11 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Your depression is more than just a case of “feeling sad.” Bipolar depression manifests itself in a variety of ways for various people. It’s possible that you’re having problems sleeping. Alternatively, you may sleep excessively and find it difficult to wake up. Even the tiniest decisions might seem monumental. Suicidal thoughts might be triggered by overpowering feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or great loss.

Other indications to keep an eye out for include:

  • You don’t seem to be able to enjoy anything.
  • It’s difficult for you to concentrate.
  • You consume either too little or too much food.
  • You’re tired, and your emotions appear to be slow.
  • You have a bad memory.

You must have multiple depressive symptoms that make it difficult for you to function every day for at least two weeks to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Related: How to fix Bipolar Disorder without Meds

You experience bursts of exuberant energy and exhilaration. This is insane. It’s a high that goes beyond “joyful” or “happy.” Some people get it frequently, while others don’t get it at all.

Hypomania is a milder version of mania. It does not progress to psychosis (loss of contact with reality) like mania, but it is a feature of a bipolar diagnosis. You may feel terrific and accomplish a lot, but those around you may notice variations in your attitude and level of activity.

You must have had at least one manic or hypomanic episode to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Manic conduct can be identified by the following signs:

  • You’re not in a good mood. It may feel fantastic at first, especially if you’ve been depressed. However, it swiftly becomes unpredictable and uncontrollable.
  • Your judgment is completely erroneous. You take a lot of chances. You make poor decisions without considering the consequences. You might, for example, spend money irresponsibly or engage in unsafe sexual behavior.
  • You get irritable and enraged.
  • You’re tense or irritable.
  • You have trouble sleeping.
  • You have the impression that your mind is a motorway. You may speak quickly and switch topics, or you may believe you can do too many things at once.

Mania and despair can coexist in some periods. You might, for example, be both hyper-energetic and depressed at the same moment.

Not everyone with bipolar disorder is aware of their condition. There are a multitude of reasons how someone with bipolar disorder may be unaware of it—or may deny having it even if they do. There are some things you may do to aid if you suspect someone you know has untreated bipolar disorder.

It’s comparable to other mental health issues. People with bipolar disorder are frequently diagnosed with something else initially, such as depression or ADHD. Bipolar disorder includes depression, and most individuals are more familiar with depression than with mania. ADHD can resemble bipolar illness in appearance, especially in children.

When a person is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it may override any previous diagnoses—or they may have numerous mental health issues at the same time. If you know someone who is being treated for a mental illness but still has bipolar disorder symptoms, it’s worth thinking about what else might be going on.

It is indeed difficult to accept that you have a mental disease. It might be difficult to accept the reality and nature of bipolar disorder even after a person has been diagnosed. Living with a mental illness can be extremely challenging… and bipolar disorder comes with its own set of difficulties. Some people believe that if they deny the diagnosis of “bipolar disorder,” they will be able to escape some of the difficulties. However, ignoring bipolar disorder will not make it go away.

Labels, it turns out, can certainly set you free. Being identified with bipolar disorder gives you a better understanding of what you’re going through. It makes therapy alternatives available to you that can make you feel better. It also places you in great company with lots of other people all throughout the world, who have achieved amazing things.

People who do not understand any better, on the other side, sometimes use the term “bipolar” to define someone who is simply moody. When you’re not an expert, be cautious about imposing labels on others. Encourage your acquaintance to contact a mental health expert who can examine and diagnose them if you suspect they have bipolar illness.

If you have bipolar disorder, you’re probably already aware of the negative effects it can have on a genuine romantic connection. People with bipolar disorder don’t always understand why, and it isn’t always a conscious decision. However, for them, it can be perplexing, hurtful, and unnerving. It’s also perplexing for others around them because if they don’t understand why they’re pushing them away, they won’t either. Bipolar people have a tendency to drive others away for a variety of reasons, and it can also be the result of a series of acts. The following are some of the reasons why:

They believe people do not want them: Depression can make them feel worthless and useless. They don’t see why someone would want to spend some time with them because they think they don’t have anything to contribute or will bring them down. When people introduce them to do activities, they get the impression that it is out of pity or obligation, rather than a genuine want to see us.

