Intensive residential treatment program starting from 4 weeks. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
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8 Minutes
Most people are aware of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially when it comes to those returning from combat war zones. Other soldiers returning from past battles had PTSD as well, but there was little awareness of the alterations brought on by extreme trauma in these past wars.
Today, studies into the brain’s or mind’s response to trauma have raised awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a wide range of situations. This involves experiencing and seeing the atrocities of war, as well as first responders, crime victims, and those who have been exposed to one or more incidences of trauma throughout their lives.
The fight, flight, or freeze reactions are well-known responses to trauma. The so-called fawn response, on the other hand, is the fourth option. Flight is the fleeing or running situation, fight involves becoming hostile, and freeze entails becoming physically unable to move or make a decision.
Pete Walker coined the concept “fawning” in his book “Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving. Fawning, also known as the fawn response, is a type of people-pleasing conduct used to handle disputes, gain relational security, and obtain approval from others.
As a consequence of dealing with a problematic individual who is most likely a noxious personality type, we automatically learn to fawn to get ourselves out of difficulty. It’s bending over backward to please and satisfy someone, not because they’re lovely or considerate, but because it’s a trauma-related response. It’s because we’ve learned that being overly kind is the only way to get through a difficult situation.
When a parent or another person in authority causes trauma, frequently through abuse, the fawn response may occur in childhood. It’s logical to try to appease the abuser to keep safe. It becomes a routine that is utilized not just to cope with abusive situations as they arise but also to prevent future occurrences. In order to keep others happy, those who use the fawn response overlook their own feelings.
Like other survival reflexes, the fawn reaction serves a crucial purpose. Even yet, if this becomes a habit, it can lead to its own set of issues.
The following are examples of fawn trauma response issues:
According to a Psychology Today article, persons who use the fawn reaction are more likely to be targeted by manipulative, controlling, or narcissistic people, which can lead to increased misery. It’s possible that therapy will be required to interrupt the cycle.
When a kid does not get the love, attention, care, or compassion he or she deserves, the Fawn Response emerges. As a consequence, he tries to please, remain out of the way, avoid causing problems, refrain from speaking out, and soothe the irritated parent or caregiver.
Consider this fawn trauma response example: a kid is sitting at home, playing, when mom burst through the door, exhausted, enraged, and screaming. Because the child is terrified and unsure of what to do, he chooses to look after his mother and fawn all over her. Perhaps the child will say, “Can I help you, Mom? Is it okay if I hug you? Is it okay if I get your slippers? Please tell me how I can make you happy!”
The child learns that in order to feel safe, he must help his mother in calming down and be joyful.
The youngster believes that she is responsible for her mother’s feelings, which results in a lifelong cycle of codependency and people-pleasing. It also increases the likelihood of the youngster remaining in abusive relations as an adult.
The fawn response includes moving quickly to try to please someone in order to keep peace and avoid conflicts. This is a common reaction to childhood trauma, especially when a parent or other prominent person in authority is the abuser. By becoming a pleaser, kids go into fawn-like behavior in an attempt to avoid physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. To put it another way, they try to appease the abuser ahead of time by agreeing, saying what they believe the parent wants to hear or neglecting their own personal thoughts and desires in order to prevent the abuse.
This fawn response develops into a pattern over time. This pattern of behavior is carried over into adult relationships, encompassing personal and professional encounters.
Because the fawn reaction develops early in life, it can be hard to notice when it occurs. Nevertheless, there are a few telltale signals that the fawn response is in play:
The fawn response is frequently overlooked in PTSD because it is thought to be a natural aspect of the individual’s personality. It extends beyond being a non-competitive and collaborative temperament, though.
People with fawn responses can be targeted by narcissists or those who want to manipulate or dominate the people around them. The fawn response creates a hazardous circle in these circumstances, with the narcissist demanding more and more, and the person with PTSD experiencing increased feelings of rage, shame, guilt, and self-reproach for offering their all, including physical and emotional, to the partner.
The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms of the Fawn Trauma Response:
People who fawn or excessively people-please as a trauma response may experience a wide range that appears odd or unfitting, especially when the person being pleased is not important to them. Those that demonstrate this trauma response experience a variety of obstacles and emotions, including:
Codependency and Fawning
The fawning response is the basis of many codependents’ behavior. Those who suffer from codependency pick up on this adoring behavior as a child. A young child, for instance, may soon learn that protesting or ‘talking back to a parent results in an even more stressful situation, in which the dissent against the primary event, behavior, or demand is penalized. If speaking up or protesting is met with an even stronger reaction from the caregiver, the kid will learn to abandon their ‘fight’ instinct and may never acquire assertiveness about their own requirements and desires.
Complex trauma and Childhood trauma — forms of trauma that result from repeated events, like childhood neglect or abuse — are more typically connected with the fawn reaction than single-event trauma, such as in an accident.
Relational trauma, or trauma that happened in the context of a relationship, like your relationship with a caregiver or a parent, is strongly associated with fawning.
Some people who exhibit the fawn response are unaware that they are doing so, and they have likely received positive feedback in return, so it may not be recognized as a problem.
Do you think you might be one of these people? Consider any time you’ve encountered a conflict. To discover out, start by asking yourself the following questions:
Do I put my own desires aside in order to make others happy?
Do I ever feel incomplete in a relationship after offering too much?
Do I try to stay away from confrontation at all costs?
Do I get a sense of everyone’s feelings at the same time?
Do I believe I am accountable for everyone’s happiness?
If you responded yes to more than 2 of these questions, you have most likely developed the fawn response
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