4 Minutes
Richness may lead to neglected children
A heart of a child is always so innocent and pure. It starts uncolored and untainted and then slowly gets filled in as the individual grows up. This is why childhood is a crucial phase in one’s life. It’s through this period that colors start filling up; each situation and experience provide a different shade. Some hearts grow happy and colorful, while others grow heavy and tainted. The latter is the case of plenty of kids with rich parents. It seems that the more money and richness a family has, the more neglected the kids are.
“A very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything, but not enough to do nothing.” — Warren Buffett
It all starts with negligence and harsh words here and there. These patterns are of course not limited to rich people, but studies point out a significant increase specifically when kids grow up rich. So, what are the reasons and consequences? And what can we do?
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What may the reasons be?
Negative emotions are what ignite the fire. Neglect and harsh words are then fuels that add to that fire. Parents are either absent, which leads the children to do all that they like, or they’re too harsh with comparing them to what’s better and expecting the highest results. Studies done by the Arizona State University prove that children of the affluent are becoming more “troubled, reckless and self-destructive”. This neglect or harshness has to be let out in a way or another. The Daily Mail sheds light on how “individuals who are unable to match the achievements of their ancestors” are more often likely to go down the dark roads. And those dark roads definitely pack danger that always goes undetected by the innocent.
What are the Consequences?
a. Mental Health Consequences
Dr. Carl Jung predicted how wealth could be a curse and tackled the delayed maturity. Rich children live in a ‘cocoon of wealth’ that protects them from what life may throw at them. Rich kids usually don’t have to work to ensure stability and security. This prevents them from experiencing situations outside what they’re used to. Researches did by The National Center for Biotechnology Information explores what most rich kids struggle with. Lack of motivation is one important area. They explain that rich kids have most of what they already want or might ask for. This leaves little room to actually work for something. Thus, they grow bored and lose motivation to be active.
The consequences are not limited to these. Depression and anxiety are easy to sneak into the children’s psyche. Mental health is always affected and it’s crucial to be mindful.
CNN Health shared an article on the future of those rich kids. Many face troubles that have to do with addictions, reckless driving under the influence, and even crimes. The ‘cocoon of wealth’ mentioned earlier is also a protection of the consequences. One teen, having faced court because of drunk driving and killing innocents, had lawyers defending him by using the term “affluenza” in his trial as shared by ABC News. These bad actions become a behavioral toxic pattern; once started, it becomes a vicious and addictive behavioral cycle that is hard to break out from.
c. Addictions
Other than turning to substances for a way out, the easy access to alcohol and substances is a facilitator. By easy access we mean both money and connections; the two factors often go hand in hand in this situation. In an interview with the American Psychological Association, Professor Suniya Luthar explores the increased addictions noticed with rich kids. Luthar found “even higher rates of problems of substance use – that would be alcohol, marijuana and even hard drugs.” Thus, addictions, whether drugs or alcohol, take control of their lives. Being neglected adds salt to injury through the parents not noticing the danger of the situation.
Behavioral Health treatment for childhood neglect
On the parent’s side, immediate attention is needed. Being gentle, attentive and just generally there is incredibly important. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns against the misuse of attention. Too much and breathing down your kid’s neck is harmful and too little turns into neglect. Balancing the two is a must. On the children’s part, they should accept themselves as they are and never harm themselves. It starts from evaluating one’s self and realizing that comparing the self to others is toxic. Then comes reaching out and asking for help to finally create some sort of stability.
Childhood is a crucial part of one’s life. What happens throughout that phase dictates a big chunk of who the individual is later on. This is why parenting is a delicate process.
At THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab Center, we aim to work with you through whatever difficulties you might be facing. Reaching out is the very first step. It needs courage and patience, and then, we’ll take it from there. With our developed programs, we tailor a plan that all parties are comfortable following. The hearts might be tainted, but that never stops from trying time after time to undo the negative effects and reach an untainted and colorful reality.