23 Minutes

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Anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment can help you determine if your body image issues have turned into a full-fledged eating disorder and it can help you get rid of it. In the USA, up to 30 million individuals suffer from some type of eating disorder. Even though anorexia might not be as prevalent as other mental health conditions, it is prevalent enough to be considered. Anorexia nervosa diagnosis is the first step towards anorexia treatment. But, what is the first goal of treatment of anorexia nervosa? How is anorexia treated? Is anorexia curable? What is the prognosis of anorexia nervosa? 

Measuring tape next to clothes hung on a hanger and two arms folded on top.

Anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment is the first step towards acceptance and motivation to change. 

Simply speaking, anorexia is a psychiatric disorder that is mainly concerned with self-starvation and abnormal eating behavior. 

People diagnosed with anorexia nervosa are more likely to develop an immense fear of weight gain. To avoid facing that fear, these people resist eating normally to maintain a low body weight. 

Note: “Low body weight” is described as weight less than the minimum weight requirement for a certain age, gender, and physical health. 

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Low body weight due to anorexia can also become life-threatening. 

Some contributions in the development of anorexia nervosa can be credited to society. The unrealistic standards of beauty that people tend to set for themselves often lead to conditions like anorexia nervosa. 

Anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment can help you in recognizing the extent and severity of your condition. It can also help you recover from your condition and prevent relapses. 

Even when it is fuelled by the beauty standards of society, anorexia nervosa can be overcome with effective anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment. 

Realistically, anorexia can occur in people of all genders, ages, and ethnicities. However, it is more common in females and in people who are genetically predisposed to develop mental health disorders. 

Additional to this, because anorexia can cause bradycardia (slowed heart rate), ventricular arrhythmia, concentration problems, memory problems, fatty liver disease, hyperthyroidism, and a myriad of other physical conditions, timely anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment is exceptionally crucial.

Generally, to confirm the anorexia nervosa diagnosis, you will be asked to undergo a psychological assessment. During the assessment, the therapist will question you about your eating habits and your relationship with food. You might be asked to fulfill a questionnaire for self-assessment. 

Now, if you happen to observe any signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa in your loved ones, you must be wondering, “Well, where do I go from here?” 

To be honest, the only way to go from here is to seek a professional diagnosis. That is because most of the time, other conditions can possess a handful of similar symptoms. 

As provided by the American Psychological Association, a person has to fulfill the following criteria in order to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa:

  • Restriction of food intake to ensure weight loss, leading to underconsumption of nutrients, and ultimately disrupted body function. 
  • A well-developed fear or phobia of gaining weight and becoming fat. It is also called “obesophobia” in medical terms. 
  • Possessing a distorted view of one’s condition. For instance, a person with anorexia nervosa might believe that they are overweight, while they are clearly underweight. Or they might develop a mindset, believing that the consumption of one meal will make them fat. 

If a person fulfills the aforementioned diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa diagnosis, know that it is time to develop an anorexia treatment plan that coincides with the condition of the patient and fits the needs of the patient. 

Note: Amenorrhea, the inability to have timely menstrual cycles, was recently eliminated from the criteria for anorexia nervosa diagnosis to ensure that the criteria judges males and females adequately. 

To make sure that you fulfill the criteria for anorexia nervosa diagnosis, your physician will proceed with a few medical examination methods to confirm the diagnosis. 

Remember that an anorexia nervosa diagnosis must be confirmed by a psychologist, as well as a physician. 

The purpose of this is to thoroughly ensure that the diagnosis is valid. Because anorexia tends to affect the body, along with the mind, this step is as crucial as the first one. 

Anorexia nervosa diagnosis methods include:

  1. Physical Exam: During the physical exam, your doctor will evaluate some vital signs, e.g. your heart rate, blood pressure, temperature. Along with that, your doctor will calculate your height and weight to measure your BMI (Body Mass Index), The doctor will most likely check your nails and skin to observe any mineral deficiencies. The doctor will further examine your abdomen and pelvis to complete the physical exam. 

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  1. Lab Tests: Along with a physical exam your doctor will most likely send your blood and urine sample for a CBC (complete blood count) and urine analysis. Specialized liver function tests (LFT) and kidney function tests might be conducted to rule out any complications associated with anorexia after the anorexia nervosa diagnosis is confirmed. 
  1. X-rays: Your physician might also order X-rays to analyze your bone density and to check for conditions like pneumonia. 
  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG): ECG can also be used to check for any heart abnormalities. 

