11 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Some of the most commonly abused drugs are prescription drugs. In recent years, there has been a rise in drug abuse stemming from prescription drugs, leading to issues such as the opioid epidemic in the US. The easy availability, legality, and social acceptance of these drugs are major factors behind why they are so readily abused. This abuse leads to addiction, as most of these medicines have an addictive nature. Addiction could lead to dependence, and once one starts to get dependant, withdrawal and rehab can be a nightmare. In this article, we will first assess prescription drug abuse and addiction. Then, we will consider commonly abused prescription drugs and their signs and symptoms. Lastly, we will look at treatment options for prescription drug abuse.

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

A doctor’s prescription must be treated as a strict guideline for drug use. The quantity, timing, and duration must be adhered to avoid any adverse side effects. Your physician is prescribing the medicine to you in that specific manner because he knows what is required to treat your medical issue, and he is aware of potential dangers attached to misuse. 

Therefore, being prescribed a drug is not a lifetime ticket to using that drug as you please. It certainly does not mean that that drug is safe for you to use at any time, and the prescription is most certainly not to be delegated to friends and family. Failure to comply with these rules results in the misuse of prescription drugs. In 2020, 18.9 million Americans aged 12 and older misused prescription drugs. Misuse of prescription drugs can lead to drug addiction. 

Addiction is not only possible to illicit drugs such as heroin or cocaine but could easily be developed into prescription drugs as well. Prescription drug addiction is a severe condition in which a person consumes prescription medicine for non-medical reasons repeatedly until they become physically and mentally reliant on the substance to function.

Some prescription drugs are more addictive compared to others. The addictive ones affect your brain by releasing ‘dopamine’; the “feel-good” chemical of your brain which gives you a feeling of extreme pleasure or a “high.” It is usually this feeling of “high” that makes a person keep consuming prescription drugs to achieve this effect. The risk of developing a tolerance is thus increased, and a person would then need larger amounts of the drug to experience that effect. 

As mentioned above, some drugs are more easily abused due to their highly addictive nature. Opioids are one of the most addictive prescription drugs. They work as painkillers and are commonly prescribed. They numb the senses but also give the user a euphoric relaxing feeling. The properties of opioids make them easy to abuse, and one gets addicted to them. Some common prescription opioids include Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Fentanyl, Codeine, Co-codamol, Tramadol. 

Muscle Relaxer Addiction and Abuse Symptoms

Intending to calm you down when you are suffering anxiety, panic attacks, etc., benzodiazepines are prescribed. Xanax, Valium, and Librium are common brand names. They are also highly addictive as people start to use the drug to achieve this feeling and could get dependent on it. 

Prescription stimulants are also prescribed to deal with ADHD and narcolepsy. As the name suggests, these drugs increase alertness and energy levels. Adderall is a common stimulant. Misusing Prescription drugs can lead to serious health impacts and, in extreme cases, even death. One can get dependent, and the withdrawal symptoms can be even more troublesome. 

Varying from person to person, the signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse are to look out for. These symptoms depend on the type of drug consumed, the quantity they are consumed in, and the frequency of use. 

Let’s first look at the psychological impacts of prescription drug abuse. One may suffer the following symptoms: 

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Mood swings and hostility 
  • Agitation 
  • Memory issues 
  • Inability to focus or concentrate

Physical issues stemming from it include: 

  • Intense cravings for the prescription drug
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Slowed breathing
  • High body temperature
  • Heart palpitations
  • Coordination problems
  • Slurred speech
  • Catatonia (periods of immobility and unresponsiveness)
  • Disrupted sleep patterns, including insomnia
  • Diminished or increased appetite, leading to weight changes

Abusing prescription drugs also has adverse effects on a person’s social life and behavior. One may face issues at work or school, as well as in personal and family life. 

If you know a loved one or a person close to you with prescription drug addiction, reach out to them and encourage them to get help. Talk to them and make them feel comfortable to open up to you and discuss their concerns. Suggest therapy and rehab, and encourage them to enroll as soon as possible. You may get resistance and denial in return, but you have to be persistent.

Painkiller Addiction Luxury Inpatient Treatment

If they have any insecurities or hesitations regarding getting therapy, assure them that it is for their own betterment and for those who care about them. Make them feel loved, supported, and cared for. You can help them by looking into treatment options and rehab facilities and assist them in choosing the most suitable option. 

Substance use disorders are brain disorders that may be cured, according to years of study. The sort of medication taken and the individual’s needs must both be considered throughout prescription drug treatment. Detoxification, counseling, and taking the right medicines, if available, may all be necessary components of successful prescription drug addiction recovery. For the patient to fully heal, many therapy sessions may be required. 

Behavioral treatments for Prescription Pills Addiction

For instance, contingency management, and cognitive-behavioral therapy) and medicines are the two primary types of prescription drug abuse treatment. Behavioral therapies and treatments aid patients in quitting drug use by altering harmful thought and behavior patterns, teaching ways to control urges and avoid triggers and circumstances that might lead to relapse, and, in certain cases, offering rewards for abstinence. Individual, family, and group therapy are examples of behavioral therapies that can help patients improve their personal relationships as well as their capacity to perform at work and in the community.

