12 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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In life, everyone experiences funks—periods when nothing appears to go right. Thankfully, these depressing episodes tend to pass without creating too much disruption in regular life. However, these sad moments might be much more acute at times, and they don’t always go away quickly. These are depressed episodes, and they may suggest the presence of a deeper condition that necessitates professional help. But why do certain people have gloomy periods? And how to stop a depressive episode?

Depressive episodes can affect anyone at any age, but they are most common among people aged 18 to 29, 30 to 44, 45 to 64, and 65 and up. A loss of interest in once enjoyed tasks and unexplained sadness are symptoms of depression. It can cause a variety of mental and physical issues, as well as a decrease in a person’s ability to function at home and at work.

sad woman sitting on the floor in front of a couch

Depression, thankfully, is treatable. 70 to 80% of individuals can be healed or have their symptoms drastically reduced with the right medical treatment, counseling, and psychological support.

Continue reading to learn more about depression and how to recover from a depression episode.

Depressive episodes are merely periods of poor mood and associated depressive symptoms. In a few essential aspects, these are distinct from ordinary episodes of sadness, most notably in terms of severity and duration.

For instance, if a person is not depressed, their melancholy should not have a significant impact on their daily activities. They may be less enthusiastic about things or have brief worries, but they will be able to come to work and maintain proper hygiene. Furthermore, as new events occur and take primary mental focus, these negative sentiments should fade away within a week or so.

Depressive episodes, on the contrary, work in a very different way. For starters, they may exhibit significantly more severe depressive symptoms, such as:

  • A lack of willingness to perform activities that you previously enjoyed
  • Having difficulty getting to work or finishing responsibilities
  • Feelings of deep remorse or grief
  • Concentration problems
  • Disruptions in sleep
  • Suicidal thoughts

After you’ve identified the symptoms, it’s time to consider how long depression episodes last. Several of these symptoms must linger for two or more weeks for a time of depression to be categorized as a depressive episode. This phase of melancholy and apathy, however, is unlikely to pass on its own due to the cause of depressive episodes. But, before we can talk about how to come out of a period of depression, we must first understand why one occurs in the first place.

Even if you don’t feel like it right now, managing a depressive episode is achievable.

A bout of depression is defined as a period of at least two weeks of depressive symptoms. If you have bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD), or major depressive disorder, this could happen. Symptoms can be handled in any of these situations, and therapy is available, although this may take a while. It is also possible to manage everyday challenges and more extreme depressive episodes. Strategies for the context and certain coping skills can be beneficial.

Coping mechanisms are physical and mental strategies that can assist you in meeting the challenges of life. They might be able to assist you in dealing with the circumstances that have the most impact on you. Coping skills aren’t something you employ to lift your spirits on the spur of the moment. Instead, they can serve as long-term resources to help you deal with any problems that arise.

Coping skills aren’t meant to be used as a kind of treatment when it relates to the problem of depression. They can, nevertheless, assist you in managing your clinical signs consistently so that you may continue to function in society.

Here are some suggested coping skills for coming out of a depressive episode:

  1. Behavioral Activation

Behavioral activation is among the most common depression management methods.  It refers to participating in activities with the aim of doing so.

Behavioral activation entails doing something that makes you happy in the past, even if it doesn’t make you happy right now.

These are the things that give purpose to your existence and can enable you to feel less hopeless.

Experts also indicated that exercise can be a sort of behavioral activation.

A 20- to 30-minute stroll outside (inappropriate weather) or a 20- to 30-minute treadmill walk can also improve your mood.

Behavioral activation’s purpose is to get you doing something — anything — that you enjoy. Even if it seems challenging at first, once you get started, you may notice the benefits.

  1. Distancing Oneself From One’s Own Thoughts

Distancing yourself from bad thoughts is possible via thought distancing. Cognitive defusion is the technical term for a procedure used in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

This technique is similar to visualizing your thoughts as news stories flash on a mental screen. They show up on the screen for a brief moment before disappearing.

He claims that thought separation might assist you in recognizing when your thoughts are false and unhelpful.

A third-person perspective is one such technique to practice.

