12 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Anxiety is a usual part of everyday life for some people. It is a side effect of living in a troubled world. Anxiety, on the other hand, is not all awful. It raises your awareness of danger, encourages you to keep organized and ready, and assists you in risk assessment. When worry becomes a daily problem, though, it is indeed time to take action before it worsens. Anxiety that goes unchecked can have a significant negative influence on your quality of life. Check out some of the suggestions below to get better control.

Prescription drugs are occasionally prescribed to assist patients to manage anxiety, but there are natural alternatives available. You can try some home treatments.

Even though it appears that all-natural solutions are safe, it’s often a good idea to speak with a health professional about them. They’ll be able to advise you on usage as well as possible interactions with any other therapies or medications you’re taking.

Not every natural anxiety therapies are effective for everyone. In your case, you may discover that some are more beneficial than others. Additionally, they may help calm your feelings of stress only when used in conjunction with other therapy choices in some instances. It is dependent on a number of factors.

If you suffer from anxiety, there are several natural remedies you can try at home to reduce anxiety and enhance coping mechanisms.

A few of these natural anxiety treatments will contain supplements and herbs, but the majority will require you to adjust some of your activities and behaviors.

When it relates to supplements, it is always a good idea to double-check for restrictions, adverse effects, and toxicities with your doctor.

It is also crucial to keep in mind that most natural items and supplements, such as herbal blends, may have insufficient data to back up their claims. They may work in some cases, but they are unlikely to work for others.

Here are a few natural anxiety treatment methods that have been effective for most people:


You have probably heard this before, and that’s because it actually helps relieve symptoms of anxiety. Regular exercise provides numerous health advantages.

Be it a quick walk around the neighborhood or an hour marathon, evidence shows that exercise can help lower stress levels and anxiety, particularly when paired with therapy and, in certain cases, prescription drugs.

What role does exercise play in the treatment of anxiety? It helps to divert your attention from worrying thoughts, for starters. More significantly, physical activity increases endorphins, which are termed the “happy hormones” by some.

Endorphins are anti-inflammatory and also increase pleasure. They can help you to calm down and have a more optimistic outlook, both of which can help you manage your anxiety symptoms.

If intense exercise is not your thing, take up yoga, which has been proved to help people deal with stress, worry, and sadness.

Try to get at least 2.5 hours of moderate activity (like fast walking) or 1.25 hours of vigorous exercise (like jogging or swimming) per week, or a mix of the two.

5 X 30: For 30 minutes, jog, walk, ride, or dance three to five times per week.

Instead of focusing on ideal workouts, set modest daily goals and strive for everyday regularity. It is indeed better to go for a short walking distance of 20 minutes every day than to plan for a 3-hour fitness marathon on Sundays. The frequency appears to be the most essential factor, according to a large body of scientific evidence.

Find ways to exercise that are joyful or fun. Courses and community activities are popular among extroverts. Introverted individuals prefer to do things alone.

Use an iPod and another portable music player to access podcasts, audiobooks, or songs to keep oneself occupied. Many people feel that exercising while listening to music they appreciate is more enjoyable.

Enlist the help of a “workout companion.” When you have to stay dedicated to a buddy, spouse, or coworker, it’s generally easier to stick to your fitness regimen.

When beginning a new workout routine, be patient. Most inactive persons need 6 – 8 weeks to feel connected and in good enough shape to exercise comfortably.

Get enough rest.

Insomnia is a typical anxiety symptom. Making sleep a priority is an essential part of anxiety management by doing the following:

  • Only go to sleep when you are exhausted at night
  • At bedtime, you should not watch TV or read.
  • In bed, you should not use your cellphone, computer, or tablet.
  • If you cannot sleep, don’t twist and roll in your bed. Get up and move to a different room until you’re ready to sleep.
  • Before going to bed, stay away from coffee, nicotine, and heavy meal.
  • Maintain a dark and chilly environment in your room
  • Before heading to bed, jot down your concerns.
  • Every night, go to bed at the same time

Relaxation techniques

In response to anxiety, many people instinctively clench their jaws and stiffen their muscles. Relaxation techniques that are progressive may be beneficial.

Starting with the feet and working your way up to the jaw and shoulders, lie down in a comfortable posture and slowly contract and loosen each group of muscles.

Breathing and anxiety have a symbiotic relationship.

