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A mental health rehab might, at times, seem too extreme to opt. Be it the lack of awareness on the part of the general society or a determination to self-treat, mental health rehabilitation is considered as “not compulsory” by several people. But, the question is, are mental health rehabilitation centers actually non-compulsory to opt for? To be honest, no. Mental rehabilitation is very much necessary. In fact, this is precisely why there are different types of facilities and rehabs and recovery in mental health. 

The severity of mental health disorders and the intensity of the need for mental illness rehabilitation facilities can vary from person to person. So, what types of mental health recovery programs are there? What is the role of a drug mental health rehab? What happens in rehab? Is there any difference between rehabilitation and treatment for mental health? 

Mental Health Rehabilitation

Did you know that more than 970 million people across the globe suffer from some kind of mental health disorder and/or substance use disorder? 

While anxiety affects almost 284 million people in the world, depression affects 264 million people. Also, keep in mind that this global population has been diagnosed with the mental health conditions that it suffers from. 

Mental Health Rehab in Spain

There are hundreds and thousands of people with the same disorders – and more – who have not been diagnosed because of an inherent lack of awareness. 

In the U.S., the major causes of disabilities were identified and narrowed to major depressive disorder, anxiety, Alcohol Use Disorder when associated with antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. 

Furthermore, in the U.S., 26.3% of adults, aged from 18 to 25, were recorded to have some form of mental health disorder. This was in 2018. By now, these statistics have skyrocketed beyond our imaginations. 

Worldwide, 14.3% of total deaths occur because of the mental health disorders that our society is suffering from. 

It does not feel particularly calming to acknowledge that almost half of the global society requires psychiatric rehabilitation centers and psychological rehabilitation centers. In fact, these statistics are precisely why we need mental health rehabs. 

As per the research from “Our World in Data:”

  • Bipolar disorder tends to affect 46 million people.
  • Schizophrenia affects almost 20 million individuals.
  • Eating disorders – bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating – affect 16 million individuals. 

There are two types of mental health rehabilitation centers: Outpatient mental health rehab and inpatient mental health rehab. 

Both of them differ drastically from one another in terms of the types of mental health treatment programs they offer and the mental rehabilitation facilities they provide. 

Types of mental health disorders that are treated at mental health rehab centers include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders – phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorders, and panic disorders.
  • Bipolar disorder 
  • Eating disorders – – bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating.
  • Schizophrenia
  • PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 
  • Dual diagnosis disorders – a combination of drug addiction and mental health disorders. 

Note: There are other narrowed down mental health disorders that are treated at mental illness treatment centers. The aforementioned list is not exhaustive. 

Humans tend to be unique in every way. Our habits, our ways, and our perspectives hold tremendous differences. However, one thing that affects all humans equally, without any discrimination, is mental health disorders. 

Whether it is your parents, children, friends, or colleagues, looking out for a few warning signs for mental health illnesses can save them from a huge amount of trouble. 

Even though the main alarms for every mental health condition will differ, there are a few non-subjective signs that are common to all mental health disorders, including, but not limited to:

  • You have difficulty in coping up with day-to-day activities.
  • You have rapid mood swings and a general imbalance in the mood. 
  • Sadness and disappointment have become like a shadow to you. 
  • You experience extreme worry and continuous anxiousness.
  • Your past and/or traumatic events haunt you every moment. 
  • You consider the possibility of ending your life too often.
  • You have begun using drugs and/or alcohol as a coping mechanism.
  • You feel like your temper has a lot of power over you. 
  • Your irrational fears and thoughts collide with your day-to-day life. 
  • Your relationship with a healthy lifestyle, including food and exercise, has declined. 
  • You do not feel comfortable around people and choose not to socialize. 

If you or your loved ones can comply with the aforementioned warning signs, it might be time for you to visit a psychologist for further evaluation, while also considering the possibility of opting for emotional rehabilitation at a rehab center for mental health. 

As the name enunciates, an outpatient mental health treatment center is a facility that you can visit during flexible hours for therapy sessions and medication management. 

