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While smoking marijuana has been the most prevalent form of consumption, edibles are increasingly gaining favor. Sadly, many people are unaware of the serious health hazards and consequences associated with marijuana edibles.

As marijuana is legalized around the country, people’s ideas of its safety and adverse effects are changing. Marijuana is becoming more widely available for both recreational and medical purposes. Edibles loaded with THC, the euphoric element in marijuana, have become more popular since its legalization.

Marijuana’s safety has been fiercely contested for years, but despite reports that it has health benefits, there are still hazards associated with its usage, even for medicinal purposes. The biggest risk connected with medical marijuana use revolves around the drug’s perceived safety and the fact that it has changed through time. In terms of legalization, making edibles and medical marijuana more accessible makes it very easy to fall into the wrong hands.

Edibles are food items containing high concentrations of cannabis or have been laced with marijuana. Baked foods, gummies, chocolates, candies, Lozenges (cough drops), and even beverages are all examples of edibles. They can be manufactured at home or processed for distribution by a food establishment or dispensary. Tetrahydrocannabinol (an active component in marijuana) is isolated and infused into butter or oil for cooking when edibles are created.

When you ingest more marijuana than your individual limit, you get a weed hangover. Because tolerance levels differ greatly from one person to the next, only you understand how that works for your body. The strain you smoked and the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in it are two other factors that influence whether you can get a hangover and how bad it will be. Hangovers are more likely with cannabis with higher THC levels, particularly if you have consumed more than your level of tolerance.

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Furthermore, if you have ingested edibles, you are more likely to encounter a hangover from edibles because they metabolize gradually in the body and may still be effective the next morning. As a result, a marijuana brownie or cannabis cookie might cause more hangover effects than a joint. If you’re making edibles, adhere to a recipe that won’t let you pass your safety zone. In general, smoking marijuana or vaping is less likely to cause a hangover, though it is possible.

Symptoms of a weed hangover include:

  • Inability to focus and brain fog
  • A dull, unrelenting headache
  • Itchy, dry eyes
  • Tiredness or jitteriness
  • Cottonmouth (but not like systemic dehydration that occurs with consuming a high amount of alcohol)
  • Hypersensitivity to bright light and noise
  • A feeling of being high for a long time

Is there such thing as a weed hangover? Yes. If you are feeling a little weird after consuming marijuana, it is possible that you are not suffering from a hangover.

Here are some probable factors leading to a weed hangover:

While consuming weed or the day after eating edibles, you should avoid drinking alcohol or taking other drugs. If you use other drugs while smoking cannabis, they may have an impact on how you feel the following morning.

Withdrawal from marijuana. If you consume marijuana on a regular basis, you may have symptoms of withdrawal when you stop. Changes in mood, sleeplessness, and difficulties focusing are all signs of marijuana withdrawal.

Weed’s lasting effects. The duration of a cannabis high is determined by a variety of factors, including dosage, potency, and delivery mode, as well as tolerance and metabolism. A marijuana high usually lasts between 1 and 4 hours.

You’re probably just experiencing the aftereffects of weed if it’s been at least 5 hours after you last used it and you have not had any alcohol or used any other drugs.

Smoking marijuana has its own range of dangers, but even smokers may not be primed for the potent effects of edibles. Here are some unusual effects that edibles have on the user.

Unspecified Strength Marijuana In Edibles

It’s difficult to assess the strength of edibles. Labeling and production regulations for foodstuffs are, at best, only basic. Because it’s hard to know how much THC is in an edible, dose estimations are often inaccurate. As a result, you might not be aware of how much THC you’re taking.

Consequences That Last Longer

Although the effects of smoking marijuana might last 3 hours, edibles can last considerably longer, based on how much is taken. Edibles can have a long-lasting effect on consumers, which is amplified when marijuana is combined with other substances or alcohol.

Potential For Overdosage

The time taken for the effects of edibles to show is one of the major distinctions between smoking marijuana and taking edibles. While the benefits of smoking marijuana can be felt within minutes, the effects of edibles might take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to manifest. As a result, it’s simple to ingest a significant number of edibles without experiencing the full effects, posing a serious risk of overdose.

Marijuana side effects appear at different times for different people. After taking marijuana, some people may feel relaxed and euphoric, whereas others feel anxious and worried.

