11 Minutes

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Mental anguish, a severe and extreme type of emotional pain, can cause profound and extensive effects on the life of a person. The American Psychological Association has established that psychological trauma results in various psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Research has revealed that people suffering from mental stress and strain are likely to develop physical complaints like headaches, digestive upsets, and insomnia. 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), failing to seek treatment for mental anguish raises the likelihood of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. Further, the damages that mental suffering causes are not only limited to physical health; one may experience relationship breakdown, productivity decline, and a lower quality of life. It is important to comprehend and treat mental suffering to enhance the population’s mental health.

Mental anguish is a term that sums up severe mental pain. It is sometimes regarded as a similar concept to emotional pain, but it is more than passing sorrow or anxiety. Mental suffering is characterized by severe, chronic, and pervasive emotions that interfere with a person’s day-to-day functioning.

What Does Mental Anguish Mean

Mental anguish is defined as the severe emotional suffering that one feels in their mind. In contrast to the physical pain that has a tangible sign and can be quantified, mental anguish is a lot more elusive, nevertheless, it is as bad as it gets. It is a state of suffering that can infiltrate all the domains of a person’s life, cognitive, emotional, and perceptual [1].

Emotional suffering is not confined to a specific type of experience; it can be associated with any event in one’s life. It may be caused by stress, trauma, major life changes, or chronic personal issues. People’s mental suffering is different because of their circumstances and coping abilities.

The Essence of Sorrow, Grief, Or Mental Anguish

Grief, sorrow, and mental anguish are often interrelated but distinct experiences:

Grief: Traditionally, grief is recognized as a complex feeling that people experience when they lose someone or something valuable to them. It includes feelings of depression to rage and may persist for some time.

Sorrow: Sorrow on the other hand is a feeling of grief brought about by loss or failure. It is generally a part of grieving but can happen in isolation due to different reasons in life.

Mental Anguish: This is a general term for feeling sad and grieving, but it also covers other forms of extreme emotional pain. It is defined as a severe, almost constant pain that negatively impacts a person’s life [1].

Components of Mental Anguish

To better understand mental anguish, let’s break it down into its core components:

Emotional Pain: The core of mental suffering is the suffering of the soul. This can present as depression, which can be defined as feelings of hopelessness or emptiness that may seem endless.

Cognitive Impact: Emotional suffering is very dangerous as it impacts a person’s ability to reason. It can cause compulsive thinking, persistent thoughts, and indecisiveness or inability to focus on a particular thing.

Behavioral Changes: People suffering from mental distress may also display behavioral changes that may include seclusion, poor sleeping and eating habits, and lack of personal hygiene.

Physical Symptoms: While mental anguish is more of a psychological ordeal, one can also feel it in their body. Headaches, stomachaches, and fatigue are some of the symptoms evident in patients who experience severe emotional distress [1].

Mental anguish can be expressed in different forms, which may be either psychological, social, or physical. Identifying these signs may be important to offer assistance and looking for help.

Emotional Symptoms

The feeling of mental anguish is one of the most powerful and encompassing experiences. Key emotional symptoms include:

Intense Sadness: A long-standing low mood that does not respond to situations or events that usually make a person happy [2].

Despair: Hopelessness and a notion that life will never change for the better.

Guilt: Pathological guilt: a feeling of guilt that is far beyond the actual circumstances and the actions that led to it.

Anxiety: A type of anxiety that is difficult to manage or turns into a negative way of thinking.

Anger: Anger or frustration that seems to come out of nowhere or is out of proportion to the situation.

Cognitive Symptoms

Mental anguish can significantly impact a person’s cognitive functions, leading to:

Difficulty Concentrating: Difficulty in paying attention or in sustaining attention to tasks.

Rumination: Recurrent thoughts about unpleasant events or circumstances.

Indecisiveness: Difficulty in making decisions, including minor ones.

Intrusive Thoughts: Intrusive, negative thoughts that the individual cannot easily dismiss.

Memory Problems: Problems in remembering things or forgetting things easily.

Behavioral Symptoms

One can easily notice changes in behavior in persons going through mental anguish. These may include:

Social Withdrawal: Shying away from people and staying away from friends and relatives.

Neglect of Responsibilities: Failure to honor personal, professional, or academic commitments.

