Intensive residential treatment program starting from 4 weeks. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
Personally designed outpatient treatment sessions or programs and ongoing case management. Location: Mallorca, London, Zurich, Marbella.
Treatment program on a luxury yacht in the Mediterrenean sea. Location: Mallorca.
Comprehensive second opinion assessments for both psychiatric and general health concerns. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London, Marbella
10 Minutes
As one of the most heavily prescribed drugs in the United States, millions of people use codeine every day to fight pain. Unfortunately, codeine is a Schedule II drug, which carries a very high potential for abuse, frequently leading to severe physical or psychological dependence. The risk is so high that between 1999 to 2018, more than 232,000 people died in the United States due to opioid overdose. Fortunately, codeine addiction is treatable, and thousands of rehabs are working across the country to assist individuals in breaking free from the disorder.
Many people may not know when it is the right time to seek treatment to treat codeine addiction. Others may believe their codeine addiction is not as severe as it seems. In general, it might be a good time to join a codeine addiction treatment program if you are:
When someone becomes addicted to drugs, such as codeine, they are more likely to involve in risky behaviors that can harm them or others. These activities include unsafe sex, driving under the influence of controlled substance, or indulging in criminal activity. Once codeine abuse affects you or your loved ones’ quality of life or safety, it is time to seek professional help as soon as possible.
People who develop codeine addiction or opioid use disorder find it next to impossible to stop using it without professional help. Once you become dependent on codeine, your body may see it as necessary for your survival, even though it is not true. If you have tried to quit, especially on several occasions, but to no avail, seeking codeine addiction treatment from a professional rehab may change your life.
Codeine addiction usually leads to severe life consequences, such as relationship challenges, academic problems, employment issues, financial hardships, and a failure to keep up with everyday responsibilities. The consequences can affect the quality of life, and to cope with it, you may start using more codeine. To get out of this vicious cycle, seeking professional help is necessary.
Another telltale sign that it’s time to seek professional codeine addiction treatment is when your life revolves around this medication’s use. You may constantly think about obtaining and using it while letting other parts of your life fall apart. You may change your social circle to include friends who support your opioid addiction. If every aspect of your life has become mostly about codeine, get in contact with an addiction specialist rehab.
Before commencing treatment at a rehab, an addiction specialist will assess your addiction’s severity and use this information to decide on an appropriate level of care. The assessment involves various questions, such as:
Being honest during the assessment is necessary to ensure you receive the support and care you truly need. The professionals at an addiction treatment rehab are there to help everyone without judgment or criticism. Being honest with them will be the best thing you do for your health. Once the assessment is complete, you may undergo different medical tests to assess your withdrawal symptoms, substance abuse history, and vital signs. The rehab team may take a urine or blood test to determine the levels of codeine in your system. This medical testing may also pinpoint any potential health problems you may not be aware of.
Some rehabs also conduct psychological evaluations to determine if you have an underlying mental health issue that requires simultaneous attention and treatment. Identifying these co-occurring issues is essential as it dramatically affects the treatment program’s overall efficacy and success rate.
Codeine addiction always indicates a need for seeking professional services that can effectively either overcome addiction or manage it with long-term relapse prevention. While some attempt to do this alone, the process can be extremely dangerous and do more harm than good. Suppose you or someone you know is interested in seeking codeine addiction treatment. In that case, the first step usually involves medical detoxification to help the body regain stability after it stops using codeine after a long time.
As a part of codeine detox, recovering codeine users receive therapy and medications to manage uncomfortable and potentially painful withdrawal symptoms. Codeine withdrawal symptoms usually begin within a few hours after the last dose and may take at least a week or longer to subside. Some common symptoms of codeine withdrawal include:
Codeine is generally less potent than other types of opioids, like hydrocodone and morphine, and many people may not experience any life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. However, based on an individual’s psychological and physical history, withdrawal from codeine can still be dangerous, especially for those with co-occurring disorders or poor physical health. However, detoxing under medical supervision in rehab makes the entire experience safer and more comfortable.
