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Previously known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is a debilitating psychiatric condition with widespread negative effects on the sufferers and their loved ones. The disease includes contrasting episodes of depression and mania occurring interchangeably at variable frequencies. Some individuals experience half a dozen episodes or even fewer than this throughout their lives, while others may constantly battle with the cycle of depression and mania for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, bipolar disorder remains incurable so far; however, it is possible to keep its symptoms under control through professional help and treatment. Many bipolar treatment centers have been established nationwide, delivering focused treatment and care to those in need. These treatment facilities for bipolar disorder provide a therapeutic environment to help victims learn how to gain control over their problematic symptoms and keep them in control instead of letting them take charge, making a happy, healthy life possible.

Who Needs to Join a Bipolar Rehabilitation Center: Signs to Look Out For

Multiple bipolar disorder rehab centers are working diligently to deliver much-needed care and support to patients. However, many people never join them and miss out on the help they deserve merely because they fail to identify their underlying psychiatric problem. Despite being a relatively common mental health disorder, affecting one in 100 people, many fail to understand what bipolar disorder is and how it manifests itself.

The hallmark of bipolar disorder is two opposite mood cycles that keep switching between each other. The energetic highs during a manic episode give people an increased sense of well-being and can sometimes be severe enough to impair their decision-making abilities. On the other side of the mood spectrum are depressive episodes, where people experience extreme sadness for a long time. These depressive episodes are worse enough to make daily responsibilities tough to deal with.

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Anyone experiencing the following symptoms may benefit from joining an inpatient bipolar treatment center:

  • Feelings of extreme sadness and gloom
  • Low self-esteem
  • Losing interest in everyday activities, you previously liked
  • Changes in appetite
  • Thoughts of self-harm
  • Feelings of exhaustion
  • Racing thoughts
  • Increased energy
  • A constant desire to be active
  • Unrealistic beliefs questioning your abilities
  • Not needing as much sleep

Remember that some people may only experience a handful of the symptoms mentioned above while others keep cycling between them. Most people are likely to develop these symptoms during their teenage years.

Medical Treatment at Bipolar Inpatient Treatment Centers

Most bipolar residential treatment programs include a comprehensive medical management element related to how the brain processes information. People with this disorder experience certain imbalances in the brain that can trigger depression or mania or exacerbate them. To manage these imbalances, a rehab may provide patients with the following medications:

  • Lithium Carbonate: This medication remains the most widespread drug for treating bipolar affective disorder. It is a long-term drug that requires at least six months to produce benefits. However, determining an appropriate dose remains a challenge; hence, many bipolar treatment centers have an onsite medical team to review patients at regular intervals and adjust doses as needed.
  • Anticonvulsants: Typically used to manage epilepsy and other associated conditions, anticonvulsants may also benefit bipolar patients. Like lithium, these drugs also require long-term compliance for maximum benefits.
  • Antipsychotic Medications: These mood stabilizers are reserved for patients with more severe symptoms with potentially dangerous behaviors. 
  • Antidepressants: People undergoing depressive episodes of bipolar disorder may benefit from antidepressant medications. A rehab may keep supplying patients with these drugs if their depression persists.

Psychotherapeutic Treatment at Bipolar Inpatient Treatment Centers

All the best residential treatment centers for bipolar disorder offer behavioral therapy in combination with conventional medical management. A team of highly trained therapists uses evidence-based therapeutic treatments to change a patient’s thinking patterns. One of the most popular psychotherapy used almost everywhere is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The success of CBT lies in the fact that it is goal-oriented and helps patients work through their emotions and thought patterns under the supervision of a trained professional. Regular CBT sessions also retrain their mind to avoid negative feelings and thoughts that may trigger bipolar disorder.

Other psychotherapies available at the best bipolar treatment centers in the US include the following:


Psychoeducation is a non-conventional yet highly effective therapy that may not work well with every psychiatric illness but can support recovery for people with bipolar disorder. With psychoeducation, therapists can help individuals learn what they are dealing with and how to identify and avoid all triggers.

Lifestyle Counseling

Research has proven that bipolar affective disorder becomes more manageable when a person adopts a healthier lifestyle. Hence, many bipolar treatment centers include lifestyle counseling as a part of their comprehensive treatment plan. As part of these patients, patients are taught various topics, such as nutrition, sleep, daily activities, and exercise. Moreover, experts also train them to plan their days while avoiding potential triggers effectively.

Family Counseling

Family counseling engages an entire household to promote sound mental health. This type of counseling is based on the fact that psychiatric illnesses, such as bipolar disorder, can affect the patient and their family dynamics. By improving these family dynamics, family counseling can help people rekindle their lost relationships and lead healthy life.

Choosing the Best Bipolar Disorder Rehab Centers

With many rehabs claiming to be the best bipolar treatment centers in the world, it can become difficult for a person to decide where to seek help. Keep the following things in mind while shortlisting a facility for bipolar disorder management to ensure that you receive the optimal level of care and support.

Specialized Care

A good bipolar disorder treatment center provides specialized services tailored to individual needs. The staff members are certified and experienced in managing this disorder and can offer more comprehensive care than other facilities.

Evidence-Based Treatment

Ensure that whichever rehab center you choose to seek bipolar disorder management uses evidence-based treatment, medication management, and psychotherapy to support healing and recovery.

Multi-Disciplinary Team

Treatment for bipolar disorder is often multi-faceted and requires a balance of medical management with counseling and behavioral therapy. Hence, a rehab center must have a multi-disciplinary team that includes medical doctors, certified counselors, trained therapists, nursing staff, and more. A comprehensive team allows patients to recover from every aspect.

Safe Environment

In severe cases of bipolar disorder, many patients risk harming themselves or others. A good rehab offers them a safe place to focus on healing and recovery without risking their health. Such environments also make patients feel at ease and comfortable enough to overcome their mental health issues.


What can I expect from an inpatient bipolar treatment program?

The treatment approach may differ because each facility is different from the other. However, a good rehab center always conducts a one-to-one assessment to analyze a patient’s severity of disease and other personal circumstances, based on which experts can develop an appropriate treatment program. Inpatient programs offer the highest level of care where clients remain onsite under 24/7 supervision, engage in rigorous therapy, get three meals a day, and have dedicated free time to reflect, engage with other residents, and participate in recreational activities.

How long will I need to stay in a bipolar rehabilitation center?

Most treatment facilities for bipolar disorder offer individualized care packages with no fixed durations. After carefully analyzing each client’s severity of illness and other circumstances, these programs are tailored according to personal needs. In general, it may take a person several weeks to a few months to recover based on how serious their illness is and how well they respond to treatment. Throughout their treatment, patients keep engaging in counseling and receive medications to deal with their symptoms. Remember that bipolar disorder treatment is an ongoing process and requires long-term management that continues even after a person leaves rehab through aftercare services.

Will joining a bipolar holistic treatment center help me?

A holistic rehab combines medical interventions with therapies that target the mind, body, and spirit to optimize recovery. Such rehab centers can be extremely helpful in managing bipolar disorder as they target the core issues and provide a framework for longer, more sustainable recovery.