11 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Mental health professionals have realized that living with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have a massive effect on your everyday life, which is why inpatient and residential PTSD recovery centers across the country can help you with your condition, walk you through the multiple treatments available, and develop a treatment plan to help alleviate the symptoms of this disorder.

If you have PTSD, you will repeatedly revisit the memories in your mind as flashbacks or nightmares, which may be followed by emotions of loneliness, irritation, and occasionally guilt if you believe you might have done something to prevent the traumatic events from occurring.

girl with troubled thoughts

If you have PTSD, you will repeatedly revisit the memories in your mind as flashbacks or nightmares, which may be followed by emotions of loneliness, irritation, and occasionally guilt if you believe you might have done something to prevent the traumatic events from occurring.

Even if your symptoms arise after the initial incident, PTSD can be treated successfully, with the sort of treatment offered to vary based on the intensity of your symptoms and how early they appeared after the event.

You may develop PTSD symptoms right after a traumatic event, but many people endure a months-long or even years-long delay in the appearance of symptoms. When these symptoms do appear, they may recur often and significantly impair your capacity to perform on most days, while other people with the disorder can go for long periods of time without experiencing any symptoms before experiencing a flare-up.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that affects 1 in every 3 persons following a stressful incident. It was originally recognized by combat veterans due to the terrible scenes they witnessed that were far away from regular life.

Witnessing companions die in war or being hurt yourself can cause long-term emotional strain and stress, with symptoms like nightmares and flashbacks linked to the trauma disrupting your daily life right away or emerging over months or years.

People with this disorder aren’t just people who have served in the military; overwhelming and terrifying circumstances like being in a vehicle accident or being the victim of assault or a violent crime can also trigger the disorder. People who work in the fire department, police, or ambulance crews are especially vulnerable to stress-related illnesses since they are exposed to terrible scenarios on a regular basis.

PTSD can occur in those who have been sexually abused, raped, or emotionally traumatized.

If you are identified with a PTSD disorder, you may be told whether you have mild, moderate, or serious PTSD, which will affect the therapy options available to help you manage your symptoms. The diagnosis you receive has nothing to do with how upsetting or distressing the initial event was; it merely indicates the intensity of your symptoms at the time.

You may also be given the following descriptors when you obtain your diagnosis:

Delayed-onset PTSD – If you develop PTSD symptoms after more than 6 months have passed after the traumatic experience, you may have delayed-onset PTSD.

Complex PTSD – Also known as CPTSD, this kind of PTSD relates to long-term trauma encountered as a child, with symptoms that are more ‘deep buried’ than other types of PTSD. Some of the symptoms of PTSD will be present in those with CPTSD, as well as extra symptoms like emotions of distrust and isolation from others. Emotional instability may be linked to complex PTSD.

Birth trauma – Traumatic events and issues during labor, like emergency treatment or unplanned cesarean section, can lead to a type of PTSD called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

If you have moderate to severe PTSD, you will almost certainly need a PTSD treatment program that includes therapy-based treatment, which can be paired with anti-depressant medicines for symptom alleviation, allowing you a better chance of having successful therapy sessions.

Most people experience panic attacks, depression, and generalized anxiety as a result of these symptoms. Social activities and work can cause people to withdraw.

Psychological examinations and structured interviews may be needed to determine whether you are suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorder. Before the choices of treatment are evaluated, PTSD symptoms must persist for at least a month.

PTSD symptoms are both physical and psychological, and they usually begin during the first month of the traumatic situation, however, they can continue to appear for up to a year. While the PTSD symptoms differ from person to person, dealing with the disorder can have a substantial impact on your capacity to function in daily life, especially if you experience persistent and severe symptoms.

The following are the most typical indications and symptoms associated with PTSD:

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Reliving the event through flashbacks and nightmares

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Numbness and the absence of strong emotions

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Avoiding things that can bring up thoughts of the incident

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Anger management problems

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Use of alcohol or other drugs

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Dizziness, headaches, and chest pains

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Irritability, mood swings, and sleeping problems

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Experiencing unpleasant feelings such as remorse, rage, and worry

Other symptoms may include:

  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Avoidance of coping with grief, anxiety and anger
  • Depression
  • Withdrawal from interpersonal relationships and work

Reliving The Experience From The Initial Traumatic Event

Re-experiencing the original source of trauma, which can manifest as nightmares, thoughts, flashbacks, and physical sensations producing trembling and sweating is the most often reported and likely the most unpleasant symptom of PTSD. Whatever form spontaneous reliving of the traumatic incident takes, it will likely feel highly vivid and strongly match the initial emotional and physical responses experienced when the trauma occurred.