Certain facts about outpatient mental health treatment facilities make them ideal for some people and not so appropriate for others. 

Putting it differently, your condition will decide if the treatment you deserve will be provided at an outpatient mental health rehab or not. 

An outpatient rehab center for mental health rehabilitation will be the ideal course of treatment for you if you happen to comply with any of the following conditions:

  • The severity of your mental health condition is not bothersome. It is not affecting your day-to-day activities and you still possess minor control over your thoughts. 
  • You have developed the symptoms of a mental health disorder only recently and you are determined to find an immediate cure. 
  • You require a more affordable and cost-efficient option for mental health treatment at a rehab for mental health disorders. 
  • You cannot afford to wrap up your academics and/or your job for the sake of mental health rehabilitation. 
  • You prioritize the support that you are gaining from your friends and family members. You believe that help for mental illness can only be successful if your family and friends become your backbone during the treatment. 
  • You have already undergone inpatient mental health rehabilitation and you require treatment at an outpatient mental rehabilitation center as aftercare. 

Even if your condition and situation suit the requirements of an outpatient mental health recovery program, there are certain pros and cons that you should be familiar with. Let’s take a look without any further ado. 

Why Should I Opt for an Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Program?

Help for mental illness will be offered to you at an outpatient mental health rehab with several advantages. 

First of all, because the mental health treatment programs at outpatient mental health rehabs are not structured or strictly regulated, you will have the chance to partake in all social events, while maintaining the needs of your career and/or academics. 

The flexibility of outpatient mental health recovery programs enables you to have a normal life while undergoing treatment. 

Secondly, the affordability of an outpatient mental health rehab is yet another undeniable benefit. It promotes the concept that a fortune is not required to seek effective mental health treatment. In fact, an outpatient mental health recovery program will be easily covered by your insurance. 

Thirdly, because of the flexibility of the hours, outpatient mental health rehabilitation centers allow you to attend counseling sessions at your own ease, be it in the evening or on the weekends, along with a few weekdays. 

Additional to this, you can immediately apply the coping strategies you formulate during your mental health treatment at an outpatient mental health rehabilitation center to your daily life and begin practicing them as frequently as possible. 

Family support and access to your friends are yet another benefit that outpatient mental health rehabs have to offer. 

An outpatient psychological rehabilitation center will also grant you the option of family therapy. This can be helpful for people who experience trouble with their personal and interpersonal relationships. 

Now that we are done with the good stuff, let’s take a look at the disadvantages of outpatient mental health rehab. 

Why Should I Not Opt for an Outpatient Rehab and Recovery in Mental Health Disorder? 

While there are hundreds of benefits that an outpatient mental illness treatment center has to offer, there are also a million disadvantages. 

For instance, let’s take a look back at the first advantage: The flexibility of the mental health treatment program at an outpatient rehab for mental health. 

From a different perspective, this same flexibility can be considered a lack of structured mental health treatment, which will ultimately translate into a less effective treatment model. 

To put it simply, the lack of structure in a mental health treatment program at an outpatient mental health rehabilitation center is the first disadvantage that tends to lower the overall mental health treatment’s efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness

Additionally, when a mental health treatment program lacks a strict and definite structure, it also lacks comprehension. 

So, to summarize, the foremost reason you should not opt for an outpatient mental health recovery program and emotional rehabilitation is that the flexibility of the treatment model can lower the robustness of the treatment outcomes

Secondly, because of practicing the same everyday routine while undergoing treatment, you will be at risk of exposing yourself to the external triggers that can aggravate your mental health illness or a drug addiction affiliated with it. 

Thirdly, being in continuous connection with the external environment, friends, and family, can disengage you from the treatment. At times, you might even be compelled to skip therapeutic sessions to have a drink at the local bar. 

In other words, it is easy to get distracted when you are not answerable for your mental health treatment. 