Assume you come across the following thought: ‘Things will never get better.’ When you’ve identified and captured the negative idea, tell yourself, “I observed that my mind had the thinking that things would never get better.”

This type of self-talk provides space and keeps you from reacting to the concept. These affirmations will become strange to you with time, and you will find it simpler to replace them with positive self-talk.

  1. Developing Relaxation Methods

When you have control over your tension and depression levels, they will no longer be debilitating. Some experts in the field also prescribe the tai chi exercise called “embracing the tiger.”

All you have to do is spread your arms wide and join your hands. Attract them to your core. Then, push out your hands in the opposite direction. This type of exercise can assist you in taking in the positive and eliminating the negative.

Acupuncture sessions are also recommended by certain professionals, who claim that it has been found to provide anti-stress benefits for some people.

Pairing relaxation techniques with positive thoughts may be especially beneficial.

  1. Nutritional Considerations

Develop a greater awareness of the need of supplying your body with the correct nutrients and hydration. If your body is deficient in particular nutrients, this could be feeding your depression.

Begin by reducing your sugar intake and increasing your intake of vegetables and fresh fruits whenever possible.

  1. Boosting Self-Confidence

The confidence in one’s own ability to succeed is known as self-efficacy. Experts say that completing modest, attainable activities might help you gain momentum. One task can evolve into another over time, assisting you in navigating through a depressive episode.

If starting on difficult activities feels daunting, begin with small, everyday tasks. This could be getting out of bed, making yourself a cup of coffee, or making the bed.

Simply concentrating on cleaning one’s teeth and showering and completing one or both of these tasks might feel like a tremendous triumph. It is deserving of praise during a depressive phase.

Sadly, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to overcoming a depressive episode. Because mental health is a multifaceted and highly personal subject, how to halt a depressive episode will primarily depend on the needs of the individual. Enrolling in a mental health program where you can acquire depression coping techniques is an excellent place to start understanding how to get out of a depressive episode.

It can be discouraging to find that there is no permanent cure, but if you consider it as a physical ailment, it may be relatively simple to understand. Chronic back pain is frequently incurable, especially in elderly persons. Individuals can, however, reduce their pain by eating well, exercising regularly, and maintaining good posture.

Likewise, some individuals live their entire lives with serious depressive disorder. They can decrease the occurrence of these episodes and get out of them more readily if they use depression coping skills and recognize the indicators of a depressed episode. Professional mental health care is usually the first step in acquiring depression coping techniques.

Enrolling in an inpatient depression treatment program if you’re having a depressive episode is the best approach to keeping safe and learning how to manage. You will be able to focus on your psychological health in a safe and supportive atmosphere. You can anticipate a variety of evidence-based treatments available after you’ve been admitted, including:

  • Assessment of a psychological crisis
  • Evaluation and management of medications
  • Individual psychotherapy and group therapy
  • Complementary treatments like Art, music, and recreational therapy.
  • Coordination of community services

You will learn to control and manage depression symptoms and recover control of your life by combining these programs. As a result, obtaining professional mental health treatment is the most effective strategy to recover from a depressive episode. And, if at all possible, this treatment should take precedence, because untreated depression can progress to a slew of other, even more, serious issues.

It can be challenging to cope with a bipolar depressive episode. Depression symptoms in bipolar disorder might cause you to lose interest in things that you generally enjoy, making it difficult to get through a day. However, there are activities you can do to combat depression’s detrimental consequences.

Here are 6 things you can do to lift your spirits during a depressed episode:

  1. Adhere To A Healthy Diet And Exercise Plan

It’s tempting to get into negative habits when you’re depressed.

Consider incorporating these healthier practices into your daily routine:

  • During the day, eat snacks and meals at regular intervals.
  • Incorporate more veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet.
  • Each night, get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
  • Every day, get up and go to sleep at the same hour.
  1. Plan Out Your Day

Managing your sleeping and eating habits, as well as the rest of your day, can help you avoid depression symptoms.

Making a list of everyday tasks to tick off as you finish them might be beneficial. Keeping sticky notes and a calendar at hand might also help you stay on track.

