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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, lists intermittent explosive disorder (IED) as a mental health issue (DSM-5). Conduct disorder, Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), Pyromania, and Kleptomania are among the five impulse control disorders. Explosive anger disorder patients are unable to control their violent outbursts, which usually occur abruptly and are directed at someone close to them. In the US, roughly 16 million people suffer from the illness. It usually begins at a young age, around the age of 12, and appears to be more prevalent in men than in women.
In IED episodes, there is sudden anger for no reason. These episodes are out of proportion to the actual danger, and they don’t serve any aim, such as gaining a benefit or overpowering someone. A person with IED who yells at their current or former partner, for instance, isn’t trying to manipulate their partner’s behavior through aggression. The enraged episode serves no discernible function.
Witnesses may perceive these outbursts as unreasonable “freak-outs.” Physical aggressiveness, violent threats, or verbal abuse are all possibilities. They normally last around 30 minutes and are followed by feelings of regret, humiliation, and discomfort. Employment and relationships can suffer as a result of the condition. IED, on the other hand, is extremely durable. While someone with the illness is receiving therapy, those closest to them can assist in de-escalating IED episodes.
Here are some of the important facts and statistics related to Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
The diagnosis process starts with a review of the patient’s general medical and mental health histories, as well as a mental and physical state examination. An individual with the intermittent explosive disorder must have a failure to regulate aggressive tendencies as characterized by one of the following:
Verbal or physical hostility toward property, humans, or animals, occurring two times weekly on average for a period of three months. Animals or individuals are not physically harmed or property is destroyed as a result of the violence. Or
Within 12 months, three instances involving property destruction or damage and/or violent assault involving physical harm to animals or other people.
The level of aggressiveness expressed during the outbursts is disproportionately high in comparison to the scenario. Furthermore, the outbursts are not premeditated; they are founded on impulse and/or rage. Furthermore, the outbursts cannot be explained by any other mental illness, health problem, or substance addiction.
IED can be scary. Expressing your anxiety or trying to fight back when experiencing an active IED incidence, on the other hand, might sometimes unsettle the person even more. Calm and composure are required for effective de-escalation. Attempt to withdraw from your personal sentiments as much as possible during the incident. Acknowledge that the IED user’s behavior is out of their power.
IED patients may have extremely strong emotions, underdeveloped defense mechanisms (such as denial and projection), and inadequate reality checking. All of this can make dealing with them logically nearly impossible. As a result, you defuse. Here are a few specific de-escalation tactics that could be effective in dealing with someone who has an episode of an IED outburst:
An intimate partner of somebody with an IED may be aware of the person’s emotional reactions and identify the warning indications of an impending outburst. Individuals with IED, for instance, may shiver, feel heaviness in their chest, or even become irritated. This does not, however, imply that a companion has the option of escaping the episode. They could even be the initial defense.
A loved one may see intense IED outbursts as emotional oppression. It’s possible that the person will become physically or verbally violent, which is never acceptable in a romantic relationship. Remove access to a weapon or dangerous items that the individual could use to harm oneself or others to keep yourself safe. Make a plan for how you’ll get out if you feel threatened.
Sadly, only a small percentage of IED patients receive treatment. They may never realize the damaging implications of out-of-control explosive events. If the person you love refuses to accept they have a problem and attempt to control their uncontrollable anger, you may have to protect yourselves by ending the relationship permanently.
A variety of methods have been in practice for IED treatment. The majority of the time, a combination of these treatment methods are used. The various strategies for treating IED disorder are as under:
Individual or group counseling with a counselor, therapist, or psychologist may be beneficial in managing IED symptoms.
To deal with violent urges, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps identify damaging patterns and applies coping techniques, relaxation exercises, and relapse prevention education.
Group or individual CBT for 12 weeks improved IED symptoms such as aggression, anger management, and hostility, according to a 2008 study. This was true during therapy as well as three months later.
Although there are no particular drugs for IED, some medications may assist to lessen impulsive or aggressive behavior. These are some of them:
There is a scarcity of research on IED medications. One of the key questions in choosing medications is whether antidepressants help with anger in IED? The SSRI fluoxetine, a well-known depression medication, more popularly known by its trademark Prozac, was proven to lessen impulsive-aggressive behavior in persons with IED in 2009 research.
The full benefits of SSRIs can take up to 3 months to feel, and complaints tend to recur once the medicine is stopped. Furthermore, not everyone is helped by medicine.
Alternative Methods Of Treating IED
Alternative treatments and lifestyle changes for IED have been studied in a limited number of studies. Nonetheless, there are a number of therapies that are unlikely to be harmful. Here are a few examples:
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED), a relatively recent diagnosis, does not have a test. It was only in the 3rd edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1980 that it was first identified as a psychiatric disorder. However, there is a test for screening this mental health condition.
The IED screening questionnaire (IED-SQ) can help you determine your risk of developing IED. It may also aid in the detection of symptoms and the determination of whether further testing is required.
The IED-SQ, on the other hand, does not provide an actual diagnosis. It simply determines whether your symptoms are caused by IED.
Several mental and substance-use problems are linked to increased aggressiveness, and they are often coupled with IED, making differential diagnosis complicated. People with IED are 4 times more likely than the general population to acquire anxiety or depression disorders, and 3 times more likely to experience substance abuse problems.
Bipolar disorder has been associated with higher agitation and violent behavior in some people, but this aggression is confined to depressive and/or manic episodes for these people, whereas people with IED are hostile even when they are in a neutral or happy mood.
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