13 Minutes

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Nearly 10 percent of kids are diagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and as the use of medicine to control symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity rises, many people are looking for natural approaches to cure ADHD. Integrative medicine specialists are progressively recommending a variety of natural therapies to greatly boost ADHD symptoms organically or maximize the effectiveness of the medication. 

illustration of ADHD

Some natural ADHD treatments focus on lifestyle modifications like nutrition and sleep, while others concentrate on bio-hacking the brain to improve focus and attention, as well as less impulsivity. For many people, the optimum ADHD treatment plan involves a combination of these techniques that are used at the same time and on a regular basis.

Once you or your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you have three major treatment options. Y our integrative medicine practitioner will collaborate with you to figure out which option is best for you or your child. Among the approaches are:

  • Stimulants and non-stimulants are two types of medications used to treat ADHD.
  • Individuals, children, and parents can all benefit from behavior therapy.
  • Lifestyle and dietary modifications and functional therapies to cure ADHD naturally or to help medication work better.

One study found that medicine paired with behavior therapy produced the best treatment outcomes in school-aged children.

In another study, one child enjoyed greater sleep and attention after correcting dietary deficits like Vitamin B6 and magnesium–and no medication was required.

While it’s easy to designate one strategy as the most effective for treating ADHD, keep in mind that each person’s behavioral challenges are unique, and the goal is to identify the most effective approach–or a mix of approaches–that best supports them.

Although many parents and a few doctors believe that it is generally advisable to avoid long-term psychiatric medicines, others may disagree.

There are at least 3 compelling reasons to avoid taking drugs right away.

  1. So far, the study evidence only supports the idea that stimulant drugs (the backbone of ADHD treatment) function well for around 70 percent of the time in the short term. So far, the long-term study we have — and there isn’t much of it — has failed to show a long-term advantage. Indeed, the largest long-term study found that the advantages of treatment shown after one year vanish after three years.
  2. Many youngsters experience substantial adverse effects. Hallucinations, weight loss, and tics are only a few of the psychological and physical consequences. Low-grade depression or a “loss of joy” are examples of more subtle impacts. Many parents have told me that the medication was working, but their child “simply wasn’t my child.”
  3. The long-term consequences of stimulant medication on the growing brain remain unknown. When psychiatric drugs with significant impacts on neurotransmitter balance are administered to a growing brain, it will affect how that brain develops. Though we know that there are no obvious long-term problems such as renal or liver impairment or psychosis, there is little research on the subtler impacts. The intriguing topic is whether kids who take stimulant drugs from the age of six to eighteen are more or less prone to develop ADHD when they stop taking them. This is a question that no one knows the answer to.

The next obvious inquiry is whether non-pharmaceutical therapies for ADHD are successful. The answer is definitely yes. They don’t work for every adult or child with ADHD, but they do work for a lot of individuals.

Some doctors are wary of prescribing ADHD drugs to adults, especially those over the age of 65, because of the increased risk of drug interactions. If you’re having problems with day-to-day tasks due to ADHD, it’s a good idea to consider medication. If the effects of ADHD are modest and you’ve developed coping techniques without a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, your physician may suggest treating ADHD without medication with non-medication therapy instead.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

ADHD might have a particularly negative impact on one aspect of your life, like your work performance. A therapist can assist you in focusing on areas that require additional attention, as well as provide you with skills to use in specific circumstances at the workplace and elsewhere.

Related:How Often Does ADHD Co-Occur With Bipolar Disorder?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a popular method (CBT). This sort of psychotherapy aids people in changing unfavorable thought patterns into more positive and healthy ones. The premise is that if you shift your perspective on a circumstance, your emotions and behaviors will shift as well. CBT, for example, may aid in the transformation of “all or nothing” thinking, in which many people with ADHD believe that their achievements must be either flawless or a failure.

CBT focuses on providing you with tools to assist you to manage life’s stressors and challenges. Working on one’s self-esteem is a common part of ADHD treatment.

Emotional counseling

ADHD is much more than just paying attention in meetings and interactions. ADHD can cause emotional highs and lows, which can wreak havoc on relationships and daily tasks. A person with ADHD can become impatient just waiting in line. Minor setbacks, like a project that does not turn out as planned or a boss who alters deadlines or demands additional work at the last minute, can also be detrimental. Finding a psychiatrist or another form of therapy with whom you can visit on a regular basis to discuss your symptoms as well as any obstacles or triumphs in your life may be beneficial.

