Intensive residential treatment program starting from 4 weeks. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
Personally designed outpatient treatment sessions or programs and ongoing case management. Location: Mallorca, London, Zurich, Marbella.
Treatment program on a luxury yacht in the Mediterrenean sea. Location: Mallorca.
Comprehensive second opinion assessments for both psychiatric and general health concerns. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
9 Minutes
Feeling down is a natural part of life, but when emotions like despair and hopelessness gain traction and refuse to go, you may be suffering from depression. Depression affects how you feel, think, and perform daily tasks, and it’s more than just being sad in reaction to life’s challenges and failures. It can make it difficult for you to study, work, sleep, eat, or enjoy life. It can be difficult just to get through a day.
Certain people have described depression as “staying in a black hole” or a sense of impending doom, whereas others describe it as lifeless, empty, and indifferent. Men, in particular, can be irritable and agitated. Regardless of how you feel about the problem, it can quickly escalate into a significant health issue if left ignored. However, keep in mind that hopelessness and helplessness are symptoms of depression, not the reality of your condition.
You can get better, no matter how miserable you feel. You may take the initial steps toward feeling better and conquering depression by knowing the reasons and recognizing the many symptoms and forms of depression.
Knowing The Signs And Causes Of Your Depression Is The First Step In Treatment.
Understanding the root causes of your depression could help you overcome it. If you’re depressed due to a major dead-end job, for instance, finding more fulfilling employment rather than taking an antidepressant might be the best remedy. Finding new acquaintances will likely enhance your mood more than going to therapy if you are new to a region and feeling lonely and melancholy. In such instances, the depression is alleviated by altering the circumstances.
Whether you can separate the causes or not, the most essential thing is to acknowledge that you have a problem, get help, and implement coping skills that will help you feel better.
The following are some signs and symptoms of depression:
There is no joy or pleasure in day-to-day activities. A person suffering from depression may no longer enjoy the things they used to enjoy and may believe that nothing can make them joyful.
Concentration and focus become more difficult. Taking any sort of decision, reading, or watching a movie might be difficult for people who are depressed because they can’t think properly or keep track of what’s going on.
Everything seems dismal, and there seems to be no way out. Depression can make a person believe that he or she will never be happy again.
Self-esteem is frequently lacking. People who are depressed may believe that they are worthless or that they have failed at everything. They may be fixated on unpleasant events and experiences and unable to appreciate their own positive features.
Changes in appetite or weight. A shift of more than 5 percent of body weight in a month is considered substantial weight loss or gain.
Sleep habits fluctuate. Oversleeping or sleeplessness, particularly waking early in the morning.
Irritability or rage. Feeling restless, irritated, or even violent. You have a low tolerance level, a quick temper, and everything and everyone grates on your nerves.
Sleeping can be restless and falling asleep may be difficult. For some people suffering from depression, falling sleeping or remaining asleep all night can seem practically impossible. Someone may wake up in the morning and be unable to return to sleep. Others may oversleep but still feel sleepy or unrefreshed the next day, even with extra hours of sleep.
Energy levels are extremely low, if not non-existent. Some folks can’t seem to get out of bed, and even when they get enough sleep, they feel fatigued all of the time. They may believe they are too exhausted to perform basic everyday duties.
Food may appear unappealing. Some persons suffering from depression find it difficult to eat and must force themselves to do so. This could lead to weight loss.
Food can be utilized as a source of comfort or as a coping mechanism. While some depressed people refuse to eat, others may overheat and crave harmful or comfort foods. It’s possible that this will result in weight gain.
There may be aches and pains. Depression can cause headaches, nausea, bodily aches, and other problems in certain people.
Unpredictable behavior. You indulge in escapist activities such as substance misuse, reckless driving, compulsive gambling, or dangerous sports as a means of escaping reality.
Problems with concentration. Focusing, remembering things, and making decisions are all difficult for you.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that being depressed is a choice or that they must maintain a positive outlook. Friends and family members are frequently disappointed or perplexed as to why a person can’t “snap out of it.” They may even claim that the individual has no reason to be depressed.
