15 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Does your mind deceive you into thinking that your psychological, mental, and physical health has missed the boat of a breakthrough? Well, in that case, an Inpatient Rehab might be your ultimate destination. I know what you are thinking; “Is it enough to merely reside in a different place to treat every disorder, disease, or addiction that I am grappling through?” The sooner we acknowledge that there is no harm in trying, the quicker we will realize that an Inpatient Rehab is the only ideal way out for you or your loved ones. It is understandable that you have your doubts, and rightly so. In fact, they are exactly why you and I are about to explore the never-ending possibilities.

A patient staring out of the window with a table of food in the foreground.

Whether it is a physical condition, a deteriorating mental health issue, or a seemingly perpetual addiction, you always have a choice. 

That choice is to opt for an Inpatient Rehab – A place where around-the-clock, everlasting attention to your health and addictions, along with therapies, and treatments is meant to create the life that you dream of. 

Of course, opting for an Inpatient Rehab might be a complicated decision for you. In fact, fixating on it at the drop of a hat, for you or your loved ones, is not at all preferred. 

Related: Eating Disorders Inpatient Luxury Rehab

So, how about I spill the tea and you fetch that diary of yours to take some notes? 

Note: “Inpatient Rehab” is a collective term for live-in programs that assist people with physical therapy, mental health issues, and/or addictions. 

As you would predict, the benefits of an Inpatient Rehab reside within:

  • Safety of the environment
  • 24/7 medical regulation and supervision
  • Prevention of relapses in the case of Substance Use Disorder and/or Alcohol addiction
  • Protection of physical and mental abilities of the patients
  • Provision of tailored, experiential treatments 

With that said, let’s load the bullets and conquer the whole nine yards, shall we?

People often tend to go through surgeries that cost an arm and a leg (at times, literally!), only to be bedridden for what seems like an eternity. 

If I were to say it simply, physical recovery from medical conditions is just as important as tossing those pain medicines like candies. 

Good for you, the never-ending list of Inpatient Rehab roles includes this one as well.

Physical Therapy Inpatient Rehab might be ideal – and a crucial – choice for you if:

  • You are recovering from joint replacement surgery. 
  • You are looking for an environment to recover from stroke
    You are suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD). Yes, I am talking about the ones that leave you breathless and not in a good way! 
  • You are looking to recover from Myocardial Infarction. Do not worry, it is just an “intelligent” word for heart attack. 

Before we bite off more than we can chew, how about we take it one step at a time? 

Recovery from Joint Replacement Surgery at an Inpatient Rehab

Only if we had access to Hogwarts’ famous closet of potions, we might not have to invest months to recover from orthopedic (anything and everything concerning bones!) surgeries. 

Unfortunately for us, our medicine cabinet is not going to turn into Snape’s potion closet any time soon.  

But what if I were to let you in on a little secret and tell you that Physical Therapy Inpatient Rehabs can reduce your recovery time by half? 

Oh wait, there is more. 

What if you came to know that an Inpatient Rehab can completely efface the possibility of post-surgery complications

Yes, I was just as surprised as you are. 

Note: Joint Replacement Surgeries are often painful and result in post-surgery wound infections and nerve injuries. Opting for an Inpatient Rehab for physical therapy can prevent these complications. 

Let’s take a look at the pros of a Physical Therapy program at an Inpatient Rehab before you leap right in:

  • Intensive physical therapy and treatment with the assistance of qualified and accredited physiotherapists and chiropractors. 
  • Care and support from fellow members at the Rehab.
  • Complete access to staff members, activities, and all forms of facilities. 

Stroke Recovery at an Inpatient Rehab

I would be surprising no one if I said that Stroke recovery is as important as the mere act of breathing. 

Strokes can often result in serious and sudden complications including:

  1. Blood clots
  2. Depression
  3. Aphasia – the inability to interpret expressions, resulting in an inability to make sense of your own speech
  4. Chronic headaches 

Note: Complete recovery from strokes is a hard journey to traverse through alone. An Inpatient Rehab can not only escalate the recovery but also make it less challenging. 

COPD Management at an Inpatient Rehab

Are you and your inhaler just like two peas in a pod? 

If yes, then you already know why I am about to stress upon the management of COPD. 

