13 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Everyone goes through emotional highs and lows. Frustration, restlessness, and mood swings are common reactions to situations and people in life. A healthy person will recuperate and regain emotional equilibrium. If you’re having trouble finding that balance, or if your demeanor and emotional experience are out of sync with your current situation, you might have a mood disorder. Mood disorders affect one out of every ten persons, yet effective therapies such as mental health counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, prescription medication, and lifestyle changes are available.

  • In the previous year, approximately 9.7 percent of adults in the United States suffered from a mood disorder.
  • Women (11.6 percent) had a greater prevalence of any mood illness in the previous year than men (7.7 percent ).
  • An approximate 21.4 percent of adults in the United States suffer from a mood disorder at a certain point in their lives.
  • Forty-five percent have a severe disability, 40 percent have a considerable impairment, and 15 percent have a minor impairment.

Any mood disorder has a higher lifetime prevalence in 13-18-year-olds in the United States.

  • An approximated 14.3  percent of teenagers had some form of mood disorder, with 11.2 percent having a significant impairment. The criteria for determining disability were based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition.
  • Females (18.3 percent) had a higher likelihood of any mood disorder than males (10.5 percent).

Mood disorders can take numerous forms, including:

  • Low-level depression that lasts for a long time
  • Major depressive disorder (MDD)
  • Bipolar disorder or mania
  • Depression caused by substance abuse (due to mood disorders)

An unbalance of neurochemicals that control mood appears to be the fundamental cause of mood disorders. Depression and bipolar disorder are connected to abnormalities in noradrenaline and serotonin. Dopamine deficiency can lead to serious mental illnesses such as psychosis and schizophrenia.

Studies have also proven that mood disorders have a substantial hereditary component. Bipolar disorders appear to be carried down down the generations.

Mood disorders can be properly addressed. You and your doctor should consider a variety of things while deciding on the best course of action. Consider the following:

  • Your age, gender, health and living conditions, ethnicity, and medical history are all factors to consider.
  • The severity of your illness
  • You have a certain form of mood disorder.
  • Tolerances and intolerances to procedures or medications
  • Your interests and expectations

Friends and family can help you get well, but you must get the help you need from a skilled mental health expert. Contact us to discover more about treatment options.

To treat your mood illness, your doctor will most likely use a blended approach. Such methods may include antidepressant medicines, personal therapy, family counseling, and holistic lifestyle regimens, based on the details of your case.

Your therapist will work with you to address your core mental health concerns, reestablish healthy chemical balance, and identify strategies to reduce stress in your daily life. Based on the intensity of your ailment and your physical circumstances, both outpatient and inpatient treatment options are available.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment

Your therapist will most likely use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This therapy combines well-known cognitive and behavioral theories into a single approach that is based on your behavior and actions. You will learn to spot self-defeating or distorted thought patterns and learn to change them with more positive ones.

The patient can reveal toxic, negative ideas and patterns with the help of a therapist, such as:

  • Patterns of black-and-white thought
  • Using a negative bias to generalize all situations
  • Exaggeration of the situation
  • Taking rash emotional decisions
  • ignoring the positive aspects of a situation
  • Assuming the worst-case scenario is about to occur

Individuals with mood disorders usually believe they must live up to a certain kind of created ideal to fit in or gain others’ acceptance. CBT can assist you in overcoming that erroneous fear. Have you ever worried that unless you’re successful, respected, and appreciated, you won’t be able to live a happy life? If that’s the case, cognitive behavioral therapy can help.

This method is extremely useful in the treatment of depression. If your mood illness manifests as low-level depressive behavior, CBT may be the sole treatment option available to alleviate your symptoms. CBT is also beneficial in cases of anxiety when this therapy can help the individual learn to cope better with life’s challenges. Although medication is typically used to treat bipolar disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used in conjunction with medication. The bipolar disease can be effectively regulated with cognitive-behavioral treatment, according to studies involving children and teenagers.

Finally, CBT is beneficial in teaching patients that their existing belief patterns are not only incorrect but also detrimental.

Treatment with Medical Assistance

Severe mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder, should be managed with prescribed medication. Patients may be admitted to the hospital in some situations, especially if they exhibit harmful or psychotic behaviors. To swiftly lessen symptoms, mood-stabilizing and antipsychotic medications are frequently used. If the symptoms of a mood disorder are severe or threatening, brainwave stimulation (electrical or magnetic) may be employed.

Other Treatment Options

Medication and therapy aren’t the only ways to aid someone who is suffering from a mood disorder. Medical interventions, as well as similar products and therapies, are examples of other treatment modalities.