So, how to treat anorexia? Once your anorexia nervosa diagnosis is complete, the psychologist will establish an anorexia treatment plan. What are the treatments for anorexia? 

The two anorexia treatment options circulate around: Anorexia Therapy and drugs for anorexia. 

Firstly, the importance of anorexia therapies in the treatment of anorexia cannot be denied. Why? Because therapies for anorexia tend to address the deeper question of “Why is anorexia nervosa even present?” 

By doing so, all forms of psychotherapies ensure that the root cause of anorexia is addressed through therapeutic interventions for anorexia nervosa. 

So, a solution to anorexia is deeply embedded within psychotherapies. Now the question is, what are meds for anorexia to do in the midst of this? 

Well, simply quoting, meds for anorexia are not directly approved by the FDA. However, there are a few medications that are offered to patients around the world and are known to have some effects on the condition. 

Unfortunately, meds for anorexia come at a great cost – side effects. 

So, long story short, are meds for anorexia an effective solution to anorexia? Possibly not. But, are they used for treating anorexia nervosa? Definitely. 

Note: Seeking anorexia nervosa help – after the condition has been diagnosed – is not an option. Treating anorexia nervosa with anorexia therapies and drugs for anorexia is a necessity. 

Either way, remember that the top three goals of treatment for anorexia nervosa are:

  1. Addressing the long-term, full-fledged, medical afflictions that years-long starvation has caused. 
  2. Progressing to develop a healthy weight.
  3. Providing therapeutic interventions for anorexia nervosa to pave the way towards a successful recovery. 

There are different anorexia therapies that can be added to your anorexia treatment plan, depending upon your condition and the severity of your case. 

The treatment plan for anorexia nervosa will consist of psychotherapies to ensure that your psychological disorder is treated and extracted out completely from the very essence of your mind. 

Different types of therapeutic interventions for anorexia nervosa are meant to have different goals during the anorexia treatment plan. 

For the same reason, different types of psychotherapies will be conducted during different time periods to ensure a successful recovery. 

The therapeutic interventions for anorexia nervosa primarily include:

  1. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  2. Cognitive Therapy Model 
  3. Cognitive Remedial Therapy (CRT) 
  4. Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) 

Let’s explore the components of each of these therapeutic approaches in detail. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – An Access to a Cure for Anorexia? 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is the ideal approach of treatment for anorexia in adults

The first step towards treating anorexia nervosa is to enable the patient to leap out of denial and into acceptance. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy and talk therapy that engages the patients and enables them to expose their thought process and the feelings that trigger anorexia and their toxic relationships with food – a simple necessity in life. 

Research has found that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy tends to improve the outcomes of a treatment plan for anorexia by making sure that the patient adheres to the idea of undergoing anorexia treatment. 

Overall, the purpose of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is to ensure that patients with anorexia nervosa diagnosis accept and confront their feelings and thoughts concerning their commitment to food, instead of neglecting and avoiding their emotions. 

ACT enables the patients to develop psychological flexibility. In other words, ACT is behavioral psychotherapy that forms a bridge between self-acceptance, motivation, and mindfulness. 

While treating anorexia, the core practices of ACT will revolve around:

  1. Acceptance: The active ability to embrace the fact that negative experiences and habits exist. 
  2. Cognitive Defusion: The techniques that alter the behavior of the person towards their own feelings. 
  3. Presence: To stay in the present, without attempting to change the present experiences. 
  4. Self as Context: The belief that you are more than your thoughts and feelings. Your experiences do not define you. 
  5. Commitment to Actions: The idea that you must commit to all behavioral interventions and anorexia therapies that you partake in. 

After undergoing ACT during an anorexia treatment plan, the patients with anorexia nervosa can yield the following benefits:

  • Total familiarity with their own thoughts and emotions
  • Acknowledgment and acceptance of their own feelings that aggravate anorexia
  • Motivation to initiate a series of events to improve the condition 
  • Commitment towards interventions for anorexia nervosa while treating anorexia

The Cognitive Therapy Model as Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

One major effect of anorexia nervosa is “distortions.” Distortions are the negative body images, attitudes about weight gain, and negative and demeaning thought processes about one’s own appearance. 