Be careful to schedule time for rest and relaxation while planning your daily duties. Too much activity might aggravate depressed symptoms and lead to frustration.

It’s best to manage your time, paying special attention to medical visits.

  1. Don’t Be Worried

When you aren’t depressed, you may enjoy specific activities like baking or reading.

When you are depressed, though, you could find it difficult to motivate yourself to do anything.

Regardless of your low mood, it’s critical to continue participating in things that you normally like. Getting out and doing activities that make you happy can help you feel better.

Don’t be scared to engage in activities that are known to improve your mood. While you may be concerned that you won’t appreciate them as much if you’re depressed, this isn’t a reason to avoid them. You’ll probably feel a lot better once you get back into these activities.

  1. Try To Be Active

Certain sorts of exercise, according to researchers, can help ease depressive symptoms. Low- to moderate-intensity strolling, jogging, or cycling are examples.

Experts recommend that you exercise for 30 to 40 minutes three to four times per week for the best effects.

  1. Avoid Isolating Yourself

Social interactions can be daunting when you’re depressed. It’s natural to want to be alone, but it’s critical not to isolate yourself. Being alone might exacerbate depression symptoms.

Participate in social activities such as reading clubs or sporting teams in your area. Spend time with family and friends, or call them on a regular basis. Having friends and loved ones by your side might make you feel more at ease and confident.

  1. Look For New Ways To De-Stress

When you are having a depressive episode, one of the last things you would want to do is try new things. However, doing so may aid in the relief of your problems.

If you have never had a massage before, for instance, make an appointment at a nearby spa.

What Is Eustress

Meditation or yoga, for example, may seem unfamiliar to you, but they can be therapeutic during depressive periods. These hobbies are well-known for their calming effects. They may make it easy for you to deal with irritability or stress.

One must show at least five depressive symptoms daily for at least 2 weeks to be identified with depressive episodes.

Depression can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including:

  • Losing interest in previously pleasurable activities
  • Sadness, grief, despair, or hopelessness on a regular basis
  • Mood changes or temper tantrums on a regular basis, impatience or annoyance, even over little issues
  • Sleep irregularities, like napping too much or too little
  • Appetite suppression or stimulation, resulting in weight loss or gain
  • Anxiety, restlessness, or agitation are all symptoms of anxiety.
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Problems in thinking, concentrating, making judgments, or recalling information
  • Suicide or death thoughts are frequent or recurrent.
  • Physical problems that aren’t explained, like headaches or back pain

After these 2 weeks, the length of depression can vary greatly from person to person, depending on a variety of factors such as the type of depressive disorder they have and whether or not they are receiving depression treatment. Furthermore, depression is frequently recurrent, with the majority of people experiencing one episode having numerous bouts throughout the course of their lives.

Factors Affecting The Duration Of Depressive Episodes

The “flares” that occur in patients with arthritis or multiple sclerosis are similar to depressive symptoms. Something could increase their symptoms and cause them to intensify or “flare-up.”

Depressive episodes or flares in patients with major depressive disorder can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Comorbidity is a term that refers to the presence of (having substance use disorder or another mental health disorder)
  • Depression runs in the family.
  • Personality traits or a specific type of personality such as Type A
  • Patterns of thought
  • Past hardships, trauma, or adversity
  • Bereavement of a loved one
  • Inadequate social support
  • Life experiences that cause stress

How long are depressive episodes? The duration of a depressed episode varies from 6 to 8 months, based on the individual. While some people may experience depression that dissipates over time, others may experience depression on and off throughout their lives. Furthermore, distinct types of sadness fade away with time and are more transient in nature.

Seasonal affective disorder, sometimes known as winter depression, is a type of depression that occurs only once a year during a specific season. The symptoms fade as the weather or season changes and the days pass. Postpartum depression, on the other hand, develops quickly after birth and usually lasts only a few weeks.

Depression can also be chronic in some situations. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a severe form of depression that can continue for months or even years without treatment, especially if it is not treated.

These severe depression episodes may come and go, with periods of less severe symptoms in between. Some individuals who suffer from the major depressive disorder will go through a loop of mild and severe depression for the rest of their lives.



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