11 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Stress has a significant impact on physical health, causing a variety of symptoms and exacerbating various medical issues. Perhaps you have experienced it: you’re sitting perfectly still, but your mind tricks you into thinking you are moving up and down or spinning as if you are on an amusement park ride. These are some of the apparent indicators of vertigo, which affects up to 15 to 20 percent of the adult population.

It’s not a medical condition, but rather a symptom of various issues ranging from viral infections to the formation of crystals of calcium carbonate in the inner ear.

Vertigo affects about 5% of American adults, and most people notice it when they are stressed or agitated. Although stress does not cause vertigo directly, it can affect the vestibular system, the area of the inner ear that maintains balance.

Vertigo is a condition that is frequently linked to stress, but is it a proven fact that being stressed promotes this condition? Let’s look at how vertigo is caused by stress. We will also discuss various causes of vertigo and when you should seek medical help.

Woman suffering from vertigo, most likely from stress

Vertigo is any sensation or feeling of movement or confusion while standing stationary. It can cause disorientation, nausea, dizziness, unsteadiness, or simply a feeling that something isn’t quite right.  The sensation of vertigo might persist anywhere from a few hours to many days.

So, what causes this? Each inner ear contains five organs that are important for identifying the body’s orientation.

Three semicircular canals, located at almost right angles to each other, are fluid-filled gyroscopes that send signals to the brain when the head rotates (like shaking side to side, tilting left and right, and nodding up and down). Rotational acceleration is controlled by them.

The utricle and saccule otolith organs serve as miniature pendulums that oscillate or swing to reflect head linear accelerations. On a gelatinous membrane, little crystals called otoconia shift, causing sensations of linear acceleration, whether horizontal or vertical.

Patients with vertigo are routinely treated with naturopathic therapies. To establish our body’s direction, the brain adopts a multitude of mechanisms. A bubble-filled level used in house improvements can be compared to the mechanism.

Vertigo is caused by errant messages being transmitted between the ears, brain, eyes, and limbs. It can be triggered by any lifestyle condition that causes exhaustion or stress.

Here’s something to consider: Stress and vertigo are deeply linked. Stress drives vertigo in the same way that vertigo drives stress in an infinite loop or vicious cycle. Symptoms of vertigo can make the patient feel apprehensive, tense, self-critical, or locked in inflexible thinking, and all of these emotions are understandable.

Furthermore, when we are anxious, the hormone cortisol rises, affecting our vestibular system, the area of the brain that controls balance, and making us feel off-kilter as if we are on a ship while on land.The link between vertigo and stress may appear straightforward, but it’s a little more complicated than 

experts previously believed. The stress response is complicated because it involves multiple organs and biochemical mediators that are released at different periods depending on the state of the body.

Some research on stress and the vestibular system, specifically certain stress hormones like cortisol, are discussed below:

  • The stress response to vestibular stimulation was explored in a short study with 10 healthy volunteers, and levels of cortisol were found to be increased above resting levels after stimulation.
  • Another study in the Journal of Vestibular Research indicated that dizzy patients with a documented cause of vertigo had higher cortisol levels than those with idiopathic dizziness.
  • Finally, a study on levels of cortisol in patients with Ménière’s disease (which causes constantly changing hearing loss, vertigo attacks, and tinnitus) discovered that patients with the disease had significantly higher cortisol levels in their blood—but researchers determined that this was due to the chronic disease’s effect on the response to stress rather than the disease itself.

As a result, it’s difficult to make a definite conclusion about cortisol and the vestibular system other than to indicate that they’re linked, with further research needed to prove a precise link.

We all have a base level of stressful events that we aim to control, therefore stress management is no easy task. However, there are a few strategic steps that can be taken to help:

1. Develop general health-promoting habits.

Eating a balanced, healthy diet, getting enough sleep each night, exercising, and participating in physical activity are all steps you may take. Having a strong social support system and a reliable relationship can help you cope with acute and chronic stress. Depression, anxiety, and panic disorders require management and treatment.

2. Think of ways to deal with daily stress.

It’s a good idea to look for strategies to reduce the triggers. For instance, you could be able to control your sleep habits, have that uncomfortable conversation with your partner or supervisor, or cross items off your to-do list that have been neglected for a long time.

3. Experiment with treatment methods.

Meditation, breathing exercises, strolling in nature, bathing, talk therapy, writing, Emotional Freedom Technique, or the home Epley’s Maneuver, which involves moving your head in various positions to readjust the inner ear sensors, are all recommended by Horowitz. Furthermore, prevent extended head tiltings, such as when talking on the phone, and quick changing head movements (including while driving).

4. Seek specialized dietary assistance.

Supplements such as ginkgo Biloba, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids can aid by increasing blood flow to the brain. Vitamin D supplementation can also be beneficial. Eating whole foods and avoiding things that can exacerbate inflammation, such as fried or overly processed foods, caffeine or alcohol is beneficial. Because the potassium, sodium, and chloride levels in your inner ear are well balanced. It’s critical to keep your sodium consumption low and stay hydrated.

5. Take a look at yourself.

If general remedies have failed, it may be time to follow home remedies advice and be gentle with yourself, rather than berating yourself for having these problems. It is suggested that you go first Change nothing by doing nothing. Simply observe your stress and treat yourself with the same kindness you would a friend in a similar position.

After you have worked on your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Drop-in and congratulate yourself on your efforts to nourish and care for yourself. Instead of being harsh or inflexible, make the transformation process enjoyable. Make more of these small modifications each week to learn to love your body rather than fearing the next vertigo attack.