Changes in Sleep Patterns: Sleeplessness or oversleeping

Changes in Appetite: Anorexia or bulimia: the patient may not eat at all or may binge eat without any reason.

Neglect of Personal Care: Not washing or bathing, or not taking care of facial and body hair.

Physical Symptoms

Mental anguish is mainly psychological but it has physical manifestations as well. These may include:

Fatigue: Inability to get a good night’s sleep or poor-quality sleep.

Headaches: Headaches that occur often and/or are severe and have no known physical cause.

Stomachaches: Gastrointestinal problems including vomiting or abdominal pain.

Muscle Tension: Muscle pain or stiffness that lasts for more than two days.

Palpitations: Palpitations or the sensation of the heart racing or pounding [2].

Mental anguish means severe emotional suffering or pain. It can stem from any experience and can be expressed in different forms. Here are some examples to make the concept easier to understand:

Death Of A Family Member

The loss of a loved one is one of the leading causes of emotional distress. Now, think of a man or woman, who has been married for many years, and suddenly, his or her spouse is gone. The feeling of missing them can be very agonizing. They may feel sad, cry constantly, and even have physical complaints such as a tight chest or headache. It alters their schedule and any future expectations they may have, and they are left feeling empty and hopeless.

Victims of Abuse

A victim of abuse suffers through a lot of mental torture. For instance, a woman who has been abused by her husband may have anxiety disorder, depression, and PTSD. They can experience relapses of the abuse, nightmares, constant anxiety, and feelings of powerlessness. The psychological impacts may linger even after the physical injuries have healed, leading to a lack of trust in others and interpersonal interactions.

Chronic Illness

Chronic illness can also bring about emotional suffering as one has to live with it all their life. For instance, consider a person who has been given a terminal illness such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Because of the unpredictable nature of the disease, physical restrictions, and constant medical visits, a patient may experience frustration, hopelessness, and even sadness. The person may develop concerns regarding the future, loss of independence, and, consequently, a lower quality of life.

Financial Hardships

Economic difficulties cause great psychological disorders. Think of a family that has lost their source of income or has accumulated so many bills in the hospital. This creates anxiety and depression, inability to pay bills, fear of losing their home, and pressure of looking for a new job causing sleepless nights. These feelings are likely to negatively affect their mental health since they are unsure of the future and feel embarrassed about financial failure.

Workplace Stress

Stressful working conditions can lead to mental anguish. For instance, an employee in a toxic environment working under pressure, with tight deadlines, and no encouragement may develop burnout. Some of the signs are high levels of stress, tiredness, irritability, and hopelessness. The threats of job insecurity and inability to meet the demands can cause a lot of mental and emotional stress.

Social Isolation

Social isolation and loneliness also cause mental suffering. Let us take an example of an elderly person who is living alone and has very little social contact. Loneliness and isolation lead to severe forms of depression and sadness that can be dangerous for one’s health. Eventually, such people may develop mental disorders due to the feeling that they are unwanted and insignificant in society, hence worsening their isolation.

Mental anguish can cause a range of outcomes for an individual, including physiological, social, occupational, and psychological. This knowledge assists in drawing attention to the fact that mental suffering damages are a very significant consequence.

Physical Health

Mental anguish presents itself in somatization most of the time. Stress and anxiety which are chronic cause headaches, muscle tension, and stomach problems. These symptoms can progress over time to other severe health complications including high blood pressure, heart complications, and immune systems that are weak. For instance, a person who has been under pressure for a long time is likely to have colds and infections because the immune system is weakened [3].

Emotional and Psychological Well-being

Mental anguish has a high impact on the person’s well-being. People can have chronic cases of depression, which is characterized by sadness, hopelessness, and a feeling of worthlessness. Such feelings result in mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. For example, a victim of a terrible event may develop PTSD, which is defined by constant flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety. Mental anguish damages self-esteem and causes a person to lose interest in activities he or she used to enjoy. As a consequence, they may withdraw from social activities.

Impact on Relationships

Stress is known to hurt an individual’s interpersonal relationships. People suffering from severe emotional problems can find it challenging to express themselves and their emotions, which can cause conflicts with loved ones. For example, a patient diagnosed with depression may become easily angered or may want to be left alone, which may make his or her family members feel offended. These forced interactions can damage relationships and result in social exclusion, which only adds to the person’s suffering.