Fourthly, an outpatient mental health rehabilitation facility will not allow you to connect with your therapist or counselor. Treatment will not be provided to you around the clock. This can serve as the biggest disadvantage if your case is a severe one and you wrongly opt for an outpatient mental health recovery program for the sake of saving your job or studies or money. 

Fifthly, if drugs and alcohol are your coping mechanisms, an outpatient psychiatric rehabilitation center will not save you from the destruction you might cause if you engage in drug abuse or alcoholism. 

Furthermore, an outpatient mental health recovery program might last for 6 months or more. This amount of time is extensive compared to the few benefits that a flexible outpatient emotional rehabilitation center offers.

Long story short, there is a significant probability that your progress at an outpatient mental health rehabilitation center will be lost if your mental health triggers take control of you. 

The only way you can avoid the cons and exploit the pros is by choosing an outpatient rehab and recovery in mental health disorders if your condition allows. Otherwise, inpatient mental health care and rehabilitation will be your go-to option.

In fact, opting for an inpatient mental health recovery program should be prioritized at all costs. 

Unlike an outpatient rehabilitation center, an inpatient mental health rehab is a residential facility that provides ongoing treatment, along with 24/7 medical attention to each client. 

Like an outpatient rehab for mental health, an inpatient mental health rehabilitation program also has certain conditions that make it suitable for some and inappropriate for others. These include:

  • Extreme and severe mental health disorders that become more aggravated when you are exposed to external triggers. 
  • You have a years-long mental health disorder. 
    You have a mental health disorder that cannot be managed by minor lifestyle changes. 
  • You require a structured, well-defined, managed, strict, and regularly updated mental health recovery program. 
  • You suffer from a mental health disorder and a drug addiction, in which case you require an inpatient drug and mental health rehab. 
  • You need 24/7, around the clock care.
  • You need intensive help for mental illness. 

If your condition falls along the lines of the aforementioned requirements, an inpatient mental health rehabilitation center will be the best mental health therapeutic intervention for you. 

Now, here is some good news: The benefits of an inpatient mental health rehabilitation center are enormous, while the disadvantages are negligible. Let’s take a peek. 

The Gains at an Inpatient Mental Rehabilitation Program

When plotted against an outpatient mental rehabilitation program, an inpatient mental health rehabilitation center seems tremendously profitable.

Firstly, an inpatient program provides you an exploitable opportunity to acquire structured treatment. The mental health treatment program at an inpatient mental health rehab will be scheduled according to your needs. It will be personalized. 

Furthermore, your mental health recovery program will be updated frequently as per any stabilization or deterioration in your mental illness. 

Secondly, at an inpatient mental rehabilitation center, help for mental illness will be provided 24/7. The therapists and counselors will attend to all the needs of your mental illness. This accentuates the effectiveness of the overall treatment and mental health recovery program. 

Thirdly, being exposed to other mental health disorder patients, you will recognize that you are not alone in your journey. You will be supported throughout the mental health treatment program by your fellow mental illness survivors. 

Fourthly, you will be at a residential facility, which means that your mental health triggers will lose the ability to affect you, aggravate your condition, or halt your progress during the treatment. 

Fifthly, an inpatient mental health rehabilitation program will also enable you to seek dual diagnosis treatment if that is what you need. 

Furthermore, at an inpatient rehab for mental health illnesses, you will not be able to access drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. In other words, you will be prevented from potential drug abuse. 

Generally speaking, inpatient mental health rehabilitation centers possess an environment that is conducive to healing and mental health treatment. For this reason, acquiring effective emotional rehabilitation at an inpatient rehab and recovery in mental health disorders is, preferably, the right choice to make. 

We understand that choosing a mental health rehabilitation center with high-end treatment can be a tiresome job. However, we can make the process a thousand times easier for you by providing you a solution right here. 

Our inpatient treatment and luxury treatment facility provide drug and mental health rehab. That’s why our professional medical staff has been trained to prioritize your needs. We can bless you with all the aforementioned benefits and more. 

Register for 24-hour onsite care and 5-star treatment program for mental health recovery at our celebrity treatment center and establish a straightforward road to recovery for yourself. 

