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Anger in children is a growing problem, with reports showing a 300% increase in childhood aggression over the last 30 years. According to recent studies, up to 40% of children have difficulty managing their anger.

It’s estimated that nearly 8% of children under the age of six have frequent, intense, and out-of-control anger. Shockingly, studies have found that one in five children who struggle with anger will eventually develop a diagnosable mental health disorder.

Childhood anger can have serious consequences, with research linking it to academic difficulties, social isolation, and even physical health problems.

From temper tantrums to physical outbursts, childhood anger can take many forms and have a range of causes. While some children may outgrow their struggles with anger, others may require intervention and support to learn healthy coping mechanisms as discussed in this research-based review.

Childhood anger is a common emotional experience among children and is defined as a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility in response to perceived threats or frustration of desires (1). It is a regular aspect of development, but when left unaddressed, it can have long-lasting consequences on a child’s mental health, academic performance, and social relationships. Anger is typically classified based on its intensity, frequency, duration, and context.

There are two types of anger: primary and secondary anger. Primary anger is a direct emotional response to a situation, such as being frustrated by a difficult task or feeling threatened by a peer. Secondary anger, on the other hand, is a result of underlying emotional issues, such as anxiety or depression. It is important to distinguish between the two types of anger as the underlying causes and treatment approaches differ.

There are three types of anger based on intensity: mild, moderate, and severe. Mild anger is the least intense and can be expressed through verbal complaints or mild physical gestures. Moderate anger is expressed through more intense physical gestures, such as stomping, slamming doors, or throwing objects. Severe anger is the most intense and can lead to physical aggression toward people or property damage (2).

The biological mechanism of anger involves the limbic system, which is responsible for regulating emotions. When a child experiences a threat or frustration, the limbic system sends signals to the hypothalamus, which activates the sympathetic nervous system, releasing adrenaline and other stress hormones. This physiological response prepares the child for the fight or flight response. The limbic system can become overactive in children who experience chronic stress or trauma, leading to chronic anger and other emotional dysregulation (3).

Several risk factors can contribute to childhood anger, including genetic factors, environmental stressors, and parenting styles. Research has shown that genetic factors play a role in the development of anger, with studies indicating that children with a family history of mood disorders are more likely to experience anger (4). Environmental stressors, such as poverty, abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence, can also increase the risk of childhood anger. Parenting styles that are overly permissive, inconsistent, or authoritarian can contribute to anger by failing to provide children with adequate emotional support or by creating overly strict or punitive environments (5).

Anger issues in children can be caused by a variety of factors that may include genetics, environment, and individual temperament. Identifying the underlying causes of anger issues in children is essential for developing effective treatment strategies. Here are 10 causes of anger issues in children with descriptions:

Genetics: Research suggests that genetics can play a significant role in determining an individual’s temperament and emotional regulation. Children with a family history of mood disorders or anxiety may be at a higher risk of developing anger issues (6).

Trauma: Experiences of abuse, neglect, or other traumatic events can cause intense feelings of anger in children. Traumatic experiences can also lead to changes in the brain that make it more difficult for children to regulate their emotions.

Environment: Children who grow up in environments where they witness or experience violence, conflict, or neglect may be more likely to develop anger issues (7). An unstable or chaotic home environment can also make it difficult for children to learn healthy emotional regulation.

Lack of social support: Children who lack social support, whether it be from parents, peers, or other adults, may struggle with anger issues. Social support can help children feel safe, secure, and valued, which can promote healthy emotional development.

Difficulty communicating: Children who have difficulty communicating their emotions may be more likely to express themselves through anger. This can be especially true for children who have difficulty processing and understanding complex emotions (8).

ADHD: Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may struggle with impulsivity and emotional dysregulation, which can manifest as anger issues.

Learning difficulties: Children who struggle with learning difficulties or disabilities may experience frustration and difficulty in academic settings, which can lead to feelings of anger and helplessness (9).

Lack of coping skills: Children who lack coping skills may struggle to manage their emotions effectively. Coping skills such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and problem-solving can help children regulate their emotions and healthily respond to stressors.

Parenting styles: Research suggests that parenting styles that are overly harsh, neglectful, or inconsistent can increase the risk of anger issues in children (10). Children who are subjected to harsh or inconsistent discipline may struggle to learn healthy emotional regulation.