As a part of a codeine detox program, some rehabs may use medication-assisted treatment to manage advanced withdrawal symptoms. A healthcare provider may try different options before settling on any one. For example, they may switch you from codeine to a different form of opiate as a part of replacement therapy to make the experience less uncomfortable. Alternatively, they may prescribe any one of the following three medications to manage severe codeine addiction withdrawals:
This medication works by blocking codeine from acting on the way. This action reduces the pleasurable effects of codeine which helps individuals prevent its misuse or any relapses in the future. Unfortunately, naltrexone may not stop cravings due to codeine addiction.
Methadone benefits detox individuals by managing their cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. It allows the body to return to its natural state of function and makes withdrawal smoother and less bumpy.
This medication produces a weak opiate-mimicking effect, including euphoria. Its overtime use reduces the risk of dependence, misuse, and side effects from codeine addiction.
Remember that some individuals may continue to experience codeine cravings for months or years, even after medication management. Known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome, this condition is quite common and persists even after codeine abuse ends. It may bring fatigue, low confidence, anxiety, shame, guilt, and even suicidal tendencies. Recovering users who find it hard to manage this complication may seek help from a rehab once again.
Once detox ends, the next step in codeine addiction treatment is to transition into a suitable program that can help to recover individuals address their addiction along with co-occurring issues in the long run. Depending on the severity of the addiction, rehab may suggest participating in inpatient or outpatient treatment.
Inpatient or residential programs allow individuals to receive more comprehensive care and therapy to address their codeine addiction from a mental and psychological perspective. Among the many benefits of an inpatient program is the fact that it allows individuals to live away from their homes and all the addiction triggers inside the rehab, where they can solely focus on recovery. With a well-structured daily schedule and multiple therapy options, the chances of long-term healing and success are very high.
An outpatient codeine rehab, on the other hand, allows individuals to receive treatment for opioid drug for a fixed number of hours per day, after which they can return home. Most outpatient programs for codeine addiction include the following services:
Those who require intensive treatment without 24-hour supervision may join an intensive outpatient program subtype of outpatient treatment. This program requires clients to attend more than nine hours of weekly clinical services instead of the under nine hours of a regular outpatient program. With intensive outpatient treatment, clients can commit themselves to recovery without physically bounding themselves to a rehab 24/7.
Codeine is an opioid painkiller that can successfully treat moderate pain secondary to surgery or injury. Sometimes, experts prescribe it when other weaker painkillers are not effectively controlling the pain. In rare cases, it also serves as an anti-diarrheal agent. Codeine comes in the form of a pill or liquid and is a prescription medication.
You can easily determine the need to join a codeine rehab by monitoring the signs of codeine in yourself or a loved one. In general, someone who abuses codeine will:
have enlarged pupils
appear more content and peaceful (or sedated) than usual
be clearly fatigued
appear to be visibly high
seem confused
complain of nausea
be unable to maintain focus or carry on a conversation normally
have glassy eyes
In extremely high doses, codeine may make you or your loved one struggle to stay awake. It can make anyone periodically fall asleep, even in the middle of conversations. In some cases, codeine abuse also leads to itching, weakness, and constipation. If you observe these signs regularly in yourself or someone around you, seek professional help immediately.
Seeking codeine addiction treatment at rehab is crucial as untreated cases can destroy health and put a person at an increased risk of an overdose. Some common symptoms of a codeine overdose include:
Intestinal spasms
Weak pulse
Low blood pressure
Bluish tinge on lips or fingernails
Weakness and dizziness
Cold, clammy skin
Extreme drowsiness or fatigue
Slow breathing
Muscle twitching
Loss of consciousness
If untreated, an overdose of codeine due to a regular abusing habit can lead to death.
Despite being milder than other opiates like heroin and morphine, codeine can still cause dependence and addiction with harmful consequences. However, seeking help from a codeine rehab can greatly minimize these consequences. If you are particularly worried about what to expect from the treatment and how it will go for you, you may ask the following questions from your treatment provider:
What will the withdrawal process be like?
Will you give me anything to fight the withdrawal symptoms?
What treatment program will I enter after completing detox?
What types of therapy will I participate in?
How long will be the overall duration of treatment?
Will I get any aftercare?
The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.