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Brain stimulation therapies are hypothesized to function by generating changes in the chemicals in the brain that are linked to depression and bipolar disorder symptoms. Brain stimulation therapy comes in a variety of forms, including:

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) – ECT has long been utilized to manage bipolar disorder or severe depression when medicine and therapy have failed. A patient is put under general anesthesia and a muscle relaxant is administered before getting ECT. Electrodes are implanted in specific areas of the scalp and forehead. To cause a seizure, an electrical charge is sent through the brain. Within 5 to 10 minutes, the patient awakens. The ECT treatments can be done as an outpatient procedure. For 2 weeks or longer, 2 or 3 sessions each week are typically needed. Six to 12 treatments are usually required.

ECT has come a long way since its inception, and it has been found to treat depression that is otherwise resistant to treatment. ECT has the following side effects:

  • After the treatment, you may experience headaches, nausea, or general body aches.
  • You may experience confusion or brain fog after the procedure.
  • Loss of memory, usually limited to events occurring soon pre or post-therapy, or, in certain cases, forgetting things that occurred in the weeks preceding treatment.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) – A magnetic coil is used to deliver brief magnetic waves to particular nerve cells in the brain in this noninvasive therapy. The magnet is placed on the forehead, and impulses are transmitted through the skull. Patients with serious depression who have not responded to a minimum of one antidepressant treatment undergo this treatment.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is treated with antidepressant drugs like bupropion and SSRIs, as well as psychotherapy. In contrast, vitamin D supplementation and light therapy may be beneficial to patients.

Light therapy has been utilized to manage SAD for a long time. It is based on the concept of augmenting direct daylight with intense artificial light during autumn and winter. A lighting box with cool-white fluorescent light can be used by patients. The individual is exposed for 20 to 60 minutes to artificial light each morning. The light is roughly 20 times brighter than normal indoor lighting.

Yoga, breathing exercises, acupressure, qi-gong, and meditation are common alternative medicine techniques intended to assist patients to become more focused, peaceful, and emotionally healthy. These practices are lifestyle-based, which could explain why individuals who participate are less likely to experience mood disorder flare-ups.

The link between nutrition and psychological health is increasingly being investigated. Diet can affect mood in a variety of ways. Alcohol and caffeine have strong effects on the neurological system. Furthermore, several amino acids and other micronutrients have a role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and cofactors. A nine-year Canadian study with over 300,000 respondents found that eating more fruits and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of anxiety and depression. For the treatment or prevention of mood disorders, check out the following nutritional implications:

A decent body weight. Obesity and mood problems are frequently associated, and recent research reveals a possible “metabolic-mood syndrome” centered on the pathogenesis of the two conditions. Furthermore, excess weight may interfere with the effectiveness of several drugs, highlighting the importance of treating obesity and diabetes together. Obese people who lose weight see a boost in their mood.

Diabetic prevention and treatment When compared to the overall population, those with type 2 diabetes are more prone to develop depression. Poor metabolic control can increase depression and reduce antidepressant responsiveness, and clinical trials demonstrate that as metabolic control strengthens, depression improves as well. Depressed people are also at a higher risk of developing diabetes. People with the major depressive illness have a 37 percent greater chance of getting diabetes, according to a meta-analysis of nine research studies.

Consumption of complex carbohydrates. The pace at which neurotransmitter intermediates reach the central nervous system from the circulation is influenced by dietary protein and carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate-rich meals, which increase blood insulin and glucose release, cause a reduction in plasma amino acids. As a result, fewer amino acids are in contention with tryptophan for transportation across the blood-brain barriers. Tryptophan is a progenitor to serotonin. In one research of youngsters, an improper diet in general and low carbohydrate consumption, in particular, were linked to symptoms of depression. Extreme carbohydrate restriction is recommended in several weight loss regimens, which may pose problems for some persons who are prone to depression or anxiety.

Several processed foods contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame. High-fat diets have been linked to increased levels of sadness and anxiety.

Omega-3 fatty acids, S-adenosylmethionine, and St. John’s wort among other natural remedies have been demonstrated to improve mood, stabilize emotions, and reduce anxiety in many individuals. One of the most important advantages of these medications is that they are typically considered to be harmless to use and have few adverse effects.

If the mood disorder symptoms worsen, a term in an upscale inpatient or residential mood disorder rehab facility may be beneficial. You will be cared for by expert medical health members of staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for as long as needed to reclaim your emotional equilibrium.

Contact us to know more about high-end inpatient and residential treatment programs and treatment choices.

The main advantage of residential treatment for mood disorder is that you will be isolated from outside influences and surroundings. A clinical setting may be required in the presence of serious depression, psychosis, or bipolar disorder to protect the safety and wellbeing of others around you.