Adults with ADHD are also more likely to have other mental health problems. As per the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, around half of adults with ADHD also have an anxiety problem. When ADHD is combined with another disorder, daily functioning might be significantly hampered.


Neurofeedback is a type of therapy that teaches you how to control your brain waves in order to improve your brain function and mental health. An electroencephalo­graph is a machine that measures brain activity. Brain impulses are sent from one or more leads on your head to a computer, which converts them to a video or audio display.

Increased slow-wave activity in prefrontal leads is common in people with ADHD, indicating diminished frontal brain activity. You can learn to undertake tasks that may improve prefrontal cortex function by suppressing slow-wave activity and raising higher (that is, quicker) frequencies via Neurofeedback.

The procedure is painless and noninvasive. However, studies on the efficacy of Neurofeedback have yielded inconsistent findings. Treatment usually takes 40 to 80 sessions, which is both expensive and time-consuming.

Diet and lifestyle changes can play a key role in the cure for ADHD without meds. They can be employed alone in mild cases or accompanied by medications and psychotherapies in moderate to severe ADHD. The following are some of the suggestions to help with ADHD symptoms without the use of meds.

Consume a nutrient-dense, whole-foods-based diet.

For both children and adults, good proteins, healthy fats with omega 3 fatty acids, nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits, and minimally processed grains offer the best fuel sources for the neurotransmitter function and the brain.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that send impulses between neurons in the body and brain, affecting things like concentration, attention, and processing of information.

In a world where highly processed foods laced with added preservatives and other additives can negatively impact health in a variety of ways, eating a whole foods-based diet and nutrient density needs to be prioritized to improve health, providing the minerals, vitamins, and high-quality fuel required for healthy neurotransmitter synthesis and function. A nutrient-dense diet is a crucial step in treating ADHD without the use of medication.

Eliminate food sensitivities

Food intolerance or sensitivities contribute to intestinal inflammation and leaky gut, which can adversely affect gut bacteria and neurotransmitter synthesis, aggravating ADHD symptoms including impulsivity and aggression.

Individual sensitivities can be discovered through testing, however, gluten and dairy are two of the most prevalent offenders. In the urine, incompletely digested wheat and dairy particles (known as gliadorphins and casomorphins) can be discovered. The presence of these particles has been linked to problems with learning, attention, and public relations, all of which are common in autism spectrum disorders and ADHD.

While not everyone is allergic to gluten or dairy, avoiding these foods for at least six weeks can be beneficial.

Correct any vitamin deficits.

B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, and magnesium are just a few of the nutrients that have been related to the development of ADHD. Most of these nutrients interact in a synergistic way, meaning that a lack in one might impair the correct functioning of the others.

Magnesium supplements with vitamin B6, for instance, have shown promise in lowering ADHD symptoms by increasing magnesium absorption.

According to a 2016 research on ADHD patients aged six to sixteen years, 72 percent of the children were found to be low in magnesium, and there was a significant association between hair magnesium, hyperactivity, and total IQ.

Magnesium deficiency is estimated to affect approximately 48 percent of all Americans of all ages.

Heal a leaking gut.

The gut is the starting point for your overall wellness. Friendly bacteria in the gut produce vital neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, as well as absorb nutrients such as B vitamins and magnesium.

Not only does gut-healing help with typical gastrointestinal issues, but it can also help with mood, focus, and overall well-being.

How can you tell whether your gut requires some attention? Constipation, food sensitivity, bloating, irregular or painful bowel motions, and a strong need for sugar are all symptoms of a digestive imbalance.

Boost your antioxidant intake.

Our bodies are continually bombarded with unstable free radicals, which, if left unchecked, can circulate throughout the body and cause damage to vital organs such as DNA, the brain, and other cells. Free radicals are similar to cells that haven’t been to therapy–they’re volatile and unpredictable, which is what makes them dangerous.

Antioxidants, who act as therapists, come into action. They keep free radicals in check by stabilizing them and preventing oxidative damage. Glutathione and Vitamin C are two examples of them.

Glutathione depletion and oxidative stress have been linked to cognitive problems such as neurodegenerative diseases and ADHD such as dementia. Various antioxidants, such as ginkgo biloba, pycnogenol, and glutathione, have been studied.


Excessive exposure to heavy metals harms children’s neurodevelopment and produces neurotoxic side effects that impede cognitive performance. As a result, heavy metals could have a role in the progression of ADHD.