When you’re anxious or stressed, your body’s flight-or-fight response is triggered. The mind does not distinguish between emotional and physical dangers and responds in the same way, raising respiration and heart rate to get more blood flow to the muscles. This higher heart rate is meant to train you to confront or flee a physical danger.

We do not face these kinds of dangers very often these days. However, when confronted with modern-day issues, the mind will still respond in this manner.

The imbalance between our body’s carbon dioxide and oxygen levels is disrupted by this acceleration in breathing, known as hyperventilation. As the blood flow to the brain is reduced by this disequilibrium, you may feel dizzy and nauseous and your hands may begin to tingle. Hyperventilation that is severe enough can cause unconsciousness.

This reaction can exacerbate the problem by raising anxiety levels. Learning to regulate your breath through easy breathing techniques, on the other hand, can help you relax and return your carbon dioxide and oxygen levels to normal.


Having found a way to communicate your worry can help you feel more in control.

Writing and journaling have been shown to help deal with anxiety, according to some studies.

According to a 2016 report, creative writing may aid in the management of anxiety in kids and adolescents.

Strategies for managing time

If individuals have several tasks at once, some people become uneasy. These could include activities connected to home, job, or fitness. Keeping worried at bay might be as simple as making a strategy for the next important task.

People are focused on one task at a time with the help of effective time management skills. Resisting the impulse to multitask as well as using paper organizers and digital calendars will assist.

Trying to break down large projects into smaller, more sequential chunks can help some people finish them with much less anxiety.

Reduce your caffeine intake.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which might make you feel jittery if you have anxiety. It may also induce physical symptoms such as racing heart and trembling, leading you to believe you are having a panic attack.

Caffeine may also worsen symptoms of anxiety in certain persons with mental health conditions, according to studies.

If you’re used to drinking caffeine heavily, it is often recommended by health professionals to cut back gradually to avoid the withdrawal symptoms that come with going cold turkey.

Smoking should be limited or avoided entirely.

Nicotine and other compounds found in tobacco smoke have been demonstrated to modify anxiety-related brain networks.

According to a 2013 report, the sooner you start to smoke, the more likely you are to develop an anxiety problem later on in life.

Laugh even more.

Humor and laughing can enhance your mental and physical health in a variety of ways, including lowering anxiety and stress levels.

Laughter and humor can help lower stress hormone levels such as adrenaline, cortisol, and dopamine. Simultaneously, it may increase endorphin release.

Laughter also helps you return your concentration to the present by raising the number of antibody-producing body cells. This might divert your attention away from worrying about the future.

Laugh therapy has been demonstrated to effectively reduce anxiety.

Vitamin D

Serotonin levels drop when you do not have enough Vitamin D. Serotonin is a mood-enhancing hormone that can help you relax and concentrate.

Vitamin D insufficiency has been related to anxiety disorders and sadness, according to research.

To test your existing blood levels, you may wish to discuss screening alternatives with a healthcare expert.

Spending time outside in the sun is the best approach to increase your Vitamin D levels. If feasible, try to get fifteen to thirty minutes of noon sunlight at least four times a week. To avoid sunburn, it is a wise idea to apply sunscreen. This will have no impact on your vitamin D synthesis.

Consuming fatty fish, fortified meals, and mushrooms are some other natural ways to boost vitamin D levels.

Drink tea

Two types of teas known for their anxiety-relieving properties are lavender and chamomile.

Because it contains an antioxidant (apigenin), chamomile is commonly referred to be a moderate sedative and sleep inducer. Apigenin is thought to attach to brain receptors, which may help you get better sleep and reduce anxiety.

Lavender has been utilized as a natural medicine for settling emotions and lowering anxiety for generations.

Lavender has also been found in various other trials to be useful in reducing:

Check your magnesium levels

Magnesium is an essential mineral for human health. It aids in the maintenance of nerve and muscle function, heart rate, and immune response by participating in over 300 enzyme activities.

It is also one of the micronutrients that many people in the United States don’t receive enough in their diet.

Magnesium products have also been proven to help lower anxiety symptoms, especially those associated with PMS, in multiple trials.

Test your present magnesium levels before taking more, just like you would with vitamin D.

