17 Minutes

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Do you believe that you are shackled by weed addiction? If yes, then Marijuana Use Disorder is a disease that can only be cured with marijuana addiction treatment. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, one in five teenagers tend to become addicted to marijuana. Why? Because of THC – the psychoactive component. Simple speaking, marijuana is a drug that contains Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This component of weed is responsible for the stages that follow its use – marijuana abuse, marijuana dependence, and marijuana addiction. 

Your brain is sensitive to externally incorporated chemicals. It is no wonder that smoking pot can actually manipulate the chemical functions of your brain. As your brain becomes chemically dependent on pot, you become physically and psychologically dependent on it. At this point, your only fix is marijuana treatment at a marijuana rehabilitation center. 

Man smoking a marijuana cigarette

Quitting marijuana requires acceptance, persistence, and sincerity on the part of the patient. So, what is the role of a weed rehab program? 

The objective of marijuana addiction treatment at a rehab for weed is to enable the abusers to get rid of their addiction triggers and, in the process, develop coping mechanisms to resist the temptation through Cannabis Therapy. 

Well, cannabis addiction treatment is just as important as understanding your role in the process. 

Firstly, what you must remember is that your pot addiction is definitely not a flaw that resides within you. Like any other physical or mental disorder, Cannabis Use Disorder can be treated and cured with therapy. 

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Marijuana addiction treatment is administered by professional health specialists and psychologists at inpatient weed rehabs and outpatient weed rehabs. 

With that said, let’s move on to the key preparations that you must make before aspiring to seek marijuana recovery at a marijuana rehab.

Note: Did you know that almost 90% of the time, relapses occur because the patient suffering from Cannabis Use Disorder did not prepare sufficiently prior to attaining marijuana recovery? 

  1. Strategize a plan and make up your mind: Opening your mind to the possibility of seeking treatment is your first step in the right direction. Accept it!
  2. Reflect upon your journey of Pot Abuse: Take a look back, identify your triggers, and understand the source of your marijuana addiction. 

Whether you plan to seek treatment at an inpatient marijuana rehab, or an outpatient marijuana rehabilitation center, identifying your triggers beforehand will allow your therapist to uninstall them a hundred times faster. Identification is a part of acceptance. 

  1. Weed Abuse-related Paraphernalia: Before you opt for pot addiction treatment, it will be a great idea for you to get rid of your marijuana-related equipment. 

This can range from bongs to pipes and vapes. This proactive technique will allow you to return from your weed rehabilitation center to a weed-free home. 

Your little steps will make the most difference!

First things first: Unless you acknowledge the right time for you to commit to pot addiction treatment, you will not be able to seek the right opportunity to exploit. 

There is a time for everything, isn’t that right? Well, so does quit weed

As hard as the subject might be for you currently, not quitting marijuana when it’s high time and not seeking marijuana addiction treatment will only result in dangers that you cannot anticipate. 

Look out if:

  • Weed Abuse is becoming a reason for your irrational behavior
  • Long-term marijuana abuse has disrupted your sleeping habits and has altered your biological clock. 
  • Your marijuana addiction is causing you to have financial difficulties. 
  • You are having anxiety and depression. 
  • Pot abuse and dependence are causing you to have problems with your academics and/or job. 
  • You are facing memory loss and indecisiveness because of cannabis dependence
  • Upon not consuming the drug, your Cannabis Use Disorder is leading you to experience marijuana withdrawal.

Note: Every year more than 14% of admissions in weed rehabs are for teenagers. If you believe your child is suffering from Cannabis Use Disorder, make sure to observe for any of the signs above. 

Alright, now that you know how to judge the situation of cannabis abuse, dependence, and addiction, it is time for you to explore your treatment options. 

Selecting the right form of cannabis addiction treatment program for your cannabis dependence might seem like an intense responsibility. 

After all, your future depends upon it. The wrong treatment program which is not tailored to your needs will only be a waste of time with minimal to no outcomes. 

Because you certainly do not want that, it is better to acquire knowledge about each type of weed rehabilitation center and treatment program for marijuana addicts beforehand. 

That said, there are two types of marijuana rehabilitation centers: Inpatient weed rehabs and outpatient weed rehabs. 

Without further ado, let’s explore each one of them in detail.

An outpatient marijuana treatment program might be your go-to, ideal place if what you are looking for anything falls under any one of the following categories:

  1. Less expensive treatment options
  2. Complete association with work and family during the treatment period
  3. Merely reduction of cannabis abuse and cannabis dependence
  4. Education about the possible harmful effects of continuing weed abuse 

There are two other scenarios in which visiting an outpatient weed rehab must be your priority. 