Experts understand how frightening a situation can be, particularly if it’s your first time. Here’s how they recommend dealing with a vertigo attack:

  • The first thing you should do is sit down immediately in a bed or chair to avoid collapsing. 
  • A quiet, dark place can assist to alleviate the whirling sensation.
  • Move carefully and slowly, giving particular attention to gradual head motions. 
  • After that, following up with a doctor to determine the source of the attack is crucial in order to avoid or lessen a repeat occurrence.

A common sign of stress is dizziness, and this can occur when one is under stress or anxiety. Dizziness, on the other hand, can cause anxiety. The vestibular system is in charge of detecting motion and body position in our environment. The vestibular system is made up of the inner ear of both sides, certain brain areas, and the peripheral nerves that connect them. When something goes wrong, this mechanism is accountable for dizziness from stress.

Experts believe that the parts of the brain that generate dizziness interact with those that cause anxiety, causing both feelings.

Lightheadedness or mental fogginess are common descriptions of the dizziness that comes with anxiety. There may be a sensation of movement or rotating inside rather than outside. Even when you are standing steady, you may feel as though you are swaying. Crowded malls, grocery stores, and wide-open places can all contribute to a sensation of imbalance and instability. These symptoms are brought on by physiological changes in the brain.

The symptom of dizziness might be caused by a problem with the vestibular system. If you are already under stress or have an anxiety disorder, dizziness from the vestibular system and anxiety might exacerbate symptoms. In order to see progress, stress and dizziness are frequently treated combined.

Scientists are beginning to grasp how dizziness and stress/anxiety are linked, and some therapy options have emerged. Physical therapists are successfully treating individuals with anxiety and dizziness. The therapy focuses on optimizing the vestibular system’s performance and working through dizzy sensations in anxiety-provoking situations. Patients get dizzy management skills and know-how to control episodes through pacing. Pacing means practicing symptom-inducing tasks in small portions with breaks in between so your symptoms don’t get out of hand. You will be able to better control your situation if you understand how the vestibular system functions and what circumstances or movements may cause your symptoms.

Medical treatment may be required for the anxiety element of the problem. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychological counseling, and medication are the most common treatments for stress-induced dizziness. In order to maximize the benefits of physical therapy, a practitioner may advise a limited usage of drugs to manage anxiety.

Dizziness can be scary and unpleasant. People would undoubtedly prefer to live without such symptoms. Dealing with dizziness and vertigo can lead to a never-ending cycle of worsening worry, which can lead to greater dizziness. It can also set off a panic attack, turning the entire situation into a nightmare.

The following are some of the methods that help manage vertigo and dizzy spells 


Stress and anxiety can be reduced by making lifestyle changes. Self-care to lower cortisol and perhaps alter stress-related brain areas includes:

  • Mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques
  • Regular exercise or other forms of physical activities
  • Deep breathing techniques
  • Adopting better sleeping habits

If you’re experiencing stress-related dizziness or vertigo, try the following:

Breathe Slowly and Deeply – During anxiety episodes, it may feel as if you are unable to take a full breath. When you’re breathing too quickly, you’re unknowingly pushing yourself to “over-breathe.” Instead, you find yourself taking shallow, quick breaths. To adjust your carbon dioxide levels, breathe into a paper bag or slow down your breathing by counting breaths.

Close Your Eyes – If you’re comfortable doing so, close your eyes for a few minutes. Visual components of dizziness can make you feel as if the room is whirling. It eliminates that sensory input when you close your eyes. This should help you feel less dizzy and reduce your chances of vomiting and nausea.

Drink Water – If you’re able to walk comfortably, drink a glass of water. This is crucial for people who experience dizziness due to dehydration. It’s also useful since chilly water has a calming effect on the body.

Focus on a Spot – Many ballet dancers who experience dizziness from spinning find that focusing on a distant spot provides some relief. Consider looking at a stationary area while experiencing symptoms to assist your eyes and mind regain control.

It’s also possible that you’ll just have to wait it out. Anxiety-related dizziness is usually just transient. There is no drug or substance that will help you feel better.

Preventing The Recurrence Of Dizziness and Vertigo

Bear in mind that vertigo and dizziness can be both a symptom and a cause of anxiety. After your primary care doctor has ruled out any other medical explanations for your dizziness, the next step is to manage your anxiety. Because the effects will continue to reoccur until your anxiousness is alleviated.

To begin, make sure you’re working on your breathing skills. To reduce hyperventilation episodes, work on reconditioning your body to slower and deeper breathing. You can hyperventilate naturally without any stimuli if you have certain types of anxiety disorders.

Next, make sure you’re eating well, drinking enough water, and exercising regularly. In a vicious spiral, anxiety can generate dizziness, which can cause additional anxiety. Maintaining your health to the best of your ability will help you avoid both anxiety and dizziness.

Finally, establish an anti-anxiety regimen. Anxiety symptoms can be managed in a variety of ways. You must first determine the sort of anxiety you are experiencing, after which you may narrow down anxiety management solutions that will alleviate your symptoms.

When stress or worry causes vertigo spells, treatment usually includes addressing these issues in order to alleviate symptoms.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most effective methods for dealing with vertigo and dizziness caused by stress or anxiety.

CBT was found to be an effective treatment for 75 percent of subjects in a 2014 study of generalized anxiety disorder. CBT was also reported to alleviate anxiety induced by dizziness and vertigo by researchers in 2011.

If your vertigo symptoms are extremely severe, consulting a doctor or psychiatrist is suggested to take advice on stress and anxiety medication.

Common Medications For Stress-Induced Vertigo

Medications provided by a doctor are frequently effective in treating anxiety and stress-related vertigo symptoms.

Anxiety drugs come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Beta-blockers
  • Buspirone

A psychiatrist or doctor can prescribe the proper anxiety medication for you if you believe it would be beneficial.



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