These events may be intermingled with more generalized negative thoughts about the occurrence, in which you may wonder why your life has been so drastically altered and if there was everything you could have done to prevent it.


Because of the devastating nature of PTSD, the urge to avoid thinking about the trauma might be powerful enough to cause you to avoid certain places and people associated with the incident for fear of triggering unpleasant emotions and thoughts. When you have PTSD, it might be especially hard to talk about the event because you may be ‘pushing’ painful memories away from your mode of thinking, using diversions like work to escape the thought process about how it affected you.

Prolonged Anxiety

Most people will have heightened emotional reactions to any stressful or painful life event as their brain struggles to digest such a momentous occurrence. If you have PTSD, these symptoms are amplified to the point that you may feel uncomfortable and ill at ease on a regular basis, making it difficult to relax, even during quieter periods of introspection.

Hyper-arousal is another name for this state of mind, and it can produce symptoms like:

  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Anger
  • Insomnia
  • Concentration problems

You may have some of the clinical features of PTSD right after an event of acute stress, that are totally normal responses to shock. This could involve feeling ‘numb’ or disconnected from the reality of what has happened, as well as finding it difficult to sleep in a constant rhythm.

This is referred to as an acute stress reaction, and it should only last a few weeks. If you have been suffering PTSD symptoms for more than a month, you may need expert medical assistance and support to address how you are feeling.

If you’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, there are several options for treatment. Mental health experts at premium inpatient PTSD programs will walk you through the many treatment options and propose the best choice for you depending on your specific health status

The following are some of the most common PTSD therapy options:

Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Affected individuals have a hard time talking about the terrible events that led to their present condition. Trauma-focused CBT assists individuals in discussing the trauma, which is the first step in recovery.

CBT teaches you how to recognize and change your cognitive patterns, as well as how to alter your feelings and behaviors to your symptoms. Exposure therapy is a type of CBT that is specifically designed to treat trauma in illnesses like PTSD.

This includes critical thinking and reliving the incident in a secure, controlled atmosphere in order to help you confront your concerns. This allows the experts to explore your responses to the incident and assist you in overcoming your feelings of wrath, humiliation, or guilt. You’ll be able to come to terms with painful feelings and memories without feeling emotionally numb or overwhelmed as a result of this.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are combined with eye-movement techniques in EMDR. Special quick eye movements will aid you through the recovery process and enhance your confidence by engaging particular sections of the brain that relieve any emotional events that have impaired the nervous system while you concentrate on your traumatic event. This type of therapy is extremely useful if you have PTSD, as demonstrated by numerous scientific research studies.

PTSD Group Therapy

You will have a better understanding of your mental health condition and emotions by talking about your feelings and trauma with a group of other PTSD patients. You will gain trust and confidence as a result of group PTSD therapy, and you will be able to live in the present instead of the past.

Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

This focuses on the psychological issues brought on by the traumatic experience, especially those from your childhood. You will learn effective means of thinking and dealing with intense feelings by dealing with a calm and impartial therapist. You will get a better sense of self-esteem and develop appropriate modes of thinking and dealing with emotional reactions by interacting with a calm and trustworthy therapist.

High-end Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment centers also offer a PTSD-specific one-on-one outpatient counseling program. These packages provide a specific number of one-on-one therapy sessions. It is recommended a certain number of sessions for each package depending on national guidelines.

Waiting With Caution

If your symptoms of PTSD are classified as mild in your initial evaluation, or if your symptoms have only persisted a short time, you may be advised to begin a ‘watching waiting’ period.

This method necessitates a greater focus as to whether your mental health issues are improving or worsening, as well as a follow-up session to determine whether medication to alleviate your symptoms is necessary.

PTSD treatment programs take a personalized approach to each person’s situation. PTSD symptoms can be reduced using a combination of medical approaches and, if necessary, addiction treatment programs.

Don’t allow trauma symptoms to become a part of your normal routine for you; seek treatment from the experts at high-end luxury inpatient PTSD rehab centers. These services provided will help you reconnect with the pleasures of life.