Tetrahydrocannabinol generally called THC or delta-9 THC to 11-hydroxy THC is the molecule in marijuana that makes you feel “high.” When smoked, it enters the bloodstream immediately, while it takes a little longer to enter the bloodstream when consumed.

There’s no way to know how much THC you’re taking when you’re consuming weed edibles, which raises the risk of overdosing. Edibles can also have a long-term effect when combined with other alcohol or drugs, as many users do, especially in social situations.

Furthermore, edibles can take 30 minutes to 2 hours to take action, making it possible to eat large dosages without taking the effects until later, posing a major risk of overdosing. These effects may vary based on the type of marijuana smoked, how it was consumed, and how much was consumed.

Marijuana’s direct consequences can last anywhere from one to 2 hours, with certain side effects extending up to 24 hours. The length of marijuana effects is also highly dependent on the strain.

Citrus terpene profiles or marijuana strands, for example, have a more stimulant effect, which may be the intended impact or may lead to a person’s anxiety. According to studies, heart issues are more likely in those who eat marijuana treats than in people who smoke marijuana.

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According to one study, 8 percent of emergency room patients who used edibles experienced heart-related symptoms such as an abnormal heart rate, compared to 3 percent of cannabis users who visited the ER.

Not every marijuana product is created identical, and quality, composition, and THC dosage can all differ significantly.

Though it may be tempting to lay in bed all day, moving your body is the most efficient approach to shake off the undesirable side effects of excessive cannabis intake. Healthy eating, hydration, relaxation, and, if you’re so inclined, meditation are all important aspects of the recuperation process.

Here are some healthy lifestyle modifications and home treatments to help with weed hangover cure while also making you feel better.

Get some fresh air and go for a brisk stroll. As you walk, take deep breaths to replenish your lungs and brain with oxygen and clear your mind of any mental fog. To get the most benefits, walk for at least twenty minutes and even an hour.

Place a yoga mat on the floor and do a few easy stretches while concentrating on purifying, breathe deeply. Backbends that expand the chest and let more oxygen into the body are very beneficial. A five-minute time of visualization and meditation will help you finish your yoga practice and feel energized.

Be it an omelet made at home or a vegan bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with fresh berries, start your day with a healthy breakfast. Whatever you select, keep it as natural as possible and eat nutrient-dense foods.

A large glass of water is a standard hangover remedy, but you might want to take it a step further with a caffeine infusion. Tea or coffee can aid to stimulate the intellect while also providing a much-needed boost of energy to the body. If you have a headache that won’t go away, combine lemon water with over-the-counter pain medicine.

Simply hop into a cool bath to restore your senses with calming water if you can’t force yourself to eat or exercise. The restorative effects of water pressure include massaging and relaxing stiff muscles.

Rest for some time. Maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the day, with balanced food and moderate activity, to keep the hangover at bay. Consider going to sleep a little earlier than normal after the sun sets, and refrain from ingesting or taking drugs.

Use a CBD topical on your skin. If you have any residual soreness, use CBD oil to the areas affected, like the neck or temples, while you are on recovery. CBD creams applied topically can help some people feel better.

The one and the only way to avoid a weed hangover is to stay away from it. Even so, there are a number of things you may do to reduce the harmful impact of marijuana.

  • Avoid smoking marijuana the night before a major event. Avoid consuming marijuana the evening before an important event, including an exam or a difficult day at work, if you are prone to weed hangovers.
  • Take some time off. Stop using marijuana on a daily basis if at all possible. Continuous marijuana use can lead to tolerance, which might lead to symptoms of withdrawal in the morning.
  • Keep your usage to a minimum. If you consume too much marijuana, you may get a weed hangover. Before you become high, decide on a suitable dosage and stick to it.
  • Low-THC marijuana is a good option. The active element in marijuana is THC. Although no one knows exactly how THC impacts pot hangover symptoms, it’s worth experimenting with low-THC strains to see if they assist prevent morning-after symptoms.
  • When trying out a new product, start with care. Based on the dose, strength, and mode of delivery, you may experience varied reactions to marijuana. Start with a minimal dose while attempting something new for the first time.
  • Don’t mix it with anything else. If you consume weed while also drinking or taking other drugs, the morning-after effects of marijuana may be more acute.
  • Discuss the consequences of cannabis hangovers and medication with your healthcare professional. Keep in mind that weed can interact with any over-the-counter or prescription drug you’re using. This may have an impact on how you feel in the morning.



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