Furthermore, you will regularly receive care from qualified health care professionals who will collaborate with you and are familiar with your specific requirements and concerns. Your medical team is well-versed in all available psychological treatments and effective lifestyle management for an overall upscale rehab experience. You might choose a residential center that specializes in alternative treatments and support programs if you are interested.

Individuals at luxury mood disorder centers can expect additional comfort and services. Treatments are frequently more advanced, and the luxurious surroundings are likely to boost your attitude and mood. Gourmet meals, massages, exciting activities, and spa services are frequently available at high-end inpatient rehab centers.

Mood problems affect people from many walks of life. Business executives, doctors, and consultants face a lot of pressure, which can contribute to anxiety and depression.

Executive mood disorder rehab centers and programs are tailored to meet the demands of business leaders and professionals. These seminars are private and concentrate on the root reasons for the executive’s mood issue.

If your mood problem is less severe or if your living circumstances prevent you from removing yourself from daily duties, outpatient therapy sessions are recommended. If you’ve already completed more rigorous therapy and require continued maintenance and assistance, outpatient clinics are a good option.

Outpatient programs typically have cheaper program expenses, require less time investment, and have less invasive practices. Because you will have to cope with the real world while you’re recovering, having supportive family and friends is essential.

If you have serious bipolar disorder or severe mania, outpatient centers are not for you.

t’s conceivable that your doctor will prescribe supportive medication in addition to psychological treatment. The following are some of the most commonly recommended drugs for mood disorders:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Antipsychotics
  • Lithium
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Symbyax
  • Antidepressants

Some anticonvulsant medications stabilize your emotions by achieving a balance of the brain neurochemicals. The most widely prescribed drugs in this class are Stavor, Depakene, Trazodone, and Lamotrigine. Saphris is beneficial in treating mixed episodes, which are characterized by a wide range of symptoms. Lithium can also help to stabilize your emotions and disrupt the pattern of intense emotional up and downs that bipolar disorder is known for.

Antipsychotic medicines including Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroquel, and Abilify are used to treat more severe mania and psychotic behavior. These drugs can also benefit those who aren’t responding to anticonvulsants.

Antidepressants are beneficial, but they can cause episodes of mania in some people. To treat mixed mood disorder symptoms, Symbyax combines an antidepressant and an antipsychotic. Benzodiazepines, like Diazepam, are commonly recommended to help patients relax and sleep better. Side effects are a possibility with any drugs, and they must be communicated to and monitored by a skilled mental health professional.

Supplements obtained from natural sources can be used instead of or in addition to pharmaceutical drugs. There are several well-known items, including:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids 
  • Chamomile
  • Valerian
  • Passionflower
  • Primal Calm or Proloftin
  • Benadryl
  • St. John’s wort
  • S-adenosylmethionine

St John’s wort is a herbal medicine that is used to help with mood, hunger, and sleep issues for ages. Herbal extracts such as Primal Calm and Valerian may also help to relieve stress and improve emotional equilibrium. Passionflower is a herb that is processed into tablets or tea and used to treat sleeplessness, anxiety-related gastric disturbances, and narcotic withdrawal symptoms. Chamomile is a delightful tea that promotes emotions of relaxation and tranquility.

Your mental health expert can assist you in determining the best prescription drug or supplement combination to combat your symptoms of mood disorder.

Psychotherapy has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment method, and it is frequently combined with medicine or brain stimulation therapy. Psychotherapy alone can be used to treat minor kinds of depression. When alternative treatments have failed, in persons with severe symptoms, or in those who cannot handle the adverse effects of pharmacological therapy, brain stimulation treatments are frequently tried. Every therapy has a role to play because every person with a mood problem is different.

Depression and bipolar illness are examples of mood disorders that may reoccur or be chronic, necessitating lifetime or long-term treatment. It is critical to take your prescriptions exactly as directed. It may take 2 to 6 weeks after starting your meds to observe a difference in your symptoms. Even if you start to feel better, don’t stop taking your prescription.

Consult a doctor or another health expert about any questions you have about altering or quitting drugs. If the drug you’re taking is inefficient or causing adverse effects like diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or headaches, ask your doctor if you should try a new one or have the dose modified.

If you are suicidal or have thoughts of killing yourself or others, seek help right away.

Unless you take action, your mood disorder problems will most likely worsen. When you’re ready to take charge of your psychological health, you’ll need to seek treatment for mood disorders to address your circumstances.

Whether you should attend a high-end outpatient or inpatient treatment depends on the characteristics and intensity of your mood disorder symptoms. Whatever path you choose, make sure to speak with the treatment personnel ahead of time. Ask questions, share your concerns, and double-check that you know how things will function.

All of your queries about mood disorder rehab centers can be answered by us. Please contact us to address your specific concerns and requirements.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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