First, if you happen to be indulging in pot abuse for less than 12 months, the degree of your cannabis dependence and addiction will not be extremely severe. 

At this point, it is very much possible that you will not need residential treatment at an inpatient marijuana rehab. An outpatient marijuana rehab will suffice. 

Second, if you have just recovered from intense, prolonged, and severe weed dependence and addiction at an inpatient marijuana rehab, you can choose to spend some time at an outpatient marijuana rehab for aftercare. 

Note: If you have been dependent on weed/cannabis for over 12-14 months, it is fair to say that you have crossed the line into marijuana addiction. Now, you will require an inpatient marijuana rehab facility with 24/7, around-the-clock medical attention. 

Cannabis addiction treatment programs must be tailored to the crucial – and potentially ever-changing – needs of the patients.

With that in our knowledge, it will be appropriate if we signify that the role of an inpatient marijuana treatment center falls precisely within these boundaries.  

An inpatient weed rehab is for people who require intense attention with close observation and treatment consecutively for several days, rather than the flexibility of hours at an outpatient weed rehabilitation center. 

To battle your weed dependence, an inpatient marijuana rehab can be a suitable choice if you desire to completely uninstall your triggers for marijuana addiction. 

Furthermore, an inpatient weed rehab establishes an environment for you that can foster immense productivity. 

With the assistance of evidence-based experiential therapies, an inpatient marijuana rehab can allow you to build a life from the beginning. 

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Without any delay, let’s address the aspects associated with the domain of an inpatient marijuana rehabilitation center. 

Benefits of an Inpatient Weed Rehab

In comparison with an outpatient rehab for weed dependence and addiction, an inpatient marijuana rehab has the upper hand. 

The facilities that an inpatient marijuana rehab tends to provide its patients are far from those that come at a cheaper cost at an outpatient weed rehab. 

At an inpatient weed rehabilitation center you will be provided with high-quality care for your Cannabis Use Disorder, along with:

  • Direct supervision from the professional staff, medics, psychologists, and doctors. 
  • Access to superior medical care at whatever time you require it.
  • Complete blockage of access to Marijuana or any other drugs that you used alongside it. 
  • Extensive emotional support
  • A myriad of activities and therapies that foster better growth. 

Even though you may not realize it momentarily, having complete access to professional medical care at an arm’s length is important and priceless for when you are feeling under the weather, jittery, or emotionally vulnerable. 

Besides this, the professional staff at an inpatient rehab for weed will have the opportunity to tailor the treatment, therapies, and medications to the needs of your Marijuana Use Disorder. 

Length of Cannabis Therapy at an Inpatient Marijuana Rehab

The duration of therapy and treatment at an inpatient marijuana rehabilitation center can often last for 28-30 days. 

The reason being? The length of withdrawal for cannabis. Cannabis withdrawal can usually take 20-35 days, maximally

However, it is also important to note that when weed abuse is accompanied by other forms of substance use disorders, the duration of the inpatient rehab can last as long as 60-90 days. 

Note: There is no definite duration for which your cannabis therapy should last. The period can vary dramatically depending upon the extent of cannabis abuse. 

As the name depicts, a luxury rehab facility for Cannabis Use Disorder is an opportunity for people addicted to marijuana to seek high-end, professional-quality treatment at an absolutely private, serene, comforting, homely, and tranquil setting. 

Also, every client has a private villa at a luxury inpatient marijuana rehab facility. 

Luxury rehabs for weed addicts come at a significant price, most of which can be covered by your insurance. 

If you desire, a luxury inpatient weed rehab for you can be a place for you to undo the triggers that your cannabis dependence and Cannabis Use Disorder have installed within you.

As several programs at inpatient marijuana luxury rehabs cite, the additional facilities include:

  • 5-star rehabilitation and treatment
  • Private chef with gourmet skills
  • Private driver
  • Personal housekeeping
  • Pool, a big garden, golf, and other recreational activities
  • Absolute privacy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Personal assistants
  • Private nursing staff
  • Equine therapy 
  • Music and art therapy

Remember that these facilities are not merely for luxury. They play a vital role in providing you with the comfort that you require, especially, during the detoxification and withdrawal phase. 

Note: The cost of a luxury program at an inpatient marijuana rehab ranges from $25,000 to absolutely anything above that depending upon the number and extent of facilities. 

Whether you choose to opt for an inpatient or an outpatient rehab for weed addiction, you will be provided with the highest quality of care that your body and mind are in dire need of. 

Once you are diagnosed for your marijuana dependence by well-trained professionals, your marijuana addiction treatment will be initiated.

The psychosocial forms of treatment for Cannabis Use Disorder/ Cannabis Use have been tried and tested through experiments. 

