The Smoothie Served to Olympians

At The Balance, we believe that for true healing to happen we have to treat the whole person. This is why our approach incorporates both mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We know that the gut-brain connection plays a crucial role in mood, cognitive function, and overall mental health. That’s why we partner top doctors and […]

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Your Trauma Stays in The Body – Here’s How We Get it Out

In the last decade, there has been a revolution in mental health treatment. With works like The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk and The Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges, the research shows us that our experiences can live on inside of us long after they have happened. In order to properly […]

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NeuroBiology: Our Approach and The Future of Mental Health Treatment

At The Balance, we believe that treating mental health and addiction is not just about addressing symptoms but understanding the root causes. Our approach is guided by the study of neurobiology, the science of how the brain and nervous system function. This understanding allows us to develop a personalized program that treats each client’s brain, […]

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The Yogic Practices and Their Life-Changing Potential

Yoga is a time-honoured practice that has evolved over millennia. It’s taken different forms and been developed by a diverse range of practitioners across the globe. Today, there are many yogic practices that exist. Each bring their own distinct approach to connecting the mind, body and spirit. At The Balance, yoga is part of our […]

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Mind, Body, Spirit: An Integrative Approach to Eating Disorder Treatment

The treatment of Eating Disorders is incredibly complex. These conditions can impact every aspect of one’s life: biologically, socially, and psychologically. We often find that these disordered eating patterns are trauma-related. That trauma can be abuse, neglect, or even early attachment issues. Eating Disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders. They […]

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Meditation: What is it and What are the Types?

At The Balance, we champion the art of meditation in all of our treatment programs. We understand the power of being in touch with one’s self: on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. The way we practice meditation is deeply personal, and can be attuned to our lifestyle and value systems. It has historic roots, […]

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Eating Disorders in Athletes: Here’s What you Need to Know

Athletes are often seen as the epitome of health and fitness, but many struggle with serious health issues beneath the surface. One of the most concerning is the prevalence of eating disorders, which affect about 20% of athletes, with the majority remaining undiagnosed. The relentless pursuit of peak performance and ideal body composition can push […]

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Why Sleep is the First Step in the Healing Process

Sleeping is essential to our survival. Without it, our brains and bodies cannot function optimally. While we might think of sleep as a time when we shut down and recharge, the truth is far more complex. During those precious hours of rest, our bodies and minds are anything but inactive. How we sleep often determines […]

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The Recovery Journey For An Alcoholic: The Balance Approach

The effects of alcoholism can be devastating. Recovery is a deeply personal journey. At The Balance, we take our time to understand each individual who comes to us. We build our program around your lifestyle; we adapt in real-time. There is no other luxury rehab centre in the world that does this better than we […]

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How To Stay Mindful in The Workplace 

We were not built to sit in front of screens and live sedentary lifestyles. This evolution is relatively recent. Only in the last twenty years have we seen our daily lives become this way. These changes have brought both positive and negative effects. In today’s world, it is very easy to get overwhelmed and distracted […]

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How to Stage an Intervention: Our Expert Insights

When a loved one is struggling with an addiction, staging an intervention can be the thing that saves their life. But it’s not an easy thing to do. It’s crucial to meticulously plan every step: before, during, and after. If not done correctly, an intervention can exacerbate the situation and isolate the addict further. There […]

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Our Top 10 Favourite Supplements for Mental Health

There is no supplement that will save your life. Even though the world will sometimes have you believe so. The best way to take supplements is off the back of an in-depth blood test that can detail where you are deficient, or if you have too much of something as is the case in hypervitaminosis […]

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How to Support a Loved One with Bipolar Disorder: Our Tips

Bipolar Disorder affects millions of people around the world. It also affects the millions of people around those individuals. It can be a challenge to know how to best support a loved one with the diagnosis. The highs and lows can strain even the strongest of relationships. This Bipolar Awareness Day, we sat down with […]

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Personality Disorders: Understanding Them and Our Unique Approach

Personality Disorders are complex mental health conditions that affect an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours – often leading to serious impact in a person’s personal and social life. These disorders develop as a means of coping with early life, often linked to trauma or neglect. It shows up in interactions with friends, family, colleagues, and […]

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Sleep Disorders: Identifying Them & Our Unique Approach

Sleep disorders are one of the most common issues in the world today, with 1/3rd of the population suffering with one. Without healthy sleep, our bodies and minds cannot function. Sleep is what allows us to recover from the day, support cognitive function, and maintain a healthy emotional balance. Good sleep is not just about […]

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Understanding and Treating Trauma & PTSD

Trauma can be caused by any overwhelming experience that threatens or causes harm, either physical or emotional

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How Stress Affects the Body

Stress is the body’s response to any demand or threat. When you perceive a situation as challenging or dangerous, your body undergoes a series of biochemical and physiological changes, known as the stress response

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OCD: Common Misconceptions & Our Unique Approach

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition that affects millions worldwide, yet it is often misunderstood. It is estimated that 2% of the global condition is living with this condition, with 9 out of 10 experiencing a co-occurring disorder. In film and television, we often see it displayed as an insatiable desire for […]

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Bipolar Disorder: Common Misconceptions & Our Unique Approach

Bipolar Disorder is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. It is estimated that every 1 out of a 100 people have bipolar disorder.

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Understanding Addiction & Treatment: The Balance Approach

It is important to know that an addiction develops from an underlying issue, it is not the issue itself. Our expert addiction therapist, Enrique Torres, explains the root cause

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The Work-Life Balance: Our Tips & Tricks

We live in a digital age. The days when work was confined to an office space or address are long gone. Now, we can access work in the form of our cell phones and laptops

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Eating Disorder Recovery: Common Misconceptions & Our Unique Approach

There are two types of eating disorders someone can have: biochemical and physical or psychological. A biochemical, or physical, eating disorder is one that arises out of a change from the body first.

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Panic Attacks: Five Tips To Tackle them in the Moment

Experiencing a panic attack can be a profoundly unsettling experience, marked by a sudden onslaught of intense fear or discomfort. We understand that anyone, including affluent individuals, can be affected by these overwhelming moments of anxiety. It is estimated that 22.7% of the population will experience a panic attack in their lifetime. With numbers that […]

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The Impact of Cancer on Relationships: Navigating Together

The period of time after a Cancer diagnosis is distinct. It has the ability to impact relationships on many levels, both positive and negative

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Embracing the Year of ‘The Self’: Staying Motivated and Overcoming Challenges in Your New Year’s Goals

let’s explore 2024 together; a year the industry is calling ‘The Year of the Self.’ But what does that mean? And how can you make the most of this fresh start?

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Beyond Wealth: Navigating Addiction and Finding Purpose  

The festive season can be both joyful and challenging, especially for individuals facing addiction or supporting someone in recovery.

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Burnout recovery for Business Leaders  

As the festive season approaches, it’s easy to get caught in a whirlwind of expectations and commitments. For many affluent individuals, this time of year can paradoxically become a period of heightened stress and burnout, rather than one of relaxation and joy. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, remember that you’re not alone, and there […]

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