2 Minutes
Orthorexia Nervosa is a less common, newly researched food disorder characterized by an overwhelming fixation on eating healthy food. The obsession, in this case, is negative with damaging effects that contradict the concepts of healthy living and well-being. People with Orthorexia are obsessed with the quality of food and not the quantity.
When do you need orthorexia recovery treatment? The causes behind this disorder are still subject to research. Nonetheless, issues such as OCD and anxiety have been recognized as possible risk factors. Moreover, the surge of extreme food trends and false media information has also contributed to the rise of food-related disorders. Many sources spread misleading ideas regarding healthy eating. Consequently, more people are adopting an inadequate food diet and eating habits.
Our program has been put together by experts to tackle underlying issues that might cause Orthorexia, such as anxiety. At THE BALANCE Inpatient Orthorexia Nervosa Recovery Treatment Center, our team will assign a nutritional diet that will fuel your body and mind. In addition, they will reshape your views about food and health and replacing wrong views and habits with healthy ones. Within the safe and compassionate environment of our center, our therapists will teach you how to manage your obsession and compulsive thought patterns.
Diagnosing Orthorexia is challenging because of its symptoms to those of the symptoms of following a strict diet. If you experience the following symptoms it is integral that you get checked: