6 Minutes
Mental health illness is the most dangerous silent pandemic of our times. Teens, as well as children as young as 5 years old, have been identified with mental illnesses. Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mental health condition that needs to be identified, diagnosed, managed, and treated duly and in time in order to live a full, healthy life.
Various self-help books have been written to better cope with the adverse effects of bipolar disorder on lifestyle. The following are some of the best books to read to specifically manage the problems faced by kids and adolescents with bipolar disorders.
Self-Help Books For Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorders: A Guide to Helping Children and Adolescents By Mitzi Waltz
Bipolar illnesses were nearly never diagnosed in childhood and were rarely identified in teens until recently, despite the fact that 20 to 40% of the 2 million or more individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorders in the US developed this mental condition in their teen years or before. Manic depression has long been mistaken for ADHD in clinical practice, according to psychiatrists (or conduct disorder, depression, or oppositional defiant disorder). As per the latest information, % of children identified with ADHD will be diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the future.
Childhood-onset bipolar illness affects up to a million youngsters in the United States alone. Bipolar disorder in children is distinct from bipolar disorder in adults. Certain diagnostic criteria are specific to children. To be a child and being under adult supervision limits certain irresponsible behavior. When this condition is not detected and addressed, it has a significant impact on communities and families. Suicide, as well as educational failure, limited employment prospects, legal issues, and hospitalizations, are all possibilities.
Caring parents and practitioners must understand and recognize the distinctions in sickness between children and teenagers. Bipolar Disorders include a variety of things that parents should be aware of in order to assist their children: The various types of bipolar disorders are described along with Current and suggested diagnostic criteria, as well as parallels to typical misdiagnoses, Medications, with special emphasis to the biology and responses of children and teens, including detecting and managing mood swings, support, and safety as well as improvements in the Family life. Various “talk therapies” can be employed as therapeutic interventions. Other strategies include working to improve sleep patterns, reducing seasonal mood swings, changing one’s diet, and taking supplements. The special education system, as well as 504 Plans or EIPs, are all covered by insurance. “With early help, the potential for these youngsters are boundless,” author Mitzi Waltz says.
Kids 5 Minute Gratitude Diary
Good mood journal for children with Bipolar disorder | Assisted positive emotion tracking, control, and learning to help control manic depression By Behavioral Journals
This is a Journal for children with bipolar disorder to track their moods. The child’s mood notebook was created for kids who have been diagnosed with Bipolar illness. The journal tries to figure out what YOUR child is thankful for, and what you can do to make them feel comfortable and cheerful. You will be able to grasp what your child responds to a lot more quickly if you track their mood. Most children and adults benefit considerably from a diagnosis that results in suitable evidence-based intervention or assistance that takes into account individual interests and strengths.
Helping your child to chart their feelings and moods will quickly reveal trends, allowing you to figure out what will work the best for them. The exercises and quizzes are brief, but they are quite powerful. They try to get your child to think about what makes them feel good in a way that isn’t stressful or chaotic for them. This notebook should take no more than four minutes per day to complete, but it will save you a lot of time in the long term! Features of the book include 100 pages of thankfulness mood monitoring in a 6 × 9-inch book. Softcover binding of professional quality. White paper of excellent quality and strength, appropriate for all pens and markers. Basic tracking questions are asked every day. What helps them is to focus on appreciation and pleasure.
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults
Bipolar, ADHD, OCD, Depression, Asperger’s, and Other Disorders By Edward R Amend, James T Webb, Paul Beljan
Gifted adults and children, especially those who are twice-exceptional, are commonly misdiagnosed (2e). This much-awaited 2nd volume of a best-selling book is your roadmap to averting disaster. ADD/ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Asperger’s Disorder are all misinterpreted in some of our smartest, most innovative children and people. Many people are given unnecessary drugs and/or counseling. What is causing this?
Clinicians, psychologists, and counselors are sometimes oblivious of gifted children’s and adults’ features that resemble pathologic diagnoses. James T. Webb, Paul Beljan, Edward R. Amend, Marianne Kuzujanakis, Nadia E. Webb, Jean Goerss, and F. Richard Olenchak help parents and practitioners differentiate between pathological and “normal” behaviors in talented children. The topics covered include The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and ICD-10, the most frequent diagnoses for brilliant adults and children, Disabilities in learning and other 2e concerns, asthma, allergies, and hypoglycemia, and prevalence of addictive disorders in adults and children with high efficiency. People with exceptional abilities face unique challenges. The book further includes Advice on how to choose a counselor or healthcare provider.
Brandon and the Bipolar Bear: A Story for Children with Bipolar Disorder by Tracy Anglada, Jennifer Taylor, Toby Ferguson
Brandon and the Bipolar Bear won the 2011 Readers’ Choice Award for Favorite Special-Needs Children’s Book from About.com. Adults and kids gain a rare look into the inner sentiments and anxieties of a bipolar kid by reading the chapters of this famous book. Kids with bipolar disorder can often relate to Brandon’s mood swings as he alternates between melancholy and mania. Even if the reader’s symptoms vary from the character’s, reading the book initiates a conversation about the illness.
Brandon finds solace in the book when he realizes that he isn’t the only one who suffers from this inner strife. Children learn alongside the character as he discovers what the sickness is, how people get it, and why there is a possibility for him to recover. This story is suitable for kids from 4 to 11 years old. Parents, teachers, health care workers, grandparents, and anybody else who cares about a kid with bipolar disorder will find it invaluable. For the past few years, Brandon and the Bipolar Bear have worked to raise knowledge and awareness of this critical illness, and they will strive to do so in the years ahead.
Mommy, I’m Still In Here: Raising Children With Bipolar Disorder By Kate McLaughlin (Behler Publications, 2008)
McLaughlin shares the challenges of denial, anxiety, disappointment, and frustration, as well as acceptance, understanding, and love, that come with raising a teen with bipolar disease. In an effort to eliminate “shame-based beliefs,” this book has been characterized as an honest depiction of a child’s physical facts and shattered emotions of a family trapped in the swirling tempest of a child’s psychosis and hallucinations. She also provides hope and inspiration to anyone who is dealing with chronic illnesses or raising teenagers.
Somebody Cares: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Neglect by Susan Farber Straus, Ph.D., illustrated by Claire Keay
This book expresses a lot of what children who have been neglected throughout their childhood either due to a physical or a mental illness or any other reason. The beautiful presents the feelings of a child who was a victim of neglect from his close family members and how the child could be strong and brave but he was too worried and scared due to the neglect he was facing. A therapist and a social worker eventually intervene, and the story comes to a happy conclusion. “It’s fantastic that the drawings depict a variety of families,” says a Child Mind Institute expert.
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latest news & research on BooksMemoirs From People With Bipolar Disorder
More Fool Me is the third installment in Fry's memoirs, which was just released. He is frank about the darker side of his highly successful life and coping with bipolar disease
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read moreBest Books For Bipolar Disorder In Children And Teens
Various self-help books have been written to better cope with the adverse effects of bipolar disorder on lifestyle. The following are some of the best books to read in 2022 to specifically manage the problems faced by kids and adolescents with bipolar disorders.
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