Note: Primary types of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease include emphysema, asthma, and bronchitis. 

How about you grab a pen and work through a little checklist with me?

  • You feel the need to puff up from your inhaler more than 4 times a day.
  • You cannot climb the stairs without being frightened for your life.
  • Your medications barely feel like they are working.
  • Your asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema is affecting your ability to work at a normal pace. 

Sounds familiar? 

Well, fret no more. Management of COPD is very much possible at an Inpatient Rehab. 

Increased exercise tolerance, improved lung capacity, and a medically supervised, fresh, and calm environment are a few things to expect when you decide to pay a visit to an Inpatient Rehab. 

Recovery from Cardiac Threats at an Inpatient Rehab

Whether it is an open heart surgery or an unforeseen heart attack, recovery from all cardiac events is the natural protocol for you to follow. 

A stitch in time saves nine, does it not? 

If you are looking for speedy healing from medical conditions shadowing your heart, Inpatient Rehab is your diamond in the sea with its:

  • Professional physicians
  • Regulated heart treatment
  • Endurance treatment with exercise
  • Speech therapies
  • Accredited dietitians 
  • Well-trained nurses

After all, we cannot compromise with matters of our hearts, can we? 

We humans, are complicated creatures. Our weakness is that we care a little too much; so is our virtue. 

Do you see your loved ones attempting to crack through the wall of depression? Are your parents grappling with anxiety? Is your son embracing autism? Is your partner clashing with trauma

An Inpatient Rehab must be your superior choice when you are all geared up to see your loved ones fit as a fiddle. 

Note: Inpatient Rehab Programs are tailored for depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, ADHD, and Autism. 

Wait, what’s that I hear? – “When is an Inpatient Mental Health Facility the right choice?” 

Well, my friend, here are the signs you should watch out for:

  • Extreme behavioral alterations or in simpler words, unpredictable and harsh mood swings
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Psychosis and delusions
  • Complete detachment from self-care
  • Dangerous actions and engagement in violence
  • Unresponsiveness to outpatient therapy and treatment 

Now, how about we take a teensy-weensy tour around the block? Sit tight!

Depression and Profound Stress

Depression and Stress can mean more than merely feeling slightly under the weather. 

It can translate into suicidal thoughts, anger outbursts, chronic unhappiness, and a general lack of interest. 

However, when depression becomes clinically diagnosable for your loved ones, outpatient treatment might not suffice. 

An Inpatient Rehab, on the other hand, my friend, will be the ammunition that destroys depression and transform its ashes into the essence of life – metaphorically speaking, of course. 

Our lives are not scribbled across the pages of a fiction novel, after all. 

Long story short, here is what you should expect from an Inpatient Rehab treating depression and stress disorder:

  1. Individual Therapy
  2. Group Therapy
  3. Medication for Treatment
  4. Constant emotional support 
  5. Interaction to facilitate social responsiveness

Note: Inpatient Rehab must be opted for the patients who suffer from physical disabilities and disorders accompanied by depression. 

So far so good? Alright, time to move on. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Inpatient Rehab

Imagine nostalgia taking over you; Imagine reliving your past trauma on a loop. Scares the living bejesus out of you, right? 

Well, PTSD is scary. 

This is exactly why outpatient rehabs tend to fail at treating it. 

It is also the reason why immersive treatment at an Inpatient Rehab might be the only choice for your loved ones. 

Note: PTSD comes in all shapes and sizes. Chronic PTSD, Delayed-Onset PTSD, and Acute stress disorder are a few types of it. An Inpatient Rehab Program is cut out to treat each type distinctively. 

With Trauma Treatment, an Inpatient Rehab can flip the life around for your loved ones, while PTSD hits the sack forever. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 

We both know that life is not always fair, is it? 

As normal people, it is fairly strange for you and me to imagine struggling with disorganization at our job, or to simply remember to keep track of holidays. 

But not relating with the condition, does not imply that we stop empathizing with it. 

In fact, this is exactly where the duty of an Inpatient Rehab facility for ADHD bridges in.

What’s interesting is that each ADHD patient is unique. Like a gem

Question is, what does an Inpatient Rehab generally brings to the plate? Why don’t we have a look? 