Prescription opioid addiction can also be treated with drugs such as buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone.  These medications can help patients avoid relapse by preventing other opioids from influencing the brain (naltrexone) or by relieving withdrawal symptoms and cravings (buprenorphine and methadone). Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is when medications are used in conjunction with psychosocial support or behavioral therapies/treatments to treat opioid addiction (MAT). There is also a drug called lofexidine that can help with withdrawal symptoms. Methadone, naltrexone, or suboxone, and cognitive behavioral therapy are believed to be the most effective treatment options for opioid addiction. 

You could also opt for an inpatient detox facility for prescription drug rehab, where they not only deal with withdrawal symptoms but also aim to completely detox your mind and body of the drug and its effects. Many facilities offer a customized detox plan to cater to each individual’s needs. Psychological support is also offered. They combine counseling and drug treatment services in a comfortable and relaxing environment to ensure the most effective recovery. Inpatient treatments are suitable for those who need to be supervised closely and frequently. Because of the overwhelming nature of the whole treatment, some patients might not be able to deal with it alone, and so are inducted in group therapy sessions to offer support to one another. 

Inpatient treatment offers holistic therapies as well, which focus on the whole person; their mind, body, and spirit. They aim for a thorough reformation of the individual. At such facilities, yoga, acupuncture, spa massages, healthy food, and leisurely activities are offered and encouraged. These activities keep the person’s mind and body occupied and help nourish it with positivity in order to keep their mind off the drugs and addiction, ease withdrawal, and therefore minimize the risk of relapse. 

Residential rehabilitation is the opposite of inpatient treatment, and the patient stays at their residence. They go to attend treatment sessions at the facility or hospital, but after attending those sessions, they ultimately come back home. The number and frequency of sessions depend on what the person needs and chooses. This has the advantage that the patient does not have to go through leaving their residence for a long time and adopting a completely different lifestyle at a stranger place. This also means that they get to be around their family and close ones and have their support as well. Such facilities are also cost-effective. 

For those who can afford it and those who are accustomed to a more luxurious lifestyle, luxury treatment is a good option. Luxury treatment centers offer the best of the best to their patients, ensuring not just an extravagant experience but also a relaxing and healthy environment, effective counseling sessions and psychological treatment, medical and physical treatment, etc. It also includes a luxurious private experience of all the services. Since the luxury treatment facilities are usually opted by celebrities and high-profile people, the facilities ensure complete privacy and security. This can help keep the patient’s mind at ease, that they are fully protected, and their privacy is respected. 

Like other inpatient facilities, they offer a variety of activities and services. However, the services offered at luxury centers are more personal and private. You get access to a private chef, chauffeur, etc. The accommodations for each patient are extravagant and luxurious. The location is also a beautiful island or at picturesque foothills. 

Overall, the luxurious rehab experience is beneficial and healthy for the patient. The elite experience is much needed to relax the patient’s body and mind and help ease their recovery. 

If one wants to commit to reform and does not want to relapse, then certain lifestyle changes are necessary. Living the same life and making the same mistake will get you caught in a spiral and run the risk of relapse.  Eating a healthy balanced diet is one of the most important changes to make after rehab. One must monitor their diet and replenish one’s mind and body. A healthy diet is needed to repair the damage done by drugs and help you bounce back. 

Regular exercise can help with improving mood and dealing with stress. Working out can help release the “feel-good” chemicals in your brain, boost your mood. Staying consistent could motivate you to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. 

Making new friends or rekindling old relationships with those who mean something to you could also help you cope with what you went through. Knowing there are people around you who love and care for you can offer you great support and leave a healthy and positive impact. Being lonely usually leads to relapse, so it is best to have good company around. 

You are engaging in new hobbies, relaxing your mind and body, along practicing gratitude, and honestly, can all help you feel better and rejuvenate your mind and soul. All this will ultimately help you maintain a sober lifestyle and eliminate chances of relapse. 

We offer an extravagant and luxurious experience for our patients who are looking for executive treatment and services. We have in mind the best interests of our patients and aim to provide the most effective experience at our state-of-the-art facility. 

Our expert psychologist offers consultation and a personalized treatment plan to cater to each individual’s needs. Through counseling and therapy, we offer emotional support, whereas our medical experts deal with the drugs using their expertise and a variety of treatment options that include medicines and cognitive therapy. 

The need for privacy and security for all our inhabitants is prioritized and guaranteed. We aim to provide an extravagant experience by offering an array of activities such as yoga, etc. The relaxation and comfort of our inhabitants are our top priority as our patients embark on their journey of recovery and wellbeing. 

Eliminating any disturbance or source of discomfort, we deliver a modern and extravagant setup to fully accommodate and please the patients opting for our facility. Privacy and confidentiality are maintained at all times. Security is present 24/7. As you focus on yourself, we focus on ensuring that all your needs are catered to in a manner fit for you. We try to take from you any additional burdens and thus, provide personal services for each patient. 

Our luxurious facility offers you your very own private villa for the duration of your entire stay. In addition, each patient is provided with their own private chef, driver, and housekeeping facilities, so that you do not have to worry about anything! Our executive features include a big pool for your relaxation and physical activities, as well as a beautiful and spacious garden for you to use at your leisure. 

So don’t wait any longer, and take the crucial step towards an extravagant rehab experience with us. Our 5-star rehab facility is at your service to help you get better and provide you the most luxurious services we have to offer! 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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