12 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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People with personality disorders (PDs) suffer a range of challenges, especially if they are hooked to alcohol, prescription medications, or illegal substance abuse. An individual with a personality disorder has persistent feelings and actions that are difficult to modify, necessitating adequate treatment. People with this disorder usually have destructive beliefs and behaviors, making it difficult for them to blend in with others. Depression, anxiety, self-harm, seclusion, and addictive behaviors are all possible outcomes. Addiction rehabilitation can be more difficult for people with personality disorders who have multiple or dual diagnoses. As a result, therapy for personality disorders must be included in addiction treatment.

It is crucial to define the wide variety of PDs before understanding how someone with one of these illnesses can restore from addiction. They are divided into the following groups:

A Cluster – defined by unusual or suspicious behaviors and thought patterns. Cluster A disorder sufferers can be schizotypal (eccentric, bizarre, or anxious), paranoid (mistrustful, angry, and suspicious), or schizoid (reclusive and emotionally flat).

B Cluster – characterized by erratic conduct and intense emotional responses. Antisocial (reckless, apathetic to others, or aggressive), borderline personality disorder (fleeing abandonment, unpredictable, unstable), histrionic (melodramatic and attention-seeking), and narcissistic disorders (arrogant, selfish, unconscious of the feelings of others) are all examples of Cluster B disorders.

C Cluster – characterized by an abnormal level of fear and/or worry. Avoidant (socially awkward, afraid of confrontation), obsessive-compulsive (demanding and inflexible, fixated on details), and dependent (clingy, insecure, always seeking praise) are examples.

The incidence of personality disorders gives an estimate of how widespread each of the disorders is in different demographics and geographical areas. In order to comprehend and investigate appropriate treatment choices, prevalence estimates are crucial.

The percentage of people with a personality disorder ranges from 10 percent to 13 percent of the total population.

In the US, it is reported that 9 percent of individuals suffer from at least one personality disorder.

Personality disorders are the most frequent of all psychiatric conditions, accounting for 40–60 percent of all psychiatric patients.

Traumatic experiences of childhood, such as neglect and abuse, have been identified as risk factors for developing a personality disorder.

According to research, 65–90 percent of patients who are treated for a drug use disorder also have a personality condition.

Statistics on obsessive-compulsive personality disorder demonstrate that:

  • Nearly 8 percent of the population is affected by OCPD.
  • Men are twice as likely as women to develop symptoms.

In the United States, statistics on paranoid personality disorder reveal that:

  • In patients seeking outpatient mental health therapy, the condition affects 2–10 percent of people.
  • In a cohort of individuals in psychiatric inpatient hospitals, incidences of paranoid personality disorder range from 10 percent to 30 percent.

Statistics on antisocial personality disorder show that:

  • The disorder affects about 3 percent of the people in the United States.
  • Even by age of 11, around 80 percent of people with an antisocial personality disorder will have developed symptoms.
  • At any particular time, antisocial personality disorder affects 0.2–3.3 percent of the general population.

According to data on avoidant personality disorder,

  • About 2.5 percent of people meet the diagnostic criteria.
  • Despite the fact that shyness affects 40 percent of the populace, the manifestations of avoidant personality disorder are far more severe than those of normal shyness.

A variety of factors play a role in the progression of personality disorders. People with these disorders were once thought to be reckless and impulsive. Genetics, trauma, and the environment, however, all have a part in these illnesses, according to the study.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder is thought to be caused by a gene defect. Depression, anxiety, fear, and hostility, all of which are prominent traits in some personality disorders, have a genetic basis as well.


Negative childhood experiences might result in lifelong changes in personality and abnormal behaviors. Premature sexual abuse has been linked to borderline personality disorder in a number of studies. When children were exposed to abusive language and were also subjected to bad treatment from family members, they were considerably more likely to develop narcissistic, paranoid, and borderline paranoid, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.

Sensory Problems

Kids who are hypersensitive to sound, touch, and light grow up to be quiet, anxious individuals who are quickly overwhelmed by sensory input in their surroundings.

Personality disorders are hard to treat since people with them frequently have aberrant thoughts and behaviors that impede them from perceiving and working effectively. Many people struggle with denial and refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem; nonetheless, these problems do not go away without therapy.