Magnesium can be obtained naturally by consuming the following foods:

  • Whole wheat flour
  • Beans (dark)
  • Cashew
  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Quinoa
  • Chocolate-dark

You can also take pills, but you should see a medical practitioner first. Some supplements may produce sleepiness or diarrhea as a side effect. A specialist may well be able to advise you on the optimal magnesium form to use or how much to consume to avoid negative effects.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fats are essential for the overall functioning of your brain, but the body does not produce them by itself. Rather, you get all of your omega-3 fatty acids from your diet, which includes foods like flaxseed and fish.

Omega-3 in the form of fish oil supplements has been reported to aid with anxiety, according to various studies, including a 2018 meta-analysis and a 2018 review study.

If you are thinking about taking omega-3 supplements, you should talk to your doctor about it. Some prescription drugs, such as blood thinners, may interact with them. Individuals with specific medical issues may not be able to use them.

Supplements containing L-theanine

The amino acid L-theanine can be found in black or green tea. There’s some indication that it acts as a moderate tranquilizer or anti-anxiety drug, lowering anxiety and cortisol levels.

B-complex vitamins

B vitamins are a set of 8 nutrients that act together in the body to control physiological processes including anxiety.

Many people can receive enough of these nutrients from a variety of meals, however, vegetarians and vegans may find it more difficult to obtain vitamins B12 and B2 (riboflavin).

According to a 2017 report, individuals with poor vitamin B12 levels in their blood are more prone to experience depression or anxiety symptoms. This is why you should think about taking vitamin supplements.

B vitamin supplements are available in a variety of forms. A medical practitioner may be able to advise you about which treatment option is best for your anxiety problems. You might also eat foods that have been enriched with these vitamins.

B vitamins are found in vegemite and marmite, for instance, and one study found that persons who did eat them had less anxiety and stress.

While psychotherapy and allopathic medicine are common treatments for anxiety and depression, there is scientific proof that other approaches are effective as well.

Here are some natural anxiety-relieving complementary therapies to consider:

Animal-assisted therapy

Petting animals is not merely a pleasurable experience for animal enthusiasts. Keeping a pet or interacting with animals has been shown to reduce anxiety and promote mental health.

Animal therapy helps older individuals feel less worried, according to a 2018 study. In addition, 2015 research reveals that caressing a dog can stimulate your body to produce oxytocin, which reduces stress and enhances your overall well-being.

Petting dogs has been demonstrated to lower heart rates in individuals for years, and keeping a companion dog has been found to lessen stress and anxiety in both adults and children.

A 2015 research reveals that grooming as well as spending time with horses can help people cope with stress and anxiety related to traumatic events.

To reduce anxiety, the animals do not have to be furry. In a 2015 report, it was discovered that caring for crickets benefited the mental health of elderly adults.


Aromatherapy is a method of promoting health via the use of fragrant essential oils. Certain oils can be simply breathed or applied to the skin, while others can be used in a shower or diffuser to provide the best results.

There is some evidence that aromatherapy can help people calm, sleep better, and lower their blood pressure and heart rate, especially when certain smells like lavender are used.

However, studies on the usefulness and toxicity of essential oils are currently limited.

These smells are recommended for anxiety reduction by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy:

  • Rose
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Neroli
  • Clary sage

If you want to use aromatherapy, keep the following in mind:

  • Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA.
  • When applying essential oils topically, it’s best to use a carrier oil. You should also conduct a skin patch test.
  • Before swallowing any oils, it’s best to consult with a doctor because many of them are poisonous.


Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a healing technique that combines meditation and yoga and was created in the 1970s. It seeks to address the unspoken ideas, feelings, and actions that may be contributing to your stress.

Dawn Straiton, a doctor of nursing practice and faculty member at Walden University says “MBSR has over 40 years of evidence supporting its effectiveness for managing anxiety.” “Data reveals that learning to manage challenges, regulate our feelings, and be more attentive might help us build individual resilience.

Mindfulness-focused techniques, as per a 2009 study, can reduce anxiety while simultaneously increasing empathy. Other research suggests it may even help you sleep properly and in reducing stress

Forest bathing

Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin Yoku, has been used as preventive care for depressive episodes, stress, inflammation, and other health problems since the mid-1980s.

Spending time outside and intently watching nature while practicing breathing and concentration techniques is known as forest bathing.

According to research, this treatment may:

  • Reduce your heart rate.
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Boost your mood
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Reduces tiredness and nervousness

According to the study, even if you do not have a lot more time to go outside, you may reap the benefits. Stress can be reduced in as little as 10 to 15 minutes in a natural atmosphere.



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