Exposure to mercury and lead has been linked to increases in hyperactivity and inattention, as well as a loss in IQ, according to studies, including meta-analyses.

Heavy metal overexposure in kids who are genetically prone to their impacts could contribute to ADHD. The detoxification mechanisms of each individual vary. Some people, such as those with ADHD, are excellent detoxifiers, while others are not.

Reduce the amount of “excitotoxins.”

Excitotoxins are chemicals that cause neuron receptors to become overstimulated. Neuron receptors increase brain cell communication and fire more quickly than normal when exposed to excitotoxins, resulting in hyperactivity, impulsivity, and difficulties concentrating.

Artificial food chemicals like MSG, FD&C yellow, glutamate, or aspartame are the most common excitotoxins.

Imbalance of GABA and Glutamate. GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a neurotransmitter, an amino acid, that relaxes the brain, whereas glutamate is more stimulating, excitatory and occasionally overworking the brain.

Low GABA levels have been linked to ADHD. Low GABA levels are associated with inattention, whereas high glutamate levels are associated with anger and impulsivity. GABA, like serotonin, is produced predominantly in the gut.

Magnesium supplementation is one method that can help maintain a healthy GABA/glutamate balance by limiting glutamate, the excitatory neurotransmitter, and promoting GABA’s calming effects.

Breakfast should include extra protein.

Sugar, processed carbs, and chemical preservatives abound in many popular breakfast items, especially those aimed at youngsters. Sadly, this is the least stable fuel source, and even a neurotypical brain can go into an energy spiral using it.

Adults and children with ADHD should have a high-protein breakfast every morning, and they should eat often during the day. Protein, minimally processed carbohydrates, and healthy fats should always be prioritized in snacks and meals.

Maintain a regular sleep routine.

With consistent and enough sleep, adults and children with ADHD are more likely to increase their focus, energy, and attention.

Individuals with ADHD are more likely to have shorter sleep durations, as well as difficulty falling and staying asleep. It’s common for persons with ADHD to wake up sluggish or groggy.

Your ADHD symptoms worsen as a result of your exhaustion, making it even more difficult to rest the next night.

Having a good nightly routine, such as going to bed at around the same time every night, can assist you to fall asleep faster. Kids and adults with ADHD benefit from participating in activities that promote a healthy circadian rhythm.

Increase your time spent outside.

Without the use of medication, there are ten ways to deal with ADHD.

In children with ADHD, studies demonstrate that spending time in “green space” increases focus and attention while reducing impulsivity.

Although the actual mechanism for such benefits is unknown, the advantages speak for themselves. Spending time outside, whether in nature or in your own backyard, boosts not just your physical health but also your mental and cognitive function.

The best rehab programs for a variety of mental health conditions, including ADHD, without the use of medications, can be found in high-end luxury rehabilitation centers across the country. Aside from the typical therapies used in traditional rehab, upscale inpatient rehab centers provide therapeutic approaches that include complimentary alternative techniques. High staff-to-patient ratios, round-the-clock access to qualified medical practitioners, and up-to-date evidence-based follow-up treatment programs are hallmarks of premium luxury rehab centers’ high success rates.

Premium luxury treatment centers for ADHD offer high-end posh amenities that feel like a holiday at a 5-star resort. Enlisting in a premium luxury inpatient rehabilitation facility includes everything from luxurious private rooms to high-end bedding and saunas, hot tubs, swimming pools, and fitness centers with dedicated fitness trainers, equine therapy, outdoor adventure therapy, and spa centers and in-house massage therapy, nutritious gourmet chef-prepared meals, and acupuncture.

High-end follow-up programs and upscale aftercare services are essential components of high remittance rates and low recurrence rates for mental health issues like ADHD. After your rehab, you’ll keep in touch with your rehab medical team to ensure that the high standard of care continues even after you return to your community.

If you or a loved one is suffering from ADHD, please call us right away to enroll in a highly effective premium luxury treatment facility where you may relax in the comfort of a 5-star resort in a beautiful setting.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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ADHD Insights

latest news & research on ADHD
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ADHD vs. Anxiety

In many cases, an individual can tackle both of the diseases simultaneously, so in that case, it will be more fruitful to treat Anxiety first and then take measures to vanish the remaining signs of ADHD.

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ADHD Burnout

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) burnout is a state of profound exhaustion. It goes beyond typical tiredness, impacting individuals' ability to function normally.

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Entrepreneurs With ADHD

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British Psychology Society
Institute de terapia neural
pro mesotherapie
Somatic Experience


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