As per the National Institute of Mental Health, 42.4 % of patients with personality disorders are receiving treatment. The treatment for a personality disorder is determined by the individual. Medication, inpatient and residential rehabilitation, and outpatient counseling are all options for treatment. To learn more about the many therapy and program choices for certain types of personality disorders, contact us right away.

For most patients with personality disorders, therapy is the cornerstone of treatment. The type of therapy they receive may be determined by the condition they have and the difficulties they face. Personality disorders can be treated in a variety of ways, including:

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a type of therapy that concentrates on modifying dysfunctional habits that lead to harmful behavior. The patient and their therapist work together to figure out what these patterns are and where they came from. Then they confront the problematic routines and remodel them to be more healthy.

DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) is similar to CBT but focuses more on mindfulness. This therapy teaches patients how to control their emotions and deal with stressful situations. It also entails developing communication skills in order to strengthen interpersonal connections.

Schema Therapy is a type of therapy that aims to correct problematic schemas. Childhood thoughts and feelings are referred to as schemas. Schema therapists assist clients in identifying, challenging, and changing dysfunctional schema.

Behavioral Incentives therapy is part of anti-social disorder treatment that encourages acceptable behavior. This is critical since people with this illness may lack inner motivation to behave properly. Incentive therapy is often used in addiction treatment.

Although no FDA-approved treatments exist for personality disorders, antidepressants and other medications can be prescribed to manage the symptoms of personality disorders. The following drugs are among them:

Antidepressants. Personality disorder can cause feelings of rage, despondency, impulsivity, or irritation, which can be controlled and suppressed with these drugs. Tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are two of the most frequent antidepressants for managing and controlling personality disorders.

Antipsychotic medications are drugs that are used to treat schizophrenia. These drugs are commonly used to treat schizoid personality disorder and other schizophrenia-related illnesses. Antipsychotics are frequently administered to help people avoid self-harming. They’re also employed if a patient is losing their grip on reality (psychosis).

Medications that help to keep your mood in check. Emotional liability, mood changes, and impulsive conduct can all be reduced with these drugs. They’ve been used to treat people who suffer from borderline personality disorder.

Anti-anxiety medicine is a type of medication that is used to treat anxiety. In individuals with personality disorders, benzodiazepines are used to improve their perception of well-being. Since they can create drugs and dependence, they should only be taken as directed by a doctor.

Prescription drugs are frequently used to provide a brief respite from the symptoms of personality disorders. They can be used in conjunction with other therapies as part of an inpatient or outpatient treatment program. To avoid the onset of adverse effects, always see a doctor before starting or stopping any medicine for personality disorder. It is critical to seek treatment for your or a dear one’s personality condition. For more information, give us a call right now.

Families play a critical part in a dear one’s recovery from a serious mental illness. Our treatment programs for personality disorders at a luxury rehab center with upscale accommodations include regularly scheduled family counseling sessions, which are open to any friend or relative who wishes to attend. During these energizing sessions, you will provide your dear one with much-needed psychological encouragement and support in a loving, empathetic, and solution-oriented environment.

If you’d like to get more involved, we host regular educational groups for our clients’ families where you may pose questions, communicate resources, and learn more about psychological disorders and how they affect behavior. Your capacity to provide useful assistance to your dear ones as they pursue their courageous attempts to conquer their biggest personal obstacle will develop as your knowledge of personality disorders and associated co-occurring ailments grows.

Regular multi-family support team sessions are also available. These motivating workshops will enable you to connect with other women and men who understand the implications of psychological disorders on family relations. They will be held at our locations on-site or off-site.

Personality disorders are chronic in nature and frequently necessitate long-term treatment. If the manifestations are severe or other medical or mental illnesses are present, treatment for the disorder may necessitate admission to a personality disorder center. Based on the type and degree of the patient’s personality disorder, inpatient or residential treatment centers can provide an acute or long-term therapy program. Individuals with borderline personality disorder, which affects roughly 6 percent of the adult population in the United States, seek treatment in inpatient facilities because they are unable to manage and regulate their behaviors and emotional responses.

Because of their pervasive behavior and emotional issues, many patients with personality disorders need the care of trained psychotherapists, clinical psychologists or psychiatrists, and a disciplined staff. A residential treatment facility provides a safe, supportive atmosphere as well as medical care and supervision 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In an intensive therapeutic setting, such as a premium high-end residential personality disorder center, these disorders require extensive management, which can be addressed immediately.