Unfortunately, inpatient mental health rehabilitation centers are often surrounded by myths. Let’s address some of them to help you get a clearer picture as to why the infamous cons of inpatient mental health rehabs are mere misconceptions. 

Myths and Misconceptions about Inpatient Mental Health Rehab Centers

Our society has shaped some misapprehensions about inpatient mental health rehab centers that need to be explored in much depth. These primarily include, but are not limited to:

  1. “I will be captured for months until they decide to let me go” Fortunately, for us, inpatient mental health rehabilitation centers do not work this way. A residential treatment center will always welcome you with more-than-comfortable accommodations and private areas. You will be provided with all the facilities and amenities you require for drug mental health rehab. 
  2. “I will have to remain at the rehab center for years” This is a common myth. In fact, inpatient mental health rehabilitation centers can provide effective treatment completion within 30-90 days. 
  3. “I will be cut-off from my family and friends” Inpatient mental health rehabilitation facilities acknowledge and understand the vitality of interpersonal support. For this reason, even for the time period that you are at the inpatient mental illness treatment center, you will be allowed to access a computer or a cell phone to contact your family. Other facilities will even allow your family to visit every now and then. 
  4. “My therapy will continue day and night” Gladly, this is not the case. Your therapy sessions will be structured, but that does not imply that you will be made to sit in a room for 30 days, attending continuous sessions. Recreational facilities will be provided to you along with free weekends. Inpatient psychological rehabilitation centers will equally prioritize your free time. 
  5. “I will fall prey to triggers as soon as I leave” This misconception prevails among all individuals. They believe that their mental health disorder will worsen as soon as they exit the facility. However, this is not the case. Inpatient mental health rehabilitation will train your mind to prevent relapses consciously and unconsciously. 

Note: Before you fall for such myths, remember that your own experience is your key to validity. Inpatient mental health rehabilitation does not pose any risks to your mental health. 

Luxury mental health rehab centers are a variation of traditional inpatient mental health rehabilitation centers. 

They are different from traditional inpatient mental rehabilitation facilities because they provide a royal, comfortable, and beautiful environment that feels like home. 

A luxury mental health rehab also acknowledges that your treatment program should be tailored to the treatment needs of your mental health disorder. For that specific reason, a luxury mental illness treatment center will personalize your program. This might not be achievable at a traditional inpatient mental rehabilitation facility. 

A luxury drug mental health rehab might also provide you a perfectly effective dual diagnosis treatment. 

Related : Best Dual Diagnosis Inpatient Treatment Center

The routine at a luxury mental health rehab will follow as:

  • A bright morning: After a rich, healthy, and nutritious breakfast prepared by a private chef, you might spend some time reflecting on your current state and how you can improve it. You will then undergo individual therapy with your primary counselor. 
    A positive afternoon: You will have another healthy gourmet meal prepared by your chef. This is before you will engage in group therapy sessions with other luxury mental health rehab patients. You will then be receiving a break to engage in some recreational facilities. 
  • A calming evening: After your last gourmet meal of the day, you will be allowed to undergo holistic therapies like art and music therapy, animal-assisted therapy, etc. After another peer support session and some personal reflection time, you will be done for the day. 

Note: Remember that this is a generalized schedule at a luxury mental health rehab. Depending on your facility, the schedule might vary. But, the principal activities will remain the same. 

Additional mental health rehabilitation facilities at luxury mental health rehab centers, where every client has a private villa, will include: 

  • Absolute privacy 
  • Private chef
  • Driver
  • Personal housekeeping
  • A big garden
  • Pool for recreational activities 
  • Access to all sports activities
  • Massage therapy
  • Art and music therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Trauma-sensitive yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • Peaceful accommodations

Although the selection of therapies to treat your mental illness will depend on your primary therapist, you should be familiar with each type of therapeutic intervention that your therapist might use for your specific condition. 