Substance use: Exposure to substances, such as drugs or alcohol, can impair cognitive functioning and emotional regulation, leading to anger issues in children.

Overall, understanding the causes of anger issues in children is important for developing effective treatment strategies. By identifying the underlying factors contributing to a child’s anger issues, parents, caregivers, and mental health professionals can work together to develop a plan that promotes healthy emotional regulation and improved overall functioning.

Anger issues in children can manifest in various ways, and it can be challenging to determine when a child’s behavior crosses the line from normal developmental expression to a concerning level of aggression. However, there are several signs that parents and caregivers can look for to identify anger issues in children. Here are ten signs of anger issues in children:

Frequent temper tantrums: Children with anger issues tend to have frequent temper tantrums that may be more intense and last longer than typical tantrums. These tantrums may be triggered by minor events, and the child may have difficulty calming down.

Physical aggression: Children with anger issues may engage in physical aggression towards others, such as hitting, kicking, biting, or pushing. This behavior may be more frequent and severe than what is typically observed in children (11).

Verbal aggression: Children with anger issues may use harsh language, shouting, and cursing when upset or frustrated. This behavior may be directed towards others, or the child may speak harshly to themselves.

Destruction of property: Children with anger issues may engage in destructive behavior, such as breaking things, throwing objects, or damaging property. This behavior may be impulsive and occur without consideration of consequences (12).

Difficulty with transitions: Children with anger issues may struggle with transitions, such as moving from one activity to another or starting and ending the school day. These transitions may trigger a strong emotional reaction, leading to tantrums or aggression.

Oppositional behavior: Children with anger issues may display oppositional behavior towards authority figures, such as parents, teachers, or caregivers. This behavior may involve arguing, defying rules, or refusing to comply with requests (13).

Withdrawal or isolation: Children with anger issues may withdraw or isolate themselves when upset or angry. This behavior may involve shutting down emotionally, avoiding social interaction, or retreating to a safe space.

Difficulty with problem-solving: Children with anger issues may struggle with problem-solving and may become easily frustrated when faced with challenges. They may also have difficulty seeing multiple perspectives and may have a rigid or inflexible mindset (14).

Mood swings: Children with anger issues may have frequent mood swings, with emotions shifting rapidly from one extreme to another. This behavior may make it challenging for them to regulate their emotions and respond appropriately to situations.

Sleep disturbances: Children with anger issues may have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or may experience nightmares. These sleep disturbances may be related to anxiety or emotional dysregulation.

Identifying these signs in children can help determine if they need support or intervention to manage their anger. Parents and caregivers should seek professional help if they have concerns about their child’s behavior or emotional regulation.

Toddlers with anger issues can be a challenging experience for parents and caregivers. It’s not uncommon for toddlers to have outbursts or tantrums, but when these behaviors become excessive or violent, it may be an indication of anger issues. We will explore the mechanisms, causes, signs, and risk factors of toddlers with anger issues.

Mechanism Of Toddlers’ Anger

The development of anger in toddlers involves various mechanisms. For instance, toddlers’ anger can be a result of frustration or anxiety, which they may not be able to express in words due to their limited communication skills. Additionally, their inability to regulate their emotions effectively can exacerbate their anger issues (15).


Various factors can contribute to anger issues in toddlers. These can include both environmental and genetic factors. Some common causes of anger issues in toddlers include:

Parenting styles: Children’s exposure to harsh and inconsistent parenting can increase their likelihood of developing anger issues (16). For instance, parents who use physical punishment or yelling as a way of disciplining their children may increase the likelihood of their children developing anger issues.

Trauma: Toddlers who have experienced traumatic events, such as abuse or neglect, may be more likely to develop anger issues. Trauma can interfere with the development of emotional regulation and increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior.

Biological factors: Genetics can play a role in the development of anger issues in toddlers. Research suggests that children who have a genetic predisposition to aggression may be more likely to develop anger issues.


Toddlers with anger issues may exhibit various signs that can indicate an underlying problem. Some common signs of anger issues in toddlers include:

  • Temper issues: Toddlers with anger issues may have frequent and prolonged temper tantrums.
  • Aggressive behavior: Toddlers with anger issues may be physically aggressive towards others or objects.
  • Refusal to follow rules or instructions: Toddlers with anger issues may refuse to follow rules or instructions, leading to defiance and oppositional behavior.
  • Difficulty calming down: Toddlers with anger issues may have difficulty calming down once they become upset.