Therapeutic communities (TC) are available at most residential centers, where individuals get more rigorous therapy. Taking part in TCs necessitates a high level of dedication as well as an opportunity to engage in group treatment and activities.

An upscale luxury disorder center provides the same therapy as a traditional residential center, but with additional benefits. Patients are usually provided with individual attendants and caregivers, and private rooms in lavish settings, at most upscale luxury centers. It’s not uncommon to discover a high-end treatment center in a remote location where clients can rest and savor their stay without worrying about their privacy being compromised.

The Clients’ physical and mental well-being is prioritized by a premium center. Most hotels feature exercise centers where guests can participate in Pilates or yoga courses or have one-on-one meetings with personal trainers.

Please contact us to receive assistance in locating a premium and discreet personality disorder center in your area.

An executive personality disorder rehabilitation program is designed for individuals who have personality disorders in the professional arena and business. The sessions are intended to assist patients in coping with their illness as well as managing the stress that comes with a long workday. If a patient decides to participate in an executive treatment program, he or she can join a private facility in confidentiality. Executive upscale luxury inpatient and residential are specifically designed for working professionals so they might be able to continue their work commitments along with ongoing rehab. Personal computers, high-speed internet accessibility, use of cellphones and other gadgets are allowed individuals to fulfill their work commitments for a limited time.

Personality Rehab & Treatment Programs for Outpatients

Borderline personality disorder accounts for about 10 percent of outpatient admissions. For patients with personality disorders who do not exhibit disruptive or aggressive conduct as a result of their illness, outpatient treatment is suggested. Outpatient treatment and care are comparable to that offered in inpatient settings, with the exception that patients must attend the required number of therapy and medication appointments.

Most mental health practitioners used to assume that managing personality disorders like borderline personality disorder were a waste of time. Researchers now know that treating personality disorders with evidence-based therapy is both achievable and worthwhile. There is no excuse to suffer from the debilitating symptoms of an undiagnosed mental illness.

Personality disorder rehabilitation does not aim to “cure” your personality. There really is no such thing as a cure. If you have a personality problem, nevertheless, treatment can help you live a better life. If you indulge in reckless or dangerous behavior, you should get treatment. Receiving treatment can assist you in avoiding the behavior as well as the negative repercussions.

You may feel alienated, abandoned, or rejected if you have a personality condition. Treatment can assist you in recognizing why you are feeling this way and what you can do about it. With effective treatments, you may be able to form better bonds with others and live a more fulfilling life.

Treatment for mental illness is vital not only because of the benefits it can provide. It is also crucial to understand what comes forth if you don’t get help. It may become progressively difficult for affected individuals to take control of their mental health symptoms. That makes them susceptible to dangerous behavior and the risks that follow with it. The following dangers may apply depending on the disorder:

The following dangers may apply depending on the disorder:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Self-harm
  • Eating disorder
  • Suicidal ideation and attempts
  • Addiction and substance abuse
  • Gambling and sex addictions are examples of behavioral addictions.
  • Problems with finances that could lead to bankruptcy
  • Legal issues that could lead to imprisonment

You may be unaware of the severity of your parents, siblings, friends, partners, or relatives’ mental health issues. However, this should not deter you from getting involved. If you notice indicators of profound suffering, you should help an individual you care about to contact a mental health specialist to figure out what is happening.

For certain people, being identified with a personality disorder can indeed be humiliating. They perceive it as a disgrace or an indication of incapacity that others will be used to make a judgment. Even though if they have drug abuse problems, anxiety, or depression problems that they want to address, this can make them reluctant and hostile when asked about seeking help.

Your unwavering compassion, sympathy, and understanding can make a world of difference in these situations. Despite their weaknesses or vulnerabilities, they realize you care about what’s happening to them and will eventually notice your worry stems from love. There is a good chance they’ll decide to get treatment if you pitch it to them as a way to acquire more sense of control and enhance their self-esteem by complimenting their courage and strength.

We will be happy to respond to any queries you or your dear one may have regarding our diagnostic processes and onsite treatment programs for personality disorders and associated ailments at our premium high-end luxury rehab for personality disorders. We’re prepared, eager, and happy to help them if they are willing to change.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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British Psychology Society
Institute de terapia neural
pro mesotherapie
Somatic Experience


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