The purpose of the Cognitive Therapy Model is to allow patients with anorexia nervosa to identify the self-destructive and toxic thoughts. 

Because the Cognitive Therapy Model is efficiently structured, it consists of certain components. 

The first component during the best treatment for anorexia nervosa, under the light of the Cognitive Therapy Model, will be the alteration of dietary rules. The rules will determine the accurate timings at which the patients are required to consume food. 

Secondly, the Cognitive Therapy Model will enable the patients to update their “food records” immediately after they have eaten. This is vital in treating anorexia nervosa. 

The third component will mainly focus on the strategic prevention of skipping meals. The cognitive therapy model can enable patients to understand the importance of having a healthy relationship with food. 

The fourth component will be a confrontational approach, whereby the patients will be encouraged to introduce foods that they fear. For instance, if a patient with anorexia nervosa avoids carbohydrates, the cognitive model of therapy for treating anorexia nervosa will enable the patient to gradually start consuming carbs. 

Meal planning is the fifth component for treatment for anorexia nervosa with the Cognitive Therapy Model. The purpose of meal planning is to ensure that timely and well-proportioned meals are consumed throughout the day. 

The sixth component of Cognitive Therapy will be “psychoeducation.” Psychoeducational therapy is a group therapeutic approach that follows the same principles as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 

The seventh and final component of Cognitive Therapy will be to prevent relapses with effective, well-developed coping strategies. 

Cognitive Therapy induces a brand-new thought process in the patients of anorexia to avoid body checking and cessation of body avoidance. 

The aforementioned components of the model often prove fruitful during treatment for anorexia in adults.

Cognitive Remedial Therapy (CRT) for Treating Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa treatment is a sophisticated process. For this reason, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been adapted to form a special therapeutic intervention for anorexia nervosa, namely, Cognitive Remedial Therapy. 

Anorexia treatment through Cognitive Remedial Therapy has been proved through several researchers. In fact, it happens to be the best possible anorexia therapy after Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

Like ACT and Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive Remedial Therapy is an effective treatment for anorexia in adults.

As pointed out by research, the effects of anorexia nervosa on human neuropsychology are abundant. 

However, the two most highlighted cognitive deficits that accompany anorexia nervosa are:

  1. Cognitive Flexibility Deficiency: Cognitive Flexibility is the ability of a person to open up to change in behavior and actions. While treating anorexia nervosa, psychologists often observe that the patients refuse to shift their mental and behavioral approaches. 
  2. Lack of Central Coherence: Central Coherence is the ability of a person to ignore the details of a certain subject if it means that the bigger picture will provide more benefits. Unfortunately, people with anorexia nervosa focus on the details and fail to recognize the bigger picture. 

Now, let’s come back to the main point. Cognitive Remedial Therapy tends to target the aforementioned cognitive deficits while treatment for anorexia nervosa. 

The goal of CRT is to enable patients of anorexia nervosa to focus on the process of thinking, rather than concentrating their attention on the content of thoughts. 

To put it differently, once the patients of anorexia develop awareness about their own thought process, they can actively use CRT-related activities to alter their process of thinking. 

To achieve this goal, the therapist during CRT treatment for anorexia nervosa will provide you with tasks, puzzles, and a myriad of other activities to jog your neuropsychological deficits. 

The puzzles and tasks are ideally developed to ensure that the focus adheres to cognitive flexibility and/or central coherence. 

A few tasks that can help with CRT include:

  • Changing the sequence of certain simple daily life activities like taking your morning coffee before changing into your work clothes. 
  • Sitting at different lunch tables during the break.
  • Using both hands – dominant and non-dominant – to complete repetitive tasks. 
  • Transferring your attention from one topic to another, repeatedly (e.g. pasta and movie genres). Both the topics must be completely different from one another. 
  • Opting for a different brand of a specific product that you tend to purchase at regular intervals.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) for Anorexia Treatment 

Most of the time, an anorexic patient might experience relationship problems and/or problematic family dynamics that can lead to aggravation of anorexia nervosa. 

Eventually, such relationship dynamics can result in frequent relapses if the patient is not undergoing consistent treatment for anorexia nervosa. 

Interpersonal psychotherapy is a proactive approach that deals with the thoughts and emotions concerned with interpersonal relationships. 

Throughout the therapy sessions, IPT tends to acknowledge the increasing frustration that a patient experience as a result of deteriorating family dynamics. 