There are 4 categories that mental rehabilitation therapies fall under. These four categories are further adapted for different kinds of mental illnesses. The therapeutic categories include:

Therapeutic CategoryTypes of Mental Illnesses Treated
Psychodynamic Therapy 
Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, dual diagnosis, etc.

Behavioral Therapy 
Anxiety, phobias, ADHD, PTSD, and OCD. 
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Depression, Bipolar Disorder, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, dual diagnosis, OCD, insomnia, schizophrenia, and PTSD. 
Humanistic Therapy
Body image issues, PTSD, depression, suicidal thoughts, dual diagnosis.

Note: Dual diagnosis or comorbidity is the condition where a mental health disorder co-exists with drug addiction. 

Psychodynamic therapy is used at inpatient mental rehabilitation facilities. But, it is even more frequently used at outpatient mental health rehabilitation centers. 

Psychodynamic therapy has been developed on the principles of psychoanalysis. It is a form of talk therapy, wherein patients engage in detailed conversations about their beliefs, identity, faith, fantasies, and behaviors. 

The purpose of this therapy is to analyze how your unconscious mind can affect your actions. Once that link has been identified and accepted, your mental health can be treated by changing your thought patterns. 

The efficacy of psychodynamic therapy is extensive. In fact, researchers validate that the effects of psychodynamic therapy tend to last even after the mental health treatment programs have reached cessation. 

This form of therapy tends to last for several months. For this reason, the ideal treatment program for psychodynamic therapy is an outpatient mental health rehabilitation program. 

The benefit of this therapy is that it provides long-term coping strategies and relief from your mental illness symptoms. 

The principle of behavioral therapy is that present behaviors are nothing but the results of past events or trauma. Therefore, the purpose of behavioral therapy is to change your outlook towards your past and hence, alter your behavior patterns. 

During behavioral therapy, you will not be analyzing your unconscious thoughts. Instead, at an emotional rehabilitation center, your therapist – during behavioral therapy – will mainly focus on the behaviors that cause distress in your life. 

The subcategories of behavioral therapy include:

  • Systematic Desensitization: System desensitization is a process that requires you to face your fears, one after the other, while you practice self-relaxation techniques. The purpose of this form of therapy is to eradicate irrational fears due to OCD, PTSD, ADHD, or phobias. Eventually, you will become unresponsive towards the fears that previously enraged your anxiety. Aversion Therapy: This form of behavioral therapy will encourage you to link your self-destructive and demeaning behaviors with unpleasant thoughts. As you learn to do so, your mind will avert itself. Eventually, you will adopt new behaviors as you eradicate demeaning ones. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Rehab and Recovery in Mental Health Disorders

Being a short-term – and possibly the most effective – approach to treating mental health disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used at inpatient mental health rehab centers, as well as outpatient drug and mental health recovery programs. 

Mental health facilities can administer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with the assistance of well-trained medical professionals. 

During Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at a psychiatric rehabilitation center, your therapist will collaboratively identify the thought patterns that cause your mental health condition to aggravate. You will recognize and acknowledge emotions that impact your behaviors. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used for several mental health disorders. During the CBT sessions, the main focus will be on changing cognitive and behavioral coping mechanisms. 

The adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy used at mental illness treatment centers include:

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): This approach is derived from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. But, along with identifying toxic thought patterns, DBT also focuses on the acceptance of the destructive thoughts and motivation to change. It is an ideal approach for Borderline Personality Disorder. 
  • Rational Emotive Therapy: The purpose of rational emotive therapy is to recognize irrational thought patterns and fears that can affect your mental health condition and the behaviors that follow. Rational Emotive Therapy motivates behavioral changes and promotes well-being.
  • Stress Inoculation Training: Stress Inoculation Training is based on CBT, and projects the ideology that stress management can eradicate anxiousness that arrives with past fears, phobias, trauma, and anxiety. It consists of three phases, wherein you are educated about the symptoms of your mental health condition and how to manage the stress associated with them. 
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy: Cognitive Processing Therapy centers on the belief that PTSD patients are not naturally able to process their trauma immediately after they experience it. As a result, trauma survivors jump to conclusions and form unhinging negative outlooks on life. Cognitive Processing Therapy serves to change these outlooks by providing evidence that negates them. 

