12 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Narcolepsy is a condition wherein the sleep-wake cycle is disrupted. Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is the main symptom, which might include falling asleep unintentionally while driving or eating. Narcolepsy patients suffer a 3 to 4-fold rise in the possibility of getting involved in a vehicle accident. Episodes of narcolepsy can cause serious impairment in school, employment, and social situations.

Narcolepsy is divided into two categories. Cataplexy, a rapid and temporary loss of muscular tone in which the subject is conscious, is a common symptom of narcolepsy type 1 (NT1). It is activated by powerful emotions, most of which are positive, such as laughing. Cataplexy is not a characteristic of narcolepsy type 2 (NT2), but it has many other characteristics of NT1.

Since narcolepsy can have such a negative impact on daily life, therapy is usually intended to improve general health. Individuals with narcolepsy can collaborate with their clinicians and get the most out of their medical services by knowing therapeutic goals, sorts of therapies, and possible benefits and drawbacks. The luxury inpatient treatment programs for Narcolepsy offer the best value treatment with high-end amenities and round-the-clock availability of upscale medical practitioners and mental health professionals. The high-end treatments are based on natural methods and behavioral strategies without the risk of serious adverse effects of medications and/or drug interactions.

  • Narcolepsy appears to affect one out of every 2,000 persons in the United States and three million people worldwide. Surprisingly, narcolepsy is more common in Japan, where one out of every 600 persons suffers from the condition.
  • Only about a quarter of patients with narcolepsy have been identified and are receiving treatment, according to estimates.
  • Narcolepsy symptoms usually appear between the ages of ten and thirty, however, they can develop at any age.
  • Misdiagnosis is a frequent occurrence. According to a recent study, 60 percent of the total individuals were misdiagnosed. Depression (nearly one-third of the patients) was by far the most common misdiagnosis, trailed by obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia.
  • If narcolepsy is not effectively managed, driving can constitute a major potential hazard to yourself and others. While 94 percent of narcoleptics took their prescription narcolepsy medication, nearly 35 percent were engaged in at least one car accident, according to the Nexus Narcolepsy Registry.
  • According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, people with narcolepsy who also had cataplexy were considerably more impulsive, aggressive and reckless than people with narcolepsy who didn’t have cataplexy.

Safety and physical well-being. If you fall asleep or lose muscular control abruptly, many everyday activities, like walking or cooking, could become highly dangerous.

Mental well-being. Narcolepsy can cause so much disruption in your life that it can lead to sadness and worry.

Relationships, both personal and professional. Sadly, folks who are unfamiliar with the illness typically find sudden sleep bouts amusing. Some folks may think you’re being lazy, nasty, or even faking your sleep episodes.

Intimate connections. Personal relations, particularly romantic relationships, can deteriorate as a result. Impotence and reduced sex drive can also be caused by excessive drowsiness.

Recall and concentration are two important aspects of learning. Narcolepsy can make it difficult to remember things and concentrate, causing additional disruptions in your regular routine.

Is Narcolepsy a Treatable Condition?

Narcolepsy cannot be cured. It is seen as a lifelong affliction. Symptoms for the vast majority of people remain relatively steady over time. As people get older, many of them experience symptom improvement or, in rare situations, remission.

While narcolepsy cannot be cured, it can be managed. The treatment’s objectives are to alleviate symptoms, maintain patient safety, and enhance the quality of life.

Treatment can be individualized for the individual’s age group, general health, symptoms, and personal choices. Working with a specialist that specializes in narcolepsy treatment can help you get the most out of your treatment.

Narcolepsy treatment can be divided into two categories:

Adjustments in lifestyle and daily behaviors are used in behavioral treatments to control symptoms and lessen the risk of various physical and mental problems that are common in individuals with narcolepsy.

Medications might be given to help with symptoms. Pharmacotherapy refers to the use of pharmaceuticals.

Treatment for most individuals with narcolepsy includes both behavioral and pharmaceutical methods. Persistent daytime drowsiness is commonly reduced by a mix of therapy, but according to a recent review, it isn’t totally eliminated in the majority of patients. Because of persistent symptoms or pharmaceutical side effects, patients don’t always stick to the therapy plan.

NT1 and NT2 patients often have identical symptoms and, as a result, receive similar treatment. However, since cataplexy is a classic sign that only occurs in NT1, those with NT2 never seek therapy for it.

Lifestyle techniques to fight daytime sleepiness, minimize accidental injuries and improve emotional, mental, and physical health are all part of narcolepsy treatment. These non-medical treatment options can be tailored to match the concerns of patients with narcolepsy.