Once this frustration is recognized, the therapist explores how the previously acknowledged relationship problems are affecting anorexia. 

By doing so, the therapist can educate the patient about the possible effects of interpersonal deficits on eating habits. 

IPT can also help the patients in developing certain coping strategies. So that in the future, when the patient of anorexia nervosa experiences the same interpersonal triggers, they can be deflected with well-formulated coping mechanisms. 

It is noteworthy that Interpersonal Psychotherapy is introduced to the treatment plan for anorexia nervosa, along with the adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to maximize the outcomes of the overall, wholesome anorexia treatment plan. 

The FDA has not yet approved any selective medications for treatment for anorexia. However, there are certain meds for anorexia that are prescribed by doctors in extreme conditions. 

The antipsychotic medication Olanzapine (Zyprexa) shows some evidence of weight gain and, therefore, is used as a medication for anorexia. 

Certain antidepressants are also used as drugs for anorexia. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of these meds for anorexia overcome any possible benefits. 

Why? Well, because both the medications have several side effects that can be even more life-threatening than anorexia itself. 

Using Olanzapine as a part of the anorexia treatment plan can cause the following side effects:

  • Allergic reactions like rashes on the skin, blisters, and hives. 
  • Breathing difficulties and chest tightness
  • Speaking difficulty
  • Inability to swallow
  • Palpitations (sudden increases in heartbeat)
  • Irregular muscle movements in the arms, legs, face, etc. 
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • High blood sugar
  • Seizures
  • Tremors in limbs

At the same time, adding antidepressants to cope up with anorexia-triggered depression can cause headaches, nausea, dry mouth, blurred vision, weight gain, etc. 

A fair warning: Antidepressants can, at times, worsen the symptoms of depression and force you to develop suicidal thoughts and tendencies. 

In many cases, antidepressants can also cause you to develop stimulant addiction. Before you acknowledge it, your brain will become dependent on antidepressants. 

Is it always wise to explore anorexia treatment options? Let’s see. 

As far as psychotherapies for anorexia are concerned, exploration of treatment options will pose no harm. However, when it comes to drugs for anorexia, the risk is too great to be ignored or neglected. 

To be fair, the meds for anorexia do not stand a chance against the psychotherapies used for the intervention of anorexia nervosa. 

There are several particulars to be considered before opting for all anorexia treatment options at once. 

Firstly, psychotherapies tend to be more beneficial than meds for anorexia for effective anorexia treatment. This is because psychotherapies acknowledge each cause of anorexia, as well as the possible effects of it. 

On the other hand, meds for anorexia do not address the causes of anorexia. They merely mask the condition for some time or until it becomes uncontrollable. 

Secondly, anorexia therapy tends to explore the condition in depth. It investigates how each aspect of life can affect your condition. At the same time, with the assistance of anorexia therapy, you can develop coping strategies to prevent anorexia relapses. 

Putting it differently, anorexia therapy opts for a proactive approach. Conversely, meds for anorexia are NOT coping strategies. They are a mere gateway towards even worse conditions. 

Thirdly, psychotherapies offer a better chance at recovery, while meds for anorexia keep you busy with the side effects. 

In fact, the side effects of drugs for anorexia treatment have the ability to dull down the overall chances of recovery. The physical afflictions from the side effects of meds for anorexia treatment can cause your weakness to double within a matter of days. 

Last but not the least, medications for anorexia can cause you to become addicted to them. Honestly speaking, the last thing you need during treatment for anorexia nervosa is an addiction to battle. 

Long story short, if you desire to seek a solution to anorexia, delete the thought of using meds for anorexia treatment from your mind completely.

The only anorexia treatment option that remains viable, proactive, and beneficial is a therapeutic intervention for anorexia nervosa. 

The only alternative treatment for anorexia that is most often used is herbs. In fact, herbs are often included in the plan of treatment for anorexia in adults. 

Herbs can strengthen the system of the body, while improving appetite, and regulating physiological functions. 

In combination with therapy, a few herbs can be included in the treatment plan for anorexia nervosa to ensure active management of anorexia nervosa. 

Note: Before consuming any herbs, make sure to consult your physician. Even after validation, ensure that the herbs do not exceed their recommended amounts. 

You can consume herbs as dried extracts, tinctures, or glycerites.

