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Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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You’re getting ready for bed early, eager to get a good night’s sleep. However, as soon as your head strikes the pillow, your mind is taken over by an undesired and frightening thought. You keep thinking about it all night long, tossing and turning.

Have you ever had a similar experience where unwanted thoughts just popped out of nowhere?

Almost certainly, you have. According to the research on the general population, 99.4 percent of people have intrusive thoughts occasionally. Only 13 percent of people surveyed say they have them on a regular basis.

Thoughts that get stuck. Perplexing ruminations. Obsessions that don’t let up. They’re the bane of depression, and one of its most agonizing symptoms. Intrusive thoughts are those that appear to be stuck in your head. Because the content of the thought may be upsetting, it might be distressing. They may also recur frequently, exacerbating the problem.

Violent or distressing intrusive thoughts are possible. It’s possible that they’re sexual ideas, including fantasies. They might also be about acts that you find repulsive and unpleasant.

These thoughts, on the other hand, are simply: thoughts. They come out of nowhere and generate tension, but they hold no significance in your life. These aren’t any sort of warnings or red flags. They’re nothing more than thoughts.

We are all vulnerable to intrusive thoughts on a daily basis. We don’t always aware we have millions of thoughts each day since we are bombarded with them. The intrusive thoughts are the thoughts that bother us so much that we pay attention to them. Concerns about our daily lives account for 67 percent of our thoughts. We have 18 percent of ideas that are negative, unpleasant, or uncomfortable to deal with. Intruding, disturbing ideas account for 13 percent of our daily mental processes.

The fact that those who encounter them become concerned about their importance is what gives them strength. People may grow fixated on them and ashamed of them, wishing to keep them hidden from others.

It’s common to have intrusive thoughts and ideas. They happen to all of us. They are unwelcome ideas or pictures that might lead to obsessive behavior or suffering. It’s possible that you’re having trouble dealing with an intrusive notion and getting past it. While they are indistinguishable from any other idea, it is our attachment to them that produces the true disruption. While we all have intrusive thoughts, some people are more impacted than others. Intrusive thoughts caused by complex OCD or PTSD can wreck a person’s life. When an invasive thought comes, it might cause difficult-to-manage disruptions. 

Intrusive thinking isn’t detrimental as long as you know that they’re only thoughts and that you have no reason to act on them. Continue reading to learn more about why intrusive thoughts occur and how to deal with them.

While it’s quite acceptable to have intrusive thoughts now and then, the actual problem arises when we remain too stressed and fret about them. As a result, it’s no mystery that intrusive thoughts are linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders.

Although intrusive thoughts can arise at any time, they are usually influenced by a person’s own life experiences or reactions to an incident. Someone may, for instance, witness a burglary incident on their local news station. This news may induce obsessive ideas that a burglar is breaking into their own house.

Intrusive thoughts can take many forms, but here are a few of the most prevalent ones:

  • Using violence or causing injury to one’s self or others
  • Taking part in sexually inappropriate activities
  • Crimes of blasphemy or acts against someone’s religion
  • Fear-inducing thoughts

In many circumstances, intrusive thoughts appear as innocent, random thoughts that pop into one’s head out of nowhere. However, they can occasionally be a sign of something else, like a mental health problem or an emotional illness. They can lead to increased stress and make it difficult for people to manage or even function effectively if they are left untreated. Intruding thoughts can be caused by a variety of mental health conditions, including:

PTSD – Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychological health condition that can develop after a traumatic experience. Because the person is struggling to come to terms with what happened, it can cause a great deal of emotional stress. Intrusive thoughts are a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Eating disorders — When people are unable to cope with their feelings, they may develop an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia. In most cases, people with these disorders are attempting to fight intrusive ideas that repeat and dominate their minds.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – A condition in which a person is plagued by intrusive thoughts that they are unable to control. Those ideas compel people to carry out particular acts in the hopes that they will vanish.

Addiction – To deal with their issues, many people turn to drugs, alcohol, or certain activities such as gambling. They start developing addictions, which might alter their thinking. Intrusive thoughts are typical in individuals with addictions due to the way addicts act and think compulsively.

When you let your thoughts govern your life, you make decisions that have a detrimental impact on your life. The degree of the problem determines how to reduce OCD intrusive thoughts. You may develop co-occurrence disorder as a consequence of unfavorable habits if you’ve been overcoming the risk for a long period. Treatment can be as simple as employing self-help techniques such as mindfulness to combat unwanted thoughts. Others may need medication in addition to cognitive treatment to treat intrusive thoughts caused by OCD. Here are five things you may take to avoid reacting badly to intrusive thoughts.

  1. Learn why intrusive thoughts bother you.

Intrusive thoughts are drawn to things that are important to you. This is what causes your nervous system to be so agitated. It might be your loved ones, pets, work, or reputation. If the thought occurs to you that you are harming an animal because you love it, you will pay heed. People who hunt animals, on the other hand, would not be bothered by the same concept. There are a lot of negative thoughts racing through your head right now. 

Those that go against your core ideas are the ones that annoy you the most. Fear, revulsion, or panic are all-natural reactions to an undesirable thought. If you react badly, the thought will seem much more powerful. Understanding your own basic values will assist you in comprehending those pesky thoughts. You’ll see why they make you nervous or cause you to react poorly to them. Ultimately, you’ll be able to transform your obsessive ideas into ones that you can just ignore.