Depression is a serious mental disorder. Those who suffer from depression cannot just decide to feel better. Depression, unlike normal sadness or stress, feels all-consuming and dejected.
Men and women, as well as teenagers and older adults, often have different depression symptoms depending on their age and gender.
Men frequently experience depression as a result of losing their jobs and being unable to provide for their families.
According to a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, males are more prone than women to suffer from depression for the following reasons:
It is less probable for men who are depressed to admit to feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing. Instead, they complain about exhaustion, irritation, sleep issues, and a lack of enthusiasm in their jobs and activities. They are also more prone to show signs like rage, violence, risky behavior, and substance addiction.
Symptoms like strong feelings of guilt, overeating, excessive sleeping, and weight gain are more common in women. Hormonal factors play a role in depression in women throughout pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause. In fact, up to one in every seven women suffers from postpartum depression after giving birth.
The most visible symptoms in depressed teens are irritability, hostility, and agitation, not sadness. Stomachaches, headaches, and other physical problems are common complaints.
Older adults
Physical indications and symptoms, such as weariness, unexplained muscle aches, and memory issues, are more commonly reported by older persons than emotional signs or symptoms. They might also disregard their self-image and cease taking life-saving medications.
A variety of causes can contribute to depression. Experts recognize the below as potential causes, albeit a specific cause cannot always be identified:
Depression and other mood disturbances can run in families, but having a family history of depression does not guarantee that a person will develop depression.
Major life transitions and stressful situations can lead to depression. The death of a loved one, divorce, the loss of a job, or financial difficulties are examples of these events.
Hormonal changes in pregnancy, menopause, premenstrual problems are all linked to depression and poor mood.
Anxiety, diabetes, long-term pain, and heart disease are among conditions that might increase the risk of developing depression. Depression is one of the bipolar disorder symptoms.
Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to depression in some people. On other occasions, depression may lead to the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Some prescription medications have been linked to an increased risk of depression. Some hypertension medications, cancer drugs, and steroids fall into this category.
Isolation and depression have a close link. Not only can a lack of social support increase your risk, but depression can also cause you to distance from others, worsening feelings of loneliness. Having relatives or close friends to chat with can help you keep your concerns in perspective and avoid dealing with them alone.
While having a network of strong and supportive relationships is beneficial to mental health, having a structure of dysfunctional, abusive, and unhappy relationships can have the opposite impact, increasing your risk of depression.
Recent traumatic life events like divorce, bereavement, financial troubles, or unemployment are all major life changes that can cause excessive stress and raise your chance of getting depression.
Illness or discomfort that remains for long periods of time like uncontrolled pain or being diagnosed with a major condition like heart disease, cancer, or diabetes can make people feel despondent and helpless.
Make an effort to connect with others. Isolation exacerbates depression, so reach out to family members and friends. Speaking to someone face to face about how you’re feeling might be quite beneficial. It is not necessary for the person you speak with to be able to help you. They simply need to be a good listener.
Get your feet moving. Getting out of bed, let alone exercise can be difficult when you’re depressed. Regular exercise, on the other hand, can be just as effective as antidepressant medication in treating depressive symptoms. Take a quick walk or turn on some music and shake your hips. Begin with small tasks and work your way up.
Adopt a healthy diet that will improve your mood. Reduce your intake of foods that can disturb your moods, like caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. Increase the intake of mood-enhancing foods like Omega-3 fatty acids.
Find new ways to interact with the world. Spend a bit more time in nature, look after a pet, contribute, or pick up an old interest (or a new one). You may not feel it at first, but as you reintegrate into society, you will begin to feel better.
If family and friends’ support and good lifestyle changes aren’t enough, it’s time to seek professional treatment from a mental health specialist. There are a variety of successful depression therapies available, including:
Therapy. Consulting a therapist can offer you tools to combat depression from a variety of perspectives, as well as push you to take action. Therapy can also teach you skills and provide insight into how to avoid the recurrence of the problem.
Medication. If you’re suicidal or violent, medication may be necessary. While it can help some people cope with the symptoms of depression, it isn’t a cure and isn’t probably a long-term solution. It also has side effects and other disadvantages, so it’s critical to get all the facts before making a decision.
The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.