The herbs that have been found to be effective for anorexia treatment include:

  • Fenugreek: The recommended amount for Fenugreek for treatment of anorexia in adults is 250-500 mg, 2-3 times every day. When consumed as directed by the physician, Fenugreek can stimulate appetite. 
    Ashwagandha: The recommended amount for Ashwagandha is 450 mg, in 1-2 doses per day. It can provide health benefits, while also relieving anorexia-triggered stress. 
    Milk Thistle: The recommended amount for this herb is 80-160 mg, 2-3 times per day. This herb can prevent fatty liver disease, which is common in people with anorexia nervosa. 
  • Catnip: Treating anorexia nervosa with Catnip requires you to consume the herb as a tea, 2-3 times each day. This herb can influence your digestion and improve your appetite. 

Besides herbs, some dietary supplements like multivitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, Creatine, and probiotics can help during recovery from anorexia. It is important for you to consult the doctor before opting for any of the aforementioned supplements and including them in your anorexia treatment plan. 

To manage the treatment of anorexia nervosa, the right protocol is to begin a diet routine for the patient with at least 2000-2500 calories. 

If the electrolytes of the patient remained stable, 250 calories must be increased each day. The purpose is to administer an increasing number of calories to ensure that a uniform treatment is managed throughout the treatment program. 

The goal of management of anorexia nervosa treatment is for the patient to gain at least 0.2 kg each day, while the patient is receiving treatment at an inpatient treatment center for anorexia nervosa. 

After the inpatient treatment, if the patient can gain 1-2 pounds per week, even that is considered enough. 

During the last phase of management of anorexia nervosa after the treatment, the energy requirement of the body will increase drastically. The patient will be required to consume 3000-4500 calories in a day. 

If the management of anorexia nervosa is not followed in the same manner as described, a treatment complication can arise – The Refeeding Syndrome. 

The Refeeding Syndrome develops when calorie intake in anorexic patients is not monitored carefully. The symptoms include:

  • Swelling over the entire body (edema)
  • Heart failure or lung failure
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Delirium
  • Muscle weakness beyond imagination
  • Sudden death 

Note: The Refeeding Syndrome presents with low phosphate levels, low sodium levels, low sugar levels, low potassium levels, and low magnesium levels. 

If patients suffering from anorexia nervosa are not able to receive adequate treatment at psychiatric wards due to medical instability, they will require inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa. 

Inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa provides residential treatment, whereby the patient can undergo supervised, resourceful, and well-structured psychotherapies. 

At an inpatient treatment center for anorexia nervosa, the best treatment for anorexia can be acquired with the assistance of qualified medical professionals. 

If you require 24/7 supervision for the following conditions, inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa might be your last – and probably the most effective – option:

  • Vomiting
  • Excessive exercise
  • Use of laxatives
  • Dietary restriction

The end goal of inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa is to bless you with physical health, along with psychological health. 

At inpatient treatment centers for anorexia nervosa, patients will receive regulated meals, intensive sessions of psychotherapy, some form of medication-assisted treatment if the condition demands it, and counseling. 

Because inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa enables the clients to acquire treatment in an exclusively peaceful environment, it can prevent anorexia relapses by cutting the patients off from interpersonal triggers. 

Inpatient hospitalization for anorexia nervosa will provide an adequately monitored therapeutic intervention with the assistance of professional medical staff. 

The staff at a center for inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa will most likely consist of physicians, psychiatrists, therapists, dietitians, and nurses. 

To summarize it for you, inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa is the final stop for a person suffering from extreme anorexia. It might last for 30-90 days, but it can provide intensive and continuous treatment to ensure that the patient makes a complete recovery. 

Well, here is some great news for you: We happen to be an inpatient treatment center providing the best treatment for anorexia nervosa.

We care about your relationship with food. For that reason, we specialize in providing you with luxury treatment and the best 5-star treatment for anorexia nervosa at our inpatient treatment center. 

With our high-end treatment facilities, your loved ones can make the full recovery that your eyes crave to see. 

A luxury inpatient treatment center for anorexia has several differences in comparison with a traditional inpatient treatment facility for anorexia nervosa. 

However, the top two differences lie in the quality of the treatment and the facilities provided at the luxury inpatient treatment center for anorexia nervosa. 

While a traditional inpatient treatment for anorexia might contain therapeutic interventions for anorexia nervosa, it is unlikely that the program will be structured enough. 