Planned Naps practiced at a high-end residential treatment center

Napping regularly can assist people to deal with tiredness during the day. Most persons with narcolepsy wake up rejuvenated after a short period of sleep. Scheduled naps can help people stay attentive throughout the day and keep them from getting to sleep unintentionally. In situations that require attentiveness, such as driving, a quick snooze may be advantageous.

Sound Sleep Hygiene: Behaviors adopted at a premium residential rehab center 

Individuals with NT1 and NT2 often have trouble sleeping at night. While falling asleep is usually not a problem, numerous awakenings can lead to sleep disruption, which affects the amount and quality of sleep. Sleep deprivation at night might worsen tiredness during the day.

Bipolar Disorder Luxury Inpatient Treatment Center Europe

Healthy sleep hygiene, which includes both everyday behaviors and the sleeping space, can make it simpler to get a good night’s sleep. The following are some helpful hints for those with narcolepsy who want to improve their sleep habits:

Maintain a constant sleep and wake time: Maintaining a consistent sleeping pattern might assist the body to become accustomed to resting at set periods, including at night.

Stay away from alcohol and sedatives: Alcohol and several other sedating substances disrupt sleep cycles and significantly impact sleep quality. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) can be exacerbated by using these substances during the day.

Caffeine can stay in the body for hours and has a stimulating impact that might impair sleeping patterns. Avoid consuming caffeine later in the day.

Build a sleep-friendly room: Excessive light and sounds can disrupt sleep, so the ideal sleeping environment is quiet and dark at night. Accessories such as black curtains, a white noise machine, and an eye mask can help decrease distracting stimuli. Adjusting the thermostat to a suitable degree, sleeping on a supportive cushion, and sleeping in comfy bedding can all help you get a good night’s sleep. When you are at a luxury narcolepsy treatment and rehab center, private 5-star resort-like bedrooms with high-end amenities specifically designed for narcolepsy patients can be utilized to achieve better sleep comfort and sound sleep hygiene.

Reduce your usage of electronic gadgets at night: Mobile phones, computers, and tablets keep the brain attentive and make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. These gadgets can also generate blue light, which can cause the body’s circadian clock to malfunction.

Accident Prevention and Driving Safety

When driving, operating machinery, or participating in other safety-critical tasks, those with narcolepsy are at an increased risk of injury or death. Accidents can be fatal, thus preventing involuntary sleep is a crucial part of narcolepsy treatment.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is exacerbated by recurrent events, therefore long trips in monotonous environments should be discouraged. Individuals with narcolepsy should avoid jobs that demand long periods of driving. Short-distance driving may be made safer with well-timed naps.

The intensity of excessive daytime sleepiness, and the presence of additional symptoms such as cataplexy, can raise the risk of fatalities. Individuals with narcolepsy should consult their doctors to determine whether it is appropriate for them to travel and to discuss specific strategies for lowering the risk of an accident.

Finding Support: A core component of residential treatment at a Luxury Treatment center

Friends, family, other individuals with narcolepsy and a mental health specialist can all help you feel better emotionally.

Narcolepsy symptoms can contribute to a sense of social stigma, which can lead to retreat and seclusion. Individuals with narcolepsy are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Support networks, whether in person or online, can help persons with narcolepsy interact with others who share their condition. Seeing a mental health counselor on a regular basis can help to avoid, diagnose, and manage anxiety and mood disorders.

Healthy Eating Habits: An essential approach at High-end inpatient treatment center

A good diet is vital for everybody, but it is especially critical for persons with narcolepsy who are at risk of becoming obese.

The order in which you eat your meals is also essential. Consuming late at night has been linked to sleep disturbances and can interfere with appropriate digestion. Late meals or snacks that are spicy or heavy can produce acid reflux or heartburn, which can make it difficult to sleep.

Individuals with narcolepsy should also avoid eating large, big meals before traveling or engaging in other activities that need attention.

Exercise on a Daily Basis: A hallmark of Narcolepsy treatment at an upscale treatment center

Physical activity is vital for keeping a healthy body weight and combating cardiovascular issues like increased blood pressure, which are frequent among narcoleptics. Physical activity has also been linked to better mental health and sleep.

Avoid Smoking

Tobacco smoke has been linked to poor sleep quality, and smoking has been linked to serious cardiovascular as well as other health issues. At luxury narcolepsy treatment facilities, you are encouraged to cut down tobacco smoking so you can help yourself in getting better sleep quality.

The majority of narcolepsy patients use one or more pharmaceutical drugs to help them sleep better. These treatments may have advantages as well as disadvantages, such as adverse effects and drug interactions. Any medication’s advantages and hazards are best described by a clinician, who can also determine the appropriate amount and timetable for taking it.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Treatments

Clinicians usually begin with one medicine to determine how well it helps a particular patient while treating narcolepsy. The physician may adjust the dosage or schedule of doses as needed, or propose changing drugs if the first isn’t effective or isn’t being accepted well.

