11 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Are you constantly concerned and worried about something? Are you ready to learn how to quit worrying for good? Everyone gets anxious now and then; in fact, in 2020, 59 percent of individuals reported feeling worried on a daily basis. It’s common to have a sleepless night now and then, whether you are prepping for a big presentation or going through personal upheavals.

Too much concern, on the other hand, might make it impossible to enjoy life. You’ve come to the right place if you want to reclaim your life from anxiety and discover how to stop worrying. We are here to share some of the favorite ways to quit worrying. We will give you the skills and tools you need to manage your anxiety and stress.

Woman worried or stressed about work

There might be times when you ask yourself; why do I worry so much? This is a quite common occurrence in the recent past due to a generalized increase in everyday life stress and there are various methods to cope with it. 

Chronic worry can be caused by a variety of factors. There will almost certainly always be something in life to worry about, whether it’s working at a tough job or becoming a new mom. Take some time to ponder and study your self-awareness to figure out why you might be an eternal worrier. Consider whether any of the following factors are contributing to your anxiety:

  • A tense working environment
  • Managing a toxic leadership group
  • Changes in life like having a kid, getting divorced, or moving
  • Financial difficulties, job loss, or preparations for a large purchase (like a home)
  • Conflict in family relations, coworkers, or others
  • Physical health concerns or issues
  • Everyday annoyances such as traffic or housekeeping
  • Too many social responsibilities, duties, or commitments
  • Inadequate time for self-care and interests

Learning solutions for how to stop worrying and start living is the key to handling the stress that comes with these situations.

Everyone has worries, but for some, it is such an inextricable aspect of their lives that it has a massive effect on everything they are doing. Many people who have a master’s degree in psychology want to figure out why certain people have to worry more than others. Let’s examine some of the reasons why some of us are more worried than others.

Default Mode Network

The default mode network, a portion of the brain that is stimulated when we are not focusing on anything specific, is cited by some scientists and mental health practitioners for this increased worry. Pessimistic feelings and emotions are felt when we don’t have something to focus on, as per some experts, if the thoughts produced by our default mode network are undesired, negative, or fear-based. 

On the other hand, when we are attentive and focused, our default mode network is essentially turned off, and unpleasant ideas are silenced. Some people, on the other hand, may have a hyperactive default-mode network, causing them to repeatedly replay bad events or promote self-doubt.


Some scientists argue that our belief that we worry more than others stems from a misunderstanding. We may worry just as much as anyone else, but it appears that others worry less since they don’t tell us about their concerns. While we are keenly aware of our own concerns, we have a poor idea of the amount to which others are concerned because it is rarely discussed.  

Speaking about our concerns and doubts in public, aside from talking to a mental health professional, goes against conventional standards.

Sensitivity To Emotions

Certain psychologists feel that some persons worry more than others due to their higher emotional sensitivity. According to the findings, the more sensitive and emotional a person is, the more devastating terrible situations are for them. After a traumatic encounter, people’s brain chemistry might change, leaving them wired to avoid the circumstance at all costs, which can contribute to more worrying and anxiety.


According to other research, chronic general stress, not simply a traumatic event, might cause increased worrying. When we face a problem, cortisol is released, providing an energy and attention increase. However, other scientists believe that issues occur when we have too much cortisol in our bodies for too long. This can result in an uncontrolled stress reaction, which can produce intense and prolonged worry. Because our response to stress is growing less effective with time, stress might lead to more worry and anxiety.

Something With Which We Are Born

Certain psychologists feel that some people are born with a predisposition to worry more so than others. They mention longitudinal data that follow children from infancy to adulthood to measure how disturbed and nervous they are over time. According to research, newborns that show strong reactivity to novel situations grow up to be more worried. In comparison to others, these high-reactive babies have an overactive amygdala as they get older, as well as a significant increase in heart rate and pupillary dilation as a response to stress.  

The data demonstrate that those who were extremely reactive as babies had a higher risk of worrying more as adults than those who were less reactive as babies, despite the fact that the study participants all had diverse upbringings and life circumstances.

As we’ve seen, there’s no simple explanation for why some people are more concerned than others. It’s a question that mental health professionals and psychologists are still investigating. 

Finding the source of your anxieties is important in learning to quit worrying.

Worry is part of our human evolution, for good or bad. Our nervous system reacts to fear and stress by worrying. The first step to quitting worrying is to identify the source of your concern.

Worry can be a good thing, motivating us to solve real-world issues. Chronic worry, especially regarding uncontrollable events, can harm our mental health. What’s new? There are several ways to quit worrying, handle stress, and start flourishing.

It’s easy to become swept up in a cycle of worried, habitual thoughts. This can have long-term effects on mental health. If you don’t learn how to stop worrying, you may feel trapped with it forever.

Worry may be productive. Taking time to rest and unwind can feel sluggish – and even produce additional stress! Even if it may seem easier to stay stressed, you will be happier if you understand how to stop worrying.

Chronic worry can inevitably start affecting your daily life and mental health. Thankfully, with practice and training, constant worry can be eliminated.

What we recommend to quit worrying and start living is:

  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Deep breathing
  • Self-compassion
  • Share your fears with loved ones.
  • Show gratitude
  • Keep a mood journal.
  • Maintain a regular sleep pattern
  • Concentrate on your strength
  • Get moving more.
  • Take positive actions
  • Get expert help

This list might go on forever, but let’s dig further into our favorite strategies for reducing stress and reclaiming your life.

1. Stop worrying through meditation

Worrying might make it difficult to focus on anything else. But obsessing over negative ideas is a terrible habit.

Sitting in a quiet place and emptying your mind can do miracles for your concentration. Meditation and mindfulness can help you avoid unpleasant thoughts, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.