They perceive themselves as a drain on others around us, and they push people away because they don’t want to be a burden. They don’t want to share our sorrows with them because they’re afraid it would make their mood worse. When they are in any type of relationship, our lack of energy and self-confidence makes us feel like others are taking on a lot.

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They’re supposed to converse, smile, and laugh despite our lack of energy. They’re expected to participate and join in. When they’re depressed, they have to put on a show for the rest of the world. The artificial facade consumes so much of our energy that it’s sometimes simpler to isolate yourself due to people’s unpredictability. It’s a never-ending loop of deciding what’s worth our time and effort.

They have trouble concentrating: keeping track of talks without getting lost takes a lot of concentration. They don’t want to disappoint anyone, which can make us feel anxious. When they lose track of the discussion, don’t talk enough, or talk too much, they are concerned about appearing dumb or unpleasant.

They are quickly irritated: Due to the overwhelming mood fluctuations they encounter, they have a poor tolerance threshold for things and are easily angry and annoyed. They may lash out at those around us, especially if they do something unexpected or change things abruptly. When they become upset and lash out, it can feel as if they’re driving people away, which adds to the guilt they already feel.

They’re afraid of being hurt: It’s simple to believe that others will tire of us and depart. They can’t leave us if they push them away, and they can’t damage us if they push them away. They have the upper hand, so it’s a lot easier. It can be more tempting to be alone than to be continually concerned about others departing.

They don’t want to disturb others: It might be upsetting for our loved ones to hear how bad they’re feeling, especially if they care about us. Sharing our feelings can be difficult since they don’t want to upset our loved ones. They don’t want to be perceived as pessimists. They can see the sorrow and worry in a loved one’s eyes if they start to feel suicidal and express it with them. They notice them pondering why they aren’t doing more to assist. Our loved ones may be perplexed as to why they feel the way they do. They don’t want them to be wounded, so they don’t want it to happen.

It’s just easier: To put it another way, it’s sometimes just easier than pretending everything is fine. They decided that isolating and withdrawing was preferable to the alternative.

Patients with bipolar disorder describe their thinking as “cyclical.” They describe their mental state as beginning on a “high” with good, rational thinking and a constructive work ethic at the start of a cycle. When they are in a “bad mood,” though, they may miss deadlines, feel anxious, and have self-deprecating thoughts.

Consistency is tough to achieve when thinking in cycles. People with bipolar disorder say hurtful things to their loved ones often, and they call it as having the clarity of thought and being ‘straightforward’. These states of mind don’t remain a defined period of time – some last a long time, while others are fleeting. Her manner of thinking is also influenced by her emotions.

Throughout most of his adolescent years, his moods change dramatically as well. They are full of energy, exceedingly eager, and carry themselves with confidence on some days. On other days, I was fatigued, utterly overwhelmed, and extremely depressed about my situation.

A similar logic applies to bipolar relationship cycles. Bipolar breakup regret is a prevailing issue in bipolar patients. New research suggests that couples who split up and then makeup often, a practice known as “relationship cycling,” may be setting themselves up for a lifetime of mental pain.

According to studies, these on-again, off-again relationships might lead to increased melancholy and anxiety. They’re not only limited to sitcom characters, either: An estimated 60% of individuals in the United States have been involved in one or more of these situations. With full-blown bipolar disorder, the chances of having a stable relationship are little to none. Medications and psychotherapy are two of the most common treatments for bipolar illness. To control the ongoing harm, treatment should be sought as soon as feasible.

It’s difficult to deal with the highs and lows of bipolar disorder, and it’s not only for the individual who has it. Everybody around a person with bipolar disorder is affected by their emotions and behaviors, particularly family members and close friends. It might put a huge strain on your relationships and cause chaos in your home.

You may have to deal with risky behavior, excessive demands, exploding outbursts, and unwise judgments during a manic episode. And once the storm of mania has subsided, it’s usually up to you to deal with the fallout. You might have to pick up the slack for a close one who doesn’t have the stamina to meet tasks at home or at work during depressive periods.