Note: There are other specialized approaches and adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These can include Cognitive Remediation Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, etc. 

A humanistic approach to therapy is used frequently at inpatient mental health treatment centers. The central beliefs of humanistic therapy are two-fold. 

Firstly, Humanistic Therapy, when administered at a mental health rehab, centers on the notion that your experiences are known the best to you and no one else has the ability to interpret them for you

Secondly, Humanistic Therapy requires “unconditional positive regard.” This implies that during Humanistic Therapy at a mental health treatment program, the therapists have to respect your emotions and feelings towards life, even if they happen to disagree with them. 

Acceptance of your viewpoint towards life is the key to Humanistic Therapy. 

The subcategories of Humanistic Therapy include:

  • Gestalt Therapy:During this therapy, you will role-play with your therapist to understand how past trauma, unresolved issues, relationship dynamics, and family problems affect your mental health. 
  • Existential Therapy: As the name portrays, this form of Humanistic Therapy identifies what your life means to you and how your mental health is affected if you are held accountable for your behaviors in life.
  • Person-Centered Therapy: This therapy is incorporated within other therapeutic approaches. The idea behind Person-Centered Therapy is that criticism often distresses mental health patients. For that reason, a person-centered approach motivates therapists to offer reflections instead of criticism and collaboration instead of confrontation. 

Oftentimes, choosing a mental health rehab can be as distressing as your mental health disorder. To make the process less daunting, it is important for you to comprehend and enlist all the questions that you plan to find the answers to. 

Even though the choice of an inpatient or an outpatient mental health recovery program will depend on your condition, there are other things to look for in mental rehabilitation facilities. 

So, here are a few questions that can help you evaluate if a mental rehabilitation center is ideal for you:

  • What do I need? What is the extent and severity of my mental health? 
  • Is my mental health accompanied by deteriorating drug addiction? Do I need drug and mental health rehab? 
  • Is the mental health treatment program licensed? 
    What credentials do the professional and nursing staff at the mental rehabilitation facility hold? 
    What is the success rate of the rehab for mental health? Do they specialize in treating my mental health condition?
  • How long is the mental health recovery program?
  • Does the mental illness treatment center offer aftercare or aftercare planning? 
    Does the mental health rehab center provide luxury treatment? 

By acknowledging the aforementioned queries, you can not only evaluate what you require; you can also understand if your opted mental health rehab is the ideal choice in general. 

So, let’s take an overall look at mental health rehabs. First things first: mental health rehabilitation centers offer treatment facilities for all mental health disorders and emotional turmoils that can possibly exist. 

If your loved ones are suffering from mental health illnesses, it is important for you to decide between an outpatient mental health rehab and recovery or an inpatient mental health and psychological rehabilitation center.

Although an outpatient mental health rehab offers substantial advantages, its cons outweigh the pros. So, do not opt for an outpatient mental rehabilitation recovery program unless it is your last and only option. 

But, remember that an outpatient mental health rehabilitation program can prove the most advantageous if you choose it for aftercare post-inpatient mental health treatment. 

Opposite to this, an inpatient mental health rehab can provide hundreds and thousands of advantages, with minimal to no disadvantages.  

The therapies, however, at both types of mental health rehabs are the same: Psychodynamic Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Humanistic Therapy. It is the quality, structure, and personalization of the treatment plan, as well as the facilities offered that make the biggest difference. 

The Balance Luxury Rehab believe in adhering to the integrity of mental health treatment programs. For that exact reason, we vow to provide the best drug and other mental health rehabilitation services at our inpatient treatment and luxury treatment facility.

Our high-end treatment and celebrity treatment amenities can provide you ultimate comfort while you undergo a personalized and structured treatment under the supervision of our qualified professionals and nursing staff. 

Your mental health and general well-being are our promises. Contact us today and embark on your road to the recovery that lasts a lifetime. 

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