Reduced Destructive Memories

Many persons seeking help from a PTSD therapy program are suffering from intrusive memory symptoms. These are unwelcomed flashbacks or memories of the previous experience. The person will relive the event as if it were happening all over again right now. Physical symptoms may occur as a result of intrusive memories.

This is the body’s technique of responding to a perceived threat. You may, however, work through perceived threats with the correct treatment and overcome them.

Eliminating Avoidance

Most people would refuse to discuss what is going on with others. Even if it’s something that is consuming their daily lives, leaving the house or going to work seems oppressive. Social activities may be affected. These individuals go to a considerable extent to shun anything that reminds them of the terrible event that occurred.

Individual and group psychotherapy programs give diverse platforms for people to open up and talk about their problems.

Shutting Down The Negative Thoughts

People with PTSD frequently struggle to express themselves positively. They are usually pessimistic or numb. Some people may even forget about their memories. Things that used to bring a person delight have lost their significance. Maintaining ties with friends, family, and partners becomes more difficult than ever. The future appears to be bleak.

Psychotherapy sessions help to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Below are some of the most commonly used PTSD treatment programs:

  • CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) 
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Family counseling
  • Neurofeedback therapy
  • Emotional Reactions That Have Improved

With PTSD, the types of emotional responses that a person normally has will shift substantially. When it comes to regulating aggressiveness, sleeping soundly, focusing, and moving through life at a normal pace, problems arise. Individuals with serious PTSD are more likely to be frightened or defensive. These signs and symptoms may appear moderate at first, but they can rapidly become severe.

It’s critical to seek help from a PTSD treatment program at an upscale PTSD residential treatment center to improve your symptoms and start living the life you deserve. In truth, not everyone will get PTSD immediately following a severe event. Most people suffer symptoms right away, while others don’t have problems for months or years.

Most PTSD treatment programs give good treatment and aftercare, but those looking for more luxury should look into high-end inpatient, residential, and outpatient luxury rehab facilities across the world. Behavioral treatment and psychotherapy at a high-end luxury inpatient or residential facility with expensive amenities including private bedrooms with hot tubs, fitness centers with personal trainers, swimming pools, and massage and spa treatments.

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The symptoms of PTSD can be significantly relieved in a high-quality inpatient and outpatient PTSD treatment program. It offers superior services, and the high-end luxury PTSD treatment centers emphasize health and nutrition, which patients may not find in traditional rehabilitation centers. If you or a loved one desires a high-end luxury treatment, talk to a treatment specialist about your options and ask questions.

The great quality of the meals attracts many people to premium luxury rehab. The meals supplied at a high-end luxury residential treatment center are top-notch, restaurant-quality cuisine that gives nutritional assistance. Furthermore, private chefs may take into mind the dietary needs of specific patients. This would be determined by the institution in question.

Those with special dietary needs can get more information from healthcare providers. Offering wholesome and delicious food that has been prepared with care may whet the appetites of some people and encourage them to eat meals on a routine basis. Gourmet foods are also used in elite luxury rehab to cater to the patient’s preferred treatment strategy while also restoring vital nutrients lost as a result of metabolic and/or endocrine imbalance.

Eating nutrient-dense meals can both replenish the body and release endorphins, which can enhance one’s mood. Patients receive nutritional support in the form of healthy meals, as they do in most treatment centers, to assist compensate for vitamin deficiencies. Dietary programs ensure that persons in treatment consume meals that provide energy, regulate their biochemistry, aid in craving management, promote healing, and improve their overall health. Finally, patients who have lost a lot of weight during their rehab stay may be encouraged to eat healthy food on a daily basis in order to regain healthy muscle strength and mass.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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Trauma & PTSD Insights

latest news & research on Trauma & PTSD
People Pleasing Trauma
People Pleasing Trauma

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What Happens After a PTSD Episode
PTSD Episodes

PTSD episode is a stressful event that affects people suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as they recall their traumatic experiences with emotional and physical manifestations.

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Understanding and Treating Trauma & PTSD

Trauma can be caused by any overwhelming experience that threatens or causes harm, either physical or emotional

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Childhood Trauma Therapies
Childhood Trauma Therapies

The recommended first-line treatment is evidence-based, trauma-focused psychotherapy for the majority of children and adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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British Psychology Society
Institute de terapia neural
pro mesotherapie
Somatic Experience


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