  • Balanced coping mechanisms for anxiety and stress for the patients
  • A possibly medication-free life
  • Creative use of hyperactivity and energy reserves 
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Behavioral Modification through therapy

Note: Regardless of the type of facility – basic or luxury – that you choose for ADHD treatment, you will get the best of both worlds. 

Eating Disorder

‘Body Image Therapy’ – it is a wonder why we even need it.

Oh wait, with over 20 million people combating eating disorders over the globe, it is not that much of a wonder. My bad. 

Like seasons in a year, eating disorders can come in all variables. As you would predict, so do their treatments. 

An Inpatient Rehab follows a step-by-step protocol for patients suffering from Eating Disorders:

  • Step 1: Psychiatric and psycho-social assessment to determine triggers for the disorder.
  • Step 2: Diagnosis of the disorder 
  • Step 3: Devising a custom treatment pattern 
  • Step 4: Constant monitoring of eating habits

Note: Although it may seem like an “Imaginary problem” to people, eating disorders can create vicious circles, giving birth to stress, depression, anxiety, and God knows what. 

If you or your loved ones have a toxic, yet ever-lasting relationship with food, an Inpatient Rehab will provide you an immersive treatment for Bulimia, Anorexia, or Binge Eating. 

Whatever it is, an Inpatient Rehab might be the last straw for you to embrace food with open arms again. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

As common as Autism is, you would predict that an Outpatient Service for treatment must be just enough for your loved ones. 

Sadly, “easy does it” is not a life concept anymore. 

Note: ASD is a unique and special neuropsychological condition. Treating your autistic loved ones with utmost care is just as important. Remember to stick with them through thick and thin. 

When push comes to shove, knowing when to opt for an Inpatient Rehab for Autism is the real deal, my friend. So, how about we stop beating around the bush? 

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Here are a few warning signs and criteria to help you assess the situation:

  • Severe resistance towards cycles of outpatient treatment
  • Behavioral disengagement, aggression, and temper issues
  • Self-injury and self-harm
  • A decline in psychiatric functions

If any of the aforementioned warning signs comply with the situation of your loved ones, it might be an ideal time for you to begin considering the prospect of an Inpatient Rehab. 

Note: ASD patients must be between ages 10-22 for admission at an Inpatient Rehab. For younger patients, cases are judged separately. 

Do you feel like gulping down some vodka is your answer to a disastrous life? Do you believe rolling a joint every once in a while is a great use of your handyman skills? 

Oh wait, or are you one of those people who consider their cocaine “stash” to be their most valuable possession? 

Hold on, don’t hate me yet for asking all these personal questions. 

Instead, let me put it straight. Do you believe that you are in an endless, infinite loop of battling your addictions and relapses over and over again? 

Well, guess what; An Inpatient Rehab is our very own all-rounder and your ultimate go-to place for some weapons against your toxic addictions. 

Note: An Inpatient Rehab can devise a treatment for your addictions and mental health issues simultaneously. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. 

Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs

Let’s imagine that the demons whispering in your ear include:

  • Crystal Meth
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Weed
  • Opioids 
  • Opiates
  • Barbiturates 

Well, first off, do not be alarmed as to how I know your vulnerabilities. I am nothing short of an all-knower. 

Second, if your “dream drug” is in that list up above, it might be time for you to switch homes and relocate to an Inpatient Drug Rehab. 

Oh, but not so fast. Bear with me here, people! How about we do a wee bit of brainstorming first? 

Here are a few considerations that you must undertake:

  • If drug abuse is not resulting in violence and toxic behavioral tendencies, and Outpatient Rehab might suffice.
  • If your withdrawal symptoms become life-threatening, it is certainly time to open that front door and walk right into an Inpatient Drug Rehab.
  • While selecting an Inpatient Rehab for yourself, you must ensure that the treatments are as per your type of addiction. 
  • You must choose a program that provides around-the-clock therapies to achieve maximum benefits. (Hm, it might sound a teensy bit selfish, but it is not. Take my word!). 

Note: The first step at an Inpatient Drug Rehab is detoxification. It is better to embrace the idea before facing it. 

Now, before I bore into thinking that I am a Pisces (no offense, of course), let’s gallop ahead. 

Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

If alcoholism is clawing at your doorstep, creating all forms of depressive triggers, it might be time for you to call it a day from those tiring and hopeless Outpatient Therapies. 

