7 Minutes
James Clear’s books continue to inspire and motivate millions around the world and have a significant effect in shaping lives. “Atomic Habits,” one of James Clear’s most well-known works, contains 20 chapters, and each chapter begins with a real-world tale describing how specific behaviors affected the lives of the person or group being depicted in the anecdote. This provides background for the remainder of the chapter.
Atomic Habits is the ultimate guide to changing bad habits and acquiring good ones in 4 steps, demonstrating how little, incremental, daily routines combine over time to produce enormous, positive change.
Among his former clients are Capital One, General Electric, Cisco, Intel, LinkedIn, Honda, McKinsey & Company, Lululemon, and Merrill Lynch, among others.
Continue reading to know more about James Clear books, his area of expertise, and his outstanding work “Atomic Habits”.
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