  1. Don’t be afraid of intrusive thoughts; pay attention to them.

With self-help, you can lessen the impact of intrusive thoughts. Being mindful after an intrusive idea is one example. When confronted with an unwanted concept, you may behave as if it were real. You may be always afraid of acting on your obsessive thoughts. Acceptance is the key to coping with intrusive thoughts. When you recognize and acknowledge them, they lose their significance. Don’t try to decipher what it all means or employ strategies to avoid harming others. This makes your mind focus more on the unwanted thoughts, and that’s the last thing you want. Seeing intrusive ideas pass through you and go on is one way to get rid of them.

Avoidance is one of the coping methods for coping with intrusive thoughts. Most of the time, you’ll ignore these intense ideas since you don’t know how to handle them. It’s crucial not to brush aside bothersome ideas that are based on fear. Make yourself feel better by talking to yourself and telling yourself that everything is alright. Admit that the obsessive thought is present and do not strive to avoid it. It’s possible that you’ll feel tense all throughout your body, but this will pass. Attempting to flee and hide from a frightening concept with your own terrified thoughts qualifies it.

  1. Don’t take intrusive thoughts so seriously.

Even if OCD thoughts aren’t real, we generally believe them to the point of making excuses for things that never happened. It’s critical not to mistake your thoughts for the individual you are. An emotional response to how you think simply prolongs the thought. We all do it on a regular basis: we let go of our thoughts. When it’s a frightening thought, it shouldn’t be any different. You’re well aware that these unwanted ideas are unlikely to occur. Find a deeper level of confidence in yourself. You can persuade yourself to do so by saying,

“This thought might become a reality, but the possibilities are limited.” Right now, I’m not going to worry about it. “Right now, everything is OK.”

  1. Stop altering your habits.

When you try to modify who you are depending on the intrusive thoughts you have, compulsive behavior can emerge. Because OCD thoughts aren’t real, modifying your reality to try to get rid of them isn’t a viable option. Compulsions are mental habits that you engage in in order to feel more at ease or secure with your views. 

You have this idea in your head that compulsive hand washing is the only way to get rid of unpleasant thoughts for good. You might be able to turn your life around as well. You might avoid parties if you have bothersome thoughts about children. You won’t be able to resist being triggered by these obsessive ideas. This technique simply perpetuates the cycle.

  1. Seek medical and mental health help if necessary.

Those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or complex PTSD. Mindfulness techniques can help with intrusive thoughts, but they usually require treatment beyond self-help. In people with OCD, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been demonstrated to be 70% effective. Patients must confront their concerns as part of CBT, which helps to reduce compulsions. It’s essentially a holistic detoxification treatment for the mind. For intrusive thoughts, a modified CBT technique includes:

  • Taking a self-assessment test, such as the Intrusive thoughts test for OCD.
  • Electronic cueing in a role-play simulation.
  • figuring out what a person goes through in the thought process.
  • Mental education can help to refocus the brain.
  • Gathering evidence to refute the patient’s deeply held ideas.
  • Exposure of one’s thoughts on purpose.
  • Exposure in a specific situation.
  • Acceptance without judgment.

Anxiety and OCD ruminations are inextricably intertwined. If a medicine makes you feel less worried, it’s likely to make you want to ruminate less.

Panic = Anxiety = Ruminations = Depression Intrusive thoughts are benign, but they have the potential to hurt you depending on how you react to them.

It’s not always feasible to regulate impulses or deal with the worry that intrusive or invasive thoughts cause. The effectiveness of medications for intrusive thoughts has been questioned. There is a possibility to help with holistic growth by relaxing the nervous system. On the other side, it has the potential to worsen the condition by causing prescription medication addiction.

Anxiety treatment with medications for intrusive thoughts can help you relax and cope with your feelings. This can assist OCD patients in reducing the triggers that produce their compulsive behaviors. The fight or flight response causes a heightened anxious state, which leads to less sleep and poor choices. When worry is removed from your life, you will have less obsessive ideas that have developed from intrusive thoughts.

In general, a class of pharmaceutical drugs known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs, has been found to be the most effective treatment for OCD intrusive thoughts and associated symptoms. With these medicines, the depression and anxiety that typically accompany obsessive thoughts and the resultant fixation are significantly more tolerable. In OCD patients, Zoloft works effectively as an indirect intrusive thoughts treatment, assisting with rituals, rumination, repetition, and irrational behavior. While Zoloft won’t stop you from having intrusive thoughts, which are a normal part of life, it will help you deal with the aftermath.

The same is true with Buspar, which is used to treat intrusive and compulsive thoughts. There have been reports of people taking Prozac for intrusive thoughts and medicine reporting that their symptoms worsened. Others stated it helped them relax and clear their minds of unwanted thoughts.

Everyone has intrusive thoughts from time to time. It’s how you deal with them that determines how much power they have over you. Numerous phases have built up in some people over time, resulting in an uncontrolled need to avoid or react to thoughts. 

It’s critical to learn how to control intrusive thoughts even if you’re taking medicine for them. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other effective treatments can help you break this learned behavior. Because intrusive thoughts have different effects on different people, the treatment for intrusive thoughts varies as well. Intrusive thoughts can bother those seeking to recover from addiction, making it more difficult to conquer.

Without specialist treatment and anxiety medication for intrusive thoughts, those with PTSD or OCD may not be capable of overcoming the thoughts. Finally, working with a specialist to figure out how to eliminate intrusive thoughts in your specific scenario is critical. In some cases, a luxury rehab may be helpful too.



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