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Marisa Peer (born April 12, 1957) is a British therapist, renowned speaker, best-selling author, transformational leader, and the founder of the ‘I Am Enough’ movement. As the award-winning pioneer of Rapid Transformational Therapy, she developed a comprehensive solution-based therapeutic method whose training curriculum has altered the lives of thousands of individuals.

Over thirty years, Rapid Transformational Therapy (or RTT) has been developed. Marisa Peer’s hypnotherapy methods utilize the principles of hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, psychotherapy, neuroplasticity, and neuroscience to provide a rapid, effective, life-altering treatment with enduring effects.

RTT is significantly quicker to achieve response than other treatment methods. The majority of individuals just require one session to comprehend the source of their problem and permanently resolve it. Complex problems may require slightly more time, but no more than 3 sessions.

RTT is a combination therapy renowned for its effectiveness in identifying the source of a client’s problem and assisting them in permanently overcoming it. Low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, and addiction are just a few of the numerous conditions that RTT can treat.

Continue reading to learn more about the revolutionary hypnosis methods of Marissa Peers, RTT, and the rapid transformational therapy reviews in the UK and throughout the world.

Melissa Peer’s hypnosis methods provide direct communication with the subconscious mind, where the majority of problems, obstacles, and core beliefs reside. The fundamental causes of the prevailing issue are discovered through RTT which allows us to comprehend why and when it began. This comprehension is potent. Then, we guide the individual through the path of permanently letting go of the issue. 

This enables individuals to be liberated and to move ahead in a constructive manner, building the life they desire.

Following the RTT session, an audio recording of the individual’s personal development is delivered. The mind acquires knowledge by repetition, and the recording reconfigures the brain to embrace new beliefs, making the transformation permanent and potent. 

This audio is to be played daily for at least 21 days, at which time the therapist will follow up with the client to ensure they are receiving support and encouragement throughout this transitional period.

The Marisa Peer method of hypnotherapy can be divided into 4 distinct phases: 

The Visualization

You spent around ten minutes with the hypnotist entering a hypnotic state. This requires visualization. Your therapist will guide you through a situation that induces the theta state gradually. During this state of consciousness, you feel a stronger sense of serenity and relaxation, and you are more susceptible to suggestion than in your waking, or alpha, state.

According to Scientific American, theta state refers to the state that you may experience when traveling for a prolonged amount of time on the highway, where you feel aware but obviously more “zoned out.”

The Settings

Your therapist may lead you in recalling 3 scenes from your past, particularly your childhood while you are under hypnosis. Numerous people will spontaneously generate these scenes. Your therapist may inquire about your perceptions and emotions in these moments.

It is occasionally strange but in the best manner. It is similar to viewing scenes from your life but understanding them in a completely different manner.

The Comforting

This is the portion of the session in which you welcome and console your younger self. The point at which it becomes evident how these scenes—those areas of trauma or impact you just went through with the therapist—really affected you as a child. It is also where healing begins.

The therapist will have you visualize your younger self (from when you were roughly 5 or 6 years old or when you were a child) and may reach down to console you.

You may have had a lovely upbringing with your siblings and parents and you may still be really close with them today. The amazing part about RTT is that it is not limited to individuals who have undergone only “Big T” traumas. This is healing for everybody who has encountered any level of pain in their lives that has hindered their development or healing abilities, that really is, for all of us.

The stigma associated with hypnotherapy is that it is only for those who are depressed, addicted, afflicted with anxiety or physical disorders, or constantly depressed. Not by a long shot is its sole function. It is vital to highlight that RTT can be used to treat traumas across the spectrum.

The Affirmations

This is the final phase in which your therapist will spend some time acknowledging what you have seen and felt and offering a mantra—or perhaps a longer, guided thought for recovery and healing is a better description. And your therapist may also record this so that you can listen to it each night to reaffirm the session’s benefits.

Your therapist may advise you to listen to your tape of the Visualization and Affirmation portion of your session for twenty-one consecutive nights after your session. Your therapist may recommend listening to it soon before bedtime or perhaps falling asleep to it. As you listen to your tape, the new neural pathways you created throughout the session will be strengthened.

Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Therapy is designed to quickly identify the underlying cause of each client’s problems. Therapists have found that none of their clients were born with negative attitudes and behaviors; rather, they acquired them at some point in their lives. RTT removes limiting beliefs and behaviors swiftly and permanently by analyzing with the client where, how, and when they got them, and then assisting each client in understanding and reframing the beliefs that wounded them and held them back. This final step is crucial: in addition to relieving their pain, RTT teaches patients where it originates, preventing it from returning. Clients view RTT as a worthwhile investment since they receive just what they desire: liberation from their terrible past difficulties.

One of RTT’s most effective strategies is the pattern and sequence of asking questions used to extract what has occurred to the patient and, equally as essential, what they feel and think about what has occurred. It is intended to immediately reveal what lies underlying the client’s behaviors and thoughts and then expedite the client’s awakening. Moreover, it assures that the client guides the process.

A commonly misunderstood aspect of the RTT method is that we can never guarantee that the exact recollections brought up during “root cause work” in hypnosis are 100% correct or without reproach. Similarly, it would be impossible to demonstrate that childhood experiences brought up in a typical therapist’s office were completely and correctly remembered. The objective is not to check the actual veracity of these memories, but rather to recognize that the emotions elicited by these memories create an unhelpful narrative for the individual. We permit the individual to tell themself a more accurate account of what transpired so that they may heal.

When it comes to resolving the problems that afflict us, feelings count as much as, if not more than, the truth. Suppose a person recalls vividly being left in a crib at the age of 11 months. This may or may not have occurred precisely as the client recalls, and it is impossible to confirm. However, the fact that they bring it up under hypnosis may indicate that they have a connected notion that they are unwanted and will be rejected by those they care about. This belief is very accurate, and it is probably destroying their adult relationships now. In practice, RTT treats the narrative and the underlying belief, rather than the exact memory. The narrative will always feel authentic, even if the recollection is inaccurate.

Today, RTT is a potent training tool for therapists who study the culmination of more than thirty years worth of expertise. And for patients, it is a results-focused strategy that can be utilized in place of or in conjunction with other therapies.

Practitioners and therapists have gathered an abundance of anecdotal data and case studies demonstrating the efficacy of RTT. Nevertheless, we are eager and looking forward to the fact that we are starting to investigate the efficacy of RTT more robustly and systematically. In 2020, we initiated the collection of scientific evidence to verify our hypothesis that RTT is a successful therapeutic intervention, and by 2021, we had amassed a sufficient number of cases for our three most prevalent presenting issues: self-esteem/confidence, depression, and anxiety. Preliminary numbers are quite encouraging, and we are eager to make this knowledge more widely available as we gather and analyze more data and continue to assess the long-term impact of RTT.

A typical RTT session lasts between 90 and 120 minutes. Every session feels different to each individual. For most, it is a feeling of profound ease and relaxation. And for some, it has the impression of dreamy floatation. Notably, how you feel during the session does not indicate its efficacy. It is operating nonetheless.

Moreover, regression is an essential component of Marisa Peer hypnotherapy, also known as RTT. Through hypnosis, you receive new insight into your past experiences. The subconscious mind contains the answers to why you feel the way you do. This permits your mind to release the concerns permanently. The therapist then assists you in retraining and updating your mind with empowering and uplifting beliefs. However, certain issues may require multiple sessions to resolve.

You may feel tremendously joyful and thrilled, or relaxed and liberated, after the session. You may also experience extreme fatigue and drowsiness. You may find yourself in an introspective frame of mind.

You can schedule an RTT session online and get treatment from the convenience of your own home. The therapist will provide you with a recording to listen to for twenty-one consecutive days in order to reprogram new beliefs into your subconscious. This is a crucial component of the therapy approach, as hearing the same positive sentence 21 times will solidify your new beliefs.

RTT is really for you if you have business experience and a genuine desire to help other self-employed people to boost their enterprises and realize their full potential.

Many of us struggle with limiting ideas and blockages that make it more difficult for us to achieve the financial independence we deserve and truly “own” our skills and abilities so that we can put them out into the world as we choose. Therefore, RTT is utilized to assist individuals with money barriers, visibility concerns, procrastination, self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, and anything else that prevents entrepreneurs from achieving their desired level of success.

RTT can also be quite useful.

  • Self-esteem and confidence
  • Anxiousness and tension
  • Depression
  • Fears, phobias, and limiting beliefs
  • Addictions to tobacco, alcohol, sweets, and gambling
  • Problems with examinations, public speaking, interviews, sports, and sales
  • Weight reduction
  • Eating disorders
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Abuse
  • Fertility
  • Obsessive behavior plus self-harm
  • Physical and physiological conditions: pain control, cell regeneration, and healing

The short and quick answer is Yes!

With Rapid Transformational Therapy, also known as RTT, you engage yourself in the subconscious origins of your problems and, in a sense, draw them out. Your subconscious beliefs are like the lens through which you view and act on the world, and they can hinder the change you so desperately desire without your understanding!

You frequently have a clear understanding of what you are doing incorrectly, like with a diet to shed pounds that it appears impossible to maintain.  Because these ingrained, subconscious habits appear to contradict the conscious belief! Rapid Transformational Therapy takes a completely different approach than traditional “talk” therapy.

You will engage through calmness with the subconscious thought processes, where emotionally charged and intuitive patterns are kept; this is what makes the shift so rapid. When in a relaxed state of hypnosis, you have, so to speak, dropped the ‘curtain’ of your self-censorship, allowing you to readily recognize your emotions. A shift in your subconscious thought processes will breach through your imprinted habits, behaviors, and beliefs and you may then make this transformation permanent by listening to the daily audio.

By cutting through your habits, beliefs, and patterns during hypnosis, you will immediately experience a shift in perspective, which will be most apparent as a change in your emotions. The results may be visible during the first 48 hours following a session. You will also experience changes in your manner of thinking, which will intensify as you continue to listen to the daily audio recording. And from that point on it just improves!

Regardless of how long you’ve dealt with particular challenges, RTT can rapidly alter your perspective on them. It modifies the environment in which your “negative” patterns, beliefs, and actions originated.

There are hundreds of legit Rapid Transformational Therapy reviews in favor of the useful long-lasting effects of RTT. RTT therapy reviews in the UK have boomed in the past few years and it is pertinent to mention that times are changing for good with all the complementary and alternative options available for achieving holistic health. 

If you’re searching for a massive push in the right direction, RTT can be of great assistance!



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