The good news is that with adequate treatment, medication, and support, most people with bipolar disorder can regulate their moods. Your patience, compassion, and understanding can go a long way toward helping your loved one get better. Having somebody to talk to can often make a huge difference in a person’s outlook and motivation.

However, if you disregard your own needs when caring for someone with bipolar disorder, it’s crucial to strike a balance between helping your loved one and taking good care of yourself.

Convincing someone who suffers from bipolar disorder to seek medical attention

Aside from providing emotional support, encouraging and supporting therapy is the greatest method to assist your loved one with bipolar disorder. Often, this is more difficult than it appears. It’s not often simple to encourage persons with bipolar disorder to see a doctor because they have little understanding of their illness. When a loved one is manic, they are in a good mood and are unaware that there is an issue. When someone you care about is depressed, they may notice something is wrong yet feel exhausted to seek treatment.

Should you argue with a bipolar person? No. Don’t argue with your loved one if he or she refuses to consider the likelihood of bipolar disorder. Be aware that the concept may be unsettling to them. Instead, suggest a standard medical checkup or a doctor’s visit for a specific complaint like insomnia, irritability, or fatigue—then call ahead to confidentially inform the doctor of your concerns regarding bipolar disorder.

Some things you could say to help:

  • “Bipolar disorder, like hypertension, is a serious illness. It necessitates medical attention.”
  • “Bipolar disorder is not your fault. You have nothing to do with it. “It’s not your fault.”
  • “It’s possible for you to feel better. There are a variety of treatments available.”
  • “Bipolar disorder frequently becomes worse if it isn’t treated.”

Helping a loved one who is being treated for bipolar disorder

You can assist your family member or friend by becoming a treatment partner if they agree to consult a doctor. Volunteer to be fully involved in your loved one’s wants or needs since your support can make a great impact on their treatment success.

You may help a loved one with bipolar disorder by doing the following:

  • Find doctors and therapists who are competent.
  • Make appointments and stick to them.
  • Give the doctor your thoughts.
  • Keep an eye on your loved one’s emotions.
  • Find out what medications they use.
  • Keep track of your treatment’s progress.
  • Keep an eye out for indicators of relapse.
  • Problems should be reported to the doctor.
  • Motivate your dear one to take medication for bipolar disorder.

Medication is the foundation of bipolar illness treatment, and most patients require it to keep their moods in check and avoid relapse. Despite the fact that medication is required, many persons with bipolar disorder refuse to take it. Some people quit because they feel better, others because of the side effects, and yet others because they love the mania symptoms. People who do not believe they have a problem are more likely to discontinue their medicine.

You may assist your loved ones in staying on track by highlighting the necessity of medicine and ensuring that they follow all prescription instructions to the letter. Urge your loved one to discuss any problematic side effects with their doctor.

If the drug dose is either low or too high, side effects can be very unpleasant, but changing the medication or dosage may address the problem. Inform your loved one that discontinuing medication suddenly can be risky.

Family tips for dealing with bipolar disorder

Accept the limitations of your loved one. Your loved one who suffers from bipolar disorder is unable to control their emotions. During a manic episode, they can’t immediately snap out of it or snap out of their depression. Self-control, willpower, or reasoning will not help you overcome sadness or mania. So asking your loved one to “Stop behaving wild” or “Keep a positive attitude” isn’t going to help.

Accept your limitations. You can’t save your loved one who has a long-term bipolar disorder, and you can’t make them accept responsibility for their own recovery. You can offer assistance, but the person with the sickness is ultimately responsible for their own recovery.

Reduce your stress levels. Bipolar disorder is exacerbated by stress, therefore try to find strategies to lessen stress in your loved one’s life. Inquire about how you can assist, and offer to take over some of the person’s responsibilities if necessary. Family stress can be reduced by establishing and sticking to a daily schedule, which includes regular hours for waking up, eating, and going to bed.

Maintain an open line of communication. When it comes to dealing with bipolar disease in the family, open and honest communication is crucial. Share your worries in a compassionate manner, inquire about how your loved one is feeling, and make an effort to fully listen—even if you disagree or don’t understand what’s being said.

Bipolar Disorder



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