Bulimia Eating Disorder Luxury Inpatient Treatment Center

However, luxury treatment for anorexia nervosa will be well-formulated and well-structured. By quoting that a treatment plan for anorexia nervosa requires structure, we mean to imply that psychotherapies must be conducted in a certain order for adequate durations. Moreover, the structure of the program also refers to the degree of personalization of the program. 

A luxury inpatient treatment center for anorexia can provide you with a personalized treatment that complements the need and extent of your anorexia nervosa. 

Along with this, luxury treatment for anorexia nervosa provides additional facilities and therapies. For instance, every client has a private villa. Along with that, the patients are provided with:

  • Private chef
  • Personal driver
  • Housekeeping
  • A big garden
  • Pool and other recreational facilities
  • Adventure therapy
  • Art and music therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture

Note: The list of amenities at a luxury treatment for anorexia nervosa is not exhaustive by any means. Depending on your choice of luxury treatment, the facilities can vary drastically. 

Avail of unlimited and numerous amenities at our luxury treatment and celebrity treatment inpatient facility. 

If you happen to suffer from extreme conditions, anorexia treatment with psychotherapies and medications might not suffice. Now, the question is how to cure anorexia with lifestyle changes? 

Along with psychotherapies and medication management of anorexia nervosa, you will need to introduce some changes to your lifestyle. These include:

  • Stick to the plan: Remember that a well-developed treatment plan for anorexia nervosa is your best friend. Adhere to the treatment protocol and the aftercare processes and you will be able to initiate other lifestyle changes and stick to them as well.
  • Do not isolate yourself: The primary cause that leads to resistance to food consumption is depression. Avoiding isolation can help you decrease the incentive to skip your meals. Having people around to encourage and support you will always result in better outcomes. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight: If you engage in proper management of anorexia nervosa, it will be easier for you to maintain the desired weight. Remember that “desired” here implies the weight that a healthy body desires; not the weight that an anorexia-influenced mind desires. 
  • Avoid triggers: To avoid triggers, you will be required to recognize, acknowledge, and accept them. Avoiding triggers can prevent you from having an anorexia relapse. 
  • Formulate effective coping strategies: Effective coping strategies can take you a long way. In fact, long-term relapse prevention and ongoing recovery demand coping strategies. Having certain coping mechanisms can help you fight off the urge to deflect the opportunity to consume food. 
  • Remember your health: Remember that extremism is a way to destruction. Consuming healthier and nutritious foods during and after recovery can help you fuel your body with the energy you have lost throughout the years. 

So, what are the key takeaways about anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment here? Let’s see.

First things first: to accomplish a successful anorexia nervosa diagnosis, it is important for a person to fulfill the criteria provided by the American Psychological Association. 

After that, it is important for the anorexia nervosa diagnosis to be confirmed by a physician with physical exams and other routine tests. 

Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, the best treatment for anorexia can be provided at a facility for inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa. Better yet, a luxury inpatient treatment center for anorexia. 

The psychotherapies provided at inpatient treatment programs for anorexia will be tailored to your needs. They can primarily include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive Remedial Therapy (CRT), and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT). 

Drugs for anorexia can be included in the anorexia treatment plan in some cases. However, keep in mind that medications for anorexia treatment often result in disastrous side effects and possible dependence. 

Is anorexia nervosa threatening the life of your loved ones? Worry no more. Our inpatient treatment and luxury treatment facility provide all the necessary therapeutic interventions and alternative treatments for anorexia. Our high-end treatment facility can bless you with a cure for anorexia. 

Even if it is accompanied by drug addictions and/or other mental health conditions, our well-trained medical professionals can grant you an opportunity to avail 5-star treatment and celebrity treatment for your loved ones and their anorexia nervosa.

With us, allow your loved ones to learn to embrace food the way it is meant to be. 

So, reach out to us today and receive the treatment you deserve. 



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Anorexia Insights

latest news & research on Anorexia
How To Get Rid Of Anorexia
How To Recover From Anorexia

It's common for people suffering from anorexia to believe that they'll never be happy unless they lose weight and that their worth is based on their appearance. Self-esteem and happiness, on the other hand, come from appreciating yourself for who you are, which is only achievable through recovery.

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Measuring tape next to clothes hung on a hanger and two arms folded on top.
Anorexia Nervosa Diagnosis and Treatment

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A black and white picture of the back of a woman with her bones visible.
Anorexia Nervosa

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