Work Performance

The consequences of mental anguish can be carried to the workplace. Cognitive functions like concentration and focus can be severely affected and this results in low productivity and efficiency. For example, an employee suffering from anxiety disorder may have a problem with time management and productivity. Further, the damages such as mental anguish may lead to more sick days being taken as a result of mental health issues. This influences their employment status and promotional opportunities, which in turn leads to stress and worrying [3].

Quality of Life

Mental anguish can significantly reduce the quality of life in general. Tasks that are performed daily may become too difficult or impossible to handle. For example, a person suffering from chronic stress might have problems with such activities as shopping for groceries or going to a party. These limitations can result in feelings of hopelessness and anger, which in turn can decrease the subject’s quality of life. Other non-pecuniary losses may include mental suffering which has an impact on a person’s ability to lead a fulfilling life, no enjoyment of life, hopelessness, and loss of dignity.

Long-Term Consequences

The long-term effects of mental suffering can therefore be severe. Failure to provide support and or seek treatment may lead to chronic mental health disorders that need to be managed for the rest of the patient’s life. For instance, the former condition may contribute to substance use as a way of coping with anxiety and depression that has not been properly managed. Also, the combined total of mental anguish damages shortens life because the stress that accompanies mental anguish hurts the human body in the long run.

Avoiding mental pain is all about ensuring that one does not let their mental health deteriorate. Here are some strategies for preventing such mental torment:


Self-care is very important to avoid suffering from mental distress. This includes; taking balanced diets, sleeping, and engaging in physical activities such as exercises. These habits assist in maintaining the good health of the body and the brain. For instance, doing exercise regularly will help to overcome stress and improve mood due to the production of endorphins – the hormones of happiness.

Stress Management

Stress if well managed can help in avoiding mental suffering. Deep breathing, meditation, or yoga are some of the ways that one can use to reduce stress levels. Leisure activities are also an effective way to get away from stress and the different pressures that one has to face every day [4]. One must be able to learn how to decline and set limits because taking on too much work can cause one to become overwhelmed.

Social Support

It is very important to have someone to turn to in moments of distress. Hoping that you can have a good relationship with your family, friends, and co-workers this serves as a good source of comfort during the trying times. Sharing what you are feeling and what has happened to you with other people can be beneficial to avoid the feeling of emotional overload.

Seeking Professional Help

If you are dealing with chronic stress or any other emotional issues, it is advisable to seek assistance from a qualified therapist. Counselors and therapists can offer ways of dealing with stress and dealing with negative feelings. The mental suffering of the patient can be addressed before it progresses to other serious mental disorders.

When mental torture happens, it is best to treat it as soon as possible and most efficiently. Here are some ways of handling the mental pain.

Acknowledging Emotions

The first step towards managing mental pain is to identify and validate the emotions you are experiencing. Accept your feelings and emotions without prejudice and allow yourself to cry or laugh as much as you want. This can stop feelings from accumulating and getting stronger the longer they go on [4].

Mindfulness And Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness is a useful technique to reduce one’s suffering. Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to the present experience without any form of criticism. Other methods including deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can help in easing the mind and anxiety.

Connecting With Others

Help is available from other people, so it is not a good idea to isolate oneself. Sometimes it is beneficial to share your feelings with a friend, family member, or therapist so that you can find a way to work through them. They can also give a sense of belonging to a group of people who can relate to the situation of the patient.

Engaging In Healthy Activities

Participation in activities that are fulfilling can reduce suffering mentally. This might be some form of recreation, exercise, or giving back to society in some way. Such activities can help fill one’s time and give them something to focus on besides their thoughts.

Setting Realistic Goals

It is recommended to set small and realistic goals to regain the sense of achievement. Dividing a task into smaller segments can help to avoid stress and feel that something is being accomplished.

1. Very Well Mind. Understanding and Managing Anguish: What You Need to Know.

2. Medical News Today. What are the causes and symptoms of emotional distress?

3. Better Help. How Anguish Affects You.

4. Healthline. How to Recognize Emotional Distress, Plus 5 Tips to Help You Cope.



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