Risk Factors

Several risk factors increase the likelihood of toddlers developing anger issues. Some of these risk factors include:

  • Family history of anger issues: Children with a family history of anger issues may be more likely to develop similar issues.
  • Traumatic experiences: Toddlers who have experienced traumatic events may be more likely to develop anger issues.
  • Exposure to violent media: Toddlers who are exposed to violent media, such as television shows or video games, may be more likely to develop anger issues (17).
  • Lack of emotional regulation skills: Toddlers who lack emotional regulation skills may be more likely to develop anger issues.

Dealing with children’s anger can be challenging for parents and caregivers. Anger outbursts in children can manifest in different ways, from crying and shouting to hitting and throwing objects. It is important to recognize the triggers of anger in children and learn effective strategies to manage their emotions. Here are 10 tips for dealing with children’s anger.

Stay Calm: Children look to adults for guidance on how to behave. When a child is angry, staying calm can help de-escalate the situation. Take a deep breath and approach the problem calmly and rationally.

Validate their feelings: Children’s anger can stem from feeling invalidated or unheard. Acknowledge their feelings by saying, “I can see that you are upset, and it’s okay to feel angry.” This helps children feel understood and heard, which can help reduce their anger (18).

Teach Relaxation Techniques: Teach children relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, counting to 10, or progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques can help children calm down and reduce their anger.

Provide Distractions: When a child is angry, providing a distraction can help redirect their attention. Suggest doing a puzzle or coloring a picture to help them calm down (19).

Set Boundaries: It is important to set boundaries with children when they are angry. Let them know that children hurting themselves when angry or harming others is not acceptable behavior.

Offer Choices: Giving children choices can help them feel more in control and less angry. Offer choices such as “Do you want to play with blocks or read a book?” (20)

Encourage Communication: Encourage children to communicate their feelings instead of acting out in anger. Teach them to use “I” statements such as “I feel angry when you take my toys” instead of “you always take my toys.”

Provide a Safe Space: Children may feel overwhelmed and need a safe space to calm down. Create a calming area with pillows and soft lighting where they can go when angry (21).

Seek Professional Help: If a child’s anger is causing harm to themselves or others, seeking professional help may be necessary. A mental health professional can provide additional resources and strategies for managing children’s anger.

Model Positive Behavior: Children learn by observing the behavior of adults around them. Model positive behavior by healthily managing your anger. Use positive language and take breaks when needed to help manage your own emotions (22).

Childhood anger is a complex emotional experience that can have significant consequences for children’s mental health, academic performance, and social relationships. 

Understanding the different types of anger, their classification based on intensity, and the underlying biological mechanisms is essential for developing effective intervention strategies. 

Identifying risk factors, such as genetic predisposition, environmental stressors, and parenting styles, is also important to prevent or address childhood anger early on.

Children’s anger management can be challenging, but with patience and understanding, it is possible to help children learn how to manage their emotions effectively. 

It is important to recognize the triggers of anger in children and learn effective strategies to manage their emotions. 

By staying calm, validating their feelings, teaching relaxation techniques, providing distractions, setting boundaries, offering choices, encouraging communication, providing a safe space, seeking professional help when necessary, and modeling positive behavior, adults can help children learn how to manage their anger healthily.

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  8. Cole, P. M., Martin, S. E., & Dennis, T. A. (2004). Emotion regulation as a scientific construct: Methodological challenges and directions for child development research. Child Development, 75(2), 317-333.
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  15. Potegal, M., & Davidson, R. J. (2003). Temper tantrums in young children: 2. Tantrum duration and temporal organization. Emotion, 3(4), 38-48.
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  18. National Institute of Mental Health. (2019). Children and Mental Health. Retrieved from
  19. Kids Health. (2019). Helping Kids Handle Anger.
  20. American Psychological Association. (2021). Managing Your Anger. Retrieved from
  21. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Positive Parenting Tips. Retrieved from
  22. Child Mind Institute. (2022). Anger Management for Kids. Retrieved from


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