Instead, an Inpatient Alcohol Rehab might be your sparkly star in a night sky.

Note: Alcohol addiction is often assisted by other forms of Substance Use Disorder, often leading to fatal drug interactions. Inpatient Alcohol Rehabs construct treatment patterns based on multiple drug use. 

Now, how about we dive into the deep end? 

Your Inpatient Alcohol Rehab clinicians and nursing staff must be enlightened about:

  • Your age
  • Your mental health status
  • Your medical history and records
  • Your go-to medications 
  • Other drug uses.

Alcoholism is indeed toxic. But, all you have to remember is that the darkest hour of the night is followed by dawn. 

Also, did I mention that at an Inpatient Rehab, every client has a private villa? Well, does that clear the prospect of a dawn nearing for you? 

Alright, now you know that an Inpatient Rehab might be an ideal vacation for you or your loved ones to help cope up with physical therapy, mental health disorders, and life-long addictions. 

What you do not know is how these Inpatient Rehab Programs actually treat you in one fell swoop!

You must be thinking, “I know enough! Ignorance is bliss.” 

But, at an Inpatient Rehab, treatment is entertainment. Trust me, you want to know this. 

Also, do not be shocked when I tell you that there is a lot more to it than mere treatment, including:

  • Yoga and Fitness
  • Mindfulness training
  • Music and Art 
  • Equine Therapy  
  • Animal-assisted Therapy (There is nothing better than a “Meow” or “Woof” every once in a while) 
  • Acupuncture

Let’s identify some commonly used forms of therapies at Inpatient Rehabs!

Read also : Best Inpatient Luxury Substance Abuse Rehab

Note: Depending upon the condition of the patient other forms of treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, EMDR may be used. Individual therapy and group therapy are, however, common to all treatments. 

Individual Therapy

Whether it is your depressive thoughts, conquering anxiety, an unhealthy bonding with food, or your one-of-a-kind love story with alcohol, individual therapy at an Inpatient Rehab is the first form of treatment you will receive. 

The reasons being:

  • Equating your behavior with emotions with the assistance of a psychotherapist
  • Identifying toxic dynamics within relationships 
  • Exploring triggers for relapses
  • Regaining control over life
  • Devising natural coping mechanisms (Ah, don’t we all need these?) 
  • Moving on to the detoxification stage

Group Therapy

If your motive behind opting for an Inpatient Rehab is unconditional support, here is one for you, buddy! 

Is it not always fun to have groupies? You and I both know it works like a charm!

At an Inpatient Rehab, the purpose of group therapy is to solidify your belief in the fact that your battles are not yours to fight alone. 

Group therapy will give you a chance to live through stories that collide with your own experience. 

Hm, sounds interesting? I can see it in your eyes! 

As you would believe, luxury Inpatient Rehabs are more than just treatment centers for physical therapy, mental health issues, and/or addictions. 

In fact, if you want to be treated like a King or a Queen from the 18th century, I would advise you to consider the option.

After all, the ball is in your court! 

I believe I should make it easier for you. Take my hand? 

Among the countless facilities that luxury Inpatient Rehabs will bless you with, here are a few that will shove your decision in the right direction:

  • Every client has a private villa (Ah, privacy is a dream!) 
  • A completely equipped gym
  • A low density of patients (Goodie, less noisiness) 
  • Accredited, well-trained clinicians and staff
  • A private chef – Mamamia! 
  • Over 5 specialized treatments to fit your recovering needs
  • Evidence-based therapies
  • Treatment of multiple addictions and mental health disorders in one visit to the Inpatient Rehab
  • Complete access to swimming pools, tennis, a big garden, and adventure therapy
  • Housekeeping 
  • Personal driver

So, now we know that an Inpatient Rehab is your sword and shield in the war with your physical conditions, mental health issues, and addictions. 

With the assistance of general, individual, and group therapies, as well as specialized treatments, an Inpatient Rehab can allow you to seize control of your life. 

In extreme circumstances, you must consider treatment at an Inpatient Rehab before your mental health and physical afflictions or addictions add insult to injury, 

Otherwise, you are merely barking up the wrong tree! Time to hit the right spot once and for all, amigo! 

FAQs (Inpatient Rehabilitation)