It can help you cleanse your thoughts, refocus your attention, or divert you from your troubles. Meditation can also help you achieve a flow state, which places an emphasis on your priorities and completes things quickly. Focusing on what’s in front of you rather than your problems can transform your life.

2. Practice deep breathing to reduce anxiety.

Worrying generally focuses on potential future disasters. Staying present can help ease anxiety and negative thoughts, as well as physical symptoms.

Worrying can cause breathlessness or chest pain. Deep breathing might help you focus on the present instead of worrying about the future.

If you can’t sleep or are suffering a panic attack, deep breathing can help you relax.

3. Stop worrying about a body scan

It’s normal to clench your muscles when worried. Tight jaws and elevated shoulders can induce chronic muscle strain. Worrying causes tension in the body. The best way to quit worrying is to focus on how to relax your back and shoulders.

Take some deep breaths and identify where you feel stress. Scanning your body can help you calming excessive worry, and be more aware, and grounded.

Begin from your toes and work your way up to your head. When you feel tense, focus on relaxing your body and breathing into it. Slowly relax your body and you’ll have learned one wonderful way to quit worrying instantaneously.

4. Worry no more by confiding in helpful friends and family

As a chronic worrier, it’s easy to lose track of time, family, and friends. Yet when you feel like isolating, connecting with others might help you improve your emotional state.

Sharing your tension, anxiety, or concern with a loved one or friend might help you keep perspective. Our anxieties are often illogical, but we don’t see it that way.

Talking with sympathetic friends or relatives can help you gain a new perspective and stop worrying.

5. Stop worrying by being grateful.

Focusing on one negative idea primes the brain for more. Finding a silver lining can help you break the cycle of anxiety and encourage your brain to look for positives. Gratitude can be useful and perhaps life-changing in this way.

Finding it difficult to be grateful? Take a step back and search for the situation’s humor. Curiosity and wit engage the mind. A brief transfer into a nicer environment can help you escape bad thoughts. You can even be inquisitive about your worries.

It takes practice, but learning to change your negative ideas can help you stop worrying.

6. Stop worrying by journaling everyday emotions

Anxiety grows into chronic stress when we ignore the early warning signs. Want to quit worrying? Regular self-checks are vital for maintaining mental health and managing anxiety.

We typically feel detached from our emotions by the time we worry. Keeping a daily notebook might help you spot patterns and handle stress before it gets out of hand.

As you keep journaling and discussing your thoughts, you’ll learn to recognize when you’re worrying. Preventing concern will help improve mood and keep focused on what counts most.

7. Get a regular sleep routine to reduce stress.

Chronic worry often causes insomnia. It’s difficult to relax and sleep while your mind is racing. While staying up late may seem like a good idea, a good night’s sleep is generally more beneficial.

Minor anxieties can cause a response to stress that lasts days or weeks without sleep. A regular sleep routine will help you switch your brain to be anxiety-free.

Here’s how to stop worrying with sleep:

  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation before bed
  • Pre-sleep calming tea and a book (not caffeine)
  • Avoid using devices an hour before bedtime (surfing social media is associated with anxiety)
  • Consider natural sleep aids like melatonin or lavender.

If you can’t stop thinking, write your thoughts (but set a time limit so you get to bed on time!)

If you’ve tried everything and still can’t sleep well, see your doctor. You may have insomnia, a common sleep problem.

You need to stop worrying and reclaim your life, so never be afraid to ask for help.

8. Know what you can control and what you can’t.

Worrying frequently involves a problem that needs to be managed, rather than the current moment. Many people mistakenly feel that fretting about a problem would help them solve it.

You can stop worrying and take control of the situation by studying and investigating the organization or the interviewer. But fretting over an interview’s outcome won’t help because it’s out of your hands.

Think about what you can manage if you’re a persistent worrier. This can help you be more engaged and proactive when you can. This thinking might also help you relax when you realize there’s nothing you can do about the circumstance.

Want to quit worrying about things you can’t control? When you realize you can’t control anything right now, stop looking for a solution and relax.

9. Avoid stress by exercising regularly.

Want to quit worrying? Yoga, for example, can help you focus on your body and be present. Exercise can help you focus even when your mind is buzzing with unpleasant thoughts.

It’s difficult to interrupt the cycle of constant worry when you’re sick or tired.

Music is a strong way to relax and stop worrying. Going to the gym with headphones can help you get your blood flowing and stop worrying.

Exercise can help reduce anxiety. Relaxing your back, neck, arms, and legs releases endorphins.

10. Stop worrying and start doing

Doing something you enjoy reduces stress and eliminates worry. Positive action not only distracts from problems but also helps you to discharge surplus energy.

Focusing on a pleasant activity can immediately change your mood and help you stop worrying. Take these strong positive actions right now:

  • Take a stroll with your dog, kids, or favorite podcast.
  • Paint or create something – your favorite store’s craft department certainly has tons of kits with everything you need.
  • Enjoy watching a movie and a tasty snack
  • Play your favorite tunes while doing the chores or cleaning.

Finally, engaging in a pastime or activity you actually enjoy can help you learn to quit worrying.

11. Get professional help to stop worrying

Essentially, you deserve to live a lifestyle you enjoy, and stress might keep you from doing so. Chronic illnesses like generalized anxiety disorder or depression are difficult to treat alone.

When anxiety, tension, and worry become overwhelming, seeking expert treatment is the best way to stop worrying.

There are endless methods to obtain help, from counseling to coaching to mentoring. CBT, in particular, can be a life-altering technique. Remember to interview several therapists, trainers, or counselors to discover the best fit.

Transcend all else for mental health. With the proper team, you can eventually stop worrying and start living.



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