The stimulant impact of wakefulness-promoting medications may alleviate excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and make it much easier to maintain focus and be attentive during the day. The majority of EDS medications are effective in both NT1 and NT2.

Modafinil is frequently the first narcolepsy medication prescribed. It has been found in tests to promote attentiveness and is well tolerated by most people. Modafinil can induce a significant skin rash and can interact with hormonal contraception. Nausea, headache, decreased appetite, and restlessness is the most prevalent side effects. Armodafinil is a chemically related medication with similar advantages and hazards.

For narcolepsy, methylphenidate is the most commonly recommended of numerous amphetamine-like medications. It has a history of increasing alertness, although it frequently comes with greater adverse effects than modafinil. The most common side effects include lack of appetite, restlessness, and difficulties sleeping at night. While methylphenidate has been reported to show up on drug screens as amphetamine, most urinary drug tests can tell the difference.

Treatments for Sleep Disruption at Night

It can be difficult to treat narcolepsy patients’ disturbed sleep. Benzodiazepines, also known as “Z drugs,” are common sleeping pill treatments that have a powerful sedative effect that might last into the morning, exacerbating daytime EDS. As a consequence, while these medicines may be administered for narcolepsy patients, they are usually done so with caution.

Sodium oxybate is a medication that can help patients with narcolepsy sleep better at night while also lowering cataplexy. It can also help to reduce EDS after a few weeks of use. It’s a central nervous system depressant with dangerous side effects include seizures, respiratory problems, and mood swings. Nausea, dizziness, severe drowsiness, and vomiting are the most prevalent adverse effects.

Cataplexy treatment options

Cataplexy is a condition in which a person with NT1 loses partial or total muscle control for seconds to minutes at a time. Certain drugs can help to reduce the frequency and severity of these episodes.

Among the most effective drugs for treating cataplexy is sodium oxybate. Sadly, it has a lot of negative side effects. Additional benefits of sodium oxybate, when well-tolerated, include improved nocturnal sleep and reduced EDS, in addition to relieving cataplexy.

Pitolisant, a wakefulness-promoting drug, has also been reported to help persons with NT1 cope with cataplexy. Cataplexy can be treated with a variety of antidepressant drugs, although adverse effects may restrict their effectiveness.

Other symptoms of narcolepsy include sleep-related hallucinations or sleep paralysis, which are often reduced by medications that diminish cataplexy.

Despite the fact that narcolepsy can strike at any age, few studies have been conducted to determine the best treatment for children and adolescents. As a result, treatment for young narcolepsy is often similar to adult treatment. Before administering stimulants to children, clinicians are advised to undertake a cardiovascular evaluation, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

There is little information available to guide narcolepsy treatment in pregnant, actively attempting to conceive, or lactating women. The safety of narcolepsy medications for women and their babies is unknown. According to one poll, the majority of sleep specialists advise women not to take these medicines during pregnancy, conception, or nursing, while more research is needed in this area.

Women who stop using narcolepsy drugs prior to, all through, or after pregnancy may need to use extra behavioral strategies to control and live with their symptoms.

Narcolepsy patients may experience co-occurring problems like substance misuse, depression, or anxiety while seeking treatment. These people may discover that self-medicating makes sleeping more challenging.

It is possible that the most successful therapy at a premium rehab center for narcolepsy treatment is a dual-diagnosis approach, which treats both illnesses at the same time. When there is a co-existing disease, both problems must be treated as a priority for the best potential outcome. Individuals will be able to discover the source of their problems with this type of care, allowing them to move forward in their rehabilitation.

Sleeping drugs and prescription pharmaceuticals are frequently overused by people with sleeping problems like narcolepsy. When taken on a regular basis, a person may develop an addiction to the substance. When there is an addiction, it is critical to treat both the substance use problem and the sleep disorder at the same time. Behavioral interventions at upscale inpatient rehab centers are usually the most effective in helping people comprehend how their present self-destructive actions obstruct their therapy and make their symptoms worse. Developing holistic therapeutic methods at premium treatment centers to prevent drug use triggers, positive lifestyle adjustments, finding new activities, leaning on loved ones for support, and adopting action plans in the event of substance use are all common treatments.

Our high-end residential and inpatient treatment center for narcolepsy can assist you or a loved one with a drug use disorder and a co-existing condition. You can seek assistance from one of the many facilities available across the country. Call our luxury treatment center to talk with a representative about treatment options.



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