airways. This can make you snore and make sleep apnea worse.

According to a 2012 study, smoking increases the risk of sleep apnea. Individuals with sleep apnea may be predisposed to smoking, according to the study, so addressing sleep apnea may aid in stopping smoking.

Make use of oral appliances/mouthpieces

Sleep apnea can be treated using oral appliances, which adjust your tongue or jaw to keep your upper airway open as you sleep.

Tongue stabilizing devices and mandibular advancement devices are the two major kinds. These reduce the obstruction at the back of your throat by pushing your tongue or lower jaw forward.

These devices range in price from low-cost over-the-counter (OTC) choices to custom-fit equipment from a dentist.

Oral devices are recommended by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine as an effective treatment for sleep apnea.

Oral appliances are recommended for adults with sleep apnea who cannot tolerate CPAP equipment, according to a 2015 recommendation. Because custom-fit appliances enable fine-tuned jaw placement, which leads to higher sleep quality, this particular guideline-recommended them above over-the-counter choices.

Throat Exercises

These repetitive motions of the tongue, throat, and soft palate, also known as oropharyngeal exercises, have been shown to alleviate the symptoms of OSA. Subjects in multiple studies employing these exercises saw reductions in OSA symptoms after 3 months of regular practice. Experts are still puzzled as to why these activities are so beneficial.

Treating nasal congestion 

Using a breathing strip or nasal spray to relieve nasal congestion or sinus difficulties can help to improve breathing and reduce snoring during sleep.

Although medical and surgical treatment may be required for Sleep apnea disorders, lifestyle adjustments are frequently recommended alongside to alleviate certain OSA symptoms to provide better relief. As a result, a premium rehab center for OSA is highly sought-after for complete recovery from OSA.

Snoring is caused by adenoids and tonsils that restrict the throat when sleeping. This is serious enough to induce obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in some people.

The more serious your kid’s OSA is, the more certain the tonsil and adenoidal removal will benefit their health, wellbeing, and quality of life.

If the child typically breathes loudly during sleeping and has at least two of these additional linked concerns when they are unwell, a tonsil removal for sleep apnea may be considered.

  • Having trouble breathing while asleep.
  • Breathing pauses when sleeping.
  • Sleep-related choking or gasping.
  • Mouth breathing during the day.
  • Daytime fatigue, attention, or behavior issues that aren’t caused by anything else.

Without surgery, two – thirds children with mild sleep apnea improve after 6 months. If your child is still young, you may want to wait six months before opting for surgery.

In principle, there are no successful drugs to treat OSA. Some practitioners, nonetheless, may recommend sleep medications to help clients who are having trouble sleeping while using PAP therapy. Furthermore, OSA is more likely to occur throughout REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. In such circumstances, drugs that limit the quantity of REM sleep, like antidepressants, may be beneficial. Some sleep drugs, opioid pain relievers, and alcohol consumption before night may aggravate OSA. Individuals with OSA should talk to their doctor about their prescriptions and alcohol usage.

Individuals who snore but have just mild sleep apnea on lab tests may benefit from conservative interventions such as proper sleep hygiene. The therapist should make sure that individuals are spending enough time in bed. Sleep deprivation makes people more likely to snore.

Restricted nasal airflow, as in nasal polyps, chronic rhinitis, or septal deviation, needs treatment since snoring is increased when the nasal flow of air is reduced. Furthermore, mouth breathing during sleeping, which is caused by nasal blockage, allows the jaw to drop and narrows the pharyngeal airway, making obstructive sleep apnea more likely.

Alcohol and other sedatives should be avoided by individuals with obstructive sleep apnea. Since individuals with sleep apnea have trouble sleeping, they are more prone to use tranquilizers to help them sleep. Certain sleep aides, on the other hand, may produce snoring in those who don’t ordinarily snore, and people who have already snoring issues may get apneic if the parapharyngeal muscles or the tongue relaxes.

Obstructive sleep apnea affects the majority of people who are overweight. Sleep apnea can be considerably improved by decreasing even a small amount of weight, like 9.1 to 13.6 kilograms (20 to 30 pounds). Regrettably, only a small number of dieters achieve long-term weight loss. According to recent research, up to 6% of older persons gain sufficient weight to develop serious sleep apnea in as little as 4 years.

Reduce the occurrence of apnea by elevating the head end of the bed and avoiding sleeping in the supine position. The tongue manages to slide forward when the head is elevated, but the tongue glides laterally when resting on the side.

Conservative methods work well for those with mild sleep apnea. Those with more severe sleep apnea must continue to employ these techniques while undergoing more intrusive treatment.

Despite the fact that surgical and/or medical treatments are the hallmark of sleep apnea treatment, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications including dietary changes, weight loss, and restricting alcohol and sleep hygiene is important aspects of recovering from sleep apnea. 

High-end Luxury inpatient and residential treatment offer cutting-edge alternative treatments that will help you live a much more healthy and stable life. Gourmet meals with an eye for micro and mega nutritional fractions, fitness centers with dedicated trainers for sleep apnea weight loss, practicing sleep hygiene in private 5-star resort-like comfy rooms are some of the services and amenities provided at premium luxury sleep apnea rehab centers.

Designed for high elite class athletes, celebs, and corporate personnel, an upscale luxury sleep apnea rehab provide absolute confidentiality. The executives, while staying at the campus for premium inpatient and residential treatments, can continue to attend to their business and office commitments with high-speed internet facilities. The naturist environment of the high-end luxury treatment centers is specifically laid down to promote healing on an intrinsic level. In addition to treatment for sleep apnea, you will also enjoy complimentary treatments like yoga, acupuncture, meditation, swimming pool, massage, and spa treatments. At the premium upscale rehab center, we believe sleep apnea should be treated with a holistic approach, including body, mind, and spirit. Any associated addiction such as alcohol, drug abuse, or tranquilizers dependency is treated simultaneously.

If you or a loved one is suffering from sleep apnea, contact us right away, to begin with, your process of admission to the high-end luxury inpatient treatment center.



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