As per the knowledge that the experts provide, the best forms of marijuana addiction treatments for you are circled around:

  1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
  2. Contingency Management (CM) 
  3. Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

Please, understand that you will undergo these therapies at an inpatient or an outpatient weed rehab individually. 

The therapies that are meant to provide your unconditional support throughout your journey of being marijuana-free include:

  1. Group Therapy
  2. Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Weed Addiction Treatment 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy first came into existence when it became the optimal way for psychotherapists to treat depression.

With the passage of time, however, it became a beneficial and evidence-based tool for cannabis therapy. 

Quitting pot without Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a part of treatment for marijuana can be quite tiresome. 

That is because the purpose of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy revolves around one major factor: Acceptance. 

During your treatment for weed abuse, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will open your mind to the possibility of recognizing the triggers that control your marijuana addiction. 

Along with that, CBT will ensure that you develop coping strategies for refusing the drug even when it is offered to you. 

Because marijuana is an exceedingly acceptable drug in society, the margin for relapses is extensive. 

With the assistance of a professional psychotherapist and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you will be blessed with opportunities to practice your self-control. 

Overall, here are a few things that you can expect from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy during your journey for weed rehabilitation. 

  • You will explore, understand, and practice the positive and the negative aspects associated with marijuana addiction. 
  • You will recognize and seek out the benefits of being treated for marijuana addiction.
  • You will develop strategies to cope up with the fear of relapsing. 
  • You will learn how to monitor your own triggers and subsequently avoid them. 
  • You will understand the skill of problem-solving and dealing with high-risk situations. 

Note: Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) works optimally for other forms of Substance Use Disorders. Even if your marijuana addiction is accompanied by alcoholism, CBT can help within 20-30 days. 

Contingency Management for Cannabis Use Disorder Treatment 

In your journey of cannabis addiction treatment, you will undergo operant conditioning through contingency management. 

In other words, CM is a form of behavioral modification. 

Behavioral modification and operant conditioning can be a part of your treatment for weed addiction in the form of rewards and small punishments. 

During your marijuana addiction treatment, your therapist will acquire control over one behavior that you frequently display. In this case, this “behavior” can be abstinence from marijuana. 

When the therapy sessions proceed, if you abstain from marijuana, you will be given a reward. 

However, if you abuse weed all over again between the sessions, a small punishment will be administered by the therapist. 

Note: Because this form of therapy has the margin of making errors, it is the accurate approach for you at an outpatient marijuana rehabilitation center. Unless other behavioral factors are considered by the therapists. 

Motivational Enhancement Therapy for Pot Addiction

This form of therapy is derived from the principles of motivational psychology. 

During your treatment for marijuana addiction, you will undergo four individual treatment sessions for Motivational Enhancement Therapy. 

Before your initial two therapy sessions, an assessment will be conducted with the assistance of a myriad of instruments. 

After the initial assessment, the pattern of your therapy will traverse along the lines of:

  • Therapy sessions 1 & 2: During these sessions, you will be motivated to develop future plans after you receive structured feedback from your therapist.
  • Therapy sessions 3 & 4: For you, managing change might not seem like an easy task to perform. But, with Motivational Enhancement Therapy, you will reinforce your progress, reimburse your motivation, and achieve an objective to foster change.  

Towards the end of the therapy sessions, you will observe a newfound motivational change within yourself. 

In other words, Motivational Enhancement Therapy for cannabis dependence will encourage you to find that chunk of motivation for change lodged deep within you. 

Note: Motivational Enhancement Therapy provides intrinsic rewards. Opposite to that, Contingency Management allows behavioral change through extrinsic rewards. 

Group Therapy for Marijuana Addiction Treatment 

The original purpose of group therapy as a part of marijuana addiction treatment is to ensure that you are given the liberty, freedom, and support that you require in your journey. 

Cognitive Behavior Therapy can also be implemented as a strategic approach to group sessions. 

If you plan to opt for an inpatient marijuana rehab, you can expect to attend multiple Cognitive Behavior Therapy sessions each week at your marijuana addiction treatment program. 

An outpatient weed rehab, however, traditionally begins with individualized treatment and then proceeds onto group therapy sessions. 

Group therapy sessions are irreplaceable because of:

  • The emotional support they guide you with 
  • The social interconnectedness they create
  • The feeling of being at “home” they foster
  • The relationships that flourish during the sessions. 

Note: Group therapy marijuana treatment programs often develop a 12-step facilitation program under which the patients are guided to consensually believe in a Higher Power that controls their welfare.  

Multidimensional Family Therapy for Cannabis Dependence

Do you believe that our attitudes are shaped by external factors? Well, so does the basic principle of Multidimensional Family Therapy. 

Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) can be a suitable treatment option for your weed dependence if your family dynamics are unpredictable. 

Because adolescents often face difficulties with their families, MDFT centers on the belief that all patients are affected by a myriad of factors that tend to shape their marijuana addiction

When carried out by professional psychotherapists, MDFT fulfills the aim of reducing your marijuana abuse, treating your Cannabis Use Disorder and cannabis dependence, while also sharpening your interactive and social skills, simultaneously. 

Here are the main interventions of MDFT that you must keep in mind:

  1. Inclining the motivation of the parents and the children who partake in the treatment.
  2. Reduction or cessation of Marijuana Use Disorder. 
  3. Preventing any potential relapses and uninstalling the triggers for marijuana addiction. 
  4. Improving family dynamics and relationships.
  5. Identifying the triggers that reside within the family. 

Note: MDFT for marijuana addiction treatment is performed by therapists, working in teams. The practice-oriented training sessions ensure that the patients are carefully supervised on a daily basis. 

Currently, the FDA has not approved any medications to treat cannabis withdrawal directly. 

Nevertheless, there is a myriad of medications that can be used at inpatient marijuana rehabs and outpatient weed rehabs to treat specific symptoms of marijuana withdrawal and dependence. 

The assisting medications for weed withdrawal treat the following symptoms:

  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Sleeping problems
  • Cravings

So, the key takeaway for you at this point is that marijuana addiction treatment is not medication-assisted. 

It is only the detoxification and withdrawal phase whereby the physician can prescribe you the following medications to manage your symptoms and ease the pain that cannabis addiction brings along:

  1. BuSpar (Buspirone): BuSpar addresses the issues of irritability, mood swings, and anxiety that the patients experience during the cannabis withdrawal phase. It can keep you in a state of tranquillity.
  2. Ambien (Zolpidem): Ambien can manage your sleeping cycles if long-term pot abuse has caused certain unpredictable shifts in your biological clock. 
  3. Neurontin: Like Ambien, Neurontin has the same function. It improves your marijuana abuse-related insomnia. 
  4. Allosteric Modulating Drugs: These pharmacological agents can assist you in managing and avoiding intense weed cravings. 
  5. Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibitors (FAAH): The FAAH inhibitors are an important class of drugs that work through a mechanism that breaks down the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) from your system to eliminate them at a faster pace from the body

Note: Other addictive medications like antidepressants, tranquilizers, anti-anxiety drugs, and analgesics can be prescribed to manage your cannabis withdrawal as per the extent and severity of your symptoms. 

Alright, now that you have been enlightened about the important correlations that persist between cannabis addiction treatment and the general well-being of a weed addict, let’s move on to address the dangers that can affect you if you fail to seek treatment for Cannabis Use Disorder. 

Remember, not seeking treatment at the right time is your loss. But, not acquiring treatment at the right place is yet another loss. 

Whether you opt for an inpatient weed rehab or an outpatient marijuana rehab for recovery, it is your ultimate duty to ensure that the type of rehabilitation center will address all of your needs. 

Let’s have a look at the dangers of not undergoing treatment at the right time and place:

  • Your heart will suffer: If you do not acquire therapy after a needy relationship with weed, your heart will weaken. 

THC within marijuana can cause blood clots to develop within your circulatory system. The result? A heart attack. 

  • Your brain function will deteriorate: The psychoactive component of marijuana can “overstimulate” the THC receptors within the brain.

Eventually, it will cause your memory to weaken and your judgment to be impaired. Psychosis and paranoia will assist the profound memory loss. 

  • Your lungs will be harmed: The THC in marijuana can cause your airways to become overwhelmed with excess mucus production. 

This can not only deteriorate your existing breathing disorders but can also cause bronchitis. 

  • Dangers to your fetus: If you are pregnant, THC can cross the placenta and affect the baby as much as it affects you. 

The underdeveloped lungs of the baby will just be yet another open spot for weed to conquer. 

Before it’s too late and the dangers become a hurdle to your life, seek treatment for cannabis dependence and addiction. 

Marijuana addiction treatment is your last resort to break away from the shackles of Cannabis Use Disorder. 

The selection of an inpatient weed rehab or an outpatient weed rehabilitation center must depend on two main factors: the extent/duration of your addiction and the severity of your pot addiction. 

You must remember that marijuana addiction treatment does not have a singular duty of curing you and freeing you from the predicament that is cannabis addiction. 

Besides that, cannabis therapy is just as crucial for you to prevent relapses, get a break from your depressive thoughts, and address your anxiety issues. 

Understand that once the threats to your heart, brain, and lungs engorge themselves, your body will suffer without end. 

Recognize the right time, look for the right place, and get the weed addiction treatment that you deserve! 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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